Macro To Find Cell Value In Column And Retrieve Duplicates
Mar 4, 2014
So I have the macro written, but I don't get the complete data that I am looking for. This is what I am trying to achieve
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. This is in the first sheet:
Column A Column B
Car Saw
Dew Jacket
Pen Key
Saw Screen
Hand Shoe
Jacket Window
Screen Sock
Screen Mouse
Now I want this in the next sheet:
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Car Saw Screen Sock
Car Saw Screen Mouse
Dew Jacket Window
Pen Key
Saw Screen Sock
Hand Shoe
Jacket Window
Screen Sock
Screen Mouse
In my current macro, It displays most of what I am looking for, but not a duplicate ID if there is one. For example Screen, there are 2 IDs. My macro is only getting the first one and then skipping over the second ID. I would like it to where if there is a double or if it is there more than once that it gets all of the data.
Here is my macro.
[Code] ....
I will also attach the document of what I am looking for : Data 1.xlsx
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Jun 1, 2014
I need to find and match patterns of strings in a column and fetch data from the adjacent column. I've attached a sample workbook with my sample data.
How can I find the appropriate matching pattern and fetch and fill data from the adjacent column from my source table to destination? I tried the string functions available and used SEARCH function to match the pattern and check whether it is available. However, when the pattern is found, how can I fetch the adjacent column ?
My attempt to code a formula using SUBSTITUTE, MID and SEARCH functions. Below is the monster formula I wrote - it works and returns 1 when the pattern is found.
I need to return the matching pattern that is found. And with it the corresponding adjacent cell's value.
Attached File : Find_Pattern_Match_and_Fetch.xlsx
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Apr 4, 2009
I love this forum, and am usually able to find the help I need without bothering anyone However this one has me stumped and I wonder if anyone can help. It feels like it should be a fairly simple solution, but they can often be the ones that are most eluding LOL!
I have two columns; in column A are incoming telephone numbers and in column B are the date and time the calls were made. (I've put a few hashes in column A just to maintain confidentiality of the numbers, but in reality the cell is formatted as text in order to maintain the leading zero, and entries will follow the format 01234567890)
A sample would look like this:
0##6270####01-Mar-2009 00:01:440##6271####01-Mar-2009 00:03:020##6271####01-Mar-2009 00:03:040##6272####01-Mar-2009 00:16:330##6273####01-Mar-2009 00:30:490##6274####01-Mar-2009 00:55:470##6274####01-Mar-2009 01:06:170##6274####01-Mar-2009 01:07:420##6275####01-Mar-2009 01:08:360##6275####01-Mar-2009 01:11:410##6276####01-Mar-2009 01:13:45
Some numbers only call in once, I need to identify them as only called once.
Some numbers call twice, if they do I need to be able to show time it took between call 1 and call 2.
Some numbers call more than twice. For each successive call I need to be able to show the time since the previous call.
In my mind, the results table would need to look something like this:
NumberTime of callTime between
1st and 2nd call
Time between
2nd and 3rd call
Time between
3rd and 4th call
0##6270####01-Mar-2009 00:01:44Only called once0##6271####01-Mar-2009 00:03:0200:00:020##6272####01-Mar-2009 00:16:33Only called once0##6273####01-Mar-2009 00:30:49Only called once0##6274####01-Mar-2009 00:55:4700:10:3000:01:250##6275####01-Mar-2009 01:08:3600:03:050##6276####01-Mar-2009 01:13:45Only called once
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Dec 4, 2008
I'm trying to find duplicates in one particular column. I'm using this formula =if(countif($A$1:$A:$300,A1)=1,FALSE,COUNTIF($A1:A1,A1)=1) in the conditioning format tool but here's my problem:
I'm noticing that some of the cell values have spaces after the entries so the formula is not picking it up as a duplicate. Is there a quick way to remove those unwanted spaces after each entry?
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Apr 25, 2008
I have a unique id in column A on a sheet with 20,000 contacts. I need a VBA script to loop through the worksheet and when it sees that there is a duplicate in column A, it needs to take the data from columns B, C, and D of that duplcate and copy them to the first blank cell at the end of the original record. Then it needs to delete the row that contained the duplicate that it just copied. I have searched and found parts of code that will do some of these, but I can't get anything to work, I don't know VB enough.
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Feb 22, 2007
I work with large spreadsheets. I was hoping that someone would know how to create a macro that will take selected cells in column C and search all of column C for exact duplicate entries. The macro envisioned would let you select cells to test. If a dulicate entry is found I would need the macro to test the cells in column E against one another. If both C & E match exact (if possible maybe display the findings in a pop up box) I would like the macro to ask me if I want to delete the duplicate entry, if yes, delete the entire row. If no, skip it and move to the next one. If C but not E match I would need the macro to ask me to remove test cell. if yes, cut out the entire row of the TEST cell and paste it in a new sheet. If no skip it and move on.
Am I just dreaming or can this be done.
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Jul 30, 2007
how can i select only duplicates using a macro?
i have a list in which i have a set of duplicate values i need to select only the duplicate ones using a macro to have them worked on
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Apr 16, 2007
I have many rows of data. How can I find duplicate cells in a column?
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Feb 22, 2007
I work with large spreadsheets. I was hoping that someone would know how to create a macro that will take selected cells in column C and search all of column C for exact duplicate entries. The macro envisioned would let you select cells to test. If a dulicate entry is found I would need the macro to test the cells in column E against one another. If both C & E match exact (if possible maybe display the findings in a pop up box) I would like the macro to ask me if I want to delete the duplicate entry, if yes, delete the entire row. If no, skip it and move to the next one. If C but not E match I would need the macro to ask me if I want to remove thetest cell. if yes, cut out the entire row of the TEST cell and paste it in a new sheet. If no skip it and move on.
Am I just dreaming or can this be done. If it can be done, but more info is needed let me know.
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Feb 5, 2014
I am currently working on a project where i am given a sheet that typically has several hundred rows of data and not seemingly organized in any manner. This document has 6 columns, and my main focus is a range of dates (in MMM-YYYY form) from around early 2000 to now that can have duplicates. The dates(Column C), have corresponding Usages (Column D), and Costs (Column F) and I need to add these values together and remove the duplicate months so I only have one Usage and one cost Per month.
My spreadsheet has 6 Columns of data, and varying number of rows. Currently, since I receive the numbers in an unorganized fashion, my macro organizes the data into a table and then sorts the table be date so I have the oldest dates first and the duplicates are adjacent. There may be varying numbers of duplicates, though typically 0 to 4.
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Sep 22, 2009
Looking for a macro to find and delete all duplicates and keep only unique values from a column. For example column AS has
All red items need to be removed and keep only green items. Would also like the entire row the duplicates are in to be deleted.
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Dec 31, 2013
I have a spreadsheet using an Input Form (user cannot get to the spreadsheet to enter data - they must use the form). This is working well.
What I need to do now is allow the user to retrieve data that is already entered. Example: Spreadsheet has 100 unique records (rows). In each is ID, Name, State, Dues, and about 20 other columns of information.
I need to allow the user to key the ID # and then up pops all the other information for just the ID provided. I will also need the ability for them to then change that information if needed.
So if they key 13WIL they will get Wilson, TX, $50, etc. And then they can make changes to any field needing a change. Add a phone, change and address, etc.
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Feb 27, 2014
I'm trying to write a macro to do the following:
1) Take cell A1 and copy adjacent cell B1 in new sheet.
2) Then search cell B1 to find a match in column A.
3) If there is a match, I want to copy that adjacent cell in B and into the new sheet.
4) If there is no match, then leave as is from before and move onto the cell.
5) Continue for the rest of the data.
Here is an example of what i am trying to achieve This is in the first sheet:
Column A Column B
Car Saw
Dew Jacket
Pen Key
Saw Screen
Hand Shoe
Jacket Window
Screen Sock
Now I want this in the next sheet:
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Car Saw Screen Sock
Dew Jacket Window
Pen Key
Saw Screen Sock
Hand Shoe
Jacket Window
Screen SockData 1.xlsx
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Jun 19, 2008
I'm trying to write a macro to do the following.
1) Take cell A1 and look for a match in column A.
2) If there is a match, I want it to run the sub i've already written(Macro8), to update the data in its respective row.
3) If there is no match other than itself (cell A1), I want to automatically select the first empty cell in column A and run my sub (Macro8) to insert the data
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Jul 15, 2009
I am trying to write a macro that will do a bunch of stuff then go to the next blank cell in a particular column.
The rest of the code for the macro is irrelevant I just don't know how to code it to find the next blank cell in the column. It could be anywhere from cell A2 to A1000000. Basically I want the macro to select the cell that is next on the list to enter data into.
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May 30, 2008
Short and simple. What is the quickest, easiest & most efficient way to find the first blank cell within a column using VBA?
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Jul 28, 2007
I need to write a macro for find a value in all sheets in current workbook. The problem is put like this: I have to write a ID (for DVD archiving) in a column but testing that generated value is unique in entire workbook (I have multiple sheets, organized by movie genre). I can use find method and testing for value <> Nothing but it always said that the value is present (the current cell value); there is any method to omit selected cell value? I think "After:=" parameter can do this but I don't figure out how to handle with it...
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Dec 17, 2012
I have a spreadsheet and in column D, I have look up formula which looks up value from another tab. What I want to do is if the look up finds #N/A or blank cell. There should be a message box appear warning that all the cells in column D might not be updated properly.
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May 10, 2008
I am trying to clean up and simplify my macros by compartmentalizing frequently repeated commands. I like to search for text in column headings and define the cell containing it as a range that I can later use .column or .row commands on, so my macros are a bit more flexible. The code I currently use for this is
Dim XColumn As Range ‘the cell containing the text “X”
Selection.Find(What:="X", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Set XColumn = ActiveCell
I would like to be able to create a Macro (possibly name FindSetCell()) that will accept arguments and achieve the results of the above code in other macros
I think the command might look something like FindSetCell(“text to be searched for”,”name of newly Defined Range”) But I have not figured out how to code it
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Aug 12, 2014
I want a VBA that searches for duplicates, triplicates, or more and combine the cellvalue that is next to the duplicates. Also, if it combines them, it should only use the last letter. I have a code that works partially, but I'm stuck.
For example, I have this list:
I want it to combine the A, D and F like this:
[Code] .......
I created the following script, but i can't get it to use the last letter. Also it creates a " / / " when the cells are empty.
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Aug 22, 2014
I need a macro that duplicates lines based on the value of a Column. So in Attached excel D1 is 10 - I need it to create 9 entries for that line, so there are 10 total duplicate lines.
I had a Macro that worked that is in the document, I even had everything set up the same, which it is not now, but could not get it to work.
A Macro or a Finished document is fine, Just need this to produce raffle tickets for the church
Raffle Tickets.xls
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Mar 5, 2014
I need a formula to run down a column DCapture.JPG (starting at 142), when it finds the last entered value it needs to display the corresponding value from column J into cell AA21.
If you see the attached photo, the last entered data in column D would be 1, AA21 would be saying -30 (J205)
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Jun 29, 2014
Is there a code that can be written to remove duplicates within a cell for an entire column?
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Oct 3, 2007
Creating a formula to match two columns (D & H) and if there's a match, I wnat it to produce the value that's in column E, in column J (where the fomula will go).
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Mar 11, 2009
I have the file here i work with, basically the first column is a legend and the column to the right of it is a pointer column to help me find out where a legend is located in another file. So i was wondering if a macro could be made to basically find where the "legend column" A, C, E ect ends ( every other column is a legend column , one next to it is a pointer column ). and then combine the ends all of the columns contents and put them into 1 column.
In the file with this question i have showed you what i start off with, i highlighed in yellow where each column legend ends, ( normally these are not highlighted and i find them manually ). In the 2nd tab i show what the end result should be. All the columns are now consolidated into 1 column. 1 after the other.
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Nov 6, 2009
I need a macro to do the following:
I need Invoice # from column A to put in Column I by comparing Name in G and H with Name in D and E.
For Example
Compare Alfred Whitworth (Column G & H) in Column D & F would give Inv # 88530 ...this value will go in column I.
Compare Angela Owens and could not find in Column D and E so leave Column I Blank.
Compare Annabelle Deen would have Inv # 88740
And so on...
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Feb 27, 2013
I have a table, lets say from C4:J15. Basically all the column headers are dates(row 4). I want to input a formula into column D(D5:D15) that basically retrieves the column header of the first instance in which that row has data in a cell. So say Row8 has the word 'Medicare' in C8, and there is a dollar amount in cell H8, in cell D8 I would like to retrieve the column header of 2/3/2013 that is in cell H4(the header). If there is a dollar amount in the row, that means there is a variance, and I'd like to know the first date in which there is a variance so I don't have to search the whole row.
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May 26, 2009
i want to extract a value from a column into another column in excel.
this first column contains text and i want to extract a value that in located between the characters 'FOR' and 'MTHS'.
how do i do that?
the situation is the same for all the rows; the value that i want is just located between these characters.
is there a simpler way other than using the MID functn? because everytime i use it i need to count the no. of characters and its quite difficult to keep up with the numbers.
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Jan 18, 2013
In column A I have client names and columns B to P I have numerical data and in column Q I have a formula which gives me a percent, i am trying to think of a way/ a function that will return for me the client names when the value in Column Q is >=100%. It seems like it would be some type of reverse Vlookup.
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Jul 15, 2014
I'm working on a project where column A will always have numbers added every month. How can I get column B1 to automatically retrieve the last number shown?
Month 1 Month 2
Column A Column A
1254 1254
5871 5871
5654 5654
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