Macro To Find Text Within XLS Files And Output Data To New Worksheet

Oct 4, 2012

Need macro to search xls files in folder/directory for common text string "see reference" and then output the file number which is located in cell A1 to new spreadsheet for each file the text "see reference" is found.

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Excel Macro To Output Text File After Global Find And Replace

May 19, 2014

See attached image.

So what I am looking for is to put a macro behind button 1 which will do the following

Enter A Default Value Of 123 In The Yellow Boxes (B7:K7)
If They Are Blank When The User Clicks The Button
Performs A Search And Replace To Replace The Values 01-01-1990 With B8, 02-01-1990 With C8 Etc Until K8
Output The Contents Of Sheet 2 To A Text File (In XAI Format) In The Following Order A1:A100, B1:B100, C1:C100

[Code] .........

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VBA Macro To Multiple Text Files Based On Headings On Worksheet

Apr 2, 2009

I have created an Profit&Loss excel sheet with all the accounts in column A and then the values for each month, January to December in column B to column K like this:

Column A...............Col B............Col C........Col D........Col E.....and so on
Account 1..............2222............58452........5255.........5844....
Account2................5.................45...............25...........458 ....

I've made a macro that creates a textfile and saves it on my desktop, but I get a text file with all the info in the same file, what I want is to get one text file for every month, that is text file number one(january) is: The heading info+column A+columnB

text file number two(February) is: The heading info+column A+columnC
text file number three(March) is: The heading info+column A+columnD and so on

In the heading info I have to state the period and then I need the macro to change this for every text file, that is for the january file it has to be "1 to 1", for february "2 to 2" and so on. As it is now it will always say "1 to 1" because that is the values I have entered.

Sub btnSkapaFil_Klicka()
Dim strAnv As String
Dim strBeloppJan As String
Dim strBeloppFeb As String
Dim strBeloppMars As String
Dim strBeloppApr As String
Dim strBeloppMaj As String
Dim strBeloppJun As String
Dim strBeloppJul As String
Dim strBeloppAug As String
Dim strBeloppSept As String
Dim strBeloppOkt As String
Dim strBeloppNov As String
Dim strBeloppDec As String
Dim strSavepath As String
Dim intRad As Integer
Dim intStartrad As Integer
Dim intSlutrad As Integer
Dim fs, a
strOrder = Range("I2")...............

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Using Macro To Import Two Identical CSV Text Files To Make 1 Table Of Data

Apr 4, 2014

I'm having difficulty trying to get the second file appended to the bottom of the 1st imported file. I get "run-time error '13' type mismatch". There is no difference between the two files. I'm thinking there is a problem with my range statement in the second file import, but this range works fine in other macros. Here's my code so far:

With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"TEXT;\server1usersmydataIMPORT1.CSV", Destination _
.Name = "IMPORT1"
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False

[Code] .........

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Select Worksheet Using Combobox With Colored Data As Output?

Jul 15, 2014

I get a macro which will provide me coloured data by eliminating the non-cloured(with white) data. Sheet1 has a combox of worksheet within an excel sheet which is listing all the worksheet in an excel sheet.By selecting the worksheet name(for example sheet1, sheet2.....sheet26) and I can move to worksheet I selected and can view the data(coloured one).I have around 25 excel worksheet within an excel sheet and each sheet has various different kind of colors but I dont want the output to show non coloured data after I select the worksheet in Combo box.

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VLookup To Output Text Data Results?

Dec 24, 2013

I have a column with lots of tube station names. I have a look up table with the tube station name, and the possible lines that pass by that tube station.

One tube station may be covered by more than one tube line.

I am looking for a formula that will output every tube line that caters that one tube station.

first question, what is the best way to organise the data in my look up table.
Second, is a vlookup the best formula to achieve the output I want? i.e. Reflect how many tube lines cover each station

see table below: If the station name has only one tube line, Vlookup works fine. When the station, such as Canno Street, has two tube lines, Vlookup only picks up one tube line. If I duplicate Cannot street under the station name, the Vlookup picks only one tube line.

LOOK UP TABLE A1 - station name
B1 Tube line name
Cannon Street


Is there a formula that will output the data of the second tube line name in column D1?

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Worksheet From Text Files

Dec 11, 2009

Hi all, first up I'm a total novice but I'm trying to populate a worksheet from a text file, but here's the kicker, I'd need specific lines of the text file to populate specific columns.

None of the text files will contain the same data, but, they will all have the same related data on the same lines. So I'd like to see:

.txt file 1 line 1 > Worksheet A:1
.txt file 1 line 6 > Worksheet B:1
.txt file 1 line 12 > Worksheet C:1

.txt file 2 Line 1 > Worksheet A:2
.txt file 2 Line 6 > Worksheet B:2


Everything needs to go into the same worksheet. Some .txt files won't have any data in the specified lines so skipped if blank, or just blank data copied.

I need to run through about 1300 .txt files in a directory in this fashion, can it be done?

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VBA Code To Copy Text Files To Worksheet

Feb 20, 2013

I am trying to put together some code to have Excel to copy all the text files from a folder with numerous text files, all of which have identical formatting, to one worksheet. Furthermore, I need the copying event to occur every time the workbook is opened so that it will "refresh/overwrite" the worksheet with all of the files in the folder.

I have lifted some code from several sites which would seem to an untrained eye to accomplish what I am trying to get done, however I run into a file path error.

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Import Multiple Text Files To 1 Worksheet

Oct 25, 2007

I am trying to convert multiple tab-separated text files into one worksheet. All the text files have the same format and file structure. I have been copying and pasting these files into an Excel spreadsheet but this is time consuming. I need to find out if anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish this task using a VBA macro.

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How To Consolidate These Files Into One Output

May 26, 2014

how to consolidate file01 to file02 merging them, resulting the expected output sheet. Currently im doing this manually and it really take up a lot of my time this is just a sample scenario. My real world use of this is composed of over 2000+ accounts with different product purchases and billing numbers.

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Excel 2007 :: Find Text And Replace It With Same Text Only In Italics In Worksheet?

Aug 18, 2013

I am trying to find specific text throughout an excel document (2007) and replace it with the same text but in italics. I tried using the options/format function and selecting italics for the "replace" text but it replaces the entire cell text in italics instead.

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Macro Merge Multiple Files Into One Worksheet

Oct 8, 2010

I have this macro to go to a specific folder and open up all of the files in the folder and merge them into a worksheet.

I want to change it so the user can select the files to be merged.

Sub MergeFiles()
Dim path As String, ThisWB As String, lngFilecounter As Long
Dim wbDest As Workbook, shtDest As Worksheet, ws As Worksheet
Dim Filename As String, Wkb As Workbook
Dim CopyRng As Range, Dest As Range


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Macro To Copy Multiple CSV Files Into Single Worksheet

May 6, 2014

I receive a daily bath of 6 files (for now lets calls them 1.csv, 2.csv 3.csv etc...)

I have to manually open these select all the data and then paste them into a single worksheet in a different xls file (called master.xls).

I am trying to figure out some vba that will open each .csv file, copy the data and append to the end of worksheet 1 in master.xls. Ideally i would also like it to paste the name of the .csv it has copied the data to in column A of master.xls

Also, the .csv files will not always contain data, occasionally some will be blank.

Both .csv and master.xls will be stored in the same folder.

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Search For & Merge List Of Text Files Named In Worksheet And Paste In A Specifc Cell

Aug 20, 2006

I did a search for " import text" and found some promising leads, but not exactly what I was looking for. I have tried running macros and looking at the code but don't know how to pass the file names from the the D47:D147 range to VBA(see below). I saw elsewhere that Excel can be told to create a temporary batch file, and that the batch file with the command "copy text1.txt+text2.txt+text3.txt all.txt" for example could be used to merge the 3 text files into a file called all.txt. I don't however know how specify the path where copy starts, to tell the batch file to look in subdirectories or to pass the file into Excel. I've posted this question yesterday to Yahoo Answers and without much luck.

Below is the macro I would like:I have text files whose names are found in the range D47:D147 although without the appended ".txt" extension. The sheets can only contain one name sometimes, but on average 8 to 10, so in the average case only cells D47:D56 would have entries.The text files are found in the say H:Textfiles directory or subdirectories.I would like Excel to find these files, concatenate them with a row between each file, and paste the results into cell K251.Finally, the text import wizard should be used with a space as a delimiter and the last 3 columns (it's sometimes only 2) of the concatenated file, not imported.

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Macro For Importing Text Files

Jan 16, 2014

Below is a macro I recorded for importing the text file AJ9285 into excel from an external location.

I would like to modify it so that excel will give me a prompt and I can type the text file name in.

Sub adt()
' adt Macro
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;Z:AJ9285.ADT", _

[Code] ..........

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Filling A Worksheet With Data From Many External Files

Sep 11, 2009

I'd be very grateful if s.o. help me find solution for the following task:

I want to fill certain worksheet with data from external .tsv files. The .tsv files are with a almost a common name (something_date.tsv), located in folders for each month.

What I'm usually doing and want to automate:

- I'm opening the first .tsv file from the monthly folder;

- Creating AutoFilter on the first row;

- Selecting a custom criteria from the AutoFilter;

- Copying the cells matching this AutoFilter criteria;

- Pasting in a predefined worksheet (with AutoFilter on first row);

*All of the copied cells are not being altered in the predefined worksheet, i.e. the first rows of the .tsv file and the worksheet are the same.

- Doing exactly the same with the next file in the monthly folder (but pasting below the already copied cells in the workbook).

- Etc.;

- Etc.;

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Find Text In A Worksheet

Dec 9, 2009

I want to find a text "Style#" in a worksheet and return the value next to "Style#". The value is supposed to be returned in, say, column H, for each row I found the text "Style#".

Below is the sample:....

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Find And Replace Text On Worksheet

Nov 11, 2011

I need some vba coding which will find and replace text on a worksheet. This would normally be straight-forward, however some text needs to be replaced by text which already occurs in the worksheet, and without it changing as well (if Find/Replace can perform two Find/Replaces at the same time???).

Here is the detail and what I am trying to accomplish: I have two worksheets each with a table of data.Worksheet 1 has a lookup table with three columns of data (column a and b are lists, with c being a formulated column which is dependent on the user selecting either column a name or column b name). I have done this easily enough using data validation on cell $C$1.Worksheet 2 has a user input table which column 3 is a dropdown validation using the named range "UsedName" from Worksheet 1.

I want the selected dropdown names to automatically change when the user changes Old Name to New Name (and vis-versa) on Worksheet 1.The list of values in the data validation dropdown list change well enough, but not any of the existing returned values. When I tried to use vba coding to Find & Replace, I run into issues because (Substanital and Important) are used in both instances, but at different levels with different matched names Important/Relevant.

Worksheet 1
1 Cell with dropdown list New Names
2 (Old Names, New Names)
4 Old Names New Names Names Level
5 Equal Equivalent Equivalent 1
6 Dominant Critical Critical 2
7 Important Substantial Substantial 3
8 Substantial Major Major 4
9 Relevant Important Important 5
10 Minor Irrelevant Irrelevant 6
formula for column C =IF($C$1="Used Names", A5, B5)
column C is name ranged "Names

Worksheet 2
(Worksheet 2 has another table which has various data. One column which is a drop down list being pulled from Worksheet 1)

1 Bob 25% Critical 19
2 Frank 60% Important 33
3 Ellen 40% Substantial 5
4 Ellen G 20% Substantial 12
5 Gary 55% Equivalent 100
6 Jo 50% Major 8
7 Peter 40% Important 22
8 Kim 12% Equivalent 30
9 Shelley 75% Substantial 15
10 John 75% Critical 90

so I want column C to automatically change from these New Names to the corresponding Old Name of the same level. So Critical would become Dominant, Important would become Relevant and Substantial would become Important.

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Find Last Cell In Worksheet Containing Text

Mar 26, 2008

I have seen a few examples which find the last used cell... but these seem to grab cells that have formulas in them, even though no text has been entered. I need to know how to find the last cell in a worksheet that contains text.

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Convert Multiple Text Files Into Excel Worksheets Macro

Apr 1, 2009

i have many file text which i want to open in an excel workbook in a way that each text file will be displayed in an excel sheet.

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VLook Up Specific Text Within Text And Output Match From Table

Dec 3, 2009

Table 1:
I like to go to Berlin.
You like to move to Amsterdam.
They want to see Chicago.
When will the reach San Francisco.

Table 2:
San Francisco

What I want to do:
I want my function to see if the text in Table 1 contains a value in Table 2, and if yes, output that value.

Desired Result:

Row A1:
I like to go to Berlin.
Row A2:
Row B1:
You like to move to Amsterdam.
Row B2:

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Add Another Worksheet & Continue Importing The Html Files Until There Are No More Files To Import

Jul 13, 2006

I'm using the following code to import thousands of html files into my spreadsheet. The code is working fine. Since I am importing thousands of files, when there is no more space on my worksheet, the code stops with an error message. I want to make this code add another worksheet & continue importing the html files until there are no more files to import.

Sub Master_Importer()
Dim I As Long
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "file:///C:/Documents and Settings/c/Desktop/New Folder/"
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Documents and SettingscDesktopNew Folder"
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
strFilename = Mid(.FoundFiles(I), InStrRev(.FoundFiles(I), "") + 1)
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;" & strPath & strFilename _ .......................

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Error 91: Find Locating Text On Another Worksheet

Oct 31, 2006

I have a single button on a spreadsheet. When clicked, it gives me Error 91: Object Variable or With Block Variable Not Set. This is the button's
Private Sub Analyze_Click()
Dim TextToLocate As String
Dim Searching As String
Dim TechNum As String

TextToLocate = "Mobile Device : "

Fname = Application. GetOpenFilename("@Road Excel Files,*.xls", , "Open @Road Log File")
Workbooks.Open (Fname)

' Error here at cells.find:
Searching = Cells.Find(What:=TextToLocate)
TechNum = Replace(Searching, TextToLocate, "")
TechNum = Left(TechNum, 5)
MsgBox TechNum

End Sub

The purpose of the code is to:Allow the user to open a log fileIn the newly opened log file, find the string "Mobile Device : "Following "Mobile Device : " is a tech number. Strip out "Mobile Device : " and grab the first 5 characters of the tech number.Show me what the tech number is in a message box
If I insert the code into the actual log file (no button and no opening of files), it works fine. I searched this forum and others and used everything I learned to find a solution, but the error remains.

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Find Date In Worksheet & Return Text Accordingly

Mar 9, 2008

Working with project information which is about 1,000 project. I have two worksheets one has the start date/finish dates for each phase of a project -Define, Measure, I, Analyze, Control. Depending on the date I need it to be read and insert a value in my summary worksheet. The summary sheet contains the 12 months. I need the formula to read two columns start/finish, if the month is the same as the header in the second report return a letter of D, M, I, A, C if not leave blank.

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Import Data From Text Files Into Excel

Nov 11, 2011

I found a good piece of code to import data from text files into excel. they are delimited

I keep getting an overflow error, and then I get the error that the file is already open?

Option Explicit

Sub OpenTextFiles()
Dim strFiles() As String
Dim strFName As String
Dim strFPath As String
Dim IntFile As Integer
Dim sep As String
'define the directory
strFPath = "C:UsersXXXXXDesktopHOLDINGTEXT into Excel"

[Code] ..........

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Importing Data From Multiple Text Files

Nov 22, 2006

I have about 1200 text files with data regarding different machines.These file contain a line called 'Validation date" and also the programe number on different line.

I need a macro which will extract this date for each program number and write in excel in two columns like program number and validation date.

I have tried with some of the macro help available on this site,but I have to do this one at a time.The time required doing this way is same as going in each text file and copy/pasting in excel.Is it possible to automate this process.

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Exporting Data Into Multiple Text Files

Jul 29, 2006

I have 10 rows and 3 columns or words(data). What I am trying to do is export this data one row at a time so that I end up with 10 text files. Each row needs to be inserted into 3 variables within my text file. (Variable1,Variable2,Variable3) and then saved. Each saved text file needs to be named Variable1-Variable2-Variable3.txt. End result should have 10 text files that are named corrosponding to each row of data and each text file should also have the 3 variables replaced with the corrosponding row data.

Right now I have to manually rename the text file (Variable1-Variable2-Variable3.txt) and then manually open the text file and select EDIT-REPLACE and insert the data 3 times. I have to do this for many many text files and it is becoming monotinous.

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Export Data Into Multiple Text Files

Aug 28, 2007

Exporting data into multiple text files

My situation is the next:
I have one columm with 70000+ rows (starts from B3 to the final).
I need to copy the data every 10 rows and save it in multiple txt files, example:
B3:B12 ----> 00001-00010.txt
B13:B22 ---> 00011-00020.txt
B23:B32 ---> 00021-00030.txt
B33:B42 ---> 00031-00040.txt

and so on.....

the macro (TextMe.xls) of xlite almost does what I am looking for.
But, how to change it in order the macro does what I need?.

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VB Code To Find Instances Of Text In Worksheet And Colour Entire Row

Aug 21, 2012

I'm trying to develop code that will perform the function in the title. I want to use an if statement that looks at cells across the worksheet and where it finds certain text it should colour the entire row. I would also like to be able to input the text via a user box. I don't necessarily want the code

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Find TextBox Text In Worksheet If CheckBox Is True / Checked

Feb 24, 2008

I have a userform where the textbox already pulls data from a worksheet. I have a checkbox next to the textbox, If the checkbox is true it finds the textbox value on a worksheet and using Offset it inserts "yes" in the next cell.

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