Populating A List Based On Four Toher Lists

Oct 3, 2008

I have Columns A:D with a heading at the top. the user can then type organisation names under the correct column. There is a maximum of 30 entries (rows 2:32).

Problem One:
Column E is a hidden column and I need cells E2 and downwards to be a list which gets populated by ALL the organisation names inserted into $A$2:$D$32. I don't want there to be any blank cells until the last entry in column E (if that makes sense). how to populate this list?

Problem Two:
At another part of the worksheet, I have five cell where the user has to select from a list. The five cells correspond to the lists in columns A:E. Is there any way to avoid having blank options in a list using data validation (say if the user has not entered 30 organisations into one of the columns)?

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Populating A List Without Blanks Based On If Statement

Apr 17, 2009

I have created a checklist using "Marlett" checkboxes. I have the names of choices in column B the Checkboxes in column C. In another sheet I want to populate only the names of the choices chosen without any of the spaces that a traditional if statement would populate if it was copied down a column.

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Populating A Data Validation List Based On...

Apr 18, 2009

I want to populate a Data Validation based on values in another cell on another worksheet--but, I want to populate it with the values stored in the cell right next to the cell. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3...n/untitled.jpg. would be an example....

What I want my Data Validation List to do is to look at column B and wherever it sees a certain color--for example, red, I want it to put the corresponding value in column A in the list.

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Populating Lists

Feb 8, 2007

I have 16 seperate titles and a different figure for each title.

However, these 16 titles are repeated hundreds of times, in different orders, down a column. I need to populate the list with the numbers that belong to each title.

I don't have v look up on my computer. I am useless at excel.

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Populating A Cell When Comparing Two Different Lists

Oct 10, 2008

I have a list of names and a seperate list of names with emails.

In column A there is a last name, column B a first name, and then for the second list in column D there is an email.

I need to tell Excel that if column A and Column B both have a replication on the list, then in Column D populate it with the email address on the list.

I know this is confusing so I have attached a sample of my spreadsheet. The email address is in yellow and I need to have it copied to the cells in white. The list is almost 14,500 lines long and it would take forever manually.

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Populating A Cell From 2 Drop Down Lists

Aug 23, 2008

I am creating a form where the user chooses a Region from a drop down list and a Level from another drop down list. I have a cell I want to populate with the amount pertaining to the Region and Level from a seperate spreadsheet within the workbook.

The levels for each region go from 1 to 12 and there are 4 regions from A to D. I have separated each region and named them GradeA, GradeB, etc.

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Conditional Drop Down Lists Based On Another List

Feb 17, 2006

Just wondering if a drop down list can be specific to a selection made in a previous cell. For example in column A the user would select either:


Then in column B, the drop down list would be conditional upon what was selected in A. So if the user selected 'Weekly' - the drop down list in B would be: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. Or if the user selected 'Monthly' in column A's list, the list in column B would be: 1, 2, 3, ......31.

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Macro To Find Value In Cell And Copy That Row To Toher Sheet

Feb 1, 2009

I am working on getting a macro to find a name in column "B" and once found copy its row to another sheet. I have been working on an "IF" statement that checks for the given name and if true copies the row. I can not get it to keep checking and then stop using "loop" What i got so far:

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Syncing Two Lists Of Data For One List Of Individuals - One List Has Multiple Entries

Jan 20, 2014

I need to consolidate these two lists of data into one list.

First set is just a basic list of individuals with their data.

Second set is multiple entries for those same individuals. Each entry shows a subscription to a programme. The final single sheet should have one row per individual which shows all of the programmes they are subscribed to.

See attached, example sheet.

The real list is 3000 IDs, so need some kind of formula to do this.

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Auto-Populating Multiple Values Based On Two Criteria Based In Comboboxes

Aug 7, 2013

I'm starting a dashboard, where on the front page I have two combo boxes on the left, and three empty fields to the right. I'd like the three fields to the right to auto-populate table-based values depending on the chosen criteria from BOTH fields (by store and month/date). I've attached a sample of what I've got so far. I've only provided three tables for this example, and I have a table with the same column/row titles for each metric and I have three different metrics I'd like to auto populate: COGs, Sales, and GM% or in the example, metric 1, metric 2, metric 3. No pattern in the table values, just wanted to populate the fields quickly. All fields are organized by store/month-date and I've set up a link to my combo boxes on a calculations tab.

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VBA Populating Combobox From Unsorted List?

Jan 26, 2014

I have built a Userform that is for a Liquor Inventory. I would like to scan each bottle's UPC Code and pull it from a range list that is set up in (Combobox "UpcBarCodeBox"). That information is stored on a sheet "Liquor & Wine Inventory" in Column "A" (Unsorted). Column "B" is the name of the liquor which is also the column that everything is sorted in alphabetical order. What I would like to do is populate several textbox's that I have set up so that I can input missing data or data that needs to be updated. The problem is I would LOVE to keep the list sorted by Liquor Names (Column "B") and not by UPC Bar Codes (Column "A"). From my research I have found that Index and Match might be the way to go but I can't seem to get it to work right. Since I am still learning VBA, Some things still escape my grasp.


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.UpcBarCodeBox.List = Worksheets("Liquor & Wine Inventory").Range("A5:A205").Value
With ComboBox2


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VBA Populating Combobox From Unsorted List

Jan 25, 2014

I have built a Userform that is for a Liquor Inventory. I would like to scan each bottle's UPC Code and pull it from a range list that is set up in (Combobox "UpcCodeBox"). That information is stored on a sheet "Liquor & Wine Inventory" in Column "A" (Unsorted). Column "B" is the name of the liquor which is also the column that everything is sorted in alphabetical order. What I would like to do is populate several textbox's that I have set up so that I can input missing data or data that needs to be updated. The problem is I would LOVE to keep the list sorted by Liquor Names (Column "B") and not by UPC Bar Codes (Column "A"). From my research I have found that Index and Match might be the way to go but I can't seem to get it to work right.


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.UpcBarCodeBox.List = Worksheets("Liquor & Wine Inventory").Range("A5:A205").Value
With ComboBox2
.AddItem "0"
.AddItem "1"
.AddItem "2"
.AddItem "3"


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Populating Full List Of All Like (tyres)

Jan 29, 2014

I am trying to create a spreadsheet the will populate/pull all tyre sizes that I have collected from different suppliers.

Tyre Size
165/80 R13

Cost Price
Selling Price

Cannt use Vlookup as it will list only one option.

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Creating Tabs From List And Populating

Oct 5, 2006

I am trying to take data from one spreadsheet and do a couple of things. First, i need to create a tab for each column and name the tab after the name in row 1. (this code i already have, it is below)

Second, and here is where i need help, i want to put the tab name and corresponding data (all in the same column on the first sheet) onto each tab. Essentially i am just divying up each column on my master sheet into its own tab so that i can do further data analysis.

Sub GenWStabnames2()
'Kemper Ohlmeyer based on code from David McRitchie
Dim cell As Range
Dim newName As String, xx As String
Err.Description = ""
On Error Resume Next
'--cells with numbers, including dates, will be ignored,
For Each cell In Worksheets("Manager list").Range("fund.names")................

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Populating Cell With Exact Value From Dropdown List?

Mar 28, 2014

I am using the form control data validation drop down list with 9 entries in the list. How can I get the entry that is selected in the drop down list to populate exactly into another cell on a separte worksheet? I have linked the drop down list to the cell, but the value is populating as a number rather than the text entry that is in the drop down.

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Populating Data From Another Sheet Using Dropdown List?

Apr 22, 2013

I have a workbook that contains data on a different sheet that I would like to populate on a different sheet by selecting a value from a drop down list. The format of the data is identical just different numbers. But are broken out into different projects... I am incredibly new at this and just barely learned how to make a drop down list.

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Auto Populating A List Of Times From One Workbook To Another

May 9, 2013

I have two coworkers who input a list of times spent throughout the week into a basic 5x5 grid (daysof the week x 5 employees) into their own seperate workbooks. I then take those workbooks and copy and paste them on to my own master work book. Is there any way to get their data to auto populate on to my spreadsheet?

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Populating Master List From Multiple Sheets

Aug 19, 2011

i have generated a list of "Companies on the ASX" (Australian Stock Exchange)

There are several work sheets (all populated from data queries) of companies within different sectors e.g all companies within the "energy" sector and so on (one sheet for each sector)

i am trying to populate a master list of all the companies from all of the sectors however there are some conditions i am having trouble meeting...

1. it has to reflect the exact data on the "sector page" after the Query has been refreshed.

2. i have left some formated rows to allow for new listings as the Query updates so i need it to copy each company from each page, something like..

"Energy" Copy A2:K2 - A5000:K5000 (stopping at row 2500 if that is where the last company is on that list, then the same for the next sheet.)

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Populating A Worksheet After Selecting A Drop Down List Entry

Aug 31, 2009

I currently have a huge data sheet with multiple columns of information. It contains a list of projects organized by columns with information pertaining to each project. I've named this worksheet data.

On another sheet I've named Present, I'm trying to find a way to reference a single project at a time using a drop down list. The Present Sheet has a list of characteristics fields that need to be filled with information from "data" worksheet. I want the characteristics to change whenever I choose another project name from the drop down list.

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Populating Data From Several Worksheets To Make Single List

Sep 20, 2013

I'm working on a workbook with several names for every month and I'd like to populate the names from the different worksheets to have a list in another worksheet to make a summary avoiding duplicates and making sure every name is captured.

I have attached a sample sheet....populate_2013.xlsx

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Excel 2010 :: Populating Field From Dropdown List

Oct 24, 2011

I am using windows 7, excel 2010 I have a work book, my price list is sheet one and my list of customers and what discounts they get per item in sheet 2.

I choose customer on sheet 1, say i choose a & L sales, well on sheet 2 it shows they get a discount of 45 percent. so I want the 45 percent to show in cell 4r on sheet one, but if the dropdown box shows customer a & V it should show 35 percent because that is what it is on sheet two in cell 3c.

sheet two has 158 customers and each get a difference discount for that product

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Populating Picture Based On Number?

Jul 2, 2014

I have a large excel workbook that is full of data about certain parts. I am able to enter a number and populate the sub item using VLookup but I would like to populate a picture based on the sub item. The pictures are located in there own folder inside the folder where this excel file is located.

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Populating One Sheet Based On Values Of Another

Jun 22, 2012

I have a workbook with two sheets. Sheet 1 has raw data that contains contacts with multiple statuses. I need to pull out only the contacts that have a positive status and put them into Sheet 2.

I would like there to be no spaces between the contacts in Sheet 2. I'd also need all of the data pertaining to each positive contact (so not just their name, but all of the data in the row that relates to the contact).

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Populating Combobox Based On Selection Of Another

Dec 25, 2009

I have a problem involving two combo boxes in a user form.

I need to populate different “lists” to combo 2, based on a selection in combo 1.

I browsed through the forum but could not find any solution that made sense to me.

Here are the specifics:
Combo 1 (called Cbo_Act) is populated with a list based on a named range in one of the sheets. The range is named “activity” and holds 2 records (“Income” & “Expense”).

This list is loaded as part of the form initialization.

If the user select “Income”, I need combo 2 (called Cbo_Act_Type) to show a list of various income types (derived from a dynamic named range called “Income_type”) and if the user selects “Expense”, I need the same combo box (Cbo_Act_Type) to show a different list, specifically – a list of various expense types (derived from a dynamic named range called “Expense_type”).

I know that this should be with a Cbo_Act_Change () routine, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to do it.

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Auto-Populating Based On Dropdown Selection

Dec 4, 2013

I am trying to create a sheet for identifying work hazards based on the job assigned. So what I have set up is a drop down list to select the job type. Once this job type is selected I want the pre written hazards to autopopulate in the hazard box. I would also like the required PPE to appear in the PPE box for the job selected.

I have 6 different choices in the drop down list. For each choice I have the hazards and PPE in a separate sheets in the worksheet.

Is there a way to get this information to autopopulate?

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Auto Populating Based On Specific Data

Jan 7, 2014

I have a unique task i am trying to achieve (when i say unique i mean i am out of my depth). I am trying to take specific data from a couple of different sheets to populate other sheets whether it be copying the text of fill cell (color)

Excel Automation Test.pdf

I have Attached a PDF detailing.

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Populating Data From One Sheet To Another Based On Selection

Jan 14, 2010

I need help to create a formula that would grab data from one sheet and populate another sheet based on the employee that is selected from a drop down list.

Attached is a draft of what I am looking to do.

Basically this would allow us to enter employee variances from several employees on one sheet and get a detailed break down of their history on another sheet.

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Populating Drop-Down Based On Selection Of Another Dropdown

Sep 12, 2006

There's a table with all the raw data in it

camp name
session name

to put in the correct format I am thinking of usinf drop down boxes so that the user can selct the camp name from drop down and based on that the session name can be populated and alos the rest of infomration of that accput in to the specified fields

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Create List From Other Lists

Mar 13, 2008

Any way to create a list in a column from other lists in other columns?

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Populating A Table From A Separate Sheet Based On Ranking

Mar 21, 2014

I'm looking to populate tables for specific tasks that my site performs and compare their performance against the other top sites in the company. I need to pull the site # and their performance based on the task, ranking them from first to last.

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