Pull In Range From Closed File
Feb 14, 2008
I'm trying to find a way to import data from an external excel file that the end-user will ultimately end up choosing using the application. getopenfilename dialogue. I'm able to sucessfully open the file, but what I'm really trying to do is import data from one specific column within the file, preferably without the source spreadsheet popping up.
So, is this possible to do with VBA? Also, will I run into any issues if I try to import from an Excel 2.1 file to an Excel 2003 file using VBA? Finally, I need to be able to import one file, and then be able to add to that an import from another file. I'm thinking that this could be accomplished using a variant variable, but is there already a function within Excel so that I won't have to create my own add-to function.
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Jun 15, 2006
I am trying to make Excel pull data out of a closed file based on a date range. The closed file is a log where people input data and enter the day they are doing it. I need to pull this data in my file and make it print into my worksheets so I can pass a report on to others with only the data they request from the log.
The range would be for 7 days and would have to be able to choose a few columns off this report.
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Apr 26, 2008
Is there code that will take certain data from one Excel sheet to another named file in a different place on the network? Example Copy cell aa47 from "Recent Faxes.xls" that sits in "correspondence" folder. Then paste into cell B25 "Current Documentation.xls" in the "Sales Contacts" folder
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Feb 26, 2009
I have many workbooks which all have a summary sheet called summary, and which are all kept in the same folder (although this folder name/filepath may change from year to year).
I want to be able to set up the column headings and then copy the same set of summary information from each book so that it can then be used for analysis. The cells to be copies derive their value from formulae, it is the value that needs to be copied.
I attach a workbook with the format needed and the source cells. The source sheet will be password protected.
I know this is a question that has been raised before and I have searched the forum but not come across a question that is close enough to work from - my VB skills are appalling.
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Feb 10, 2008
I have a folder that contains hundreds of excel workbooks. Each workbook has 20 or more sheets. All workbooks have the same look and design. All workbooks have macros that they use to function and the macro I want cannot interfere with their macros.
What I want to do is copy certain cell values (some numeric and some text) from several sheets from these workbooks and paste them into another workbook (a master workbook) that is essentially collecting these values into a table without having to open all these workbooks. For example, let’s say all of the workbooks are named with a numeric value starting with “one.xls” and that the sheets in these workbooks are named “a”, “b”, and so on. So, in the master workbook in cell “B2”, I want the name of the first workbook searched (“one.xls”); then in cell “C2”, I want the value from cell “J45” on sheet “b” of “one.xls”; in cell “D2”, the value from cell “B32” on sheet “b” of “one.xls”; in cell “E2”, the value from cell “K13” on sheet “e” of “one.xls”; in cell “F2”, the value from cell “R43” on sheet “k” of “one.xls”. The in cell “B3” of the master workbook, I want the same information as before except from “two.xls” instead of “one.xls”, and so on down to “three hundred.xls”.
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Aug 1, 2007
How do I update changes to a linked workbook without having to open it? Let's say that I have two workbooks, "workbook1" and "workbook2". I want to copy data entered from workbook1 to workbook2 without opening workbook2. I know that I can just open workbook2 so that the formula will work but if I do that I'll end up opening up to 3 workbooks, which doesn't really give you much security.
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Sep 20, 2007
it is possible to get a range value from a worksheet without having to open the workbook. I have being trying for a long time to try and work out some code to do the good but have failed miserably. Please find below my latest attempt
Option Explicit
Sub ValuationDataExtraction()
Dim shtDataSheet As Worksheet
Dim strMfolder As String
Dim rngBrokerName As Range
Set shtDataSheet = Worksheets("Data Sheet")
strMfolder = "RD: PEP data files:PEP valuations:PEP 13200s:13235.worksheets(5th Apr 08)"
Set rngBrokerName = strMfolder.Range("brokerName")
shtDataSheet.Range("b65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = rngBrokerName.Value
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
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May 13, 2008
I'm trying to extract data from an external spreadsheet, while leaving that spreadsheet closed... I do not know VBA at all, and I'm unsure where exactly to insert code. See my attached file for details, as I wanted to keep this post short, to comply with your rules
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May 6, 2014
I want vba on pulling data from closedworkbook from certain path with range of end column values
I have two workbook one is Opencall_06-05-2014...
File string contains Half today date...
I want pull data from Opencall_06-05-2014.xlsb ,Sheename is "Opencall" Paste into Master file...with range of (A:BC).
Find the attachment of two workbook...
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Feb 3, 2006
How can I pull data from a specific cell from a closed worksheet in VBA?
Not sure but I think that Workbook("wb1.xls").Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("A2") only works if the worksheet is open.
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Dec 13, 2013
What I want to do is pull data from columns A,B,C,D in 3 other closed workbooks (export.csv, export1.csv, & export2.csv) to my main workbook (Thunder.xlsm)and append that data in columns A-D on my main workbook. In addition I created a list of 10 names (but need to expand or delete from this list as personnel change) in Column O that I would like to filter the data in A-D. The names in the list must find the data I want to keep in column D, the rest I want to delete (not the entire row, just A-D for that particular row that does not match the criteria in column O, and shift those cells up).
I've attached a sample spreadsheet that will clarify what I am asking. I'm preferably asking for 2 macro's, one for the pull of data, and the other for the filtering.
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
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Apr 28, 2008
I want to pull data from closed workbook based on cell values of open workbook of column B and the source file name is on cell J1. Actually I save monthly files and opening balnce of current month should take vakues from previous month file.
Suppose current month is May 2008. Then Column Column D for May month shold take value from column G of April 2008. For simplicity the previous month’s name and thus source file name will be placed on cell J1.
The code should loop from column B of source file and current May 2008 file and should pull values for only those items which are in the current file in the Column B. Thus those products which are deleted or newly added item in the current item should not copied. Though for new item no name will be thre in the source file but for deleted items the item might be there in the source file but the code should ignore those value.
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Jun 26, 2014
I have a code in file A that opens several files (B,C,D&E), copies some data from them, then closes the files. That part of the code works fine, but each of the files that are opened (B,C,D,&E) have a Workbook Open event that causes the file to save automatically every 30 seconds. (I know this is not recommended, but this is what the user wants.) The files also have a Workbook Before Close event that is supposed to stop the timer so the file will close without reopening. These each run fine on their own.But if I run code A, the workbook Before Close event in file B (C,D, & E) does not seem to run and the files reopen after 30 seconds to save. When I step through the code it works fine and goes through the Before Close event in each file and the files remain closed.
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Oct 20, 2009
I have the need to be able to open a closed file to archive some data from a
current file.
what coding i need to be able to kick the "open file" bit off?
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Feb 27, 2014
I've been using the following code to bring in individual cell values from one closed workbook to an active one. I would like to modify this is possible to bring in multiple cells at once and also pull them into a different worksheet in the active workbook. Basically, my command button is on Sheet1 but I'd like the data to pull into a cell on Sheet2.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With Range("Q9")
.Formula = "='C:Users[Workbook Name.xlsm]Worksheet Name'! N27"
.Value = .Value
End With
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Nov 24, 2007
I want to open an excel file whose name is a value in a spreadsheet, and then pull a value from the spreadsheet I queried into my existing workbook. Here is the syntax i have so far:
to note: I'm calling the workbook in which the macro is located testproject.xls, and I'm using [integer].xls as my list of files that the macro will query. Ultimately, this code will go in a loop.
Set currentCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
varCellvalue = currentCell.value
Workbooks.Open "path_of_file" & varCellvalue & ".xls"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=[3.xls]Sheet1!R1C1"
The problem is, I want [3.xls] to carry the sale value as varCellvalue with .xls appended, and not be kept static at 3. I tried inserting & varCellvalue & ".xls" into the brackets, but with no luck. My only difficulty is getting [3.xls] to vary along with varCellvalue.
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Apr 13, 2009
I am trying to summarise data from 50 different files (updated by 50 different users) into one file in one place. To do this I created a simple sumif function that links to those files. This sumif works correctly when those files are open. But when I open my output file after changes have been made to one or more of 50 input files, sumif function doesn't work when I hit update at the file opening pop up question and get #value error. If I start opening those files this error goes away and it works great again.
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May 5, 2012
I want to copy the sheet named "data" from closed workbook (xlsm, xlsx, xls) via ADO.The closed workbook will be choosen by user via dialog box. The code must check the existence of "data" sheet. If there is no, then the code must give a warning. Futhermore, which is able to give a warning against the mistake of selecting the file itself.
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Sep 8, 2012
I have 2 workbooks, and want to copy an entire worksheet from 1 to the other workbook.
In the closed workbook, I want to copy "Sheet1", and paste that into the open workbook on worksheet "Original File". What code do I need to complete this?
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Oct 17, 2007
i know there is information on this ontime method, i haev read through it, but since i am working with reuters running live in the background they just dont work.
Anyway, on a normal excel sheet, I have made the automated macros run on a timer, which is great. BUT If someone switches off my pc, its not going to be so great because i dont think the macro would run without excel being open.
How can i make my macro run every morning at 8am? Assuming the worksheet is closed, even excel is closed. i am sure the answer is starring me in the face, i am just getting boerd of looking at it! in the Thisworkbook:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.OnTime dTime, "thismodule", , False
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("20:00:00"), "thismodule"
End Sub
and in the Module:
Sub thismodule()
dTime = Now + TimeValue("08:00:00")
Application.OnTime dTime, "thismodule"
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Jul 7, 2008
I would like to read a few custom properties of excel workbook, even if they are close.
My intention is to build a list of compatible workbooks.
The compatibility woul be determined fom a custom property.
How can I read a custom property from a file wothout opening it?
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Apr 27, 2007
I have a workbook with a button to get updated data. The button simply opens the other workbook and then closes it. THe problem is it opens the book and then closes it before the opened book has a chance to finish it calculation resulting in lots of #value errors. The book that is being opened works fine but because it is shared it can't be left open and needs to be closed asap, though it should be allowed to finsih calcs before it gets closed again. If anyone know a way to make the following temporarily halt until the opened book finishes calculating before it closes it.
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"X:gas daily pricingGD pricing weather call active summer.xls", ReadOnly:=True
ThisWorkbook. Saved = True
ActiveWindow.Close False
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Aug 13, 2008
I have a file created in Excel 2003 that uses a vlookup to reference another file, also created in Excel 2003. The function returns VALUE when the referenced file is closed. I get the VALUE error whether or not I update links upon opening the file. If I open the source file, the function calculates properly.
Here is the formula when the referenced file is open:
=VLOOKUP(A38,'[June Scorecard confirmation.xls]VPSC Summary'!$C$10:$F$22,4,FALSE)
The full & correct path appears in the formula when the referenced file is closed.
Columns C, D & E in the referenced range contain text, column F contains a Sum. This file is linked to another file, also using lookups. The linked area in this file works without problem, but it is a precedent to the calculation in column F.
Both these files reside on a network in subdirectories of the same logical drive. I am using a laptop that briefly had Excel 2007 installed on it, but was wiped clean before it was issued to me.
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Apr 28, 2006
I am receiving a 'subscript out of range' error on the lines of code below.
I would note that all variables are declared and all seem meaningful as regards what you would expect at that point.
Below is a snippet from the immediate window which indicates what the values are:
completecashname C:CashDevelopmentMyFolderoutputCASH042706.xls
cashsheetname Formatted Sheet
cashcurrcolumn A
cashfirstrow 2
cashlastrow 876
Also the workbooks are both closed at this point (but it makes no difference)
Set CashCopy = Workbooks(CompleteCashName).Sheets(CashSheetName). _
Range(CashCurrColumn & Cashfirstrow & ":K" & Cashlastrow).Value
Set PelPaste = Workbooks(completepelname).Sheets(PELSheetName). _
Range((PELCurrColumn & PELlastrow)).Value
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Feb 7, 2014
Herewith I attached a sample excel file.
Structure file which i attached herewith include all the cost center details. normally it is a big file contain more than 1000 cost center details. Structure File.xlsx If i want a cost center name for some cost center code, i have to open this file and find a specific name.
What i plan is develop a macro function called "CC".
If I type =CC("D232") I need to print cost center name for D232.
But the problem is i don't want to open the structure file, without open that file, when i type this function i need a result.
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Feb 10, 2014
1. A workbook is closed
2. In addition to the original workbook being saved, a copy of the workbook with the current date is also saved to the specified location of my choice.
For example
"C:UsersUSER1DesktopBackup Test as of 02-10-14"
3. If a copy of the workbook is already saved with today's date, then overwrite it automatically without prompting the user.
4. All the above happens without any user interaction.
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a report that is collated from several other workbooks. The source workbooks follow the same naming convention throughout the year and so I have managed to concatenate the file path to bring through the text of the filepath and cell reference however cannot work out how to get the value of the cell. For example, I have the file path in A1, file name in B1 and sheet and cell referernce in C1.
I am using {=(A1&B1&C1)} which gives me R:CONFIDENTIALREPORT FOLDER[REPORT 24.09.07.xls]Sheet1!$D$1. To make matters slightly more difficult, the source reports would be closed. Is there an easy way or am I going to have to do this in VBA.
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Dec 8, 2008
Basically what I want to do is pull data from another file and have it copy it down about 10 lines onto another file. With a seperate sheet for each vehicle. For example:
File 1: Has 2 columns with data
Vehicle Number 1000 Vehicle Type Ford
1001 Chevy
1002 Dodge
File 2: Has a vehicle log sheet, in which i want it to take the data above and copy it down x amount of lines.
Vehicle sheet | Date issued | Hours used
Vehicle Number| (data from file one here) | Vehicle Type (data from other column in file one here)
And have it copy itself down from like A1 to whatever.
These also have to be on seperate sheets within the workspace, and each "tab" be named after the vehicle number,
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Nov 19, 2008
I have 1000 workbooks in a folder, each workbooks format is same.
as of now I open each workbook, and check if values in A10 is equal to B10, that is if the value in A10 is "100" I will check if B10 is also "100" if not I will make a note the file name.
I have more than 1000 workbooks in a folder, It is really difficult to open and check if the values are same. is there a macro, which will check the condition A10 = B10, if not get the file name in one sheet.
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Jun 12, 2014
I pull a report every month which has the same name - at the beginning - (i.e. Monthly File Report_06012014.xls but the date is different every month; where we keep a copy of them every month.
So I need a vba to pull the data from that specific file - since I'll have more files open, but wouldn't keep the date since it will be different every month - is there an & that goes at the end or somehting: Monthly File Report &....xlsm?!
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