Marco To Sign Cell Value From Col B To Cell In Col C Based On Value Of Cell In Col A
Feb 12, 2014
I need to assign the ID value to the cell in the source column when it matches the cell value in the email column.
i.e from the email column the first cell value is his ID value is 0 I need to find all the cells with in the Source column and assign them 0.
[Code] ......
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Nov 13, 2008
I have a range: AC2:AG1400 that are filled with numbers....
Someone manually highlighted, in bright yellow, some of the numbers.
I need a macro that could reverse the signs of only those that are coloured in that yellow.
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Apr 1, 2014
I am running the below macro which work fine ! However after running the macro, I do not stay in the cell I was!! How to stay in the selected cell?
HTML Code:
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="P@ssw0r!"
Selection.Locked = True
Selection.FormulaHidden = False
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="P@ssw0r!", AllowFormattingCells:=True
End Sub
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Apr 4, 2013
I have a spreadsheet where column E needs to be filled with an amount depending on whether another cell in column F has either a + or - sign.
For example:
F2 has "+ ACH PreAuthorized", G2 has "322.1". I would like to have cell E2 fill in the amount "+322.1". So in cell E2, if F2 has a plus sign, then put in the amount in E2. If it has a - sign, put in the amount from G2 into E2 but put a - sign in front of the amount. If there is no sign at all, put a zero or leave blank.
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Oct 24, 2013
How do I Extract information before a sign "/" in a separate cell ?
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May 14, 2012
I need to enter =+c5,+c6,+c8,+c9 thru +c105 in a cell on5 different work sheets. is there an easier way than manually typing.
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Aug 16, 2013
I'm wondering if it is at all possible to have a cell comment automatically update depending on what data is input in the cell (via user input, VLOOKUP, etc.)?
For example, if cell A1 contains the text "CHARLES" with a comment saying "Employee of the Month", and is then subsequently updated with the new text "JOHN" (again, via direct input, a VLOOKUP, data validation, etc.) is there a way to have the comment automatically update to say something else, such as "Team Lead" for example?
I've considered using VBA to accomplish my goal, but am unsure how to compose an effective code to do so. I've also considered perhaps creating a named table filled with all the different comment possibilities I would like to have used in this cell and then inputting a formula in either cell A1, or the comment contained therein, that would then call the corresponding text from that table based on the data in cell A1. Honestly, I'm not sure that what I'm trying to do is even possible;
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Jan 17, 2008
For Exempel
I have even tried with concernate and indirect in A3 but no difference there...
I want A3 to return =B1 but it only returns it in text but i want it in form of a formula. Is there a formula that returns text directly into a formula or an easy way to do this?
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May 11, 2009
When I try to copy formulas across do I get a little black plus-sign in the lower right corner of the cell, when I point to it. I can then drag the plus-sign to the the area where I want to copy the formula. This plus-sign has now disappeared.
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Apr 10, 2007
Is there a way to stop getting the error of a string of poind signd (which look like ################) whenever I'm trying to copy and paste information from another worksheet, or trying to link one sheet to another?
I've already tried resizing the rows and columns to their respective maximums but it doesn't seem to work.
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Sep 24, 2013
I have one column that contains a monetary amount (column AQ) , and another that contains text reading either "inflows" or "outflows" (column AC)
When AC says "inflows", AQ should be positive, and when AC says "Outflows", AQ should be negative.
I need the text in column AQ (the monetary amount) to become red when the the opposite is true.
i.e. When AQ is negative and AC says "Inflows", AQ should become red. And when AQ is positive and AC says "Outflows", AQ should become red.
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Dec 19, 2012
I work for a UK charity and have a list of funders in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet.
One of the columns refers to the date on which a new application for funding can be made to that particular funder.
In many cases new applications for funding can't be made for 1 or more years since the last application - sometimes as many as 5 years later. How to get a cell to refer to the date that it contains.
For example, say I have in cell A1 "The Acme Funding Organisation" and in cell B1 (i.e. the "Reapply when?" column) a date of 01/04/2013 (British date format, i.e. 1 April 2013) then what I want Excel to do is to look at the date in cell B1 and if that date has been reached to highlight the cell red. That way I'll know that the reapply date has been reached & that a new application can be made.
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Jan 30, 2014
I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet consisting of many worksheets (20 or so). Each of these worksheets contain detail level data regarding different projects. One of the columns in these worksheets is the 'Status' column (column F). There is conditional formatting on this column where if the text is 'G' then change background to a green color, 'Y'=yellow, 'R'=Red and 'U'=Grey.
The first worksheet is a summary sheet that I would like to pull information from each of the detail worksheet's columns B, D, E, G and H if the status column (Column F) is 'R' or 'Y'.
The number of rows in the detail worksheet can change each week (as few as 0 and as many as 100)
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Oct 15, 2008
I am in the process of reformatting an excel workbook to act as a review tool for different factors in a process. Part of my redesign includes the use of coding that creates different cell colors based upon the cell contents. The new workbooks will be used to handle existing data for this year. I have developed a process macro to open an existing workbook and copy and transfer the original data worksheet into the newly formatted workbook. The data gets transferred to the new worksheet and the resulting workbook is renamed and saved, Heres'' the rub... the newly saved workbook is missing all of the coding for the worksheets... apparently this is a MS bug.
Has anyone figured a workaround for this. One thought I had is to open both( new and old )workbooks and rather than move/copy , i would transfer the data using cell references.
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Feb 18, 2009
Been racking brain, searching through the forum here, and my Excel 2003 Bible all day trying to figure out this problem to no avail. I would like to clear the contents of any cell in a given range if the cell immediately to the right of is formatted as bold.
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Jul 2, 2012
I have a range of cells each containing a name. Based on a number that has to be entered manually I want excel to return the names concatenated in one cell. So for example:
Number of variable entered: 5
Should give me: "q9001 q9002 q9003 q9004 q9005"
I have been trying to work with formulas using IF and CONCAT functions. But so far I haven't figured out how to have excel return me the correct amount of variables for each separate number that can be entered seeing the number of variables entered can vary from 1 up to 50.
(Using Excel 2010)
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Apr 24, 2014
Formula that will repeat a cell number as it drags down and as soon as the number changes. I am using helper column that shows the cell number. I need to drag this down about 1000 rows.
Excel 2010
Helper Column
Desired Result
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Jan 10, 2013
I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.
In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.
Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.
Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.
Column D is when monthly inspection is due.
Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.
I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A
I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.
For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.
Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due
January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3
Ive also attached the worksheet
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Apr 14, 2014
I have the the following spreadsheet: [URL] My formula in Columns A to E is the following:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE))
I would like to do the following in Column A: If the date in Column C is greater than today, then Column A must also say "Branch Not Open". I have tried the following:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),IF(C:C<=TODAY,"Branch Not Open, IF(AND(C:C=>TODAY,VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:I,9,FALSE)))
But Excel does not like the formula at all.
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Jan 7, 2014
Ok, basically C3 is a dollar amount. The default total for C3 is $0.00. If C3 is $0.00 then this formula cell will display a blank cell. If there is any other amount in C3 then the formula C3-C2 will run.
I tried this but it's not working:
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Oct 10, 2009
Is there a way to make a cell populate certain text based on conditions of other cells without putting the formula in the cell you want to populate. So that someone could type other text into the cell if the conditions were not met?
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Jan 9, 2010
Trying to word this right. I have one cell with a date of 01/01/2010. I have other cells that I want to be equal to this cell plus 1 or more months.
For example A1=01/01/2010
I want A2 to = 02/01/2010 based on one calendar month entered into A1. So if A1 changes 03/01/2010, A2 will = 04/01/2010.
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Aug 5, 2013
I have a table which says that this is the amount of coloured cells we have in another sheet.
For e.g.
Field Name Code A
Item Description 5
Now, the item description column has 5 cells in another sheet which are filled in with "Yellow" Colour. So what i want to do is to click on this 5 in sheet 2 in this case as per the attached sample which takes me to the filtered result on sheet1 of 5 yellow coloured cells under the column of Item description including an additional filter of Code "A"
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Oct 9, 2013
I have two columns. In column B is the date of "last check". I column A is the date of "next check". I would like to have cell A2 in yellow color 334 days after the date entered in cell A3 and than in red color 365 days after the date entered in cell A3. Same thing for cell B2 related to date entered in cell B3. Yellow color in cells announces that check will expire within 30 days and red color that check has been expired.
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Apr 30, 2009
I am trying to find some VBA that will allow protected cells to be updated when a user enters or selects data in other cells.
For example:
Cell 'A1' starts out blank.
Cell 'B1' has a drop down to select specific items.
Cell 'C1' is the date of the order and is a locked cell.
Cell 'D1' is the date of completion and is a locked cell.
The worksheet is protected to prevent direct changes to cells C1 and D1.
If a user enters any information in A1, then C1 displays the current date.
If a user selects 'Complete' from the drop-down list in B1, then D1 displays the current date. Both of these actions are independant of one another. This format is the same for every cell in the 4 columns indicated above. I thought I was able to do this in another spreadsheet I created a year or so ago but I have not been able to figure out what I did and I do not have the spreadsheet to look at.
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May 4, 2009
If i have a range say E12:O12 and want to find the last cell before blank, lets say it finds m12 as the cell with the value before blank. then with m12 it needs to determine weather row 11 in the same column has Text either "S" or "F" if "S" then m12 = t if "F" then m12 offset(1,-1) = t. And just to make things more difficult i need the range E12:O12 to step 2 as well until it gets to E208:O208 .Noting that row 11 never changes and will always have either an "S" Or an "F"
and also t = time()
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Oct 24, 2007
I am trying to create conditional formating of a cell based on the value of another cell whish is linked to another sheet. I an using the "The formula is =$AA$30=1" where the cell AA30 is the cell linked to the other sheet. the problem is I have to do thiss for approx 200 cells ie =$AA$30=1, =$AB$30=1, =$AA$31=1, =$AB$31=1 --- =$AZ$42=1. Do I have to enter the formulea for each cell or is there a way to automate this?
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Jan 11, 2012
how would you do the following in excel 2007:
"SUM numbers within a cell based on unique strings in another cell".
For example, how would i use formula to SUM the following numbers (and only the numbers for david and sam only once), 700+454+50+40+2+129+16
700 david
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Apr 28, 2014
I am working with a spreadsheet that has our user data; User(First) Name, User(Last) name, Computer Name, MAC address, Phone Number, Seating Position and Network Port Number.
I have let this get horribly out of sync, moved computers around, and moved them while the MAC address column was hidden, As a result, I have a bunch of users listed as being at the wrong computer. I have a second spreadsheet I generated that gives me the logged in user for about 2/3 of my computers, with the computer name(Just 2 columns, 'A' and 'B'. I would like to have Excel match the computer name and then overwrite the user name. For example, if the first computer in my correct user list is DELL-99945ty2, and the user name is "Jimbo Jones", I would like it to search the first Excel doc(The one with all of the user data), and replace the user name with "Jimbo Jones". Is this simple and straightforward?
In my main spreadsheet, the user name is in column B and the computer name is in column G, So I want to use the values from Column B in my second document to find its match in Column G of the first spreadsheet, and then replace the data in Column B with Column A in the first spreadsheet.
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Jan 26, 2007
how can we disable/enable a cell based on a condition which is dependent on other cell data
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