Return Value If It Falls Within Values In Range Of Cells?
Jun 12, 2014
I am trying to learn more about functions like IF(), AND() MATCH() and LOOKUP()... but so far I cant seem to get it right. I am actually trying to get a simple working formula that can take a value from the first tab and cross reference it with a table in the second tab to return another value in the first tab.
For example....
On the first tab/sheet named "Details", i have a list of people, an area of work they fall in and then a column named region that categorizes their areas of work into groups
Area of Work
Mr A
Mr B
Mr D
Mr E
Then on the next tab/sheet named "Category", I have a table which lists the areas that belong to a region;
A-J. 1-6
K-P, 7-15
I have tried formulas like IF(AND(B2=Category.B2),"1","ERROR") but it keeps returning me "ERROR" when it should return "1"
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Mar 12, 2009
Year Start Date End Date
2005 01/30/2005 01/28/2006
2006 01/29/2006 02/3/2007
2007 02/04/2007 02/2/2008
2008 02/03/2008 01/31/2009
For each "Date", I need to scan the table and find which "Start Date" and "End Date" range does it fall into and return the applicable "Year". For example:
1/2/2006 will return 2005
11/29/2007 will return 2007
7/3/2008 will return 2008
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Jul 11, 2014
Data set
Column A Column B
PriceCode1 5.36
Sheet 2 Data Set
Column A Column B Column C Column E
PriceCode1 5.02 10.01 313
PriceCode1 10.02 50.01 314
PriceCode1 50.02 100.01 315
Formula on Sheet 1:
{=INDEX('Price calculation'!$E$1:$E$70,MATCH(C3&D3,'Price calculation'!$A$1:$A$70&'Price calculation'!$B$1:$B$70,1))}
The issue I am having is that the value isn't an exact match so it is returning line 3 with a value of 315 rather than line 1 and a value of 313. What am I doing wrong?
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Apr 6, 2012
I am looking for a formula that will enable me to determine which one out of five thresholds a percentage falls within and the retuns a specific value for the corresponding threshold. Here is an example of the data (only showing three thresholds):
1 ___0.0%_____50%_____$5.00
2 ___51%______75%_____$15.00
3 ___76%_____100% ____$25.00
Where the values in A1 and B1 are the low and high ends of one range. I would like the formula to determine which range the value falls within and return the value in collumn C (C1 for the A1:B1 range).
I can do this using multiple 'if' statements, but am looking for a much more streamlined way to determine the proper value in column C.
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Jul 30, 2012
I have a custom range -55% to 55% as part of a grading system for sales growth. I want to return a 0-100% grade depending on where within that -55% to 55% range a sales reps growth for a month falls. For exaple, if a sales rep scores 0% growth for a month, they will receive a 50% grade by where 0% falls within the -55% to 55% range.
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Jul 3, 2009
I am performing a lookup using the populare user defined function nlookup, which does not take a lookuparray argument to find lookup values. But I only want to return lookup values that fall into a certain array. To accomplish this, I figured out that I need a way to specify a condition of the type "if cell address of lookup value falls within range"
It should be possible if I find a way to return the cell address of the nlookup value, but as nlookup is not limited by a lookuparray argument, so I was not able to use the address/index/match that come up in similar questions.
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Nov 21, 2006
i m given 12 max value of my 292 cells. now im asked to find number of cells that falls within each of these max values?? im asked t use histogram. how will i do it?
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May 2, 2014
Refer to the attachment. I am trying to average the data in the Y column, if the times fall into the range between column R and S. I am having trouble with the averageif function. Is there a better way to parse through column W, check if the values fall between the ranges of S and R, and if they do, average the associated values in column Y?
Attached image: Capture.JPG
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Jan 14, 2009
make this formula more concise and shorter, it was design to check a numbers in a range to see if any of them falls into a particular range.
=IF(SUM((COUNTIF(Fund,">11999")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">12999"))),(COUNTIF(Fund,">21099")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">28729"))),(COUNTIF(Fund,">28730")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">33999"))),(COUNTIF(Fund,">58999")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">59999"))),(COUNTIF(Fund,">82000")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">84999"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">11999")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">12999"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">21099")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">28729"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">28730")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">33999"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">58999")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">59999"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">82000")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">84999"))))>0,"ATTACHMENT E IS REQUIRED","")
and if the any of the number fall into the range it will print the message, "Attachment is Required"
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Jun 12, 2014
I have a list (a) with distances and another list (b) that gives numbers to certain distance ranges. For instance:
[Code] ...........
Now, if I have a value of 4.5 in list (a), I want to look up the respective zone. For 4 classes, this can be done with an if formula (=if(4.5>50;Zone 4;if(4.5>25;Zone 3;if(..and so on))).
What can I do if I have lets say more than 100 ranges with respective zones (ranges not of equal size) because an if formula will not be feasible anymore?
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Nov 29, 2002
I'm trying to count, in a range of cells, how many fall between certain values, such as between 75,000 and 99,000. The array formulas seems the way to go, but it looks like it only accepts one condition not a range.
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Apr 25, 2007
I want my code to verify that the Active Cell on a worksheet falls within a specified range of cells before the sub fires off.
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Oct 13, 2009
0000-0999 Cell a1
1001-1999 Cell a2
2000-2999 Cell a3
3000-3999 Cell a4
These are a ranges of values in a spreadsheet. I would like to be able to do a search or lookup for a number that I designate that falls within one of these ranges and it will direct me to the cell that my value falls within.
For example if I do a search for 1550 it would take me to cell a2 with a range of 1001-1999.
Not sure if this is too complicated for a formula and might need to use VBA.
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Mar 25, 2009
I was just recently forced to create my first UDF and after how well it worked I now am very interested in learning more. I am trying to create a function to sort a range by the values in a specific column and return the range. I know this should be really simple but for some reason my code dies whenever it gets to my inner-most loop. I need to use this in a larger function but for now this is my only question. I did find that Excel 2007 has built in Functions for this but my company still uses 2003.
Public Function SortRange(rngToSort As Range, valCol As Integer)
Dim Swapper As Variant
Dim i As Integer, _
j As Integer, _
k As Integer
For i = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count - i
If rngToSort(j + 1, valCol) < rngToSort(j, valCol) Then
For k = 1 To rngToSort.Columns.Count
Swapper = rngToSort(j, k)
rngToSort(j, k) = rngToSort(j + 1, k)
rngToSort(j + 1, k) = Swapper
Next k
End If
Next j
Next i
SortRange = rngToSort
End Function
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May 20, 2012
I need a formula that will tell me which 'BPS' a person should receive based off of the count of loans closed (between 'Criteria 2' & 'Criteria 2.1' and/or the volume (total of 'Loan Amount')(between 'Criteria 1' & 'Critera 1.1'), whichever gives the person a the higher tier.
I have provided an example below. In the example John Doe should receive .01750 'BPS' because he closed over 1 million in volume. If, for example, John Doe closed 5 loans for 400,000, then he would receive .01600, since he met the criteria for the 2nd tier based off of # of loans closed.
The formula needs to take into consideration which 'Comp Plan' the person has, as well as the other criteria mentioned above.
Bitmap BRANCHBitmap COMP PLANCOMP PLAN IDCOMP PLAN TIERCRITERIA 1CRITERIA 1.1CRITERIA 2CRITERIA 2.1BPSSACRAMENTOSAC-COMP-A11$ - $ 599,999.99 020.01250SACRAMENTOSAC-COMP-A12$ 600,000.00 $ 999,999.99 350.01500SACRAMENTOSAC-COMP-A13$ 1,000,000.00 $ 100,000,000.00 61000.01600SACRAMENTOSAC-COMP-B21$ - $ 599,999.99 020.01500SACRAMENTOSAC-COMP-B22$ 600,000.00 $ 999,999.99 350.01600
[Code] .......
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Jan 12, 2009
If I have A1 ( and the rest of row 1) that equals a standard Date Period such as shown below, What would the formula to be to sum all of the numbers if today falls within the range, as well as sum previous ranges.
For instance, If today were 02/15/09, it would only sum A2
If today were 03/15/09 it would sum B2 as well as previous time periods (B2 + A2)
If today were 4/15/09, it would sum C2 as well as previous time periods (C2 plus B2 and A2)
"02/05/09 - 03/02/09".............."03/03/09 - 04/01/09"............"04/02/09 - 05/05/09"
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Oct 28, 2009
I am half way through a Worksheet where I am using VBA to perform more than the measly 3 Conditional formats that excel offer. This is working fine but I am now looking into a way of reversing the formats if a mistake is made and the condition is removed.
To make this sound more straightforward it is a rota sheet. If I enter Holiday the cells interior turns pink, Half turns light blue, On Call turns green etc. If this is changed I need to change it back to the original formatting.
I have partly done this with a Case "" but the Rota changes colour with different teams so I need to have an IF statement in there that say if the Target Cell falls within this Range say A5:AF10 change to tan IF the target falls within A6:Af20 change to sky blue etc. Below is the code I have so far.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim WatchRange As Range
Dim CellVal As String
On Error Resume Next
CellVal = Target
Set WatchRange = Range("A1:AF100")
If Not Intersect(Target, WatchRange) Is Nothing Then
Select Case CellVal
Case "Holiday"
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 38
Target.Font.ColorIndex = 1......................
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Jul 16, 2009
The number in cell M21 falls into one of the ranges from C4 to C15. A matrix number needs to be printed in each cell from N21 to N30. The selection of the number to be printed in column N (under Matrix Assignment) depends on the range it is next to in array A4:C15. For example (as shown), the correct number for cell N21 is 122 because 0.2626 falls between 0.24 - 0.2699, and Matrix 122 corresponds to that range.
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Jan 30, 2013
Secondly, I'm using Excel 2007.
In column B3:B367, I have dates for every day of the year. In column D3:D367, I have body weight for every day of the year. This gets filled in on a daily basis.
What I'm looking to do:
1. Find the first daily weight for the month.
2. Find today's weight.
3. See if today's weight falls within the specified month.
4. Compare the first daily weight of the month with today's weight.
I am able to accomplish #1 with LOOKUP, #2 with LOOKUP, and #4 with IF/THEN. For the life of me, I cannot comprehend how to do #3.
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May 19, 2014
File A has patients with discharge dates over two years. Each patient may have multiple dates. Example:
Patient Discharge Date
John Smith 7/1/2012
John Smith 10/1/2012
Judge Judy 7/1/2013
Judge Judy 12/1/2013
File B has office visit dates for the patients. Again, each patient has multiple office visits. I need to be able to see which office visits were within 15 days of a discharge date. Example:
Patient Office Visit
John Smith 6/1/2012
John Smith 6/15/2012
John Smith 7/10/2012
Judge Judy 7/20/2013
Judge Judy 12/12/2013
Is there any way to note next to the discharge date that for John Smith the 7/10/2012 office visit was within 15 days of the 7/1/2012 discharge? And the same for Judy with the 12/12/2013 visit?
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Jun 6, 2006
i need to make a formula for excel which will verify if my actual value falls within a specific range. for instance if my value is 0.15 and the allowed range is 0.145 to 0.155 then i want to display the number zero in the cell however if the actual number is above or below the range i want to calculate the amount of deviation from the range
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Feb 6, 2013
I'm running a macro that pulls rows from a different spreadsheet based on certain criteria. I need to add an if statement that will determine if the dates in a column fall in between 2 dates specified in cells.
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Apr 23, 2012
I am trying to write a formula, I have 6 sets of criteria with a lower and higher range, if the number falls within the criteria I would like it to return the Alpha number,
eg, 104, will return D
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Jan 8, 2014
I would like to use a excel formula to resolve this problem.
Column C is the anwser I pretend.
In the same cell it will return the name of the correct range.
Ex: Between 200 and 300 there are numbers involved that are included in Range 1 and Range 2 (see second table)
Result: (How to return this value?)
Range1, Range2
Table to Check Value to Return:
Range 1
Range 2
Range 3
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Oct 13, 2008
i have the following table of information
Year DOB
7 01.09.96 -31.08.97
8 01.09.95 -31.08.96
9 01.09.94 -31.08.95
10 01.09.93 -31.08.94
11 01.09.92 -31.08.93
and a list of dates i need to look up the date to see which year it falls in and return the year
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Aug 5, 2014
I am trying to create a formula that will do the following:
If A1 is between 95 and 99 then populate with 2
If A1 is between 90 and 94 then populate with 3
If A1 is between 85 and 89 then populate with 4
If A1 is between 80 and 84 then populate with 5
If A1 is below 80 then populate with 6
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Nov 28, 2012
I am trying to put together a calculation sheet for court costs and I need a cell to return a value based on the amount entered in another cell. For example, if I input a value between 1 and 5 in cell A1, I would like "Cat" to appear in cell A2. However, if I input a value between 6 and 10 in cell A1, I would like "Dog" to appear in cell A2. Is this something that can be done without VB?
For the real spreadsheet, I would need the following outputs in cell A2 based on the respective ranges in cell A1:
Output to A2 = $405 if input to A1 is < $50,000.
Output to A2 = $905 if input to A1 is ≥ $50,000 and < $250,000
Output to A2 = $1,905 if input to A1 is ≥ $250,000
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Feb 15, 2008
I have a workbook that has rows of data starting at A5:G5 seperated in groups of 25 rows.
Example: A5 is numbered 1 and A6 is 2 A7 is 3 and so on to 25 then skip a row and start numbering again to 25.
What this is for is employees are placed in groups of 25 to be eligible for an award for safety.
What I want to do is Range G5:G650 is to be a place where an "X" is placed beside an employee who has had an accident then Range H5:H650 would return "Employee had an accident" I already have this part working.
Then I want to code a subroutine that would search for the "X's" and return the entire row data for each name in that group of 25 on a seperate worksheet.
This would then be printed so we would know which group's to exclude.
I know how to make it return the row of data containing the "X" but how can I make it grab the entire group?
There will be multiple groups of 25 each and each time an "X" is found within a group create a new worksheet for that group.
650 employees / 25 = 26 groups
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Oct 24, 2006
I need to know how to read all the criteria1 brought by the autofilter (in the dropdown box) from one column one by one and then print the table. Is that possible? I've read that it's hard but never read how to do that.
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Dec 12, 2012
Here is a sample of database,
If i lookup a value in the range A1:A12, say Sep-12, i need to get the cell address instead of the value of the row. but i know how to get cell address using CELL function. but i need to get cell address when i lookup the value.because lookup value will be dynamic.
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