Saving Values From A Listbox

May 2, 2007

i have an excel table with embedded listboxes (Control Toolbar element). The user selects from listbox and has to send this file for approval. but when she saves the spreadsheet, the listbox-selection is reset to the first item. I know, that this is common for Excel, that the Listbox-selections are not saved. So I think the solution is:

1) to save the position of the shown listbox-item like

Cell(1,1).Value = Listbox1.TopIndex.Value

2) at reopening the saved file just to put this value into the Listbox like

Listbox1.TopIndex.Value = Cell (1,1).Value

But I don't know how to access this Control Toolbox objects from VBA. I've read some previous posts and then tried with

Worksheets("PAGE2"). OLEObjects("BC1L3_Isin").TopIndex.Value

but it doesn't work. The simplest solution would be to use the LinkedCell property, but the users do not always click on the ListBox to select the Item, they just scroll with the mouse and then save the file, so that ListIndex and TopIndex are not the same.

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Saving Multiple Selected Worksheets From Listbox As PDF

Jun 25, 2014

To this point I have been able to successfully write code that will save a constant set of worksheets as a pdf. However, I would now like to alter it to be able to dynamically select the desired worksheets from a list box (I have been able to populate my list box) and then save as a pdf. The last step is where I am have issues. This is what I have thus far..

Dim relativePath As String
Dim Selected As Long

For Selected = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(Selected) = True Then
Sheets("Summary").Range("Q65536").End(xlUp)(2, 1) = ListBox1.List(Selected)
ListBox1.Selected(Selected) = False

[Code] ..........

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How To Populate Listbox With List Excluding Values Found In Another Listbox

May 27, 2014

I have a userform where I can select multiple items in a listbox and add them to another. I also have the ability to filter the first listbox to make finding items easier. The issue I am having concerns the clear filter button. As currently designed, the clear filter button will reset the initial listbox back to its default values. Ideally, I would like it to reset to the default values excluding those values that currently in the second listbox.

The entire code is below for reference, but it's the sub ClearFilter_Click that I am struggling with.

[Code] ....

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Userform's Listbox Values Depending On Values On Certain Matrix

Aug 16, 2008

I have problems with my userform's listboxes. I have two listboxes, and I want second listbox's values to be dependent on first listbox's values.

And even more complicated, I need second listbox's values to be dependent on values on certain matrix.

In that matrix, row headings are listbox1's values and column headings are listbox2's values. How ever there are blanc cells on that matrix aswell. So if there is a blanc cell(s) on a row which (heading) is selected at listbox1, then I don't want that column (heading) which intersects with the blanc cell to be included to my listbox2 values.

Finally I want to insert the selected values from listboxes and the value from the intersection of those listbox values (headings) on that matrix to worksheet.

I included an attachment, where you can see my point better. However, as you can see, now the listbox values are not dependent on that matrix. Otherwise it is working like I want it to work.

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Saving Values Not Formulas

Feb 13, 2009

I have a estimating workbook with a number of worksheets to provide a estimating process. this includes the final worksheet with the estimate on.
This is fine if i am printing it to send to the customer or sending as a PDf.

However i need to save as a stand alone excel workbook. But all pre-formated and only with the values in it and not the formulas. It would be easiest for the users if it could be done with a button on the quote sheet (ie done with as macro as some users are not very IT literate and do mess up).

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Saving A Workbook By Two Cell Values

Jul 1, 2009

I would like to set up my workbook so that I can save it by the combination of two cell values. The cells are A2 (which displays a country name) and E10 (which displays a string of numbers) and would like to specify the file to where to save the workbook which is:(G:BusUnitsShipping_RecievingInternationalInt'l Order FormsSpecific Orders). The following is a code I have tried that is close but not quite right:

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Worksheet Not Saving Array Values

Apr 24, 2014

Below is the syntex I am using in the array... and the source file.. when opened will calculate the values. The problem arises when I close the source file and values return to this " #Value". My entire frontend file is nothing but arrays and links compiling data from multiple sources and everything works except cells that have the below array in them.

why my cell values will not save upon saving and closing both my frontend file and source file?

[MIS_Incoming.xls]Weekly_Inc_Overview!$D$2:$D$80,"First Chargeback")+SUMIFS([MIS_Incoming.xls]Weekly_Inc_Overview!$E$2:$E$80,

[Code] ........

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Loading And Saving Time Values

Feb 19, 2007

I have created a userform which is initiated off a button in her spreadsheet, where if she enters an order number, it will display the values from the row containing that order number. I have made it so she can load from the excel sheet the values into textboxes, where she can change values then save them back into the excel sheet.

I have also include the ability to insert a new row at the end for a new order.

Everything works fine except the date values and I'm a bit stumped, I have searched but can't find anything that helps (I thought DateSerial helped but it didn't).

I've had two problems. the first was that the day and month swapped, I could load 1st Mar 2007 from the excel sheet and when stored back it changed to 3rd Jan 2007. This I presume to be due to US and UK date formats, I am in the UK.

I thought I had fixed this by changing:

oDisplay.Value = vStoreArea .............................

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Userform Listbox: Check Wether Range Have Negative Values Or Not If Yes Load All Negative Values In The Listbox1 By Clicking Checkbox

Jan 19, 2009

I have data in range J2:J365 , H368:H401 & J403:J827. i want to check wether this range have negative values or not if yes load all negative values in the listbox1 by clicking checkbox.

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Edit Values On Listbox

Sep 17, 2009

I've been searching on the internet for a solution to this (if it exists). I have a Userform and I want to include a listbox(or list view or anything like it) which allows the user to select a specific row by clicking a checkbox, and then the next columns will be activated to select numbers in several comboboxes. My goal is simply to add checkboxes and comboboxes to the list view.

I just want to know if this is possible in any way and how would I proceed in order to achieve it.

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Getting Values While Looping A Listbox?

Jan 17, 2014

here is the code that I have come up with, Im trying to loop through a listbox having troubles getting value.

Private Sub cb_Delete_Click()
Dim peo As Worksheet: Set peo = Sheet3
lr = peo.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row


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Listbox Values Repeating

Sep 24, 2006

How can I modify the codes below so that the results in the listbox would reflect only the actual data? Some previous information stays in the listbox making the search inaccurate. I have tried to clear the listbox first before querying another but results are the same.

On the first loop, the queried items are accurately listed in Worksheets("Search"). For example, if the data being searched on has only one result, entries in this sheet would only show one. But when it is shown in the listbox, it at most times show previously queried information.

Also, how can I dynamically adjust the array so that no vertical scrollbar would appear if the queried results fit perfectly in the listbox? The array below would automatically assign 10 rows in the listbox even if the information shown consumes only less than 10 rows.

Option Explicit
Dim MyArray(10, 5)

Public MyData As Range, c As Range

Sub FindCaseNo()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim FirstAddress As String 'what to find
Dim rSearch As Range 'range to search

Dim fndA, fndB, fndC, fndD, fndE, fndF, fndG As String
Dim fndH, fndI, fndJ, fndK, fndL, fndM, fndN, fndO, fndP, fndQ, fndR, fndS As String
Dim head1, head2, head3, head4, head5 As String ' heading s for list
Dim i, intFind, intCount As Integer
i = 1

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Remove Duplicate Values From Listbox?

May 14, 2014

Column A has values increasing by 1 but not necessarily each row, i.e.

1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14

I have a listbox which I want to Initialize by listing these values but not duplicating them (so in this case it would contain 1-14). Here is the mindblowingly complicated code I currently have:


This gives me the list as it appears on the sheet but doesn't get rid of the duplicates for me.

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Retrieving From A Database Using Listbox Values

Aug 9, 2007

I have a two dimensional database from which I need to pull information based on multiple listbox values (these listboxes are located in a userform). The user selects one or more cars and then chooses from various parameters for that car. The output has to show the results - for example, if Jeep Cherokee and mpg are chosen, the output will be 23 mpg. I need to be able to do this for multiple cars and multiple parameters.

I need for the outputs to be located in a worksheet. I already have the code for setting up the list of cars and parameters selected (this gives me a row and column header), but now I need to be able to cross reference this information to pull the output from the master database. I was wondering if I can use a vlookup function to do this, but I've never used it with 2 dimensional data.

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Referencing Listbox Values By Column

May 6, 2008

how to reference a listbox value by column? For example, I have a listbox that is populated by two text boxes. The actual list looks like this:

ItemOne 1
ItemTwo 2
ItemThree 3

And so on. With Column 1 being a string and column 2 always a number.

I'd like to be able to take all of the values from column 1 and paste them into my spreadsheet next to particular adjacent cells.

Also, I'd like to take the values in column 2 and sum them.

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Calculate UserForm ListBox Values

Aug 22, 2008

I have several listboxes in userform. They are named like this:

Work1, Salary1, Workforce1, Hours1, Price1
Work2, Salary2, Workforce2, Hours2, Price2
Work3, Salary3, Workforce3, Hours3, Price3
Work24, Salary24, Workforce24, Hours24, Price42

Workx listbox contains text, others contain numbers. Now I need Pricex listboxes to contain the value of this calculation: Salaryx * Workforcex * Hoursx (For example Price17 listbox value would be Salary17 * Workforce17 * Hours17)

However, if Workforcex listbox is empty, then Pricex listboxes should contain the value of this calculation: Salaryx * Hoursx Then again, if user wants to skip entering Salaryx, Workforcex and Hoursx, I want to allow entering value straight to Pricex listbox. Then Salaryx, Workforcex and Hoursx listboxes should be enabled.

On the other hand if there already are values in Salaryx, Workforcex or Hoursx listboxes, then the Pricex listbox should be not enabled. I need the values of these calculations to be inserted in Pricex listbox right after there are enough inputs without pressing any button etc. (For example if there are values in Workx, Salaryx and Hoursx inboxes, the calculation should be entered to Pricex listbox immediatelly.

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Display ListBox Values In Status Bar

Aug 24, 2006

I would like to find out if I can have the values I selected in a two-column listbox and a one-column listbox in a userform shown in the status bar. It is possible to select more than one value in the list boxes, so the formula needs to be able to add the selected values.

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Multiselect Listbox Preselected Values From Matrix?

Apr 3, 2014

How do I preselect items in a listbox based on combobox selection and values stored in matrix.

I have attached the file with a description of what I mean

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Search Values In A Column And List Them In A ListBox

Jan 21, 2010

I'm afraid I've run into some trouble with the Listbox function, which I really love, but I can't quite get past this hurdle.

I want to have a listbox which populates by checking an entire column for values, ignoring blank cells, and, if value is present, to also check to see if any value is present in the cell one column to the right and one row down from the cell that has the initial value. If both these conditions are true, to then display both values in the Listbox. In other words, the Listbox would contain two columns.

During this routine, when checking value is present in the second cell, I'm guessing that an IF statement would increment a variable signifying the cell reference by + 1 for column and + 1 for the one row down?

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How To Populate Listbox With Discrete Values From A List

Nov 13, 2010

I have systems that spit out text log files showing machine performance. Each log file has about 5000 lines of data in it which I import into excel for processing. One of the columns has a machine voltage that changes with the machine state. There might be 10-15 discrete values (like 500V, 800V, or 1000V) within the 5000 lines. I'm trying to populate a list box with just the discrete values so the user can choose what state to process for charting. Some log files might only have 2 or 3 voltages others might have 15 or more so it isnt fixed. I've been trying to use an advanced filter with copy to location and unique records selected but I run into problems with the variable size of the list and with the fact that the header repeats periodically and I can't seem to screen that out of the list.

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Checking / Unchecking Existing Values In A ListBox

Nov 5, 2012

I have a Multi Select ListBox with values from a range of cells.

I wish to automate the selection of one or more existing value(s) via VBA code so when User views the List, The check mark is visible. This will alert them to Active values.

i.e ListBox:


If the active region is West, The check box beside West is Active, i.e contains an "X"

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Take The Values Of A Listbox Selection Located On A Worksheet

Jan 5, 2008

Is there way to take the values of a listbox selection located on a Worksheet and call that value when I initialize a Userform?
Or, if not, is there a way to declare my listbox selection as a public variable that can be accessed from any module of my VBA project?

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Storing Multiple Listbox Values To One Cell

Feb 4, 2010

I am setting up a multiple listbox and trying to store the chosen values in one cell. I found a good reference on here but can not get it to work.

On my tab named "input" I have a listbox named "AppListBox"
When the user finishes choosing, I want all the values to go to one cell (H40) with a comma separating them.

Here is what I have within the Input tab code.

Private Sub AppListBox_LostFocus()
Dim s As String
DIm i As Integer
With AppListBox
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) = True Then s = s & ", " & .List(i)
Next i
Range("H40").Value = S
End With
End Sub

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Unwanted Values/Items In ListBox Control

Aug 29, 2006

I have an issue with some unwanted items in a listbox that gets its data from a pivot table, however it only happens with the one pivot field and for three of its pivot items.

I tried following a suggestion from an earlier thread to re-create the pivot table, but it did not work.

I'd like to post the file, but its too large, even in zip format.

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ListBox Retaining Old List Values/Items

Sep 3, 2006

I have a listbox which is populated with filenames from a specific folder when the userform is acivated. The user can choose any filename in the list to open it or adversly to delete it. When delete is used (ListBox is set to MultiSelectExtended) the selected files are 'Killed'. The filename list is then refreshed and listbox repopulated and resized ready for the next action. The problem is the recalculated ListBox.Height works fine and the ListBox shrinks in height as expected, but a vertical scroll bar appears as the number of lines is still that was prior to the files being deleted. This happens despite code having run an instruction to make the ListBox.Height = New Number of entries * line height. This doesn't stop the application to perform as expected but is an annoying cosmetic thing.

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Assign Listbox Values To Two Dimensional Array

Feb 11, 2007

How can I assign values from a listbox to a twodimensional array?

and next

do something like search and remove a row and assign the array back to the listbox

I know I can do it directly, but I need the array for something else too

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Listbox Values Linked To Sheet Names

May 25, 2007

I have created a userform in excel with a listbox that has the names of 4 different sheets located within that workbook. I would like for whenever a name of the sheet is highlighted in the listbox, that sheet is opened. I have played around with the listbox.value and if then statements and can't seem to get it to work.

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Font And Format Of Listbox Values Based On Condition?

Nov 5, 2013

I have a listbox that lists some items from a spreadsheet, but what I cannot figure out is how to have the font color of the items be RED if the value if negative, and default BLACK when positive...

how to alter the code to accommodate this?

With UserForm1.ListBox4
.ColumnCount = 5
.ColumnWidths = "2 cm;3 cm;3 cm; 3 cm; 3 cm" [code].....

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Copy Rows To Another Workbook Based On Listbox Values Returned

Dec 7, 2009

I'm trying to copy Rows from a worksheet ("sheet1") in Workbook ("SourceData") to another workbook ("Final") and worksheet ("Regions") based on critieria selected in a listbox ("Listbox" located in a user form in "Final". The listbox selection is pasted in another worksheet, "Steps"). The trick is, the selection can be a single choice (Region2) or multiple choice (such as Region1, Region 3 and Region 7) and I'd want to copy any rows containing the selection criteria. I've got a bare bones start, but I can already see it's going to give me trouble. Here's what I've got:

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Saving A File Without Saving Macro

Jan 30, 2003

I have a spreadsheet that imports data, manipulates it then deletes 2 of the sheets then saves the file under a different name to the network. Is there any way to save this new worksheet without it storing the macros - so when the user open it, only the data is there and they get no prompt to enable macros?

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