Macro To Retrieve Specific Information Based On One Cell?
Dec 31, 2013
I have a spreadsheet using an Input Form (user cannot get to the spreadsheet to enter data - they must use the form). This is working well.
What I need to do now is allow the user to retrieve data that is already entered. Example: Spreadsheet has 100 unique records (rows). In each is ID, Name, State, Dues, and about 20 other columns of information.
I need to allow the user to key the ID # and then up pops all the other information for just the ID provided. I will also need the ability for them to then change that information if needed.
So if they key 13WIL they will get Wilson, TX, $50, etc. And then they can make changes to any field needing a change. Add a phone, change and address, etc.
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Mar 1, 2014
I have found a list of newspaper in an excel file and at the end of the text it is written the name of the language e.g Bangladesh News 24 (Dhaka) [In Bangla], The Bangladesh Monitor [In English]. I would like to distinguish the names ended with [In Bangla] and in [In English]. How can i distinguish this two different type of data with VBA?
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Jan 29, 2014
I have filled up my ComboBox1 with the sheets I want to add information to. My problem now is how to place the info in the correct sheet when I click CommandButton1.
I've been working on this for a few hours now. I got this to work on the first code I found but it didn't work afterward. I just deleted the whole thing and started again.
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Oct 29, 2008
My workbook contains several worksheets each recording the results of equipment tests - one sheet for each piece of equipment. Rather than open each worksheet to check the date of the last test, other 'overview' worksheets pick up and display the last test date from each equipment record using the formula =MAX('sheetref'!A15:A500). Is there a better formula to do this?
Some items of equipment are tested at more than one frequency, ie Monthly, Yearly, etc. Therefore, the entry on row 15 of an equipment record may be column A 28/10/08 column D 'M' and row 16 column A 29/10/08 column D 'Y'. The above formula will only display the last test date, irrespective of frequency. There is a seperate overview sheet for each test frequency therefore, I need to modify the formula so that the date it copies from the equipment record worksheet to the overview worksheet is the date of the last test for the specified frequency.
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Apr 7, 2013
I was curious if Excel was able to pull information off websites and automatically populate a table such as items from Safeway and a price then another column for Walmart with same item and price? I am betting not on its own but I figured this was the best place to ask since I am trying to find an easier way to find savings at the store.
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Oct 1, 2013
How to retrieve client profile by typing client id in a particular cell ??
i.e. if Client ID is OD001 .... is it possible to get the details of that client by typing OD001SS which i have created on another work sheet ??
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May 22, 2014
I need a macro to move specific information.
I get an excel sheet with W/C Employer: (whatever) entered below the patient it belongs to in column E. This information needs to move into its own column (H) in line with the above patient information so I can use it in a mail merge to word.
The same thing needs to happen with WC injury date listed in column G. It moves to column I. Then delete the row it was moved from so I don't have an empty row.
Sheet 1 is what I get. Sheet 2 is what I need to end up with.
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Feb 11, 2010
I have created a userform that allows input of information and then deposits the information on a specific sheet. I am looking for a way to have that information not only deposited on the specific sheet it is already set to but also to another sheet based on a selection made from a combo box.
here is my current
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Apr 17, 2013
At the top of my spreadsheet, a day of the week is selected via Dropdown.
Below that in a table, the days of the week are split into hourly slots.
I want to write a macro to jump to the first cell in the bottom table containing the day selected in top cell.
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Sep 5, 2008
I need to create a simple code that will allow me to fill out the userform and then use a cmdbtn within the userform to transfer the information from the userform to specific cell in my excel spreadsheet.
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Feb 22, 2014
In the attached spreadsheet I need a formula to extract the value from column C that matches the date in Column E where the date in column E is equal to or falls between the dates in Columns A and B.file now attached.
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Mar 4, 2014
So I have the macro written, but I don't get the complete data that I am looking for. This is what I am trying to achieve
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. This is in the first sheet:
Column A Column B
Car Saw
Dew Jacket
Pen Key
Saw Screen
Hand Shoe
Jacket Window
Screen Sock
Screen Mouse
Now I want this in the next sheet:
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Car Saw Screen Sock
Car Saw Screen Mouse
Dew Jacket Window
Pen Key
Saw Screen Sock
Hand Shoe
Jacket Window
Screen Sock
Screen Mouse
In my current macro, It displays most of what I am looking for, but not a duplicate ID if there is one. For example Screen, there are 2 IDs. My macro is only getting the first one and then skipping over the second ID. I would like it to where if there is a double or if it is there more than once that it gets all of the data.
Here is my macro.
[Code] ....
I will also attach the document of what I am looking for : Data 1.xlsx
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Mar 15, 2008
I am trying to make a summary from a table showing the newest value available for a set of items(1,2,3,4), this is according to an investigation date the summary table shoul display only the values for the investigation date, but if there are no values for the investigation date, them should take the previous recent date from the investigation date, and if there is not value at all, then shown N/A
I am attaching the excel sheet for a better ilustration of the problem
I tryed a combination of formulas that I tooked from other threads but is not working properly.
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Dec 18, 2013
My outlook may received an email from a sender [URL] I have to create an excel template something like below:
Body Message
This is to record how many emails I received from the forwarded email [URL].
This is also for the next step we need to follow up with the sender.
Is there any way to make it more easier to make this records others than manual record.
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Nov 7, 2008
I have a protected template and unprotected source worksheets - - - what I would like to happen is for the macro to start and if the source worksheet cell B3 equals "Report Total" then stop - otherwise copy template worksheet then copy 6 specific cells from the source to paste values to specific cells on the newly created worksheet (B_ to C7, D_ to I7, E_ to C9, F_ to K9, A_ to C11, M_ to K11 and then K13=F13-30)
After that then start all over again unless the next row’s cell (B4, B5, B6, . . .) is "Report Total" then stop - - - the row count could be from one to a couple hundred.
Here is what I have so far but I know that with each copy the name will change and as it goes down the source file each row will change and I also need help with that.
Sheets("ee template").Copy After:=Sheets(3)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -11).Range("A1").Select
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Nov 3, 2011
I would like to filter my list to show rows with a date difference of >0 (raised date later than date of contact) and move certain cells onto another sheet in the same workbook.
e.g if diff in F1:F1000 is >0, populate the following onto this sheet
Job no - Address - Postcode - Name - Date raised
Would this be a case of using a vlookup? having a few problems with it at the moment
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Mar 11, 2013
I am looking for a macro to rename tabs based on information in A1 on each tab. The thing that is causing me issues is the cell A1 has a formula in it and it changes on a daily basis with days of the week but the tab only updates when i double click A1 and press enter.
I need it to update automatically.
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Nov 28, 2013
I have created a gradebook template so that I can keep track of my assignments as I get them and keep on top of my grades. Any way that I can code excel to work so that if my current average in the class ever drops below 70%, I want the color of the text to change to red to alert me that the grade is too low and needs to come up. I'm new to using VBA in excel and not sure how to do it or what to code.
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Dec 5, 2013
I have a worksheet, with a "cost" column, and a date column. I have another sheet with dates pre-written, and a cost column as well. I'd like to know how to make the cost from worksheet 1 go to worksheet 2 under cost, but also add up any costs that are on the same date.
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Mar 14, 2013
I am putting together a register of information and it is broken up over a number of sheets i.e. LOG1, LOG2 etc.
I have a master sheet in which I want information to automatically populate based on whether a certain column has the words yes or no.
Ie Column I in LOG1 or LOG2 etc can either be yes or no. Is there a way to populate the Master sheet only with the information of a row in which column I is yes?
I know it would have to be a formula in the master sheet which checks all the sheets and then somehow populates the master sheet downwards if anything is yes but then removes it once that yes becomes a no....
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Sep 30, 2008
I would like to know how to open multiple excel files from a folder based on the information based in cells down a certain column until the last cell.
I thought it might be something like this but it isn't: ....
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Apr 28, 2008
if a macro or private macro is necessary, I would need basic instruction how to use those as well (I mentioned private macro as I understand they automatically run whenever worksheet info is changed, which I would like in this example.)
I'm simply trying to change fonts in cells based on the inputs of other cells. Obviously, using conditional formatting doesn't allow for this.
For my example, assume the word "MrExcel" is in cells D2, F2, H2, J2, L2, N2, P2 and R2. If I type different font names (Times New Roman, Arial, Bookman, etc.) in the cells to the immediate right of each word "MrExcel," -- cells E2, G2, I2, K2, M2, O2, Q2 and S2 -- I would like the "MrExcel" word in each corresponding cell changed to the corresponding font to the right. I would like the ability to do this for up to 15 different fonts. There will be many rows to this worksheet I need to use this process for.
Is this possible? I'm in a bit of a jam and have exhausted my knowledge of formulas in that they won't work in this case ... I'm assuming I need to delve into the unknown land (to me) of macros, private macros, or VBA.
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Jan 6, 2014
I am trying to create a formula that will change the cell color in a range of cells in the row. I want the color to change based on the information in a particular cell appearing on a different sheet. What sheet the information is on determines the color the cells change to.
Example: I have 4 sheets I am working with. We will call them A; B; C; and D. I would like the color of cells A5-I5 on sheet D to change to red when the information in cell A5 from Sheet D shows up in any cell in column A on sheet A. If the information from cell A5 sheet D appears in any cell in column A from Sheet B then the color will be yellow, etc.
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Apr 22, 2014
I tried all failed.We have about 160 different workbooks (one for each business unit) stored online. Staff enters information about their weekly revenue and expenses and here at head office I collect that information and consolidate them.What I am trying to do is that;1.) Create a master Workbook with ~160 worksheets (One worksheet for each unit) named exactly the same with other workbooks2.) And macro can pull the information from related files stored in a certain folderIt is very much like another members problem but I am not sure why I cant get that code working for me? [URL]
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May 19, 2014
What I have is a list of selected employees, with the site they work at next to them.
What I need is a macro which looks at the site they work at, references it with an address table in a separate worksheet and then pastes the site address along with the employee's name onto a thrid worksheet which will be used to print post labels.
>Look at which site the employee works at (Sheet 1, D:D)
>Find the address of said site (Sheet 3)
>Paste the relevant address along with the employees name (Sheet 1, B:B) into a separate worksheet.
This will be done weekly, and I need the macro to either only work on the latest's weeks table, or to just work with the current active selection. Any better way to layout my table.
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Mar 28, 2012
I have huge set of data listing almost 20 columns and 400 rows..i am trying to apply a formula for one of them..
Condition: Onshore or Offshore
Data to be retrieved: list of locations at onshore and offshore
Result expected: If a particular cell is selected as onshore then allow user to select only Onsite locations same for offshore
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Jan 18, 2013
In column A I have client names and columns B to P I have numerical data and in column Q I have a formula which gives me a percent, i am trying to think of a way/ a function that will return for me the client names when the value in Column Q is >=100%. It seems like it would be some type of reverse Vlookup.
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Jun 8, 2008
In a sheet from A:E, the headings on the first row are:
ID, Name, Gender, and Age.
I enter the data in sheet “DB” and I want to retrieve the data in sheet “Report”. I want to lookup the data range for each ID listed in Column A and retrieve all data from the matching row in a report form/look.
I have tried to use the vLookup formula, but when defining the range of the column (A2:A), it would return “0”. When defining only the range that contains data, it displays the correct information....
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Jul 15, 2014
I've recorded a Marco copying and pasting information from one cell to other cells and some of the copying functions paste to two cells. I just need this to loop through all information I'm copying from the the new cells.
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Sep 12, 2009
After much fretting over this (and many other Excel issues), I've decided to seek out some assistance. I've included an example with columns, because I'm not very fluent in Excel terminology.
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