Set Default So That Recent Page Opens When Click File Button?
Dec 12, 2013
Is it possible to set the default page to open when clicking the file button? In particular, I use the recents feature a lot but never have I looked at the information on the information page. Everytime I click the file button I have to then select recents which is annoying.
I am new to excel macro. Want to invoke a page and click on submit button. Getting "Object doesnt support this property or method" error on the line "Subm.Click"
My code is, Sub Macro1()
Dim IE As Object Dim URL As String Dim Subm As Object
I have a spreadsheet with 6 buttons on it. Ive been using the code from Daves Download Page to log users of the spreadsheet, however im now want to log which button is being clicked the most. Is this possible? Ive tried to do it myself, by adding a hidden sheet, and adding code to each button to add a line to the new sheet each time the button was clicked etc, but faield miserably.
I currently have the following code that copies a range opens notepad pastes the range opens save dialog and types the file name. The problem I have is with overwriting the existing file.
This code appears to do opposite of what I intended i.e., when I click 'Yes' button it closes the file without saving; and when I click 'No' button it closes the file with saving?
Private Sub btnExitNewPipes_Click() If MsgBox("Save the Data?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "File Save") = vbYes _ Then ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges = True ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges = False End Sub
i am working on a pivot report and it works fine so far, but the only thing i am trying to do here is when duble click on a total it opens a new sheet with the report needed but it names the sheet as sheet1 and so on (sheet2,3,4...)
is there a way when i duble click a total it automaticly names the sheet for me?
Running into this issue of "transworksheet macros"
I have a master "update" commandbutton on sheet 1. I have two sub "update" buttons on sheet 2 and 3 respectively.
What I would like to do is have the user click the master button, that would "click" the two sub buttons so they run their respective macros on their respective worksheets (within the same worksheet.
I have tried pasting the macro code in the master button, telling it to select the sub worksheet and then run the macro, but the marco runs itself on the master worksheet instead.
I've created one file, that acts as a launching file. It does several things, including environment validation, and downloading new files from a web repository, etc... Once it has done everything it needs to do, it launches a 2nd file (the main user input file - which is tied to an external DB), fires the start-up routine in that 2nd file, then quietly gets out of the way.
This all works perfectly, unless the 2nd file gets closed before the start-up routine is finished. (this could happen for several reasons, including invalid login credentials). I've oversimplified the issue below: ...
When I click on the "Office Button", then in the recent "documents dialog box" there is a list of my worksheets plus an "allsenatename" file". This then downloads a worksheet from a website. I don't know how it was added to my list, I must have entered it when looking at that web site in error.
I have defined 2 pivot table report using the same master data. I wanted to default the page field in these reports. I notice that on refreshing the data, the pivot table page field updates with "All" instead of default one (if there is no data for the default page field). How do I fix this? I wanted to have the default page even though there is no data for that field in the master file.
This is a follow-on to a great solution provided by Shg and Rylo. Here is the link.
My users have run in to an interesting issue with the file. Each time the files opens it has the same 5 questions selected. What I need the code to do is randomize the questions each time the sheet is opened. Basically, the users seem to have a problem using the "make quiz" button, so they have requested that I make sure that the quiz randomizes each time it is opened.
I have a function which selects a file and opens it.It is part of a code.
Sub Cpy() ' Macro recorded 1/16/2007 by PZCHFR Set PresentWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook FSel Findlastusedrow Cpy_Name getmonth
End Sub
Function FSel() filetoopen = Application. GetOpenFilename("Document Files (*.xls), *.xls", 1) 'Workbooks.Open Filename:=filetoopen 'Set OpenedWorkBook = Application.Workbook(filetoopen) Set OpenedWorkBook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=filetoopen) End Function
When the user does not select any file and clicks "cancel" in the dialog box,this gives me runtime error .How do i make the code correct so as to handle the case where there is no file selected.
My office recently upgraded to Office 2010 and we would like (in the accounting department that I work in) to change the default number formating in a blank sheet to Number, 0 Decimals, using seperators, from the current default of general format number.
I have looked for the Book.xltx file to replace but can't see it any where.
I need a code that will automatically run my first macro. The first macro already calls all the others. I just need everything to run as soon as someone opens the file.
In the following code, What do I need to add to allow the selected file to open when I click on it? I have a drop down menu that lists my .xls of now when I choose a file nothing opens.
Sub Auto_Close() On Error Resume Next Application. CommandBars("Patient List").Delete On Error Goto 0 End Sub
Sub Auto_Open()
Dim cb As CommandBar Dim ctrl As CommandBarControl
On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("Patient List").Delete On Error Goto 0
I've got this code that will copy data into my worksheet from the most recent .IRP file generated on my C:/ drive. Along with copying the data to my worksheet, I'd like to have a copy of the IRP file copied to a folder on my L:/Drive.
In the code section I've commented out the code that allows the data from the most recent file to be copied to my worksheet. I found code that supposedly will copy a file to a new directory. I want to combine this into my code to allow both to happen. Here's my attempt.
I am using the code below to Open the most recent file in a folder.But once it Identifies the most recent file I get a run time error"1004"
xxxxxxxxxxxxx(name of File) could't be found.At line "Wookbooks.Open strFilename".My question is , why can't it open it, it has the location and the file name?
This code works as long as the macro and target file are in the same directory(Folder)
I have written a macro to loop through files and subfolders to open a specific file for a specific month. I extract the datasets for every excel file into a master template. The code works flawlessly when all of the files have the .xlsm extension. However, I need to open .xls file formats also. When my code opens the first .xls file, named "Staffing Plan.xls" it opens it and automatically makes it "Staffing Plan1 [Compatibility Mode]. I can't open the file in the original "Staffing Plan.xls" file format to read data from. How can I fix this?
I have the following code saving a copy of a spreadsheet as a backup every 30 minutes. The problem is the save code is running as soon as the file is opened. I want to save only after the file has been open for 30 minutes. The way it is now if I open the sheet up and something is wron the backup has already been overwritten by the messed up sheet. Will someone please let me know what needs changed to eliminate the inital running of the code?
Sub do_something() sec = 1800 when = Now + sec / 60 / 60 / 24 Application.OnTime when, "do_something" Application.DisplayAlerts = False ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "S:QUALITYTest Results Spread SheetBackup of Riser MezRiser Mez backup.xls" Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub
I am trying exactly the same things stated in here Open two workbooks at the same time as stated in the other thread's answer I would love to "just use the Workbook name IF both Workbooks are in the same folder." both files are in the same folder and this is the code that I am trying to use
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Workbooks.Open ("toto1234.xls")
and it does not work any one explain me what I am doing wrong?
I am using Excel 2007 so I CANNOT use application.filesearch.
With that said, I need to change one of my old macros that searched for the newest file within a specified folder, and then display the name of that file in a message box that gives the person an option of opening the file. I've read too many workarounds for application.filesearch and I'm not sure how to combine them all into something I can use.
Normally I have a bit of code to start with, but this one has me so baffled I don't know where to start.
A client has sent me an Excel workbook that appears on the screen with the message adivising that it is Protected View as a result of having been downloaded from the internet. If I click on the Enable Editing button the workbook is completely deactivated. I have played around with my Trust Centre settings but nothing seems to work.
When I open any saved Excel file the saved file opens along with a blank workbook titled "Book 1". How can I make it so when I open any saved Excel file it only opens the file I want and not a new workbook every time?
I am trying to create a script for a manually morning process that I need to complete that entials downloading a number of .PDF files and sending them out to a distribution list. I am unable to automate that actual saving of the files onto the network drive, but I believe I can automate the process of attaching them to the email. I have run across some problems so far though, this is what I have been able to come up with. After doing a bit of research it seems as though using cmd would be the best way to locate and attach the file but I am still unable to get it to run properly:
Code: Sub AttachMultiple() With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(0) .To = "" .Subject = "Test" .Attachments.Add Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir 'G:Client ReportingMGIDaily ReportsAGFAJune 2013*.pdf' /b /o-d").stdout.readall, vbCrLf)(0) .Send End With End Sub
Here is an example of a folder I will be trying to pull the most recent saved PDF from, there are about 10 similar folders:
I feel like I am relatively close to completely this, my cmd syntax may just be a little off.