Macro To Find Field Based On A Cell Value?

Aug 18, 2014

I have 2 sheets in same excel.

Sheet 1:
HR 2015 Q1 Database Planned 176
CRM 2014 Q4 Major Product Planned 125
HCM 2015 Q1 Database Planned 113

Sheet 2:
Doc 2015 Y 176 -----

simple requirement is to search column A in sheet 1 based on Column D in sheet 2. and write it in Column E.

The answer should be
Doc 2015 Y 176 HR

I need to perform this search on various fields in sheet A. this is a small snapshot of sheet. Vlookup wont work in this condition as there are several searches I need to do, I cant change the columns.

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Macro To Preset Field With Text If Condition In Another Field Is True

Jun 9, 2006

I have a macro that imports a report. If the Charge Type in column A is BTOREPLX, I need to prefill the field next to it in column B with the text "REPLX", e.g. "REPLXCDROM". I've attached an example of the report.

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Find Last Value That Has Field Lookup Of 1?

Oct 4, 2012

I want to create a formula that I can place in D1 that looks at the table below and finds the last instance of the number 1 and returns the value of 600,000.

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Find And Display A Specific Field?

Jun 23, 2014

formula to tell me 9 values. These values are on 9 separate tabs/worksheets. They are always at the bottom row in a specific column - but the row changes every week. I have a totals tab in this workbook. I would like to stop manually going to each tab and pressing Control+End to see the total and manually going back to the totals tab to enter the value. Is there a formula to find these 9 values automatically and display them on my totals tab?

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Find And Replace Macro Based On Specific Cells

Sep 12, 2009

After much fretting over this (and many other Excel issues), I've decided to seek out some assistance. I've included an example with columns, because I'm not very fluent in Excel terminology.

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Macro To Find And Add ISIN For A Company Based On Stock Codes

Jul 20, 2014

I have trying for 2 days now to write a macro/VBA that looks up IF the stock codes (i.e., in column A and G) match THEN insert the ID_ISIN from column H in the empty ISIN column C.

or should i use Vlookup?

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Create A Macro That Find And Calculate Based On Details Of 4 Columns On Same Spreadsheet

Jul 21, 2012

create a macro that will find and calculate based on the details of 4 columns on the same spreadsheet.

Basically, here is what I need to do:

1. Need to calculate how many QTY IN (Column F) and PALLETS IN (Column I) of a specific PART# (Column A) and LOT CODE (Column B) For example if enter a PART # and LOT CODE, it will calculate how many QTY IN and PALLET IN of that PART # and LOT CODE.

2. Need to do the same for QTY OUT (Column G) and PALLETS OUT (Column J) also.

3. Output should contain the PALLET # , QTY IN and PALLETS IN based on the PART # and LOT CODE search. I just want to simplify the search function in this spreadsheet because it is very cumbersome if you need to find how many items left for that PART # and LOT CODE.

Attached is the spreadsheet..

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Add A Value To A Field Based On Value Of Another One

Feb 28, 2007

if value of cell A1=1 then add 1 to cell H2 else add 1 to cell H2.

Basically, I want H2 to go up by 1 if a1=1..

This is more of a basic syntax than Excel.. Is there any way to translate that into something Excel can do ??

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Find Last Cell In Range, And Changing Another Cell Based On Offset Text

May 4, 2009

If i have a range say E12:O12 and want to find the last cell before blank, lets say it finds m12 as the cell with the value before blank. then with m12 it needs to determine weather row 11 in the same column has Text either "S" or "F" if "S" then m12 = t if "F" then m12 offset(1,-1) = t. And just to make things more difficult i need the range E12:O12 to step 2 as well until it gets to E208:O208 .Noting that row 11 never changes and will always have either an "S" Or an "F"

and also t = time()

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Multiple Find And Replace Cell Content Based On Another Cell?

Mar 25, 2014

multiple search match and replace content in a different column so for example

new workbook (look up table)


so something like where you compare two tables and find and replace based on another cell that matches in my sku.. more details would be if the table column aren't exactly matching but the column header and the row header would match and fill or replace in the correct/corresponding cell is there a macro or vba to do this job in excel?

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Populate A Field Based On A Value

Mar 5, 2009

I want to know how to take a field with a value and apply it to fields with range. In this case if i had a value of 15 it would enter that value in this field
below. I tried an IF formula but it did not work.

range 31 to 40
range 21 to 30
range 11 to 20 15
range 1 to 10

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Delete Row Based On Field Value?

May 15, 2014

I'm diving back into VBA after a year out of the mix.

I need a code to delete all rows with a 0 in Column F below Row 4.

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Hiding A Column Based On A Field Value

Apr 4, 2008

I have a worksheet called "Calendar" with values D4:X4

if the value "Name" appears in any of these cells then the corresponding column where the entry appears will be hidden. otherwise the column will be visible.

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Find Cell Based On Parameters?

Dec 19, 2013

see attachment.

A2 is the given length and B2 is the given weight. I want B14 to net the answer of "Type G" because the length (A2) is equal to C10:C12 but the weight (B2) is within D11 and E11.

How do I formulate B14 to net the answer of "Type G"? This has to be flexible as the data in A2 and B2 will be entered in differently each time and B14 needs to find the appropriate "Type".

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Find Cell Based On Return Of MAX Value

May 10, 2009

This time I'm trying to use the max value and row value at the same time, but it won't let me. Here's what I'm trying to do...

1 a b c d
2 7 9 4 2
3 e f g h
4 8 2 7 8
5 i j k l
6 4 3 3 9

I want Cell A7 to return the letter before the highest value in column A...

I tried to do something using two cells, but even then I couldn't figure it out.
I thought a ROW(MAX(A1:A6)) would give me the row and I could go from there, but that didn't work.

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Find Cell Based On Column And Row

Dec 2, 2009

I have a spreadsheet which has about 100 different SKUs in column A and the inventory for each SKU by period in columns B:Z
So for example B would be P1W1 and C would be P2W2, etc

what kind of lookup function would I use in VBA to find per say, the value of SKU #: "27017" in P1W2 ?

Apart from pivot table.

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Find Cell In Range Based On A Value

Mar 30, 2012

I have a sheet that has six sets of three columns on it. The columns are labels Ball #1, Number Times Drawn, Last Date Came Up. The first five "sets" are the same except the ball # changes from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5. The last set has columns labeled Mega Ball, Number Times Drawn, Date Last Came Up. Yes I am doing stats analysis on lottery numbers for a project.

What I want to find is the last date drawn for each of the numbers, 1-56, and have it go into the third column of the 3 column sets.

I will use the first column set for example. I have numbers down the first column A numbered from 1 to 56 (In series). In the next column B, I have the number of times drawn for each number, which I have working. In the last column of the set I want to have the Last Date Drawn.

I tried the following function (Formula):

This kind of worked. It returned a date but it was not correct. It actually said the same date for each number, which I know is wrong. I can't figure out where it is actually pulling that date from.

I should clarify that the drawing numbers are on a second sheet labeled "Mega_Millions_Numbers" in a table named Table1 and the Date column is A with a column label of Date. The table has column headings of Date, Ball#1, Ball#2, etc. through to Mega Ball column.

What I need is a function or formula to pull the last date drawn. I am NOT good in any way shape or form with VBA so if I can do this without VBA it would be best for me. I can follow along with formulas and functions well enough, just not VBA.

I will need to have this formula copied down 56 times per set and there are 5 sets so i will have to modify it for the other columns. (If your keeping track that totals 336 formulas).

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VBA To Generate A New Workbook Based On Unique Field

Feb 4, 2014

I have an excel sheet with over 50thousand entries, each entry is identified by an ID code in the L column. I want a code that creates a new workbook with all entries having thesame ID code. if it's not too much, i want to have a pop-up window that asks me to enter the ID code.

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Change Data Based On Date Field

Aug 26, 2009

I have a file, a portion is attached, where I want to paste the value of the formula (in this case, just that of the external data) once it has grabbed the data from an external source.

If the first time I open the file is Jan 15, I want it to grab the data in columns C, E and G from Jan 1 to Jan 14 and paste each cell's value in the same cell. Any data on Jan 15 or past Jan 15, I don't want the value (hasn't been collected yet).

If I open the file again on Jan 18, I need the data from Jan 15 to Jan 17.

I have this macro which works well for grabbing the data and pasting the value.

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Return Grouping Based On Date Field

Mar 18, 2012

I have a date field 08/09/2011 and want to monitor an item to ensure it's "Approved" before it reaches this date.

The groups are:

Late = this date or past
Within 1 week
Within 2 weeks
Within 3 weeks
Over 3 weeks

How to do this, I tried Nested, and I've tried lookup but I'm not sure how to tackle it.

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VBA - Create Calculated Field Based Upon Count Not Sum

May 26, 2012

Can I create a calculated field based upon the count of data items in fields as opposed to sums. My data is confidential so here is a dummy example:

Can I take the count of Cars per individual salesmen and divide by the total count of vehicles? Ultimately, I will need to code this into VBA once I know if it can be done.

Vehicles l salesman
car1 Bob
car2 Kelly
car3 Bob
car4 Bob
car5 Tim
car6 Tim
car7 John

With this result:

Salseman l Percentage of Vehicles
Bob 43%
John 14%
Kelly 14%
Tim 29%

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Find Worksheet Based On Data In A Cell

Jan 13, 2010

In Sheet1 I've got a list of names in column A, then I've got a worksheet for each name in the list. I'd like to fill in column B with information from the worksheet of the same name as in column A.

Quick in column A is Davis, want to fill in column B with a value from cell C3 on worksheet named Davis and do it for the entire list. Data being looked for is in same cell on each worksheet. Tried using a formula and dragging it down the list, problem with that is it doesn't change the sheetname just the cell.

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Find Column Based On Active Cell

May 16, 2013

How to find the column based on my active cell...if my active cell is in A1 then it pops up saying your in column A.

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Formula To Find Date Based On A Cell Value

Sep 6, 2007

First one needs to look through a single row and find where the first cell with a value (text) in it, then finds the date that that cell is under.

Second one needs to look through the same row to find the last cell that has a value (text), then finds the date again that that cell is under.

Example workbook is attached

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Macro To Find Match Delete It From The Cell Display It In Different Cell

Apr 23, 2008

I have a huge database. I am looking for a macro that can search for a particular word. If a match is found, the macro should do two things simultaneously... (i) delete the contents of the cell in which the match is found........(ii) display the same contents 1 row below and 1 coloumn to the left of this cell where the match is found. For e.g....

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Pivot Table Calculated Field Based On 2 Columns?

Jun 9, 2014

I have a Table with 2 columns "Due Date" and "Completed Date". The pivot table from the table gives the count of each column. I want to have a calculated column giving the % complete, ie. "Count of Completed"/"Completed Date"*100. When I attempt to create this formula (using Pivot Table Options > Fields Items and Sets > Calculated field), I get a DivZero error, even though both columns are not zero. How do I create such a calculated column?

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Auto-Populate Field Based On Dropdown Box Selection?

Jan 20, 2013

I have a dropdown list selection on the form for types of machines. The list of machines, their sizes and related noise level are in a chart on worksheet 2 and I'd like to automate the form so that when the machine is selected, the related noise level auto populates.

The dropdown box has been put in the form using the data validation function.

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VBA Auto Filter To Select Field Based On Certain Criteria?

Feb 5, 2014

I'm currently using the following:

[Code] .........

However, i'd like it select the field ie 2-17 based on a year in a cell on another sheet "x" in cell E3.

At the moment i have a row of numbers 1-17 above the corresponding field cell so for example the number 15 is attached to the year 2013 (although this is dynamic).

I just cant work out how to get the autofilter to select the number that matches the cell in "x" E3 with the same value in T2:AJ2 on filter sheet and then filter the column that matches.

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How To Insert Text Field Into Appropriate Worksheet Based On Alphabetical Value

Oct 10, 2011

Im trying to make a simple macro for cataloging some equipment and where its located.

I've created a user form where there is a free text field for Equipment. Instead of just inserting this entry into the first available cell, i would like for it to place it in the first available cell under the corresponding first letter of the equipment to the named worksheets A-Z.

I have named the worksheets A through to Z, and upon entering the free text 'Equipment' name, say for instance Trolley, for it to recognise the T, open the worksheet named T and insert the equipment name and location etc across the first free column.

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Merging Excel Workbooks Based On Common Field?

Jul 8, 2013

I have two workbooks, Quotes and Invoices. They have a common field (column) between them called "QuoteID". Since not all quotes turn into invoices, there are more rows in the Quotes workbook than the Invoices one. Is it possible to match the "QuoteID" cell values in Invoices to just the ones in Quotes that match up, and then merge them into a new worksheet? If not, is there an add-on that will accomplish this?

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