Match Data In 2 Cells In Different Workbooks And Then Copy Results In Matching Row?

Feb 13, 2014

I have 2 worksheets, A and B. In both worksheets there is common data in column A (account ID). I would like to find a way to return all of the data for the matching row in worksheet B and have it pasted into the matching row in worksheet A.

So in the example below, I am looking for a function that will match on Account ID in both worksheets and then paste the results from Dataset 1, 2 and 3 into the row with the matching Account ID in worksheet A.

Worksheet A
Account ID
Column to paste matching rows from Worksheet B



Worksheet B
Account ID
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Dataset 3



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Match Values Between 2 Sheets, Copy All Corresponding Data & Sum Results

Feb 2, 2009

I want to locate the corresponding acct number between worksheets “primary_data” and “qty_movement” and once a match is found (from acct worksheet) then copy over the acct numbers and the share data to the results page. If there is no match I don’t want anything copied to the results page, just ignore that data on either worksheet “primary_data” or “qty_movement”.

•Both ranges on “primary_data” and “qty_movement” worksheet are variable, as accts are left off or kept on depending on the daily activity so the ranges are never set.
•I need to concatenate on “primary_data” worksheet cells A&B&C to get acct number
•concatenate on “qty_movment” worksheet cells B&C (need to keep zeros in front of actual numbers for acct number reasons)
•these accts need to be cross referenced as the accounts on the “acct” worksheet (pre-populated with corresponding acct numbers that never change and will always be on that worksheet)
•If a match is found on the “acct” sheet then I would like it to either replace the acct so they match on both worksheets or just to recognize those accounts correspond with each other and do the below.
•then take the 2 concatenated acct numbers off of “primary_data” and “qty_movement” in the I cells and copy them over to the “results” worksheet as well as the share data from “primary_data (column E)” and “qty_movement(Column D)” and then compare the 2 share amounts on “results(column E)”

i need to elaborate on anything, the attached sample sheet shows what i want to do, but without any formulas or code.

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Compare Two Workbooks And Copy Matching Row

Jul 23, 2013

I have two open workbooks, the first is called "Original Data.xls", the second "SIP.xls".The "Original Data" workbook contains a sheet called "Data" which has a list of information in the column range 'B:H', starting at row '4'.The "SIP" workbook contains a sheet called "Staff" which has a list of unique ID's in column B, starting at row 4.What I'd like to be able to do is compare the unique ID's in column 'B' of the "Data" sheet to that of the unique ID's in column B of the "Staff" sheet. NB.

There could be multiple records for the same unique ID in the "Data" sheet, but they will only occur once in the "Staff" sheet.If a match is found, I'd like to copy the row from the "Data" sheet and paste this to a sheet called "Matched", starting in B4, also contained in the "Original Data.xls" file.As each match is found I'd like to paste this into the next available line on the "Matched" sheet, and I would like, if at all possible, for the macro to continue checking for multiple entries until column 'B' in the "Data" sheet is blank.

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Copy Matching Rows From 2 Workbooks

Aug 8, 2006

I have 2 work books A and B. I want to be able to copy the entire rows out of WB A, which contain the same data as one of colums in WB B



Bob Smith | 3 Smith Lane | 0204587512 | |

Tom Brown | 3 Brown Lane | 020241445 | |


| |

Would give me WB C

Bob Smith | 3 Smith Lane | 0204587512 | |

Any way of doing this?? I know that i could use ' find' then copy the data, except i have around 300 records...

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Copy Corresponding Data Based On Matching Cells?

Jul 15, 2014

I am trying to copy a row based on the value of a cell.

I have two sheets in my workbook and on sheet 1, I have a part number and a description. On sheet 2, I have part numbers again, but this time I the description is broken up into the format I need.

What I am trying to do is have excel search on sheet 2 for the part numbers, then copy the information that corresponds to the part number into the correct column.

I have tried using Vlookup. But if the part number in row 2 on sheet 1 match the one in row 8 on sheet 2, this will copy over the data from row 2 whereas I need row 8.

If this would be more doable using VBA, that is fine by me. I haven't been able to figure out anything in VBA or in excel formulas up to this point.

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Copy Filtered Results & Transpose In Many Workbooks

Aug 20, 2006

I have a folder with 250 files. Each of the file has only one column. I need to search the rows starting with "Party Name" and copy them in any one row. I want a macro either to copy the filtered results in the same file or a fresh workbook.

Column A
row 1 ABCDE
row 2 FGHI
row 3 Party Name:Abcd
row 4 JKLM
row 5 nopq
row 6 STUV
row 7 Party Name:ryz
row 8 Party Name:mno
row 9 XYZ

I want the results as below:

Column A Column B Column C Column D
row 1 ABCDE Party Name:Abcd Party Name:ryz Party Name:mno

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Merge Two Workbooks. Copy Column Data Based On Numerical ID Match Of Another Column.

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to get excel to search a workbook/(or worksheet if easier) for a matching unique value and fill in its associated data. My first workbook has the SKU (A) filled in but not the UPC (B). My second workbook has both the SKU (A) and the matching UPC (C) filled in.

I need to take both workbooks/(worksheets), compare the SKUs, and if a matching SKU is found, extract the UPC from Workbook 2 and fill in the UPC field in Workbook 1, and if no UPC is present in Workbook 2, then it leaves the cell in Workbook 1 blank.

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Search To Find Matching Cells And Copy/transpose Adjacent Data To Original Sheet?

Nov 12, 2009

I'm trying to find a way to search a second sheet in a workbook for specific criteria outlined in a first sheet (in my attached example, from A3 downwards within the 'list of search criteria' sheet), and then to copy any secondary data found against a successful search match to the original sheet, transposed against its corresponding matched search term.

As you can see in the example, the search term 'bindi' (A4 in the 'list of search criteria' sheet) appears in the 'data' sheet 3 times - the secondary data for these occurences ('feathery', 'Fibonacci', 'glassy') is copied to the 'bindi' row on the first sheet and is offset with each copy to produce a transposed-esque effect of copy and paste.

If it's any help, there are a maximum of 9 matches for a single search term in the real document.

Thanks in advance for your help... I tried to adapt a previous solution given to me for a similar question but failed miserably. I bow humbly to your expertise!

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VBA - Copy Data On Different Cells In Master Spreadsheet To Multiple Closed Workbooks

Dec 19, 2013

I have tried to write the below VBA to copy a specific cell to a specific workbook. I have set the folder path in B1 and listed the file names in column E4 onwards. E1 being the number of files in column E. I get a run-time error 91 "Object variable or With block variable not set" on Current File =

Sub UpdateParameters()
Dim CurrentFile As Workbook
Dim wbOpen As Workbook


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Lookup Matching Data In Other Workbooks

Oct 24, 2006

I am looking for a way to add cells to a master workbook from matching cells in various other workbooks. The master will have the complete list of store numbers. The other files will just show the store number that had returns. I need to add a new column to the master workbook for each of the other files. If that makes sense?? So the master report header row will have: storeno,storename,3-1-06,3-15-06,4-1-06,4-15-06, etc..... Then column a will be a listing of the store number 1 -200.

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Match & Copy Ranges Across Workbooks

Jan 15, 2010

I have 2 workbooks formatted the same way.

Using VBA, I want to search through book1 Col A which has a list of Code # s.
If a Code # is in Book 2 Col A, find a match on Book 1 Col A.

After finding a match, compare the range in Book 2 ( Which is the 4 cells immediately to the right ) to the match with the corresponding range in Book 1.

If the range contents are not the same, copy the range from Book2 to Book1 and replace the range in Book1.
If there is NO Match of the Code # in Col A, then Copy the entire row to Book1 and append it to the end of the current Book1 used range.

A MsgBox to show how many changes and additions at the end.

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Populate Workbook With Matching Data From Other Workbooks

Dec 10, 2006

I have a one excel workbook with columns customer id , customer name, customer address
and another excel work book with columns customer id , account name, account type.

I am in need to produce a new excel workbook with datas from above said 2 workbooks with customer id column as reference by macro programming in excel.

So the new workbook should have data from the columns customer id, customer name and account name

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Copy Matching And Non Matching Data Into New Worksheet

Feb 20, 2014

I have two worksheet "ABX" and "ACX" from which I want to find the matching data for specific columns B, D and E only.

Matching data will be in sheet "Match" and vice versa.

Data are present dynamically.

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Data Matching And Import Function From 2 Workbooks Into Main

Aug 25, 2007

Im creating a cash reconciliation application for a BUS operator client that has 6 depots and 1500 drivers.

each driver is uniquely identified by a special number.

long story short, I get 2 workbooks (named Cash1 & Cash2) that I need to have imported by driver number in my main cash rec workbook named Cashrec.

for example; ...

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Row Matching Macro. (match Duplicating Cells)

May 4, 2009

I m writing a macro that will match duplicating cells in an excel spreadsheet. Here is an example.


id1 | example 1 | example 2 |
id2 | example 3 | example 4 |
id1 | example 5 | example 6 |
id2 | example 7 | |


id1 | example 1 | example 2 | example 5 | example 6 |
id2 | example 3 | example 4 | example 7 | |

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Copy Few Cells Of Data Between Worksheets If Values Match Between Columns

Mar 9, 2012

Been a while since I've worked with macros within excel and I can't seem to get what I remember being a basic macro to work whatsoever. I have 2 worksheets containing a massive amount of data and need to pull some cells from one into the other when values in 2 columns match.

To better explain, sheet1 has ID numbers in column G spanning for roughly 1700 rows. Sheet 2 has corresponding ID numbers in column EO. The data I need to copy over is in columns EP and EQ on sheet 2.

So I'm trying to build a macro to compare the values in Sheet1_Column_G to those on Sheet2_Column_EO and when a match is found, copy the value in EO and the adjacent entries in columns EP & EQ over into columns X, Y, and Z on sheet 1.

Couldn't get a VB function together to save my life so I tried working with MATCH & INDEX and didn't get very far either. I've included my current function below.

=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(G1606,Data!$EO$527:$EO$601,0)),INDEX(Data!$EO$527:$EQ$601,MATCH(G1606,Data!$EO$527:$EO$601,0)),"Not Found")

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Match Up Data Across Workbooks

Nov 28, 2007

I am looking for help with a macro that will match up line items from two different spreadsheets. Basically I have a master accounting sheet which has the Income and Expenses for a building that dates back quite a ways. Each month I grab the financials and add it to the master sheet. The problem is that the master sheet has many more line items than the current month, so it takes me 5 or 10 minutes to match up the line items.

I have attached an example. The "Master (Before)" sheet is the historical financials. The last two columns are the new month before it has been lined up. The "Master (After)" sheet is what it should look like after the line items are matched up.

Line Items.xls

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Search Sheets For Data Match, Paste Results

May 13, 2009

I have a worksheet named "List" with static values in columns A & B. I want to search all the other worksheets in the same workbook for the one that matches the value I entered in column B on the "List" sheet. The cell on the other worksheets with the possible match is B5. When it finds a match, I want it to take the data from cell B3 on that worksheet and paste it in Column C of the "List" sheet on the corresponding row (all rows in the "List" sheet have a different value in Column B).

In other words, when "List"b7 = worksheetb5 , then worksheetb3 is pasted to Listc7.

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Index And Match To Check Data And Provide Exception Results

Mar 25, 2014

Currently i am using index and match in excel but however i am unable to get the result tt I want.. what i need is

Data to check with item master whether all 3 (article, color code and size) matches and if it doesn't match, which of the field is wrong. (eg: wrong color code, wrong size or article don't exist).

[Code] .......

Above is my item master

Data to check

[Code] ........

Example case: 1

Checking first row of data check

Article number: 2-50660147

Color code: 6

Size: M

Result: "Wrong size"

But however, it returns as wrong size as it only reads the first time the article number appear in the item master and does not recognize the second time the article number appears with the correct color and size.

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Search A Sheet For A Match And Then Copy All The Cells To The Right Of The Match

Jul 13, 2009

I need a macro that can search a sheet for a match and then copy all 7 cells to the right of the match. I have attached an example of the sheet that will serve as the database to search, and a userform example that will be similar to the userfrom that will display the copied cells when a match is found. I plan to copy and paste the 7 cells to a different sheet so that the userform can display the results with the control source property. I do not need a way to add to this database. I know very little about searching a database so.

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Copy Cells Into Workbooks Names Mapped From Copy Cell

Aug 20, 2008

1. I have a list of data (Collated Data)
2. For every row in collated data I want to export the cells into a corresponding cell in my predetermined workbook (TAF Form), i.e, Cell C1 on Collated data goes into Cell D3 on TAF Form, cell D1 to cell I3 etc etc
3. Once all cells in one row have been copied into the TAF Form I want that TAF Form to save as "TAF Form & Employee Name" (which would come from cell D3).
4. I then want "TAF Form & Employee Name" to close.
5. I then want the Macro to do the same thing for Row 2, copy the cells, save the form, close the form
6. I want to do this for every row that I have (which varies).

Is this possible? If you have any more questions in terms of what I need, don't hesitate to ask.

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Copy All Cells In Column E And Get The Right Results

Dec 10, 2009

I would like if someone could tell me what formula to put in the cells in Column E so that I can copy it to all cells in Column E and get the right results.

Here are the results I need: ....

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Copy Comment Of Matching Cells To One Cell

Feb 15, 2007

I have two ranges AA:DD and F:G, I have to find matching pair in AA:DD and in F:G and copy H and add as a comment to D, its hard to explain. see my attached workbook.

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Copy Cells Matching Multiple Criteria

Aug 28, 2007

On my worksheet (which I have stripped down significantly to be able to upload here), I am looking for a way to copy certain cells over when the TCR (machine) numbers match. So, on the spreadsheet, if there is a 1 on the De La Rue sheet in the A column, it will then copy the value that is in cell B (directly next to it) and paste it into the balance sheet tab in column J in the row that has the same number in it. It would then do this for all machines in the balance sheet.

Then it would go to the "Ecoin Amounts" sheet, and do the same match, copy, paste, but this time it would be if the machine number matches, it takes the value from column D and the value from column H and pastes these into the balance sheet sheet in columns C and E respectively.

As you can see from the balance sheet tab, I tried using a VLOOKUP function, but when I import my initial data to the sheets, and manipulate it the way that I want, it gives be a reference error. I could possibly circumvent this by writing the VLOOKUP amounts as part of my macro, but I wanted to see if this could be done any easier.

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Copy Matching Cells In Series From Column

Sep 2, 2007

in writing a macro that does the following.

Right there data in cell A1 lets say LTP BY001 and then the next data in column A is LTP BY002 in cell A9. What I need to do is copy LTP BY001 from cell a2-A8 and then LTP BY002 From A10 until LTP BY003 appears lets say A15. Therefore need LTP BY002 copying from A11-A14. I need that to go right the way down the workbook at everytime their is a number change.

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Copy Pairs From 2 Columns To Formula Reference Cells & Copy Updated Formula Results

Jun 24, 2008

I am currently working on a data analysis project (data mining) and need to collect and later analyze statistics for the inputs which control a series of calculations. These statistics are shown in the Statistics 1, Statistics 2 and Statistics 3 cells in the workbook that I attached. The inputs are X,Y; all possible values for these inputs are listed in the N,O columns. Basically I need a macro which would take the values from these two columns and place them pair after pair into the controlling cells (K3, L3), then it would copy cells H2 through L3 (updated stats) to a new sheet after each copy operation - so that I will finally have a list of statistics for all of the input pairs.

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Copy Cells To Proceeding Workbooks

Mar 9, 2007

I have a woorkbook with a sheet for each week. What I want to be able to do is select 2 cells and click a macro button that will ask how many weeks to copy these cells to.

I could then enter, say "10" and the cells would then be copied to the ten proceeding weeks workbooks. Assuming that the sheets are in order!

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Copy Set Cells From Multiple Workbooks Into 1

Mar 26, 2008

As an answer to a post about vba script for consolidating workbooks based upon pre-defined cells,

Sub ConsolidateDate()
Dim wbDst As Workbook
Dim wbSrc As Workbook
Dim wsDst As Worksheet
Dim wsSrc As Worksheet
Dim I As Long
Set wbDst = ThisWorkbook
Set wsDst = wbDst.ActiveSheet
With Application.FileSearch
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
.LookIn = "C:Myfolder"
For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
Set wbSrc = Workbooks.Open(.FoundFiles(I))
Set wsSrc = wbSrc.Worksheets("Data")
wsDst. Range("A" & I) = wsSrc.Range("A2")
wsDst.Range("B" & I) = wsSrc.Range("C6")
wsDst.Range("C" & I) = wsSrc.Range("D7")
wsDst.Range("D" & I) = Dir(.FoundFiles(I))
Next I
End With
End Sub

I was hoping someone could translate the meaning of this code for me, I am a beginner with using VBA and I am trying to write VBA script for a similar task I am working on. The references to cells A2, C6 and D7 were used as an example of cells to be copied.

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Copy Rows Of Matching Data

Jul 10, 2006

I'm trying to use a vlookup or some formulae in sheet 3 that looks at AGDP and matchs column A with a number in statement file worksheet column b. If they match not all of them will then the row is cut and paste into Sheet 3.

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Copy Matching Data From Worksheet

Nov 12, 2006

I have 2 worksheets in excel.

1. No. Description Code Req Unit Amount
1 Description 591032 1 pc ?
2 Despription 614804 25 pcs ?

2. No. Code Description Unit Qty Items Amount
1 591032 Description pc 1 84.30 84.30
2 614804 Description pcs 25 0.89 25.25

I would like to copy the amount in worksheet 2 to paste it to worksheet 1, by searching using code value. Advice: the codes are in different places in worksheet 1 & 2

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