Monitor Multiple Cells For Input Event?

May 7, 2014

Below is code. However, I need this to happen for multiple cells.

The cells that I need to monitor are B10, B12, B14.... through B96 and F, J, N, R columns for the same rows. The input values will be stored in cells AM10, AM12, AM14 .... through 96 for the B column results. Then for F, J, N, R will be AQ, AU, AY and BC respectively.

Additionally, when B10 has an input, and the user input box displays for the number of hours, there is a cancel button available, but it does not work. How can I exit the loop and clear contents of B10 if the "Cancel" button is clicked in the dialogue box.

[Code] .....

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Spreadsheet Control (monitor For The Cell Change Event)

Jun 16, 2009

I have a spreadsheet control inside of a userform. I can generally access this spreadsheet and do what I need to do with it. My problem is that I need to monitor it for the cell change event. I normally accomplish this with:

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Input In Multiple Cells To Generate Input Into Single Cell?

Feb 22, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with 5 columns. A1 to A5

Entries are made into columns A2 to A5 but only ever one entry across all cells

If an entry is made into A2 to A5 the I need a "P" to be placed into A1

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Monitor Specific Cells For Change

May 8, 2014

I have this code that works well for the entire column, but, I only need to monitor every other cell in the columns. the cells I want to monitor are:

B10, 12, 14...B96. the columns to be monitored are B,F,J,N,R. the column part is good. I don't want the pop up box to appear when I change B9, B11, B13 etc...

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Monitor Fast Moving Decimal Values In The Even Numbered Cells

Jul 26, 2009

To monitor fast moving decimal values in the even numbered cells( e.g. F2 to F 30 ) of a column, ignoring blank cells, and if two of cells values simultaneously fall below a certain value e.g. 2.04 True if not False.

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Worksheet Change Event For Multiple Target Cells?

Jan 20, 2014

I'm trying to run a macro anytime cells G2, J2, M2, O2, P2, S2, V2, Y2, AB2, AE2, AH2, AK2, AN2, AQ2 change.

Right now I have the below code which is working well, but I only have it set for G2. Do you know what the notation is to make the target range multiple cells?

Also, I use the xlDown command in my sorting code, but later on it reverts back to "A5:AT60"... is there any way I can remove these specific cell references? I want to avoid having to re-write the macro every time my selection shrinks or expands.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("G2")) Is Nothing Then


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Use Validation Rules To Only Allow One Input In Multiple Cells?

Oct 5, 2009

Ive been having a little issue with this spread sheet. The problem ive got is I cant get the validation to work where it only allows one yes in a bunch of cells and gives an error message, heres an example of what im talking about.

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Multiple Input Boxes & Output To Specific Cells

Jan 27, 2007

> When the workbook is opened I want a box to appear with a message and 4 choices (as buttons?).

> Based on the button clicked I want 1 of 4 new boxes to appear (replacing the first box) and ask for input values.

>I then want the inputs to be written to specific cells on a specified worksheets inside the workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Input Multiple Cells Based On Master Cell?

Dec 9, 2011

I am trying to create a UserForm in Excel 2010 that will look for a part from our database (or on a specific Sheet, possibly a hidden sheet), then add specific data from that part's row into a new line.

More Specifically:

| Part # | Description | Category | SubCategory | Cost | Labor Hours | Weight | Etc |

I want to be able to input the Part #, and have it automatically add specified information to sheets 1 and 2 and those two differ. 1 is our Quote Sheet, and 2 is our bill of materials.

Also, I need each piece of information to go to a specific column (ex. Cost always goes to Column K)

What I have now is a broken UserForm that references a DOC file with a Table, but I need something a good but more complex.

Ideally, what I want is to have 4 ListBoxes where you choose Category --> SubCategory --> Make --> Model then have several CheckBoxes below that would determine whether to add a part (Cost, Labor, Weight).

The reason for this is because we have no need for the Cost or Labor Hours in our Bill of Materials, but need that information for our Quotes. And we generally don't need Specific Dimensions in our Quotes, but DO need them in the Bill of Materials...

Can I make it so that it will insert Pre-Specified information into both sheets at the same time?

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Shading And Locking Multiple Cells From Input Based On Value In Separate Single Cell

Sep 23, 2013

Now the problem, Each client has a sheet in a workbook. In each sheet, I input the number of days of service available to that particular client in a single cell. We'll say cell [G8] is the cell used for this input in all sheets. If the client has 30 days of service available then we type [30] in cell [G8]. Each sheet is a 100 day template. I want to shade in dark grey and lock from input the days NOT available to the client based on the days of service input in cell [G8]. If 30 days of service are available in cell [G8] then the remaining 70 days on the 100 day template would be shaded dark grey and locked from input. That is, day 31 through day 100 of the template would be locked and shaded. Each individual day has multiple cells in a column. I want to lock and shade each column of cells in each day not available.

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Transferring Of Input From Input Cell To Output Cells?

Jun 8, 2014

I would like to know if it is possible to transfer values of cells this way?

I've attached the excel file for easier reference.

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Monitor Worksheet - Run Macro When Cell Changes?

Jan 9, 2012

How do I set a worksheet to monitor H29 to run a macro whenever H29 changes?

I found [URL] but I'm having trouble getting it to work right

I cant figure out the errors im getting enough to correct them.

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Make Userform Floating Monitor

Jul 22, 2008

i have a userform which displays a textbox which shows a variance in price terms based on a sheet which has live data via dde.

I would like to turn this userform into some kind of floating monitor if possible. At the moment - once you fire up the userform - the price in the textbox is fixed and does not change with the cell which fills the textbox on the userform. The only way is if you close the userform and re-open - then you will see the current price. I would like to keep this userform floating so that you can still select other cells on the sheet.
Is this possible?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("price").Range(ActiveCell.Address)
If .Value = "" Then
Me.TextBox1.Value = "No Trade Selected"...................

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User Form Trails Across Monitor Screen...

Jun 8, 2009

when I run code attached to a User Form, the user form will leave trails (similar to what you see when you win at the Microsoft Solitaire game) when you drag it around with the mouse.

I haven't been able to figure out why this is. Some of my code runs and allows me to reposition my form without issue. Other times, I get these 'form trails' that obscure what's behind the form.

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Dual Monitors - Open PDF File And Push To 2nd Monitor?

Sep 26, 2013

I know what i need to do to get it to open the file I want. I dont know how I set the position of a file that i am opening. In this case a .pdf file.

I have searched and came up with a lot of info for userforms, but I am not working with a userform in this case.

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Formula: CHECK And LINKED TO Which Consist Of The ID's Of Each Computer And The Attached Monitor

Aug 1, 2007

I'm trying to find a way to create an excel sheet for my company. It will be used to import into our CMDB. Its for computers(ID) and their monitors(LINKED TO)
We have made 3 rows: ID, CHECK and LINKED TO which consist of the ID's of each computer and the attached monitor. The CHECK row is where we put the word "OK" if that computer is physically present at that location. After this list was made, we decided NOT to link the monitors to the computers, so afterwards we will delete the row LINKED TO.

What i need to do now, in order to not have to seek every monitor manually, is to have a formula which looks up an id (i.e. WBE01111) in the LINKED TO row, and if that one exists in the ID row, it will place the word "OK" in the CHECK row.

Example: (with WBE01111 being a monitor attached to computer WBE03333)

[ID]_____________[CHECK]______[LINKED TO]
WBE03333________ OK _________WBE01111
WBE09999________ OK ________ WBE08888

**=formula must put OK here

So the WBE01111(monitor) below [LINKED TO] exists in the [ID] row, i want the formula to see that, and put OK below [CHECK] for WBE01111

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Multiple UserForms With Multiple Numeric Data Input TextBoxes

Sep 25, 2008

When one creates multiple UserForms with multiple (identical) TextBoxes, every control must have its own event handler procedures. All these TextBoxes in my workbook are to capture numeric data to populate various cells in the workbook.

Would you recommend using a Class Module to handle these events for TextBox controls, rather than having to repeat the event handler code for each control?

And if so, do you have some code that I can use that will cover most of the events and potential error handling routines for numeric input data?

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Preventing Multiple Event Triggers

Sep 15, 2014

I have a worksheet with a Change Event and a Selection Change Event.

When a cell is changed first the Change Event triggers and after that the Selection Change Event Triggers.

I have implemented a solution whereby I set Application.EnableEvents = False so that the 2nd Selection Change Event does not trigger.

However, the problem is that I need to turn EnableEvents back to True so that it can continue monitoring for events.

Is there a way to either only allow 1 event to trigger? Or is there a way to turn the Events back on after a pause of a 1 second or so?

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Multiple Targets In Event Code

Jul 28, 2006

I found this great macro here but I need it target more than column 1. does anyone knoe how to target column 1 and 3 at the same time?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 1 Then
If IsEmpty(Target) Then
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Empty
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now()
End If

End If

End Sub

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Event Handler For Multiple CommandButtons

Oct 26, 2007

I want to create an event handler for multiple buttons. I know that it can be done in VB but I'm not sure about VBA. Auto Merged Post;bump* Auto Merged Post;bump*

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Multiple OnTime In Workbook_Open Event

Dec 6, 2007

the following workbook open event which repeats a macro called "Refresh" every 30 minutes. However, there is another macro "tame_blph" that i wanna call at 12 midnight everyday.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Call tame_blph

NextTick = Now + TimeValue("00:30:00")

Application .OnTime NextTick, "Refresh", , True

End Sub

Is it even possible to have multiple Workbook open events and/or multiple NextTick or something?

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Double Click Event With Multiple If Statements

Mar 23, 2014

I am trying double click event.

Code is as follows:

[Code] .....

Not getting there yet.

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Open Another Workbook For Multiple Userform Event Use.

Sep 12, 2009

The use of this userform is to find a customer reference number. Im using two combobox's and a textbox.value that are populated from another workbook.

Though the way it is at the moment it opens the workbook and closes the workbook every time a new value is set to one of the combobox's.

I want to open the workbook on the useform initialize and do everthink the useform need from it. And then on the userform terminate close the workbook. Or somehink to this equlivent so this process of finding the customer referance number goes faster.

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Multiple Textboxes - Common Event Procedure

Apr 27, 2006

I have a userform with about 20 textboxes. I would like to use the same "data validation" procedure on each textbox as the user enters data into the form. I'll use the exit event to trigger the validation. As the user moves from one textbox to the next, the data will be validated; if it's out of range, the user will be prompted to correct it.

Is there a way to have a common event procedure so I don't have to have a separate procedure for each textbox individually? I know I can put the actual validation code in its own procedure and then call it from each event procedure but that would still leave me with 20 event procedures like:

Private Sub Textbox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
End Sub

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BeforeUpdate Event Fires Multiple Times

Feb 3, 2008

I wrote some code to validate an inputfield. I want to keep the focus on this field until a correct (numeric) value is inputed. Therefore I use teh beforeUpdate event instead of the afterUpdate event. Some strange things happen (see code below):

1. When I press enter after putting some non-numeric data in the inpBedrag2 field the msgbox is displayed three times in a row. This doesn't happen when the field loses focus by clicking another field (-> msgbox only displays once = correct behaviour)
2. What's really driving me nuts is the fact that the (more or lesse the same sub) works perfectly.

What am I doing wrong? I'm not getting it. Probably I'm doing something very stupid ... but I can't figure it out myself.

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Worksheet Change Event Spanning Multiple Worksheets

Nov 21, 2011

I have a workbook with 33 worksheets (31 date tabs and a Month To Date and Year To Date tab)

I want to have a clickable cell on each of the 1-31 date tabs to point to the MTD

I know I could do this easily with a hyperlink but I would rather have a clickable cell.

I have achieved this on an individual worksheet using the following code

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$R$3")) Is Nothing Then Sheets("MTD").Select
End Sub

My question is: Do I have to copy this to every single worksheets code or is there some way have all sheets read the same private sub? (I guess it negates the point of a "private sub")

Way to do this as it would make editing any changes easier than having to do it 31 times.

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Calling Close Event When Multiple Documents Closed

Jun 18, 2008

I'm trying to create a macro that will save backup copies of documents that have changed when a user closes them. I created an add-in and put a Workbook_BeforeClose sub in "ThisWorkbook" that saves a copy of the document in a temp location on the hard drive.

If I have three Excel documents opened and each one has changes and I close Excel (with the "big red X") it only seems to call the Workbook_BeforeClose once backing up one of the files. If I use the "Close Window" (the "little X") it doesn't call that event at all.

Is there a better event to use or a better way to backup these files when closing them or Excel?

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Before Double Click Event Procedure For Multiple Sheets

Apr 2, 2008

I have a calendar userform set as Userform1 and I would like it to pop up upon double clicking in two different ranges 'date' which is on sheet 1 and 'dates' which is on sheet 4.

So far I have this code in Thisworkbook, which works perfectly for Sheet 1, but I get the following error on Sheet 4: Run time error '1004': Methed 'intersect of object'_global' failed.

Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Intersect(Target, Sheet1.Range("date")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Exit Sub
If Intersect(taregt, Sheet4.Range("date2")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
UserForm1.Show .............................

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Worksheet Change Event :: (ByVal Target As Range) Event In Module After Creating A Sheet

Mar 27, 2009

Is there a way to write a Worksheet_SelectionChange (ByVal Target As Range) event in module after creating a sheet in VBA? I constantly delete a sheet, then repopulate it with a new one that is empty, but I need to add some code that happens if they should change a particular cell. It worked when I ran it on a worksheet without refreshing, but as soon as I cleared and repopulated the sheet, it was gone. Is there a way to preserve this?

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Event To Shade Specified Cells

May 22, 2009

I am trying to create an event that would shade certain cells if a cell is active.

For example if the active cell is cell J39, shade the following rows as follows:

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