Match Up Data Across Workbooks
Nov 28, 2007
I am looking for help with a macro that will match up line items from two different spreadsheets. Basically I have a master accounting sheet which has the Income and Expenses for a building that dates back quite a ways. Each month I grab the financials and add it to the master sheet. The problem is that the master sheet has many more line items than the current month, so it takes me 5 or 10 minutes to match up the line items.
I have attached an example. The "Master (Before)" sheet is the historical financials. The last two columns are the new month before it has been lined up. The "Master (After)" sheet is what it should look like after the line items are matched up.
Line Items.xls
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Feb 13, 2014
I have 2 worksheets, A and B. In both worksheets there is common data in column A (account ID). I would like to find a way to return all of the data for the matching row in worksheet B and have it pasted into the matching row in worksheet A.
So in the example below, I am looking for a function that will match on Account ID in both worksheets and then paste the results from Dataset 1, 2 and 3 into the row with the matching Account ID in worksheet A.
Worksheet A
Account ID
Column to paste matching rows from Worksheet B
Worksheet B
Account ID
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Dataset 3
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Mar 13, 2009
I am trying to get excel to search a workbook/(or worksheet if easier) for a matching unique value and fill in its associated data. My first workbook has the SKU (A) filled in but not the UPC (B). My second workbook has both the SKU (A) and the matching UPC (C) filled in.
I need to take both workbooks/(worksheets), compare the SKUs, and if a matching SKU is found, extract the UPC from Workbook 2 and fill in the UPC field in Workbook 1, and if no UPC is present in Workbook 2, then it leaves the cell in Workbook 1 blank.
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Aug 26, 2009
when I run macro get an error
The code will go through each line of data checking to see if it can find a match. If not, the cells will be highlighted yellow. It checks from both sides, first checks sheet 1 compared to sheet 2, then sheet 2 compared to sheet 1. That should encompass the variations between the 2 sheets.
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Jan 10, 2007
I have more than workbook (containing a lot of data ) , each of them has 2 columns ( names and codes)
I need to use VLOOKUP in another workbook , with 2 coulmns also , to get the name relevent to the code that I enter in coulmn A , so that the name appear in the next cell in coulmn B
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Jun 11, 2009
I have 2 workbooks. and i would like to do the following:
- 4 columns (product ID, quantity, Group, Comments)
Product ID, Quantity, Group, Comments
11111, 500, ?,?
11122, 1000, ?,?
11133, 250, ?,?
11144, 250, ?,?
11343, 700, ?,?
12134, 750, ?,?
- 2 columns (group A, Group B)
for group A:
min qty: 250
min increment: 250........................
1) I need to match the product ID in workbook1 with workbook2 - see which group it belongs and put into workbook1 under column group
2) I need to count the no.of quantity and see if it meet the citeria and place Yes/No in workbook1 column under Comments.
- for example:
product ID 11111 in workbook1 can be found in workbook2 group A (put group A into workbook1 under column group)
do a check: prodct ID 11111 has 500 in quantity, since its under group A it meets the min qty of 250. and followed by it meets the min increment too - 500/250 (thus put Yes into workbook1 column under Comments)
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Jan 15, 2010
I have 2 workbooks formatted the same way.
Using VBA, I want to search through book1 Col A which has a list of Code # s.
If a Code # is in Book 2 Col A, find a match on Book 1 Col A.
After finding a match, compare the range in Book 2 ( Which is the 4 cells immediately to the right ) to the match with the corresponding range in Book 1.
If the range contents are not the same, copy the range from Book2 to Book1 and replace the range in Book1.
If there is NO Match of the Code # in Col A, then Copy the entire row to Book1 and append it to the end of the current Book1 used range.
A MsgBox to show how many changes and additions at the end.
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May 2, 2008
I have a spreadheet which requires data from another spreadsheet. Spreadsheet 1 is only project numbers, spreadsheet 2 has all the customer data in it. I have used a 'vlookup' function to find the project number and copy the appropriate information over. The problem I have is the projects are a 6 number format (eg 531300) in both spreadsheets. In the sheet I want to complete, the project numbers only match the first 4 numbers, as they are seperated into sub-projects. Therefore the data in the data spreadsheet will only have a row for 531300, yet the one I fill in might have rows 531300, 531301, 531302 etc. Is there a way to run the 'vlookup' and only match the first 4 numbers. The current formula I have in the first cell is as follows: =VLOOKUP(A4,'[Project Database_Updated 04-30-08.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$E$1007,2,FALSE)
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Aug 15, 2014
I'm using two workbooks and looking to see if two columns match, then value in the cell should be the corresponding value of that cell.
For example:
I'm using
If(Match(A2,"name of other workbook",0, I want the value in column F of row 2, "not in raw data")
But it keeps saying too many arguments.
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Aug 23, 2008
I have 2 reports with the same column headings. I want Excel to compare each one on the common OrderID and then just show me the ones that don't match--either one invoice can't be found on the other, or in the cases where they are found, the invoice amounts do not match (IOW create an exception report).
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Jun 13, 2006
I have 2 workbooks each with last name columns. One book has a column of a few hundred names and the other has a column of over a thousand. I need to compare the last names and pull out the employeeID (which is in a seperate column) to a specific column for the ones that match.
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Sep 5, 2009
I have a line in my VBA code that i need to change the location of Sheet1 to another workbooks. Instead of Match at Sheet1 at the same workbook I need to match with sheet1 at another workbook called ("Master.xls). The Original Line:
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Nov 16, 2011
I'm trying to automate a search and match function between two separate workbooks using VBA and am having some problems. I'm using the following line:
search_results = Application.Match(temp, Range("E1:E900"), 0)
which works fine. now the problem is that when i'm searching for lets say "ABCD" in one of the workbooks, if there is an entry "ABCD " (with a space at the end) it says that the entry doesn't exist. is there any way of correcting it such that it would always neglect the space at the end if it exists? i tried using -1 instead of 0 and it messes up, so i'm not sure what to do.
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Dec 6, 2006
I need to create a macro to find matches between multiple specific workbooks and a named range. I am new to macros and am very confused. After searching the forums here, I am still lost, even though they are very informative. So far,I have created a Dynamic Named Range called NamesList
that selects the cells which I update manually each day. Once I have updated the list of names, I need to create a macro that will decide whether or not the names in the dynamic named range CurrentDay (located in workbookA) already exist in workbookB. The macro needs to create a list of the which names already exist in the workbook, and which do not. For the names that do not exist in workbookB, I then need to search workbookB and workbookC for matches, again creating a list of results. Until now I have been manually using Ctrl + F (Find Method)and going down my list of names to search through each workbook.
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Oct 8, 2009
I am trying to match data from 2 independent sets, formatted slightly differently so not sure which function would work best for me. From the attached file, I am trying to match the date and time stamp (in cell A1) with that from the other data (in this example in cell E1) and return the data (from cell F1) to cell C1. So basically any date and time stamp before 04/03/09 04:00 will return a value of 44 (this value should appear, therefore in cells C1 - C30)
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Aug 2, 2013
I have three source workbooks that needed to be consolidated into a master workbook pasting the data with values & formatting.
The Master workbook also contains 6 additional worksheets that link to the data pulled in from the source files.
My question is how do I write the code so the source files populate the master in a specific order.
For example, the 3 source files are named "Central" "NED" and "WEST" and I need them to populate the master workbook in that order.
This is the code I am using to consolidate the data:
Option Explicit
Sub ConsolidateSheetsFromWorkbooks()
'Author: Jennifer Starr
'Date: 7/12/2013
'Summary: Open all files in a folder and merge data (stacked) on all
[Code] .....
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Mar 13, 2007
I have data in 2 workbooks. Book1 - Sheet1 - Col A and Book2 - Sheet2 - Col A. I want to compare Book2 with Book1 and list all values in Book2 that do not find a match in Book1. I want to run a macro for this
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Jul 16, 2014
You have two Workbooks open. Workbook 1 and Workbook 2.
You COPY all the data from Workbook 1 and PASTE the data as a 'Link' into Workbook 2.
You then save and close both Workbooks.
You then open Workbook 1 and edit the data. You save and close Workbook 1.
Will the linked data in Workbook 2 update automatically (i.e., without opening the file)?
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Aug 1, 2014
I have an excel spreadsheet supplied by a client, let's call this the master sheet, with about 500 URLs and I've been asked to gather information from Google Analytics and place in a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can't be changed as it goes into their CRM system.
On the master sheet, we have a list of URLS, what I need to do is go through each URL and place the number of visits to each URL on a weekly basis.
Google Analytics excel spreadsheet, will spit out a list of URLs and the page visit numbers.
My question is:
If I have both spreadsheets open, the master spreadsheet and the information from Google Analytics spreadsheet. Is there a way of having both sheets open and doing an exact match on the URLs between both spreadsheets, so we can copy and paste the information directly.
Or even a formula that says something like:
If the master sheet spread has the same URL in the Google Analytics spreadsheet, paste the relevant information into the correct cells?
As you can see, doing this manually will take a long time. I'm just looking for a productive method to save time.
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Aug 5, 2014
Itransferring data across two work books I have.
Every month I get sent sales figures of products, from now I have been typing in every sales figure which is long and boring. So I was wondering whether there is a way to make excel match the products on each workbook (mine and the one I get sent) seeing as there is a product number on both workbooks and then have excel automatically fill in the field I type manually which are quantity and value. So excel would see on the one workbook that product X has sold 10 units with 1000 value and then would go across to my workbook and fill that in the area I need on mine matching from the product code?
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Jan 23, 2009
I have to workbooks and I want to populate one of them with data from the other. The receiving document has the fields Account and SubAccount which I need to match up with the account and subaccounts in the other workbook.
However, in the other workbook, the line looks like "1000 Wages 000001" (which is account, name, subaccount). I can't find out how to have my receiving document scanning the providing document and when it finds an account and subaccount (in the above string) that matches the account and subaccount in the receiving document, to bring over the data.
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Dec 13, 2013
I recieve a data file on a monthly basis. Is there a way to take all of the monthly worksheets and combine into one workbook without doing a copy paste every month?
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Oct 11, 2008
i had received a new project. i want to compare the data among 2 different workbooks. there are book1 and book2 which i attach at here. if there are 1 cells is different with both workbooks, then the whole row will copy and paste to a new workbook "output.xls".
i also attach the "output.xls" at here.
the background color i highlighted which data is different, just for easy to view. so can ignore the color.
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Dec 3, 2008
A while back someone helped me out with a code to pull data out of all workbooks in a folder.
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Mar 6, 2009
Look in folder and find workbooks with date in name:
Date format is MMDDYYYY
Workbooks have multipule sheets
Look at columns in worksheet E and G.
If E >=10 and G is "ENABLE" copy A:G and
the tab name and paste in the workbook that has
this VB code.
What I am going to do is create a workbook
with a button on Sheet1 and put your code
behind the button that will tackle this great
feet that I do manually that takes about
3 days to do.
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Apr 16, 2009
Is it possible too do this if they are on the same computer. Lets say I want all the data on page3 in one workbook, data on page2 in another and have it show up in another workbook. If this can be done can it delete cell entry that match?
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Jul 22, 2009
I'm trying to copy data from several workbooks into another - in Excel 2003. The following code works perfectly except when there is only the header row in the target workbook. Then I get the following error message, "Run time error 1004. Application defined or Object defined error". How can I get it to find A2 the first time - without coding A2 in?
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Dec 14, 2009
Is it possible when i am in my current workbook to refer to the value in another cell in another workbook within a formula?
I have a workbook named "Sample1.xls" that contains a spreadsheet "revenue" and in cell C24 is the value that i want to have in my current workbook.
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Jul 11, 2014
I am working on a project that requires me to copy columns from multiple workbooks to a main one. I am a new comer to VBA what I could come up with gives me an error. Here's where I am right now:
Sub Import_Click()
Dim MainFile As Workbook
Dim ComFile As Workbook
Dim RDFile As Workbook
Dim UTIFile As Workbook
MainFile = Dir("C:ModelingProcess FilesMain File.xlsm")
ComFile = Dir("C:ModelingProcess FilesModeling - Commercial.xlsx")
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Apr 8, 2008
I have a series of of quesitons but honestly, I think it'll be answered by ONE question.
This is the my request as described below:
Bob, Jim, and Lisa are Project Managers (PM). Each PM has a Project Template Workbook with required info they need to fill out PER job. This Template workbook has a VBA button that submits their info to the PM Master File.
The PM Master file is a seperate workbook that sums up each project as filled out by the Project Template Workbook.
What I need is the code to either copy/paste the values from the template to the master file ensuring that the most recent addition of information goes to the next row and doesn't paste over the existing data.... or ... I need a different approach.
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