Pull From Left Until Blank (Space)
Jan 5, 2010
I'm looking for a formula that pulls the text from a cell unti it hits a space. I'm using the formula below but keep getting #VALUE results. B1: =LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1,1)). I know it's not that hard but can't figure it out.
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Sep 10, 2009
I am blanking out. I want to pull the data out until a space (one formula from the left and one from the right). Ithink it's a mid function but not sure.
John, Doe
I would like to get:
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Feb 10, 2007
I have two words of differing character lengths separated by a space.
How can I remove the first word... essentially, all the charcters to the left of the space AND the space itself?
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May 8, 2014
I have a 2010 excel sheet containing 14 columns and 45082 rows in total. I am quite illiterate when it comes to writing macros but I know that what I need can be achieved with a set of codes.
To be more clear, I inserted two tables below. The first one represents the current data structure, and the second one is the way I want my data to look like.
Current data structure looks like
Variable 1
Variable 2
Variable 3
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May 15, 2007
Sub GetThatstring()
Dim strMonth As String
Dim iYear As Integer
Dim StrMnthYear As String
strMonth = Trim(Left( Range("A1"), _
InStr(1, Range("A1"), " ", vbTextCompare)))
MsgBox strMonth
iYear = Mid(Range("A1"), _
InStr(1, Range("A1"), " ", vbTextCompare) + 1, 4)
MsgBox iYear
StrMnthYear = Trim(Left(Range("A1"), _
InStr(1, Range("A1"), " ", vbTextCompare) + 4))
MsgBox StrMnthYear
End Sub
I have a column of cells likes:
5/5058 Jack Daniels
5/29AA Crown Royal
I want to delete everything to the left of the first space.
So it will look like:
Jack Daniels
Crown Royal
It has to be vba though. I have done alot of trim in just formulas but this is first time in VBA. The above code is one I found by searching but not sure what to do to modify it.
This will be for range AM2:AM2000
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Oct 6, 2006
I am trying to write a function that finds and breaks a cell about the first space.
Worksheet is:
=LEFT(name,FIND(" ",name)-1)
Have tried...
Function Firstname(name)
Dim Space As Integer
Set Space = .Find(" ", name)
Firstname = Left(name, Space)
End Function
and also...
Function Firstname(name)
firstname = left(name,find(" ",name)-1))
End Function
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Dec 9, 2013
I'm looking for a way to split a cell with text into two cells. The first cell can only contain up to 40 characters, the rest needs to go in the second cell. However, I don't want the text to be split in the middle of a word. So basically, if the text is in cell A1, I need to find the closest space to the left of position 40 in A1, and move anything to the right of this position to B1. Example:
Original text:
A1: One green apple and a bucket of small onions that smell nice
I want to avoid this:
A1: One green apple and a bucket of small on
B1: ions that smell nice
I want to achieve this:
A1: One green apple and a bucket of small
B1: onions that smell nice
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Sep 10, 2013
I can do this in Excel, but I don't seem to have a single example to hand of how, using VBA, to extract all characters up to but not including, the first space character in a cell.
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Dec 1, 2007
I want to take a lot of text fields with alphanumeric characters ie. " '49560-960-A908 "
(always beginning with the character " ' ") and display in another cell position 2 thur 6 ie. "49560"
I have a file that contains 3,500 cells with alphanumeric characters...always beginning with ' but I need the 1st 5 numbers after the ' in a second separate column
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Feb 13, 2008
In a1 i have 100.888 and a2 122.222 and a3 122.555UK,(and so on) in column b i want just want the number and not the uk, i have tried =left(a1,7) which works until a3 then it give me characters 122.555 and not the number/value 122.55. I need it as a value to use the vlookup, how do i do it?
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Apr 16, 2008
When using SUBTOTAL for counting values in a column, well this function is counting also the blanks cells having space inside
Well i can use an COUNTIF to avoid this problem, but when using autofilter , the count is gone, that's inconvenient.I can use autofilter to select blanks and then delete space inside but is quite long.
I chopped a macros inspired by jindon:
Sub SpacesBlanks()
Dim X As Integer
Dim r As Range
X = CLng(InputBox(Prompt:="Quelle colonne?"))
If (X < 1) + (X > Columns.Count) Then Exit Sub
lastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, X).End(xlUp).Row
For Each r In Range(Cells(1, X), Cells(Rows.Count, X).End(xlUp))
If r.Value = "" Then
r.Value = ClearContents
End If
End Sub
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Nov 13, 2009
At the top of my spreadsheet I've got the date displayed using TODAY(). In 'G5' theres a proposed collection date.
In 'F5' I entered, =IF(G5>$D$1+1,"PENDING","NOT COLLECTED"). Which is fine except, if 'G5' is blank I want 'F5' to be blank also. And if a date is removed from 'G5' I want 'F5' to be blank. I've tried various things with "" but I cant get it to do what I need. I'm sure this is very easily cured, but not by me clearly..!
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Jan 29, 2007
in my workbook I have a list of names. Some of these names have a blank space at the end of them. How do I get rid of that blank space? Basically, it might say:
John Brown
Fred Basset
Fred Jones
Ian Smith
Ian O'Donnell
Adam Simpson
And if you put your cursor at the end of each of those names, you'll see that some have a blank space at the end, and some don't. How do I trim this blank space away from the end?
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Mar 18, 2009
I have a spreadsheet as attached where there are titles in row 3, but I want to go along each row and pull up all the data below to the immediate row below the title. This is different in each column but you will see what I mean. I do want this to be VBA and the real spreadsheet has many columns so it needs to cycle along I guess until Row 3 is empty?
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Feb 4, 2013
When a file is open, if cell A1 has a text "Hello there", then I want to make this cell add a blank space as "Hello there ". Let's save this file and close. So now if I re-open it, I want cell A1 to remove the added blank space and revert to be "Hello there". This take turns to change back and forward.
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Jun 7, 2013
Add a blank space after a specific text? I have many cells in a column that all begin with the same two letters followed by more text. Something like this:
What I'd like to see is:
ab 123
ab 456
ab 789
ab 159
ab 951
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Feb 7, 2008
I have the following code which is save Sheet as a text file. I know there are some options in Excel for saving, but it is not saving as ".txt" file.
I would like to modify this code to replace blank space with comma between Cells.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' Save file name and path into a variable
template_file = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
' Default directory would be c:temp. Users however will have the ability to change where to save the file if need be.
' Notice that i'm only allowing the save as option to be of .txt format.
' I'm also attaching the current date to the file name............
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Apr 6, 2009
How do I have this formula return a blank space if no match is found?
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Jun 23, 2008
I have many sheets in my workbook with many filled or unfilled cells... I want that any cell in my whole workbook should be filled with " " ie a space if it is currently blank (ie don't touch the cells which have some data) and as there are many cells in a sheet .. I don't want to fill them with spaces as the file size will increase... I just want to do this for cells A-1 to AB-200.
What is the way of doing this with a formula or programming ie without macros... (or is macro the only way?) What if I just want to do this to a sheet and not to the whole workbook.
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Jul 10, 2014
I have some data from many csv files.
I would like to record/create a macros to open the file and paste 4 columns worth of data into another spreadsheet. Making sure the data is pasted in the correct column and doesn't overight data already in a tracker. Ie. paste it into the next available space.
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Oct 24, 2012
I am facing problem to delete the blank Space before & after the sentence in excel Cell.I have thousand No. of Rows for which I want to delete the Empty Space before & after the Sentence.May I know how I will do this in quick way.
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Jul 4, 2013
How would I modify this concatenation formula:
=concatenate(A2&" "&B2)
I would like it not to put a space in if A2 is blank.
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Jan 16, 2009
I have 6 columns and would like to combine them. If the cell is blank the result should not leave a space.
- Prefix
- First Name
- Last Name
- Middle Initial
- Last Name
- Suffix
Example: Mr. Henry J. Weeks, III
Example: Henry Weeks
Example: Mr. Weeks
Example: Henry J. Weeks, III
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May 19, 2014
how to set up a formula that would count the number of numbers in a column, only if the cells before those cells are blank. In plain English: total the number of occurences in each column, provided the value in cellrow is the first occurence in that row starting at column A. E.G
Count would return under Column A, 1; under Column B, 1; (because row John has a value in AJohn it is ignored), under Column C, 2; under Column D, 0.
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Jan 29, 2010
I know different variations of this question get asked all the time... but I can't find an answer that I'm sure will *always* do what I want.
I have a range of cells (A1:A10), and I want to count all the text entries of positive length. That is to say, I don't want to count:
I'm sure I need to use the LEN function, but I can't quite figure out how.
this counting expression will be inserted in a SUMPRODUCT formula
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Mar 10, 2014
my question is how to return blank cell if i have no data inputted in left cell.. or if AH9 is blank or no data inputted AI10 will be blank using this formula.. =IF(AH9<75,"A",IF(AH9<82,"B",IF(AH9<87,"C",IF(AH9<92,"D","E"))))
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Mar 4, 2003
I am using Data Validation and I don't want the user to go past a cell without putting in an entry. When I leave the box (ignore blank) unchecked it doesn't do anything after I have protected the document.
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Dec 14, 2007
I have a macro that creates mutiple, though varing numbers of, columns. Once the columns are created, a blank column is set up to the right of them. When the data is ideal, only one cell in each row created by the populated columns will have data in it. So lets say that in this example, the macro created 23 columns of data. A1 is blank, B1 is Widget, and C1 through the end are also blank. I need a macro that will look at the rows and find the populated column and copy that string of data to the blank 24th column (to the right) created after the poulated columns. So X1 (the 24th column) will have Widget placed in it.
Now I need it to do one other thing. In another example, let say there are 5 columns created this time. In the third row, there is data in A3 and D3. If they are the equal to each other (A3 value being 143256 and D3 value being 143256), then I need the 6th column created to have 143256 placed in it. However, if the data differs ( A3 value being 143255 and D3 value being 143288) then I need the word "Scrap" to appear in the sixth column.
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Apr 30, 2008
I am running into a seemingly random event upon executing a rather long program in Excel VBA: a square area turns gray in the left of the screen in Excel, making invisible everything under it, and affecting every sheet and workbook open. The only way to get rid of it, so far, has been to restart Excel. I thought it pertained to a faulty Office installation (XP/2002), but then it also happened on another machine (with Excel 2003) where I installed the application.
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Mar 14, 2014
I have a spreadsheet for tasks. When I select from a pull down to mark as "Completed", I would like this to cause the cell containing the start date to go Blank.
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