Lookup Functions & Data Arrangement
Apr 21, 2006
I'm at an impass and need some help please. I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that will look up UNSORTED data in Column A and return the value of the corresponding Row data in the adjacent column. Can this be done? It is my understanding that LOOKUP functions only work with sorted, ascending data, but this is not possible with the data I'm trying to analyze.
(eg. COLUMN A - contains unsorted list of names
COLUMN B - contains numbers indicating skill level of the person in the next column
I need the formula to look at column A, pick out "Joe Smith" and return the number value from COLUMN B)
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Jan 29, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that is by:
Purchase Date (column A)
Sales Date(column B)
Quantity(column C)
Name (column D)
Gain/loss (column E)
The spreadsheet is sorted by name in ascending order and also by quantity in ascending order.
Assuming row 1 is the heading. If D2 (name)= the same as another D cell and it's quantity i.e. C2 is negative, while the other D cell with the same name as D2 has a positive quantity i.e. corresponding C cell, and if the date in B2 is greater than date in column A of the other cell where it's D cell matches D2 and has a positive quantity, then in I would like "possible" to display in F2.
I have included an attachment to better illustrate what I have described above, because I am not sure if I am clear enough.
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Aug 6, 2014
I've attached a sample of the data I'm using.
I have two spreadsheets (the samples for which I have shown side by side in Sheet 1 of the attached file).
Spreadsheet 1 is about 30,000 rows and too large for me to change the formatting and structure.
Spreadsheet 2 is the output I need and the format is required by other stakeholders.
In spreadsheet 1 I want to sum quantity in stock for Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 for each product and allocate it to spreadsheet 2 according to the month in which the product expires. For example, there will be a total of 92 units of product 413302 which will expire in Nov, 2014. Therefore I want 92 to be placed in cell N6 of Spreadsheet 2.
Unfortunately the product number is not unique - there are multiple sub products in spreadsheet 1 but they all have the same quantities of stock. The sub products are referenced in other parts of the report so I can't consolidate by Product Number. This also prevents me from using the SUMIFS function as it will duplicate the number found in the sub products.
What I need, perhaps in a combination of functions, is to find the first instance of product 413302 in Spreadsheet 1 that is expiring in Nov 14, sum the product types and give the result in cell N6 of Spreadsheet 2.
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Jan 30, 2010
I have a table in one sheet as follows: .....
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Oct 16, 2007
I have multiple IF functions in a formula and found out that the maximum allowed is 7 and should use Lookup instead. The formula is to calculate the Present Value of an amount with the corresponding interest rates and number of days left.
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Dec 10, 2013
What I would like to do is have a master workbook that I can import different .csv files into as a new worksheet. Then calculations will be run on the values that are imported. My goal is to select a column and have corresponding list update the values. After that formulas will run on the calculations. I have got the import csv file down using VBA. The problem I was running into was with the Data Validation. Since I was overwriting my existing sheet I would get a #REF error because the link was broken. So I have worked my way around this for the list using the OFFSETSHEET Function:
Function SHEETOFFSET(offset, Ref)
[COLOR=#0000ff] ' Returns cell contents at Ref, in sheet offset[/COLOR]
With Application.Caller.Parent
SHEETOFFSET = .Parent.Sheets(.Index + offset) _
End With
End Function
This returns a value to a row in my mater sheet and I reference this for the data validation list.
However, I get the same problem when working with the HLookup function, the #REF error occurs. So far the only way I have figured out to work around this is to create another sheet that dynamically updates its values using the same OFFSETSHEET function, and my master sheet then references it.
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Mar 3, 2013
Is there a lookup function available that keeps the line breaks in from the lookup array? As shown in the example the Vlookup omits them, I have also tried with Index/Match, but its the same story.
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Dec 16, 2006
I've got an indexmatch that works great
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX(accountstaff,MATCH(B$20,INDEX(accountstaff,,1),0),MATCH($ A55,INDEX(accountstaff,1,),0))),0,INDEX(accountstaff,MATCH(B$20,INDEX(accou ntstaff,,1),0),MATCH($A55,INDEX(accountstaff,1,),0)))
But I need to incorporate IF statement based on varying levels of revenue and think VBA will be less cumbersome, but don't know how to combine else if and index match.
I am trying to accomplish this:
IF B$20 (which is a dollar amount is = X, then index, match....
IF B$20 is > Y but < Z, then index, match...
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Dec 24, 2005
I have a sheet listing comission rate eg. sales less than $200, the rate is
..5%, less than 300, the rate is 1%..etc.
Then i have another table showing different sales value of different workers. How do i find the commission rate per worker using lookup functions??
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Sep 19, 2009
I have a range of cells (say A1:D8).
I wanna find the address (say $B$2) of the minimum value in that range.
This command does it but it only works on a column. it does not accept a range spanning more than one column.
this will tell me the address of the minimum value.. but in a column... I need a range of many columns.
So I tried converting things to a Table.. but it never worked. basically the MATCH command is my problem. It only accepts single-column-ed ranges.
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Mar 16, 2009
I've vertically data in each cell like this.
A1 john
A2 sam
A3 robin
A4 xxx
A5 xxx
A6 yourself
A7 xxx
A8 no need
So on..... in very large amount.
But need substitution here.
I dont want "xxx".
I mean I need data in B row vertically but like this.
B1 john
B2 sam
B3 robin
B6 yourself
B8 no need
Please suggest any formula for the "B" cells.
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Apr 25, 2014
I am trying to get my data to be visualized on a monthly basis. A Pivot Table works perfectly in getting the right arrangement, except that it performs a calculation in the values summary field. Is there a solution that allows the Pivot Table to plop the actual text values that it is pulling from? Maybe Excel Pivot Tables aren't the right solution, so maybe another type of software might be useful? Or perhaps a change in the VBA script? The original table looks like this:
ID Description Date Code Building
10223 Package/Split 02/01/2015 ALRM1 A
10223 Package/Split 02/01/2015 PLMB1 A
10992 Pump Test 03/13/2015 ALRM1 B
10992 Pump Test 03/13/2015 PLMB1 B
10992 Pump Test 03/13/2015 ALRM1 B
11432 Inspection 03/13/2015 ALRM1 C
The way I would like for it to look is this:
January February March
Building ID Description Building ID Description Building ID Description
A 10223 Package/Split B 10992 Pump Test
C 11432 Inspection
In the original report, there can be multiple codes for the same ID (ALRM1 and PLMB1 for 10223). In such cases, Pivot Table works by summing up the values, therefore displaying the ID in just one row. I would like for it to do the same thing (spit a multiple row ID as one row) but display the actual text values of Building, ID, and Description as shown. I don't need the code in the table, but it's there in the original data simply to differentiate between the two IDs.!
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Jan 15, 2013
I have a problem regarding making a report in excel.
My problem is :
I have a excel file where columns are
Collapse | Copy Code
S.no. Date. From To Mode_of_Transport Depart. Arrival NameRemarks
So my job is to find the persons who arrived at interval of 30 min so that vehicle can be arranged for them.
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Jun 10, 2009
I have a range of cells that have text formatted in the following way;......
I need to change the arrangement of the cells so that the Brackets and numbers appear in the cell before the text, how can I achieve that? Poor example but each cell will only contain one of the above variants, not all of the variants.
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Nov 24, 2008
Designing a Random Seating Arrangement
I have been given a Task of Designing a layout for seating arrangement for an Exam....
I would know the Total Number of Students appearing for the exams and their respective roll nos...
I would also be given the No of Rows and No of Columns that can be accomodated in the Examination Hall to form a Matrix...
Considering that I have around 65 students appearing for the exam and there are 10 Rows and 7 Columns to accomodate students in excess of 65..
So I need to have a mechanism which can give me the Roll Nos allocated from 1 to 65 randomly in the Matrix...in such a way that the Roll Nos don't get repeated as well as they are not in series next to each other...
In Deciding the Size of Matrix providing the No of Rows and No of Columns if possible...
Lets say Sheet1, Column A has a Heading Roll No and all the Roll Nos from 1 to 65 and Column B has all the Names..
Then I would like to have a code which can generate the Matrix Size in C2 which captures from the Max(A:A) and a Matrix Generated in the Sheet2 from the Starting Point being cell B2 till end...as the cell A1 would contain text as Row/Column and from cell $A2 till end will display Row Nos i.e. Row-1,Row-2,Row3 etc.. and cell B$1 and the entire 1st Row would have headings as Column-1,Column-2,Column-3 etc..
Is this possible as these exams are held every week and its a tedious task to Manually design a Random Seating arrangement as well as the Matrix...
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Aug 25, 2013
I want to change arrangements of cell by using macro
[Code] .........
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Feb 22, 2009
If is there a way to get more styles or increase the colour schemes for the charts.
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Jun 11, 2008
I have a MS Excel spreadsheet that contains data as such:
A1 - 01T2001
A2 - 02T7001
A3 - 01T2001
A4 - 99T1001
A5 - 99T1001
A6 - 02T7001
A7 - 93T0120
A9999999 - 02T7001
A1000000 - 93T0120
There are duplicates in the data. Excel functions to identify the duplicates. I received a VB code from a friend but there are over 1 million rows on my spreadsheet, and it took more than a day but the scribe is still running. I want to try using a COUNTIF or FIND function to see if it couldspeed upthe process.
The code I receive from the friend is
Option Explicit
Public Sub Main()
Dim strColumn As String
strColumn = InputBox("Please enter the column that contains the duplicates.", , "A")
If strColumn = "" Then Exit Sub
Range(strColumn & "1").Select
ActiveCell.Sort Key1:=Range(strColumn & "1"), Order1:=xlAscending
If ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value Then
Rows(ActiveCell.Row).Delete Shift:=xlUp
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
Range(strColumn & "1").Select
End Sub
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Jul 29, 2008
I am trying to use lookup function to lookup for data in another table (we call it table A). Unfortunately, whenever the code is not in the table A, Excel will return the data from the previous row.... is there any possible way to prevent this... in another word, if the code does not exist in the table A, I want Excel to return 0 or some other figures.
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Nov 28, 2006
here is an example....
(this is on a sheet called Summary)
----A--------B --------C------- D
1Names----At Bats----Hits----Batting Average
Using the LARGE function, Excel has created a list based on batting averages(on a separate sheet called Line-up). It looks like this.....
2 -----------.737
3 -----------.700
4 -----------.675
5 -----------.816
6 -----------.649
The problem I am having is figuring a way for Excel to also bring the corresponding names (after using the LARGE function to create the line up list).
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Jun 12, 2007
I have a very large spreadsheet of customer information(I call it the master spreadsheet). Each row contains only 3 things: Account number, product bought, Price
Later I receive the money from the customer for that product(the pay sheet) that contains the exact same thing in the same order: Account number, Product bought, Price paid.
What I'm trying to do is compare the two spreadsheets so that when i receive the pay sheet of cusomters who have paid with the amount it will deduct it from the master sheet.
So it should compare account numbers when it finds a match then it should subtract the amount paid (column C) from the master spreadheet price column(column C also).
sometimes customers don't pay the right price so it has to be a subtraction so I can see if it was over paied, underpaid etc.
Right now I'm still doing it manually combining the two documents sorting it by account number and checking for matches in column A (account number).
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Mar 13, 2009
I have a very large grid of data, about 400Rx200C, which contains a lot of blank fields. All of this data is currently in values from 0-100 representing percentages, but not formatted as such. I need to make all of these values into Excel Percentages so naturally used Paste Special and Divide from a field with the value 100 in it and then simply format the cells as %.
However, this fills in all of the original empty cells with a 0.000% which I do not want, I need them to stay blank. And some of the cells that do have values also have 0.000% so I cannot just delete all of these values with a VBA script. I had been hoping the Skip Blanks option would do this, but it does not unfortunately.
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Jan 9, 2006
I have some data recorded for every day for some subjects.
And the possible recorded value on each day is: 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or null.
I have this type of data for number of subjects over many months.
My data looks like below.
Subjectnameyearmonth day1day2…………..day30day31
Name1990January 2044
Name1990February 31nullnull
Name1990March 2null31
So on.
I need to calculate the following 3 for each row.
1) On which day of the month first occurrence of the 4 comes?
This one I figured out using match() function which I paste below.
2) On which day of the month last occurrence of the 4 comes?
My data can not be sorted, and I couldn’t use match function here.
3) If there are any 4’s in a month, how many consecutive 4’s are there?
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Mar 27, 2014
When I select anything under the Data Table drop down nothing happens. It is like none of the functions are enabled?
Data Table Picture.png
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May 11, 2014
I have the following data. i need to count 5 times "N-TRX1" IN column "D". and returns me input "true/false". but the catch is that i need then to overlook this 5 times and start to count again from the same column without deleting the old data. Can i do it?
[Code] .........
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Dec 2, 2009
Is it possible to use a today or now function in an sql query to an external datasource in excel 2007? I have an excel 2007 spreadsheet, that I have linked to our financial database (MySql) using the database wizard. I can get the tables to display in excel no problem. One table shows how much staff have billed in each invoice period. I would like to create a query in excel, so that when this table displays in excel it shows how much each staff member has billed for the current invoice period, as opposed to all of them.
We weren't sure how to do this, so we decided to do a query to pull out the current invoice period, then we could combine this pivot table with the one for the amount billed table to give a table showing the amount each staff member has billed in the current invoice period (do this bit in excel).
The problem is we can't seem to make the query to pull out the current invoice period work. We have tried the query below, and all the variations of it that we can think of
SELECT invoice_period FROM tbl_invoice_periods WHERE STR_TO_DATE('" & NOW() & "', '%d/%m/%Y') BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
We have also tried referencing a cell which shows the current date, but we cannot get this to work either (we may have made a mistake in the query here, we are not entirely sure how to reference an individual cell). The only way we have been able to get it to work is if you enter the current date directly into the query, but obviously this means it's no longer automated, which isn't a solution.
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Feb 7, 2007
I am trying to achieve can not be based on a range of rows or cells it must as this data is imported from a forecasting application and the location of the targets may change.
Perhaps an offset to the current selection can be used some how, but have a look-see if you know where Im coming from.
'I have used this to find a target in a data range.
Dim r1 As range
Public Sub FindDataIn Range(r As Range, target As Variant)
Set r1 = r.Find(target)
If r1 Is Nothing then
Msg Box target & " was not found"
End If
End Sub
'Then I inserted and Named this procedure to find the data on various assumptions or targets - SUCH AS THE VALUE "14306".
FindDataInRange ActiveSheet.Range (A1:A226), "14306"
Selection.Insert Shift:=x1Down
Then I write this again for another Target such as 14307 and it repeats
The result is that it finds the target cell I get an empty row above the two rows that contain that target. (LET ME EXPLAIN WHAT I MEAN BY TWO ROWS)
The thing is there are two rows containing 14306 in that range and the range is sorted ascending so that they are positioned one under the other. Each row has different forecast totals beside this number because one is an export SKU and one is a Domestic.
What I want to do is combine the two rows as one with one row of forecast totals for the number rather than two.
Like this:
14306big Widget Domestic 26 89 (This is combined as a new row)
Instead of this:
14306big Widget Export 12 14 (These 2 rows are then deleted)
14306big Widget Domestic 14 75
Also the Forecast totals run across 12 columns (one for each month) and then there is a column for year totals of each row that needs to remain the same.
Most important this here is this cannot be based on a range it must as this data is imported from a forecasting application and the location of the targets may change.
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Jan 28, 2009
In my workbook I have multiple sheets but I'm attaching a very simple workbook to demonstrate what I'm trying to accomplish. In my "Lookup" tab/sheet. I want to have known Latitude and Longitude data that will exist in columns A&B. Columns C & D will have address numbers and Street Name. I would like my lookup formula to find the longitude and latitude data from my "lookup" sheet, when the matching address information is typed in, in my 2009 sheet. I have to keep the street numerics and street name separate on this worksheet as well. I believe I'll need two separate lookup formulas as I need these formulas to start in cell G4 & H4 in my "GeoCoding1" sheet. Is it possible to have four columns of data to be viewed in a lookup formula? I tried this formula in cell G4 (GeoCoding1 sheet)
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Jan 19, 2014
Trying to grasp the concept of using these 3 functions to search for and return values from a data sheet.
The attached spread sheet has performance data for a group of employees.
What I need to do is find a particular employee then return a value for one of the category's.
For instance, I need to find "10TE03 ANGIE HOLLIS" Parts Usage on color or cell C10 in the attached sample.
Sometimes new category's are added to column A adding to the number of rows so a simple offset is not reliable.
Once I get that working, I then need to use a named range to total and average different data points for groups of employees by teams.
Maybe Offset-Index-Match is not even the way to go here?
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Jan 29, 2014
I have 3 calculations I would like to make based on data in the spread sheet and I can't seem to get them to work with data from the two separate columns.
I tried a few of the index match max formulas I found here and could only get them to work with one column of data.
I have the spread sheet attached and the 3 calks I want to do are blank on the bottom.
I am using Excel 2011 for Mac
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