Pivots Table Filter From One Of The Cell In Org Sheet

Aug 12, 2014

I have 3 sheets in my excel worksheet.

1. Org
2. DataSource
3. Pivots Table

My Pivot table will get the data from the DataSource sheet. I will like to have the filter of the Pivot Table from one of the cell in Org Sheet. How can I do that?

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One Filter For Multiple Pivots?

Aug 14, 2014

I have 2 separate pivots running off 2 separate data sources. The filters used for each or fairly similar (bar one entry).

Is there a way to have one filter that filters the information in both pivots even though they are not based on the same data source?

Also, with the filter that is slightly different; in one table, I have an option that shows (this is just an example) 'retail and end user' yet, in the other table these are two separate options.

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Multiple Pivots One Filter Etc

Oct 16, 2009

I am looking for a way to combine three pivot tables in to one. Basically, one sales rep will have data for the current month, the year to date, and the total year. I have to compile this data to one sheet, for 30 sales managers! The problem with running the pivot three times (once for monthly, year to date, and yearly) is that brands that aren't sold in the month are then left off the table, which leads to a mess that it takes far too long to clean up. I hope I've made this clear, but please check the attachments for a better idea of what I'm looking to do...

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Display Blanks In Pivots Table?

Aug 6, 2014

how not to show blanks in a pivot table but I do actually want to show them, however they are currently showing as '0' which is misleading to my audience; also I have cells will '*' which I also want to show in the pivot but again these show as '0' - the format of the cells in the raw data in 'number' however I have tried changing this to 'general' or 'text' but to no avail when refreshing the pivot table.

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Filter Table On Separate Sheet

Oct 7, 2010

I've got an excel worksheet that contains a list of buildings and their associated control valves for water supply (subset of table attached).

I'd like the user to be able to search by building name to display its associated valves and control information. I realize I could use the list function on the worksheet, but would prefer to set it up as front page to the workbook where data is displayed in a nicer format.

I guess my question is if there any way I can set up another worksheet with a drop down box that allows the user to select a building or type in the building name and have its corresponding data display?

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Edit Table Information After Using Advanced Filter To Another Sheet?

Nov 19, 2013

Is there a way to edit my database located on sheet 1 using the advanced filter (output) on sheet 2?

I have a gigantic database and I want to filter it down to the rows I need to edit.. so I used advanced filter to extract the rows I need on to another sheet. But if I edit the rows on sheet 2 how do I makes those changes reflect on sheet 1 (the full database)

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Filter Pivot Table Based On Data Validation In Another Sheet

Feb 14, 2013

I found this code and am trying to use it to update the filter in my pivot table (sheet 6), based on the data validation selection in sheet 1, but when I make my selection on sheet 1, nothing happens.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim strField As String
strField = "Region"


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Connecting Table Filter To Cell Value?

Sep 3, 2013

I have a table and I need it to filter on the basis of a value entered in a different cell - but i want it to show all rows greater than and equal to that specific value.

Sub Testmacro()
filtercriteria = Range("H3").Value
Sheets("Report 1").ListObjects("Table1").Range.AutoFilter _
Field:=4, Criteria1:=">=filtercriteria"
End Sub

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Filter Pivot Table Based On Cell Value

Jan 9, 2014

From what I understand there's no way to do this without using macros. I would perfer not to use macros, but I need my PivotTables to auto-refresh anyways and apparently that will require a macro, so oh well. I'm very new to macro coding so I can't seem to successful apply any of the previous threads about this to my sheet.

I just need my pivot table on sheet "Customer" to filter the customer field based on the value in cell C1. Also I need to make sure the sheet doesn't "freak out" if the value in C1 is either blank, or is a customer value which doesn't exist in the table. Preferably in this scenario it would display nothing on the pivot table, but I don't know if that's possible. I want the sheet/macro to allow an invalid filter value in C1 just so the sheet doesn't lock up until it is corrected.

I also need my workbook to auto-refresh all the pivot tables is that's easy to code in as well.

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Filter Pivot Table Based On Cell?

Mar 11, 2014

I try filter a pivot table based a cell.

[Code] .....

Attached File : FilterPT.xlsx

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Using A Cell To Change Pivot Table Filter

Jun 4, 2013

How can I filter a Pivot Table from a cell.

Ex : I have a pivot table with regions (MW ,SE,SW,NE) .How can I enter the region in a cell and change the pivot table based on my input

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Pivot Table Filter Link To Cell

Sep 19, 2008

how to change this code to select the choice "NACID" from cell "D1" instead of being hardcoded?

Sub Pivot1()
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable4").PivotFields("Group").CurrentPage = _
End Sub

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Filter Pivot Table Field By Referencing Another Cell

Sep 26, 2012

I have a worksheet ("VillageReport") that contains several pivot tables. All tables are from the same data source and all pivot tables have "Location" as the first column field. I would like for the tables on this sheet to automatically be filtered when I select a village name from a drop down menu in a cell on this worksheet (C1). So, for example, when I select "Tarzana" in C1, the location field of all pivot tables on this sheet will show only Tarzana (all others are deselected).

a Macro for this? (I have already set up the drop down menu in C1). I have found some examples online but can't seem to adjust the code to fit my workbook. I am not very familiar with VBA.

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Table Filter Controlled By Data Validation Cell?

Jan 26, 2012

I have a table with job numbers in one column and sub tasks for each job in a seperate column. I want to control the filter in the jobs column with a data validation cell. The data validation cell has all the job numbers in it and when I select job number "XYZ" in the data validation cell all other jobs are filtered out of the table.

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Fetching Pivots To Specific Cell

Feb 24, 2014

I have a ton of data coming into excel. I'm making a Pivot table of this.

From this tables everything goes to another sheet for a specific month. Right now January only.

The data will contain several of months later on in the future.

Where I can set the pivot to see the february date and insert into the right cells?

Excel01-file contains the Pivot table setup.
Excel02-file is the place where the pivot should insert the data specific to each month taken out from the data file in Excel03_data-file.

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Hyperlink Cell To Filter That Cell Value Based On Colour Filters Used In Another Sheet?

Aug 5, 2013

I have a table which says that this is the amount of coloured cells we have in another sheet.

For e.g.

Field Name Code A
Item Description 5

Now, the item description column has 5 cells in another sheet which are filled in with "Yellow" Colour. So what i want to do is to click on this 5 in sheet 2 in this case as per the attached sample which takes me to the filtered result on sheet1 of 5 yellow coloured cells under the column of Item description including an additional filter of Code "A"

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Apply A Filter In A Pivot Table And Extract Results In A Table

Jul 24, 2008

I have made a pivot table and I dlike to identify with a macro the documents with net value over 1000. Then extract these values next to the respective sales documents in an are near the pivot table somewhere. The fields are called Document and Sum of Net value. Of course the pivot is very variable one time it has 3000 records and another 5000.

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Create Macro Upon Double Click Cell Display Filter In New Sheet?

Nov 8, 2012


Upon clicking any cell in Sheet1, it will automatically filter based on cell A and B.


Automaticall display filtered criteria based on double click from Sheet1

For example: when I double click on C1, on Sheet2 will automatically diplay filtered data based on A1 and B1 and same thing goes to if I double clik on C2 on Sheet2 will automatically diplay filtered data based on A1 and B2.

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Loop Through Auto Filter Criteria And Copy Cell Results Into Another Sheet

May 20, 2014

I have a worksheet that contains 3 columns, A, B, C, that I need to run through auto-filter and copy the results from a cell, F2, into another sheet each time the filter criteria changes.

Although the worksheet will contain over 11,000 rows (the attached sample file is trimmed down to around 1000 rows),

Col A will only have 8 different possible criteria for autofilter: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10
Col B has around 70 criteria, and Col C has around 700 criteria.

The number of rows in the sheet and consequently the auto-filter criteria will likely change each time (but will usually hover around these quantities).

As an example, here is how I would envision this working for Col C:

1. Starting on the 1st Sheet (named "FW15"), I auto-filter Col C on criteria/value 1
2. I copy the resulting value from Cell F2 of sheet FW15 and paste it into the first empty cell of Col C in Sheet 2 (named "CopiedResults")
3. I return to my first sheet, FW15, turn off the enabled filter for criteria/value, and turn on the next autofilter Criteria/Value of 2
4. Repeat Step 2
Keep looping through Col C to make sure that all auto-filter values have been applied, and all resulting values contained in Cell F2 are copied over to the second sheet.

Likewise, I would need to run through the auto-filter criteria in Col A and Col B, and copy their resulting values (from cell F2) into Sheet2 Col A and Col B.

Attached workbook : autofiltercriteria3.xlsx

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Trying To Retrieve A Cell From Table In Sheet 2 To Sheet 1

Apr 5, 2009

Clients come to the shop and can ask to receive body massage, foot massage or herbs massage for 1 hour, 2 hours or more. Prices vary depending on the number of hours requested by client and option (body massage, foot massage or herbs massage). For example, one hour is more expensive than if they get two hours at once.

At the moment, our secretary has to keep records of who's massaging, what option and number of hours. From that she has to calculate how much each employee must get at the end of the day. Hence, I want to create a document to automate all this by letting her select from drop down menus the name of employee, time massage started, number of hours and the option (body massage, foot massage or herbs massage). It contains two sheets:

SHEET 1: management: see atached image: management.jpg
SHEET 2: rates: see atached image: rates.jpg (prices are not real).

In SHEET 1: Management
TOTAL in column H is what we charge customer.
TOTAL EMPLOYEE in column I is what must be paid to the employee after each massage.
TOTAL in column A and B is total price at the end of the day.

In SHEET 2: rates
There's 3 options: body massage, Foot massage, Herbs massage. For each options, there are two columns: first column is the price for client and second column is price to pay for employee.......

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Change Table Filter Greater And Less Than To Specific Value In Specific Cell And In Another Worksheet?

Apr 16, 2014

I would like to change the greater than number to the value in cell 'I11' in sheet 'Linear Programming Data' and the less than number to the value in cell 'I12' in sheet 'Linear Programming Data'. The code I am using was done by recording a macro since I don't know how to code in vba.

Sub Results2()
' Results2 Macro
' copy table filter power by greater than and less than
Sheets("Finalizing Results 2").Select

[Code] .......

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Copy Sheet Based On Table / Rename And Hyperlink Table To New Sheet

Jul 28, 2014

I've been working on a macro that makes copies of a template sheet based on a table in my Opps sheet. If column B isn't empty, make a copy of the template sheet, rename it to Opps column A, and then hyperlink column A's current A.row to the newly copied and renamed sheet.

I'm not sure what is wrong exactly, it keeps making duplicate Template(x) and stops renaming them, and the hyperlinks are not working. -This is my first go at VBA hyperlinks to internal workbook sheets

[Code] .....

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Advanced Filter To Filter Cell Comments With The Cell Values

Sep 23, 2006

I have many sheets which I am using the advanced filter to filter the data to a single summary sheet. Everthing works great with one exception. I have cell comments added with relevent info to to cell values. When the advanced filter is performed the cell comments are not transfered to the summary sheet with the cell values. Is there a method to filter the data to another sheet and keep the comments?

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Data Table - Input Cell On Different Sheet

Mar 12, 2008

Is there a way to create a data table where the input cell is not on the same sheet as the table? I've tried using a named range, and can't make that work.

I usually work around the problem by putting my data tables on my assumptions sheet, or creating a new input cell on the data table sheet, and linking the original input cell to it,

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Macro To Pull Data From 1 Sheet And Filter Into Another Sheet

May 14, 2014

I'm trying to get the data from Receipt log (sheet 1) to automatically populate into the Print Receipt (sheet 2) and to automatically filter and go to the Activity by account (sheet 3). I am so new to this and totally lost.

See attached sample : Student fees.xlsm

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VBA Pivot Table Filter

Apr 6, 2013

I am trying to filter onto Date field in my pivot table with a start date and an end date with VBA (please find code below).

However, my code single makes all pivot items invisible.

Bascially, in cell B1, I have my start date i.e. 05/04/2013 and end date in cell C1. I would like to filter out only items within these dates.

Sub PTFilterTest()

Dim ptPvt As PivotTable
Dim ptFld As PivotField
Dim i As Long
Dim dtBegin As Date
Dim dtEnd As Date

[Code] .....

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VBA - Pivot Table Filter Set?

Oct 23, 2012

I'm trying to have a command button clear all filters on a pivot table (PivotTable1) and apply a new filter equal to a cell value (C4). If the cell value can't be found I want the filter to equal "No Meeting". I'm trying to recycle the code from another workbook I built a long time ago, I just can't get it to convert to this application.

Dim County As IntegerDim pvtTable As PivotTable
Dim pvtField As PivotField
Dim pvtItem As PivotItem


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Pivot Table Filter

Nov 6, 2008

I have a list of names and a count column, So it counts how many times the names have appeared from my raw data. Simple.

Using excel 2003 what i would like to do is filter the pivot table so it only shows people with a >1 count.

Now in excel 2007 this is really easy and i can just apply a >1 filter. I can't work out what to do in excel 2003.

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Filter Some Sheet Then Copy The Top Result To New Sheet?

May 19, 2014

When I synthesize the mark of the class, I'm trying to build a macro to copy the top 5 highest marks in each class into a new sheet (sheet: Total) to compare the mark of the class results (like the file I attach).

I finding the way like that:

Step1. the macro run filter with data sheets. then sort by largest to smallest

Step2. the macro copy 5 top of data sheets to the result sheet.

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Table Array Sheet In VLookup Formula Be Based On Value From Another Cell

Mar 4, 2014

I would like to have vlookup formua. And I would like the sheet for the table array section be linked to a cell value. So in my workbook this is my vlookup formula:


I would like to to be something like =VLOOKUP(B2,(=b3)!B2:C8,2,FALSE). This way I can change the value in B3 and the vlookup formula will look for values in a different sheet as opposed to the one I originally designated in the formula.

Here is my workbook: Book1.xlsx

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