Pick Table From Dropdown And Populate On Other Sheet?
Apr 10, 2014
From the excel spread sheet, while selecting from the drop down list (Deployment Model) from attached Workout sheet, the corresponding table should be highlighted from given tables and populate the same table in the Recommendation sheet from the same excel.
I am attaching sample sheet for your reference and easy understanding about the requirment.
Activities to be carried out:
Go to Workout (Sheet) --- > Select from drop down list (C2) -- > Based on Projection Volumes, list ----> It should highlight the corresponding table from below --> Pick up that particular table and Populate the same in Recommendation sheet (with out formulas, only values should come in tabular format)
I've been trying to get a table to populate based on a couple of criteria. However, I've not come-up with the solution yet.
I have my dropdown selections in cells C2 & C3. The objective is to populate the table below the dropdown with data from the sheet named (very unimaginatively) 'Data'. Currently you see the selection AA-11 & Mar-14 in the Contract ID & Month cells. If I change this, the table below should auto-populate.
I've attempted using Vlookup, Index-Match. But it does not give me the desired result.
Also, the number of Products can change each month (although the file shows 4 for each month & each Account).
For example, I have a master sheet that has a drop-down list of the months January and February, which have their own sheets. I am trying to populate the sales of the week 1, 2 ,3 ,4 in the master sheet based on the same data for the month chosen.
I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that can be used to easily build a collective list of steps, for a user to read and follow line-by-line.
I want a source sheet of "steps" that I can change over time, and the resulting tabs that reference the source sheet get updated/populated automatically.
I've pieced together some VBA code from other sources, which kind of does what I want it to:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Row > 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet Set SourceSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Steps") Dim TargetSheet As Worksheet Set TargetSheet = Target.Worksheet Dim c As Integer Dim Source As Range
But there are some problems:
1) The data auto-populates into a row. It would read better if each step was in the same column, meaning rows would need to be automatically added upon selecting something from the drop-down list. The number of rows that need to be added vary based on the number of steps in the source sheet, for the selection made from the drop-down list.
2) If you make a change to the source sheet, my goal is to have the other sheets referencing the source sheet's lists of steps update automatically, so you only need to update the steps in one spot and everything you've built from them gets updated instantly. Currently, you must select a different choice from the drop-down list, and then change it back, before it populates the "new" steps from the source sheet.
This is my first time using VBA.
What I have so far is attached: testAutoPopulate.xlsm
Is it possible on Excel to make a drop down menu which picks records out of a list?
I've a big spreadsheet. Thousands of records. About 100 responsible are listed responsible for them. I've highlighted stuff for them to fix, I'll be emailing it out to them, and they'll need to isolate the dozens of records they are each responsible for.
They are, erm, technologically challenged. I want to keep it simple, put one menu on the screen and say
'Pick your name from the list.'
George W picks himself, and then it lists his records but not anybody else's.
Can Excel do that? (Rather, probably, but where do I start?)
I have 2 sheets in one workbook, the first sheet named D1 where I have dropdown menus and the second sheet called reference where I have fixed data
what im looking for is when the user select an option from the dropdown menu on cell b3 on "D1" sheet based on the selection an entire table (4 rows by 3 columns) called "Default" from reference sheet to be automatically pasted into the D1 sheet.
Please see attached the Workbook. I need to check the policy Numbers in Column A to be present in Access Table. If yes then write the corresponding ScanDate and BatchNo in columns I and J.
Qmin - is the first smallest value than Q (in this case Qmin=[B5]=0.63) Qmax - is the first highest value than Q (in this case Qmax=[B6]=0.77) Hmin - the value attached to Qmin (in this case Hmin=[A5]=0.004) Hmax - the value attached to Qmax (in this case Hmax=[A6]=0.005)
question: how can i make Qmin,Qmax,Hmin,Hmax to pick up themselfs if I have a given Q=[B12] value????
In short in the attached which is just 5 results (the full workbook has a couple of data tables and if/or's etc., I've stripped all of the workings out for ease) from one of the sims in the workbook, it shows how far each of the 8 teams listed will get.
Basically in the top table (results which I have highlighted green), I am just trying to return the values in column J (highlighted yellow) which I have just inputted in the attached. Basically I then intend to use them as a results cell for a data table (for each team). As you can see from looking at the 5 sets of results in the case of St.Louis Blues it would return, STANLEY, DIVISIONAL, SEMI, WIN, WIN.
I wasn't sure quite how to do this. I thought I could possibly do this with an index and a match (but wasn't quite sure how to express the function).
I have copied and pasted the formula off the ozgrid page using a 3 column table laid out as I believe it should be however I just get the # name? error message what I am not doing right. Please help. I just want to be able to generate a random name from a table of names, eventually I need to amend the formula to encompass a larger table but I can't get the example to work!
I am sourcing data for my pivot table from an csv file. The ultimate task I am trying to accomplish is to allow the user upon hitting a button to select the file that would feed the pivot table. The code below is what I got by linking the initial source file to the pivot table. As I can see the source file named "4 Port.csv" is listed in the SQL-like statement. How do I go about allowing the user to pick the file from the "open file" dialog?
Code: With ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlExternal) .Connection = Array(Array( _ "ODBC;DefaultDir=C:Documents and Settings2301Desktop;Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};DriverId=27;FIL=text;MaxBufferS" _
When using a Pivot Table I regularly filter on known data specific to me i.e. WBS codes.
Column ‘A’ contains the WBS Codes which can be as many a 1000, however, I only need to filter out the 10 or so I require, and currently I uncheck all the records and manually scroll through the list to check the ones I require.
In order to speed things up I recorded a macro which works fine, however, If I need to check any new codes I would have to record the macro again, as I tried to edit the Macro and all it does is to un check all the other codes I don't need.
Is it possible to create a Macro that picks up a range of data that is then used to filter on. (i.e. only the records I require)
I have a table of data as below and would like a formula that will pick the number and name only (as in the need bit) - can this be done, they are on 2 seperate sheets.
I am trying to populate cells based on dropdown boxes. The data is on one worksheet and needs to be populated in cells on the main worksheet based on information in the two dropdown boxes. I have included my worksheet for reference.
I have a drop down list with 6 recipes. When I select chocolate for example I want that to automatically populate different cells in the worksheet based on a standard I have created for that recipe. The recipes won't change they just have different ingredients and I want that to show up depending on what I select on the drop down list. I went into VBA and worked a little with this starting code:
If Target.Address = "$F$3" Then Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = "1"
but It wouldn't populate separately based on what I had selected in the drop down it would just populate all 6 recipes the same.
I have a blank log template on one sheet, On this I need to be able to enter two variables that tell other cells to pick info from the next sheet. The two variables being 1) Date and 2) DAY SHIFT or NIGHT SHIFT.
On the next sheet is an archive of data running in columns with the dates in row1 and the denoted shift (day or night) in row 2. The rest of the relevant info is in the columns below each date and shift
What formula would I use so that the log template cells fill with data from the archive when the date cell and shift cell data is entered.
How to populate data in non-adjacent cells from information that is stored on another sheet. Sheet 1 is essentially setup to be visually pleasing to the user, but the data stored behind it is on another sheet stored in a more logical manner. I would like to auto-populate the nicely formatted sheet with information from sheet 2 when an item from a drop-down list is selected. I have found quite a few ways to do this using offset, etc. but in my case the values will be pulled into cells that are spread around the design sheet in no set order.
The file is attached here. I would like to be able to autopopulate cells based on a dropdown. The first tab has the final report and the other 2 tabs are the raw files.
Every time a name is selected in column C12:C15, I need that respective row to populate with $10 in column J. When column C12:C15 is blank, I need that respective row to read $0 in cloumn J. It's either one (10) or the other (0).
There are rows above and below it as well that have nothing to do with this, so the formula/function would be specific to just this subset of rows (rows 12-15).
I get close, but can't seem to nail this simple formula/function down. I am unable to download any sheets due to my work's firewall.
I have a list of staff in cell A1 in a drop down list. In cell A2, I would like Excel to populate automatically the branch from which the staff is from when I choose the staff name in cell A1.
I am looking to auto generate a roster/schedule. I have a spreadsheet with shifts for each weekday that I need to populate every week with names to pick from a drop down list. the drop down list is made using data validation and looks at a dynamic named range to allow me to select only the people who are available to work a certain shift.
I have the need to create a spreadsheet that will populate multiple fields in the spreadsheet based on a drop down selection, i.e.:
In A1 I will have a drop down with 300 items. When an item is selected the next four cells will populate with predetermined data. Example:
For each person I have information that applies only to that person like so: Bob Red Hair Blue Eyes 6' tall California Jan Blond Green 5' tall Florida Ian Brown Brown 5'5" Texas
If someone chooses bob from the drop down, I need the next four cells to display the information relating to bob.
I have 3 dropdown boxes I created using the control toolbox which pull corresponding information from 3 different columns. I would like to be able to format them so that upon data entry in the first dropdown box, the subsequent two boxes auto populate with the corresponding data. Currently I have to select the information for each dropdown box manually.
I found many examples on this forum of how one can pull in data from closed workbooks, or copy it and have it stored in the active sheet. So far so good, but I need a solution which would do the opposite - I need the macro to take a range of data form the active sheet store it in a closed workbook and save any changes in the target workbook without opening it.
I have a dropdown list selection on the form for types of machines. The list of machines, their sizes and related noise level are in a chart on worksheet 2 and I'd like to automate the form so that when the machine is selected, the related noise level auto populates.
The dropdown box has been put in the form using the data validation function.
If I make a selection using a drop down, can I have it auto populate another cell with information associated only to the made selection? For instance, if I select January from drop down in A1, I want it to auto populate B1 with 100.
sheet 1 contains student data, name dob, actual age, raw score and an empty column standardized score
sheet 2 contains a conversion table, using the actual age from sheet one you locate the age in the top row of table in sheet 2, and using the raw score from sheet 1 you locate the matching raw score from the first column of the table in sheet 2, going down and acrosss until you meet this gives you a standardised score
i want the standardized column in sheet one to fill by using a formula which looks at the table in sheet two locates the two values and returns the result.