Search For Values And Update Cell Totals
Jan 26, 2010
it's a search loop which runs the following when the file is opened. I would put it in the workbook_open sub but instead I want to have the sheet update before a main userform appears.
What I need it to do is:
Read each cell in column K from row 6 onwards to the last active row.
If a value is found then store the value (let's say as variable x) and from that cell, add up each value starting in the cell that is two columns to the left (column I) and one row down, onwards going down until a cell = "" is reached in that column (contains nothing). The total values added in column I could be stored as variable y.
Once cell = "" is reached, have x - y to make z and then the total (z)should display in the cell to the very left of the very original cell that contained the value x.
Finally, if x = the value in the cell to the immediate left from where x is (so same row but in column J), have that whole row from column A to L turn green, else have it turn orange:
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Aug 3, 2012
I have a requirement there is a excel sheet that has multiple sheet with application names , cntact names , phone numbers & email address and this gets updated by me often. I need a code that can put the application names and email address alone into an access database and that should automatically get updated whenever changes are made in the excel sheet.
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Jan 8, 2014
Excel Forum.jpg
So I want the SUM of the total from a certain range of dates to go into the Week Columns on the right. I'm gonna manually select the date ranges for each Week but how can I set up a formula to Sum the Totals at the right of the table based on the Date Column.
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Jun 14, 2014
The below is a data sheet which is going to be designed to keep the records of "sending and receiving" details of wash-garments from a garment factory.
01. Starting from B12, the dates of sending and receiving are entered in the sequence they occur. Both sending and receiving can occur on the same date.
02. Starting from C12, there are reference codes related to the activity, if Sending the letter is entered as "S", and if receiving it is entered as "R". I included this for the calculation or sorting purpose.
03. Columns D to J includes the break down of sizes of the quantities sent or received.
04. column K simply calculates the totals of the columns from D to J.
Requirement : I need to have the totals of each size wise quantities sent and received in the "summary table" as follows;
>> Size wise totals of "sent qtys" to be shown in D5 to J5(referring to the code "S")
>> Size wise totals of "received qtys" to be shown in D6 to J6(referring to the code "R")
>> The dates to be updated and displayed"automatically" in the rows of the column B, when the code letters("S" or "R") is entered in the column "C"
Special Remarks : The last date of sending or receiving cannot be predefined, the rows(dates)will be kept adding according to the way sending and receiving may occur.
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Jun 19, 2014
I was wondering if it is possible to get the SUM function to:
1) Add numbers in cells that contain letters or no letters.
2) If there are brackets that cell would be subtracted from the total, again ignoring any letters.
For example:
A1 = 3 ABC
A2 = (3 ABC)
A3 = 4
3 ABC + (3 ABC) + 4 = 7
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Jun 26, 2014
I have a cell with a fairly long formula for concatenating a large number of other cells. Let's call it cell "A". Due to the formatting and end use of the data in cell "A", I have to copy and only paste the values of that cell into another cell, which I'll call cell "B". What I need to know is whether there is a way for the values in cell "B" to automatically update in the same way they do in cell "A" when data changes in any of the cells that are being concatentated.
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Jul 24, 2013
i want to update values fon an excel sheet on a month by month basis. So i have jan to dec folders and excel sheets under each folder , i want to update my monthly forecast sheet based on the numbers in the folder I want to just change the cell in my monthly forecast sheet to Jan or Feb and the values should be pulled from the closed excel files in the monthly folders. I tried concatenation but it gave me #REF .. Is there a way to do it other than using "pull" ??
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Apr 1, 2014
Can the below be shorten up? It's basically to count if "dr" or "ba" appear in cell E2180;
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May 9, 2013
I have a userform for data entry. I am able to make codes for Add ( Add entry to database), clear ( Clear userform ) , Cancel (Exit userform). I have some more buttons and functions to be assigned to them but not able to write code .
Need codes for :
1) Have search box which searches Mat id in the complete database and returns value in the search result listbox. When we click on the result in listbox , the userform values are filled with the values that the mat id has . Then if user wishes he can update teh details for that mat id , and click on update button . the data is updated in the database. Or he can delete the entry from database by clicking on delete button.
2) Have arrows which will navigate through database ( need macros for that ) .
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Feb 17, 2010
Not sure if I am linking this correctly but here it goes...
This is a previous post link that is now solved but I have a new question based on the code in the post. I would like to know how to add a search and update ability to the user form I have created. I am newb with user forms so I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge.
And yes I know the way it is set up now it is depositing data in two different locations; this is for a specific purpose.
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Oct 22, 2009
The below code is what I have and it works but what I need is for it to loop until it doesn't delete anything. How can this be done?
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Mar 18, 2007
I need to calculate a subtotal like value on the last row of a filtered region.
description year sum
name1 3 yrs ago 200
name1 2 yrs ago 230
name1 last year 250
name1 forecast 220
name1 forecast value 1400
name2 3 yrs ago 200
name2 2 yrs ago 230
name2 last year 250
name2 forecast 220
name2 forecast value 1400
How to put a value on the last row of filtered column. let's say that above list is very little in comparison with the real list. so, let's say that i look up for name36, witch begins on row (36*5) -> 5 is the values of the year column; after autofilter with "name1" the very left column with row index become blue and show rows from 1 to 5, than, next row is the last non-empty row.
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Apr 29, 2009
I am trying to add up all values from the cell above the search criteria. Although sumifs does work well, it wont search the entire sheet, it only works in specified rows.
Also, the problem is that the values to be added are determined via a vlookup based off of a cell whose value is chosen by a drop down choice.
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Dec 20, 2012
Sub DeleteCells()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range, search_cell As Range
Dim i As Long
A few issues with the above code: I have manually checked that there is a sheet with a value in M12 that is found in the H column range, but it doesn't change the value to zero. (this was confirmed with an =IF(M12 = H101,1,0) returning a 1 value.
Secondly, it takes a long time to process not a lot of data. (about 2 minutes to get through 3 sheets of 180 actual rows of data, (rest blank). Is there any way I can speed it up? I will eventually be cranking it up to 30 sheets of data and up to 360 rows. (The 500 was thrown in earlier to make sure it covered everything).
finally, it also lines every cell value in I(end of data):I501with a zero, when there are blanks in other cells, can i get it to not put a zero in,
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May 6, 2014
I have developed a functional User Form that works like a charm. The form will Add New Records to my database and Get Next and Get Previous records. This all works like a charm. I am stuck on how to search by Last Name or Employee Number and then to Update the Existing Record. If I change anything in an existing record as the VBA is written today, my only choice is to add a new record to the end of the database. I have added Command Buttons, but I'm lost as to how to write the code. Here's what I have so far:
Dim currentrow As Long
Private Sub cmdGetNext_Click()
lastrow = ActiveCell.Row
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Jun 17, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with 13 sheets. Sheets 1-12 are Jan - DEC and I would like to make the 13th sheet a totals sheet Year to date.
The totals sheet will update when I populate/update the fields in sheets 1 -12.
The sheets have names in column A.
The sheets have labeled columns in Row 1.
What I am trying to accomplish is something like "if BOB in A:A on sheets 1 - 12, sum (or average) column B on the same row as BOB for sheets 1-12 and add to sheet 13.
I know this doesn't work, but this is my thinking =SUM(JAN:!H2:H200, FEB!H2:H200, etc.) if A2:A200 is "EAXACT MATCH" to sheet 13 A:A
I want to be able to sort/filter/hide on different sheets at different times without affecting the totals sheet. do I need to use subtotal?
Total upgrades
Total Repairs
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Feb 22, 2007
I have two worksheets with products that I need to compare.
Each product has a code and a product name in the following format:
Column A has the product code and column D the product name,for
Both sheets *should* have the same data in them but there are 4000
products that need to have their description verified.So I need to go
down each row on Sheet1 , extract the product code from
Sheet1.ColumnA and the product name from Sheet1.ColumnD. Then do a
search on Sheet2 for the product code (Sheet2.ColumnA) and verify that
the product description on sheet2 (Sheet2.ColumnD) is the same as in
Sheet1.ColumnD. If it matches,everything is OK. If not there is
something wrong. So I´m thinking that maybe the product codes that
dont have matching descriptions could be entered in to a separate
worksheet so that someone can check it later.
I´ve been reading around and found these code samples from this site
Dim rng1 as Range, i as Long
Dim cell as Range
With worksheet("Sheet1")
set rng1 = .Range(.Cells(1,1),.Cells(1,1).End(xldown))
End With
i = 0
for each cell in rng1
if cell.Value worksheets("Sheet2") .Range("A1").Offset(i,0).Value
' do what - they don't match
' do what - they match
End if
i = i + 1
I´ve been trying to make some changes but I dont quite know how to get this working to do what I want and I only get errors.
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Feb 22, 2007
I have two worksheets with products that I need to compare. Each product has a code and a product name in the following format: Column A has the product code and column D the product name,for
ColumnA :
Both sheets *should* have the same data in them but there are 4000 products that need to have their description verified.So I need to go down each row on Sheet1 , extract the product code from Sheet1.ColumnA and the product name from Sheet1.ColumnD. Then do a search on Sheet2 for the product code (Sheet2.ColumnA) and verify that the product description on sheet2 (Sheet2.ColumnD) is the same as in Sheet1.ColumnD. If it matches,everything is OK. If not there is something wrong. So I´m thinking that maybe the product codes that dont have matching descriptions could be entered in to a separate worksheet so that someone can check it later.
I´ve been reading around and found these code samples from this site ...
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Mar 27, 2014
I came across a userform which was perfect for my needs, as I only had to create additional fields, which I did and have attached. However, since I have more than 10 fields, I was getting an error with respect to the listbox function, where it stated that the list property could not be found. I gathered from the searches I did, that this is the max limit for this particular function. I have been unsuccessful in finding a solution, partly because I don't know very much and I'm not understanding how to incorporate some of these solutions into the vba code. I've created simple userforms before, but this one is a little more advanced than my current capabilities.
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Apr 16, 2007
I want to compare cells and use a range of values to calculate totals (i.e. count if cell A1=boy and cell A2 equals either "fat" or "skinny")? Also, I tried using wildcard character "*" in the SUMPRODUCT formula, which didn't work (i.e. if cell A1="boy*" would return at TRUE if the cell contained "boy", "boys", "boy and girl", etc.). Is there a way to include wild card characters in a SUMPRODUCT formula like the ones described above?
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May 20, 2008
I have three parameters that users on my spreadsheet will be using. They will be searching using the 'Brand', 'MPAN' and 'Tariff' fields.I would like to have drop down menu's for then to select the correct search option. I then have another sheet within the same workbook with all the data in it with columns headed of Brand', 'MPAN' and 'Tariff'. It has to be an excat match using those three parameters though. I would like the parameters the user selects on the first sheet to be searched and found on the second sheet, with the figures in the cells next to the search result getting fed back into a set cells back on the first page.
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Jun 20, 2007
Here's another question for you excel junkies to solve, while I try to understand what y'all are doing. I have two worksheets named "MASTER" and "BEDS". What I need to do, in sheet "MASTER" is go down column ("K:K"). "K:K" has unique data in it. then for each row...
"X" .value = offset minus one
"Y".value = no offset
now I need to go to sheet "BEDS" and find "Y" in column "A:A" then
from "Y" offset + 3.value = "TRUE"
"Y" offset +4.value = "X"
there should only be one instance of "Y" in column "A:A"..............
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Dec 29, 2007
I need a code for vinculating a user form and perform some searchings on a excel database.
For further details see attached file.
I created a user form in which some infromation is requested in order to search on excel database, I need a macro to search, display and update this data/information.
As an example, if i need to find the part number "C23138810-1" using the button search database and contains or match options, then displays all the information on the user form, this information is located in the same row where the part number is. Then, if some change is required, update is by clickig button "Update Data", and then if require "find next" item to review or update.
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May 20, 2014
I need a formula to extract data after "<li>Color: " & before"</li>"
blah blah blah<li>Color: White</li>some informations
blah blah blah<li>Color: Red</li>some informations
blah blah blah<li>Color: Black</li>some informations
blah blah blah<li>Color: Red</li>some informations
I have already use this formula but I get the "#VALUE!" error even if the cell contains the "<li>Color: </li>" data.
[Code] ....
Sometimes, some cells does not contain the "<li>Color: </li>" data, I don't want the "#VALUE!" error, I just want a blank cell there.
This is an example with the real values I want to extract Example.xlsx
This is the formula that works
[Code] ......
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May 31, 2007
From mySQL database, i am getting a ton of data that is all being inputted into a single excel cell. Within this cell, there are certain data points that i wish to obtain (Bank #, SSN #, Routing #). There are multiple difficulties in obtaining this information.
1. these cells contain the same fields, but different number of total characters (differing in names, addresses, etc.)
2. some of the data points (like SSN) are inputted incorrectly, so even though a SSN is only 9 digits/characters, I may have to output all 11 that the SQL database placed within the cell.
Can I get some help? I'm thinking of a search function/macro within excel, because all of the fields show up correctly.
something like (i know this doesn't work)
= or("cellA1" contains/finds/function SSN,return the 9 characters after "SSN ")
um...yeah. difficult to explain, i'm sorry!
edit: not sure what is wrong the file. I have attached a new one.
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May 16, 2007
Here is a project I can’t seem to do on my own if you can point me in the right direction I would be grateful! here is the best suedo code to describe the needs of the script:
In the open workbook named MASTER, on Worksheet named -MASTER- ( Let’s refer to this all as just MASTER)
(In production, the name of this workbook will be an account #_ date, and the worksheet will be a date)
For each numeric value in row 6 (we’ll call these values AD###) of MASTER
'*****Part one of routine*****
Search directory "H:AccountingAdvertising Accounts" for workbook named AD### AX.xls
(Note the AX suffix of the file name)
If match is found open workbook and proceed to Part two
If match is not found, goto Private Sub AD_MISSING
'*****Part two of routine*****
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Oct 18, 2013
Let's say that in column A I have numbers,"Yes" and "No". I want in column B to have only the numbers from column A, in the same order without any empty ranges, and everytime I add in column A a new number, column B to update automatically with that number. Let's have an example:
Yes 12
12 13
No 10
And if I want to add in column A:
Yes 12
12 13
No 10
13 25
No 15
So the column be will update automatically. I already tried =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$10,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER($A$1:$A$10),ROW($A$1:$A$10)),ROWS(B$1:B1))-ROW($A$1)+1),") but using this many times get's my file very heavy and the excel is working slow.
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Mar 4, 2014
I need one formula to copy and paste the checkcard data changing it from this "CHECKCARD XXXXXX5623" to "CHECKCARD 5623", but I need one formula to look for multiple known checkcard numbers. I will have more then one typically in the bank download so I need to search and copy at least two known numbers as shown below.
I am providing the formula that I am using right now, "=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("5623",B3)),RIGHT(B3,41),"")" but it only works for one checkcard number? Also I don't really need to capture the DEBIT or CREDIT that will always be at the end, it would be redundant. If it's easier to write the formula including that data that is no problem. What I want to copy and move into an adjacent cell is in red.
Here is the source data:
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Dec 26, 2013
I am looking for a formula that will satisfy the following:
1) find all the values in column "A" that match
2) In column "G", sum up all the values in "F" that go with the matching values in column "A"
3) For example, in rows 14-16, the values in column "A" match. Cell G16 sums up F14:F16
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Mar 12, 2012
I've got e.g. two rows of numbers -
663 666
664 665
665 663
666 664
667 667
and want to update col2 values to col1 values. Col 1 is always sorted low to high. For some reason I can't figure this out, whichever end I start from will change numebrs prematurely and muck everything up.
But it's got to be simple, hasn't it ? ! It's in a macro, not a worksheet and there may be more or less then the 5 in the example above.
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