Macro For Copying Combobox Entries To Another Sheet

Aug 15, 2009

This is a paricular problem I'm having in the middle of lots of problems, hoping you can help.

I had created a macro to transfer information from a sheet into a seperate sheet, for storage.

I have sinced changed the data entry sheet to use comboboxes instead of normal text, as it was important to ensure the text is entered identically each time. Now, however, my macro transfers the numerical position on the list of data for the combobox instead of it's value

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Macro For Copying Rows Of Data In Sheet 1 To Sheet 2

Oct 8, 2009

I have a couple of spreadsheets that requires me to copy data from Sheet 1 that matches certain criteria to Sheet 2.

I have tried using posted VB codes that have been written for other people but they dont seem to work (this is probably to do with me not actually knowing what I am doing, as I am not sure what I should be replacing and what I need to be deleting etc out of the pre-written code )

I need to be able to search on column e in Sheet 1 for anything that has just h written in the cell and then copy all the rows that match into Sheet 2. I also would like to ensure that when it is copied it doesnt go in row 2 but maybe 4 or 5 as I have quite allot of headings.

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Macro To Update Data Sheet Based On Entries From Another Worksheet

Mar 7, 2013

I have a worksheet designed to look like a form. That worksheet pulls data from an "Application Data" worksheet using INDEX and MATCH formulas. That part works great. The user enters an Application number on row 8 and it populates all of the other cells. In fact, in cell O7 (not pictured), I have it generating the row number the data came from (based on a MATCH function).

Here's my question--if they go in and change a value in one of the other cells, they should be able to press an "Update" button. That will then kick off a macro that goes to the "Application Data" sheet, finds the row that has the Application Number (from row 8) and updates the values based on what the user entered on this form.

How do I write the statement that selects the row based on the Application Number?

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ComboBox For Selection Sheet And Run Macro

Feb 5, 2008

I have got 8 sheets in a workbook having the following names first one is Main,and others are Aw,Nzm,Mhk,Gul,Qta,and Hdr.

I want a ComboBox in every sheet displaying names of all sheets in combobox and when i select a name of sheet from combobox it goes to that sheet after hidding sheet where selection was made and running macro codes which i have developed for sheet. I want only one sheet display on the screen when one selection is made other one is invisible.

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No Double Entries For Combobox

Dec 18, 2007

I have in "column A" an accountnumber and in "column D" a lastname.
The lastname can appear more than once and the accountnumber also.
Though I want combobox1 on userform1 to contain the lastnames.
It's possible to contain a double lastname as long as the accountnumber isn't the same.

For instance:
accountnumber: Lastname:
1234 Johnson
7890 Johnson

here Johnson will be insert twice into the combobox.

accountnumber: Lastname:
1234 Johnson
1234 Johnson

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Edit Combobox Entries From Within Itself

Feb 19, 2007

I have a combobox that populates a dynamic list, but is it possible to also edit or delete those items from within that same combobox?

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Macro Copying Over An Empty Row To Another Sheet

May 29, 2009

I have a Macro below that copies a range of cells from my Formulas Sheet to my Report Sheet.

The problem is that it is copying over a blank row.

I can't figure this out.

Anybody know how to stop sending over the blank row?

Here is my ...

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Macro For Copying Certain Rows To Another Sheet.

Oct 20, 2009

I'm trying to create a macro that examines a sheet of data, and if the data in a certain column (column P) contains either A,B, or C then it would copy the entire row over to another sheet. If it contained a blank or D,E, F, etc,etc then it would just ignore that and move to the next row.

I have no idea where to start, i've searched google and here on Mr.Excel.

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Macro For Copying Certain Cells To Another Sheet

Jun 9, 2006

I browsed through the other posts concerning copying and couldn't find (or maybe I didn't just understand) how to do what I want. I looking for a macro for a comand button that when pressed copies certain cells in the active row to another sheet. I recorded a macro for what I wanted to do ( to make the explenation easier) for one row but even the recorded macro refuses to work.

I'll put the recorded macro here if it helps someone, but as I said even that doen't work

Private Sub Kopiering_Click()

Sheets("BRL Newbuilding").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False

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In A Userform Displaying Combobox Entries

Jan 14, 2007

I'm trying to take a list of names from a worksheet and create in a userform a combobox that lists the names.

Private Sub Combo_Box_Leadoff_Click()
Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 3 To 16
Combo_Box_Leadoff.AddItem Worksheets(5).Cells(counter, 2).Value
Next counter

In the properties window, I set the value equal to the first name in the list. The above code yields a combobox that is blank except for the value set in the properties window. When I do not set an initial value, I get a completely blank combobox. I'm pretty new to VBA, and I've manged to figure out all of the macros I need so far, but setting up the user form has proved surprisingly difficult.

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Font Color For Individual Entries In ComboBox

Oct 5, 2012

I am populating a ComboBox with entries from a Range. The entries have a different Interior.Color depending on whether the individual project represented by the entry is complete. If the entry is complete is has an Interior.Color of blue; if not, it is red. I want to populate the ComboBox with both, but if the Interior.Color is blue, I want to change the font.color displayed in the ComboBox to blue. Just the color of the completed (blue) entries. The other (red) entries can have a normal (black) font. Is there a way to do this?

Here is the code I have been working with, but nothing I have tried has worked. Maybe another strategy, or whatever.

LastRowTF = Sheets("Shipsets").Range("F65536").End(xlUp).Row
Set myArray1 = Sheets("Shipsets").Range("F2:F" & LastRowTF)
For mA1 = 1 To myArray1.Count
If myArray1(mA1).Interior.Color = 255 Then


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Romove Unwanted Entries From UserForm ComboBox

Jun 20, 2006

I have an worksheet with a UserForm. On this UserForm is a ComboBox with the RowSource set to a named range called lVender. This ComboBox is setup to post & sort new entries into lVender apon exiting the ComboBox.

If a mistake is made and it is not caught before exiting the ComboBox, then I need a way to remove the bad entry from the lVender list.

I have included a small sample to better show the problem.

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Save Values Of Added ComboBox Entries

Oct 27, 2006

this problem is just an follow up question to this thread [Solved] VBA : user input to combobox xla. it supposed to be a follow up question but as per RULES is concerned i have to post a new one "4. Never post a question in the Thread of another member. You MUST ALWAYS start you own New Thread.". my question is how to retain the inputted values upon next opening of the workbook? you see that in this thread everytime the userform initialize the values added are also refresh , but what i want is after i manually input an entry of the combo box on next open the values are saved correctly..

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Macro Copying Row To Next Blank Row On Another Sheet With Data Validation?

Mar 19, 2013

I am currently working in an excel file for which i want to create a macro. I am using colomn F as the base from which it should be determined whether a row should be copied. In colomn F the user can select three options through data validation. If 'completed' is selected, the whole row should be copied to the second sheet, and each copied row should be pasted to the next empty row. The data on the source sheet starts at row 11 and should be copied to sheet 2, starting from row 11 as well.

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Macro For Copying Columns From One Sheet Onto Another Is Pasting A Picture Instead

Mar 31, 2014

I have a sheet made into a form with some check boxes included. If I select all the relevant columns, create a new sheet, and paste into cell A1 - all of the information carries over just fine. You can still select cells and check the boxes in the new sheet.

However, when I record this action as a macro, using the macro produces a picture of the selected columns instead of actually copy/pasting the information. I can't click on the cells or check boxes. I can only move the picture around within the new sheet.

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Macro For Copying A Row From One Sheet To Other On Selection Of Dropdown List

Feb 20, 2009

I am working on Excel document(Microsoft office-2007) with 2 sheets(Sheet1,Sheet2).
In sheet1 i have a dropdown list and the respective data is saved in Sheet2.On selection of dropdown lists in sheet1 ,respective rows should get copied from Sheet2 to Sheet1.

I am having trouble with the macro command. This is a first for me and I am stuck. I just dont know the how to write the Macro for this.

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Copying Unique Entries To New Spreadsheet

Dec 8, 2008

I'm trying to write a macro to use as an auto-update feature for a spreadsheet.

I currently use Data validation on an input cell to allow the user to select from a list of product types.

I'd like the update to affect this list, so new product types are always available to the user.

However, the list of product types is in another spreadsheet and contains numerous repetitions.

I've managed to get the following code together based on what I've used before and what I've found searching so far, but it seems to have a bug in it as it wont always work. I also need the original copying of the list to be done to either the new spreadsheet of a different page in the original spreadsheet, but every time I try this it causes an object error.

Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
' Macro recorded 05/12/2008 by Information Technology
    Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
   Sheets("Mask List").Range("f4:f2000").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
        CriteriaRange:=Range("a1:a3"), CopyToRange:=Range("E1:E2000"), Unique:= _
    Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("E1:e2000"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _
        OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
    Sheets("Calc Sheet").Select
 End Sub 

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Copying Row With Prevent Duplicate Entries

May 13, 2009

I've got this code for prevent duplicate entries, But I wondering if it's possible to add a copy rows to it? For Example

Columns C
ItemID ItemName
11 QWE
22 ASD
33 ZXC

So now I enter 22 in ItemID for this working code it will pop up a MsgBox saying Aready exist, Is it possible to add a code so that it will copy the existing copy and paste into the active row?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim r As Range
Dim ans As String
Const myCol As Long = 3
If Intersect(Target, Columns(myCol)) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False.........

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Copying Row With Prevent Duplicate Entries

May 13, 2009

I've got this code for prevent duplicate entries, But I wondering if it's possible to add a copy rows to it? For Example

Columns C
ItemID ItemName
11 QWE
22 ASD
33 ZXC

So now I enter 22 in ItemID for this working code it will pop up a MsgBox saying Aready exist, Is it possible to add a code so that it will copy the existing copy and paste into the active row?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim r As Range
Dim ans As String
Const myCol As Long = 3
If Intersect(Target, Columns(myCol)) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

[Code] ........

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Fill ComboBox With Unique Entries Based On OptionButton

Feb 5, 2008

I have a user form with a group of several option buttons. When an optionbutton is selected, programatically, I want a worksheet's named column to be parsed through to find unique entries and then have those entries passed to the form's combobox. I've spent the last hour searching for an answer but to no success

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Copying Cell Link For Combobox

Nov 9, 2012

I've been asked to build a pricing spread sheet for large construction projects. Each "Room" can be priced from a 15 different list price for the same items. I have a combo box that selects the correct list price row for the items to be price in a single "Room". I would like to be able to copy & paste a room and change the list price selection. This work fine except for the Cell Link in the combo box, which holds the original cell in the Cell Link reference when it is copied. It does not let me use a formula as the Cell Link reference.

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Copying And Pasting Current Region To Another Sheet Without Actually Copying?

May 15, 2014

I want to copy the current region on sheet 3 and paste that into sheet2 starting with cell E4. But I don't want to actually use the copy method. I believe there is a way to do this. I was thinking the following:

[Code] ......

The idea I had was to simply state that cell E4 would be assigned the value of CurrentRegion on sheet 3. Is there a way to bypass the copy method?

If not, how to copy, then paste?

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Copying Cells From One Sheet To Multiple Sheet And Naming Sheet As Copy Text?

Dec 24, 2013

I want to do a loop where you can copy say A3 worksheet 1 then add another sheet naming the work sheet "A3" then copying A3 worksheet 1 to A1 "A3". After that looping to A4 to a new work sheet naming the work sheet "A4"copying the value to A1 "A4", etc...

Is there a simply way of doing this loop? I can probably fit my other coding into the structure.

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Loop Through Sheet And Match Entries On Userform To Non-empty Cells In Sheet

Oct 27, 2012

In the attached worksheet I have UserForm2. When I click on open compare form button on the menu sheet it opens UserForm2, I would like the information I select in the first 7 combo boxes Vegetable - Ball on UserForm2 to loop through the data in the database sheet Columns A:G and compare the entries to the non empty/not blank cells in each row. If the form contain data that matches all the non empty/not blank cells in a row in the database sheet then it is a match and should show the label and display the message. If the form entries does not match to the non-empty/not blank cells in any of the rows on the database sheet then do nothing.

The problem I am having is getting it to loop through the sheet and bring back the right results. It is only matching on row 2 of the database sheet when I select cabbage in the vegetable combo box and apples in the fruit combo box . I cannot figure out how to get it to loop through all the rows for the range I want to compare (A2:G7) - I need this range to be flexible so as data is added it will expand to read all added rows.

The code is on the btnSave_Click() for UserForm2

I attached the spreadsheet and I am explaining what I want to do and the expected result.

Fruit Type

[Code] .....

What I want to do is loop through the Database sheet and if the fields on the form contain all the values in any row of the Database sheet, excluding empty cells in the Database sheet, then display a message.

So if on the form I selected Broccoli fron the vegetable combo box, Cricket from the games combo box, puzzles from the toy combo box, bananna from the fruit combo box, grits from the cereal combobox, and baseball from the ball combo box, in the databse sheet tabel shown above the match would be row 6 since the values for vegetable, game, toy, fruit, cereal and ball on the form matches what is on row 6 of the Database sheet. It does not matter what other fieds are selected /filled in on the form, the match should only take into consideration the populated cell in each row of the database sheet.

So, if the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box and Cabbage in the vegetable combo box but had blank or something other than bike in the toy combo box on form it would be a match to the Database sheet row 2, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining fields on the form

If the user enters Berries in the fruit combo box, Blueberry in the Fruit Type Combo box, Carrot in the vegetable combo box, and Grits in the cereal combo box it would be a match to Database sheet row 3, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .

If the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form itwould be a match to the Database sheet row 5, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .

If the user enters Grape in the fruit combo box, Carrot in the Vegetable combo box, Cards in the game combo box, and football in the ball combo box on the form it would be a match to Database sheet row 7, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form.

If the user enters Kiwi in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form it would NOT be a match to the Database sheet because the Database sheet does not have a row that contain Kiwi, Cabbage, and Bike.

So basically, if the entries on the form match the exact values for all the non-empty (blank) fields for any row in the Database sheet, then it is a match.

-If the entries on the form do not contain an exact match to all the non-empty (blank) fields for any of the rows in the Database sheet, then it is not a match.
-If it is a match show the label and display the message box
-If it is not a match the do nothing

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Move Rows From One Sheet To Another Sheet Without Having Duplicate Entries

Apr 16, 2014

I need to move the rows from one sheet to another sheet upon clicking the ‘Submit’ button.

I will manually update my efforts in ‘Sheet 1’ and when I click ‘Submit’, it should “copy” the rows to the next sheet (Sheet 2). However, it should not duplicate the entries irrespective of clicking Submit multiple times. Obviously, while clicking ‘Submit’ it should check the entry for that particular employee name and date in the ‘Sheet 2’ and remove that completely and update the new entries and this should avoid duplicates for that date. Every time when I add new entries for a different name and for dirrerent employee, it should keep appending the Sheet 2.

In addition, it should avoid copying the blank rows from Sheet 1 (S. No column will not be blank usually) to Sheet 2.

All this should happen upon clicking the Submit button.

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Macro Is Copying And Pasting Into Cell A2 On New Sheet Instead Of Cell A1

Jun 20, 2014

I have a macro that copies all my sheets onto a new sheet called combine. It is pasting onto the combine sheet starting on cell A2 instead of cell A1. Following is my macro.

Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
Sheets(1).Name = "Combined"
On Error Resume Next
For J = 2 To Sheets.Count
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Combined").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
End Sub

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Copying Data To Another Sheet If Data Exists (using MACRO)

Jan 21, 2013

I have a worksheet which contains certain sections. I want to create a macro which will run if data is input into those sections. This macro should copy whatever was entered into another worksheet automatically as data is being entered. Is there a way for that?

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Populating Sheet 2 With Combobox Values After Sheet 1 Full?

Dec 14, 2012

Below is the code for completing Sheet 1 using various comboxes on a User form. There are only 15 lines to which values can be entered on sheet 1. After the 15 lines have been completed, I would like to begin adding new data to sheet 2. However, I'm not really sure where to begin in terms of setting up a counter and then calling sheet 2 once the counter hits my limit. Sheet 2 is exactly identical to sheet 1 in layout and also has 15 lines.

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
' This button will add medication info to excel worksheet
'RowCount will help find next empty row


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Copying Sheet Names And Cell Data Into New Overview Sheet

Mar 21, 2013

I have workbook that has several sheets within the workbook that are set up identical. Each of the sheets in the workbook are for a specific company.

As of right now I have been adding a sheet to the workbook that is an overview for what is in each sheet (the individual companies). Currently I am doing the formatting of the heading and column names manually and I pull the data from each sheet with a VLookup. I have been trying to enhance my VBA skills with coding something that will fill in the appropriate cells from worksheet to worksheet.

What I am trying to do is to populate an overview sheet with cells C24, C25, and B36 being static on each row per sheet. Then each row will be populated with cells C(36, 59, 70, 81), D(36, 59, 70, 81), F(36, 59, 70, 81), G, and H(36, 59, 70, 81). The overview sheet will have the diagram below in a ru

I attached an example : example.xlsx

Sheet 1

[Code] .....

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Eliminate The Asterisk: Copying A Large Sheet Into A Spread Sheet

Dec 3, 2008

I am copying a large sheet into a spread sheet. The problem is one of the columns contain numbers with some cells having an asterisk at the end of the number. This causes problems with the formulas on other sheets that use this data. Can I use a formula or what is the best way to eliminate the "*".

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