Sort On Column, But Not Include Any Rows With An X In Other Column
Jan 10, 2010
I believe that the best way to evaluate this request is to look at the example. I have 2 buttons to demonstrate what I need, along with written instructions.
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Mar 31, 2014
Is there a way to filter column A but ensure it includes multiple lines of data in a different column.
I have attached an example of what I am looking for:
I need to filter by community but keep all the information listed in columns, B, C, & D.
So when I filter to Thunder Bay I would still see the 5 members listed in column D.
I realize the easy solution is to fill all the empty cells in column A to pick up the data in the other columns, but I do not want to Fill all the empty cells to include the name "Thunder Bay" (not the look I want for this spreadsheet).
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Sep 25, 2013
I am looking for some to create a simple macro to sort multiple rows in ascending order based on the values in a particular column in the selected range. I want to sort A4:AI1004 in ascending order by column D. I recorded the following macro in Excel 2010:
Sub sort()
' sort Macro
' sort by column D (Sequence #)
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
First of all, I think this code can probably be simplified. Secondly, it does not work in older versions of Excel. In 2007 it always ends in a runtime error. How can I clean this up so that it will work in both versions of Excel?
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Mar 5, 2009
I have a single column dynamic range called "Dock" and I need to sort the rows in my worksheet based on information from this range.
Each cell in "Dock" is formated similarly to "TM09030010"
This is "TM" & YYMM & "4 digit number"
I need to sort my rows based first on Date "YYMM" then second by the last 4 digits of the same string.
The worksheet has information in columns A through K and Range "Dock" is located within column A.
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Nov 10, 2008
I have company asset data listed by item on wksht 1. Example:
Company A Computer 200
Company C Coffee Machine 21
Company A Car A123
Company B Computer 70
Company A Chair B14
Company B Desk C56
Company C Computer 59
Company C Desk C789
I want to sort and covert the column data on wksht1 to row data on wksht2. Example:
Company A Computer 200, Car A123, Chair B14
Company B Computer 70, Desk C56
Company C Computer 59, Coffee Machine 21, Desk C789
I'd like to do this via VBA/Macro(s) if possible.
I have to do this every month, so it would be nice to append the existing data to an "archive" file on wksht3 and then create this months data.
The data is imported each month via a text file with comma delimited fields which become the column data in the top example.
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Apr 2, 2014
I need the values that are copied from the template to copy over in text form from the "Data" Tab. Secondly, the master sheet has multiple lines for each vendor. For the area highlighted in red I'd like for it to copy all cells in column C for the vendor and search the vendor by name. Then, move to the next sheet.
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Jun 20, 2013
I want to sum number values in a column. I have used "=SUM(C4:C100)" and it works a treat. Now the twist. I have an adjacent column (Column D) and only want to add values in Column C, where a corresponding value is in Column D on the same row.
So for example if I have C5 as $1000 and D5 as 13/5/13, I want to include the $1000 value in the sum of Column C. However, if I have C5 as $1000 and D5 as blank, I don't want to include it in the sum.
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Mar 28, 2007
Here's what I have.. (on a much smaller scale)
(notice how the lines that match are now even.)
[Edited by admin~ *Link* to large images, don't display them]
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Aug 15, 2006
is it possible to leave a column out of this sort code as in A the very first column which just numbers the rows?
Here is my sort ....
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Sep 23, 2006
I'm looking for a way to sort dates from several columns into a new single column (perhaps multiple columns if the entry columns become too numerous). I've included an example. There are currently only 4 columns, but there may be as many as 20 in the future, each with 20 dates under each heading. Any blank cells would be eliminated. If I filled a blank with a new date, that date would be placed into the chronological column. So basically, this would take the date from several different categories and create a single calendar of events.
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Jan 1, 2009
I m trying to use arrays in the wrong way. I simply want to create an array from values in a column and perform calculations on each element and store the results for each element. I therefor need a 2d array. I also dont know the number of values in the column and therefor dont know the number of elements that will be in the array. How would I declare this array. Ive tried Dim MyArr(1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 1 To 2), but that returns an error - 'Constant expression required'.
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Apr 11, 2014
I have a criteria issue with a sumproduct formula i'm using. The criteria is essentially supposed to say "if the value in column I (in Sheet2) equals ANY value in column O (in Sheet1), then do not include that line in the SUM. Here is the complete formula:
[Code] ............
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Apr 11, 2014
I'm looking at the formula in Sheet3, cell F5. You'll see that the criteria "--(Sheet2!I:I<>Sheet1!O:O)" does not seem to be working. I need the formula to not include any values from Sheet2!E:E, where the corresponding value in column I does not equal any value in Sheet1!O:O. Also, these values can change by user so its not as simple as just typing them in to the formula as an array...
That VBA part of this is that it's in a macro, so if there is any way to make this easier using code instead of a simple formula.
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Dec 17, 2007
I'm using Excel 2007 and have an Employee Scheduling Program that keeps track of 10 employees on a monthly basis (1 worksheet per month). The days of each month are in columns (I thru AM) and my 10 employees are in Rows 6 thru 15, which creates a grid of cells. I use Conditional Formatting to highlight the Weekends, Todays Date, and Holidays. My Sumproduct formula (shown below) is in each of the cells of my grid and places a number (1 to 10 for each employee) from start date to the end date. My Current formula works great as it finds every occurrence of the argument but I need to modify it to include the contents of the Helper Column.
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Apr 1, 2014
How to make the below selected range, which represents column Q, also include column A?
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select
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Mar 3, 2007
i want to sort column D acsending, then column C descending. i want to do this using VBA because i cant just format the sheet because another vba macro paste the sheet thier which would rid the formatting. (i would do it myself everytime but it is for someone to make it easier for them and not make mistakes..i searched, just found a sum formula post)
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Aug 13, 2014
I want to compare two columns. I would like to see if the contents of column B appear anywhere in column A, for any amount of rows, and if it does, to place the match in col C.
So in the example below, red in B1 would be checked in A1 through A1000 or however long A is. When any row has red, place that match in that row for C.
This would be repeated until all rows in B are complete.
Col A: red
Col B: red
Col C: red
Col A: red
Col B: blue
Col C: not found
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a file with a bunch of columns in it. Columns C and D have names in them. I want to filter on these two columns where the results show all rows where the selected name is in both.
Example, If I filter on Column C first on 2 specific names (Joe and Chris), it will not show the results in column D if that name was aligned with a different name in column C (Mark and Steve). I need all rows to come back.
Column C
Column D
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Jan 13, 2014
Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.
Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.
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May 12, 2014
I have 2 columns of data E and F. Column E has 11 different words that randomly repeat, Column F has 10 years of dates, about 1,000 entries (10/11/12 format). Both columns values come from formulas.
I am trying to copy cells E & F to columns K & L starting in row 2 only if there is is data in column E (one of the 11 words) and skipping all others rows. Both the E & F values of tthe row must be copied together, i.e if text is in E45, then copy E45 and F45 into column K and L starting with K2 & L2. This is a task which will be repeated multiple times as data is replaced in columns A-D.
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Aug 3, 2006
I need to combine rows that have the same value in column a and column b to the same row by offsetting column c to the next available column. For example, I would like the first 6 rows of the provided sample to appear like this.
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
Sometimes the values are the same in column c, sometimes they are different. I do not want to delete duplicate rows where they are the same. Sometimes there are 2 rows that have the same values in column a and column b, other times there may be 3 or even 4 rows with the same values in column a and column b. Regardless, I would like the values in column c combined on the same row in the next available column. It would be nice if the duplicate column a and column b rows (with a null column c cell) were then removed, but I could do that in the next step.
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
0014B24<@33><i>Available water capacity:<p> High (about 11.5 inches)
0014B24<@33><i>Available water capacity:<p> Very low (about 2.9 inches)
0014B24<@33><i>Available water capacity:<p> High (about 9.0 inches)
0014B25<@33><i>Slowest saturated hydraulic conductivity:<p> Moderately high (about 0.57 in/hr)
0014B25<@33><i>Slowest saturated hydraulic conductivity:<p> High (about 1.98 in/hr)
0014B25<@33><i>Slowest saturated hydraulic conductivity:<p> Moderately high (about 0.57 in/hr)
0014B26<@33><i>Depth class:<p> Very deep (more than 60 inches)
0014B26<@33><i>Depth class:<p> Very deep (more than 60 inches)
0014B26<@33><i>Depth class:<p> Very deep (more than 60 inches)
0014B27<@33><i>Depth to root-restrictive feature:<p> More than 60 inches
0014B27<@33><i>Depth to root-restrictive feature:<p> More than 60 inches..............
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Nov 14, 2006
column A has random numbers 1- 10. Column B has numbers 1-10 also but in a different order. How can i sort column B to match Column A?
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Aug 27, 2013
Using Microsoft Access to pull from a database work orders. Some of those are what we call "dummy" work orders and have a letter in them, real work orders are signified by a 10 digit number. I would like to sort and eliminate the letters to find appropriate data. I am assuming I will need to copy into excel and do some sort of formatting but not sure where to start.
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Nov 27, 2009
I've a worksheet that is 3750 rows of cells from A to DT and contains only numbers with the exception of a header row. The rows are in groups, primarily 4 rows, although there are exceptions - these rows are separated by blank rows. Small example as follows.
I have been trying to conditionally format each group of rows and each column and color the cell in each column of four (or less) numbers in each group that represents the maximum number.
It was easy enough to come up with the conditional formatting BUT it will take forever to do this manually. I've been told to use a macro but I know nothing of programming. Has anyone seen or heard of a macro that might already be written to perform this onerous task.
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Feb 6, 2009
I have two columns with dates. Colum A has the date of the deadline of a document while column b has the day it was sent. Column X will display the difference if its a positive integer ( i.e. if the document has been sent after the deadline). Now i have another column Y which displays the month as an integer of when the document was actually received.
Now i need a counter which will count the number of instances a positive integer is registered in column X according to the month in column Y. I have been trying everything but cant figure a simple way to do it. Im doing this so i can be able to see how many documents are sent after the deadline per month.
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Dec 8, 2009
I have a sheet where i want to delete duplicate rows where column A and column B combined are equal, i.e. range(Ax:Bx) where x is the current row. I am using the macro below but cant seem to get it working as I keep getting a type mismatch error and Im not sure why.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have an excel spread sheet with several rows of 265 (9A-IV) columns each with a heading. I would like to transpose the worksheet columns so that the heading is placed in Column A against the corresponding that is placed in column B. For example
ABCD14692571038Transpose to A1A2A3B4B5C6C7C8D9D10
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Feb 15, 2007
I want a cell on one spreadsheet (SP-A) to add up a column (M) in another spreadsheet (SP-B) rows 11 through 10000.
Here's the thing, I want that cell to actually display not the sum that it gets but that sum minus all numbers (in M column again) which column E is filled out with any data for their given row...
i'm not even sure if this makes sense lol... let me use example
on SP-B there's a column M.
in row 11, value = 3
in row 12, value = 5, in this same row column E is filled with whatever
in row 13, value = 2, in this same row column E is filled with whatever
in row 14, value = 6
in my SP-A I need the cell to display 9, since rows 12 and 13 have values in E and I don't want to add those to the sum.
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Jul 9, 2009
I want to sort by Column C and then by Column B. I would like to do it with VBA and have it work for different documents. When I do the Macro recorder to see what the code is I realize that the RANGE and WORKSHEETS properties are very specific. The problem of course is that where ever I use this script I will not have the same ranges and the worksheet name might be different. Is there a more general way to write this to allow it to work on any of my documents.
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May 6, 2014
I have a set of data (assume 2 columns, one with a long name and the second with a time). The names contain variables that must be used as criteria (a single entry may contain "Blue" and "On"/"Off") and times vary, based on when the Name turns "On" or "Off" [in minutes: 25 (On), 47 (Off), 89 (On), 100 (Off) and 137 (On)]. I need to create another table that automatically inserts values for all times, to include the missing times (0 min thru 24 and 26 thru 46, etc.). EX: If the first entry is "Blue-On" at "25 minutes", the cells from 0 minutes to 24 minutes are each "0" and become a "1" at 25 minutes - the following cells are "1" until 47 minutes (where it is turned off). (1 and 0 represent "On" and "Off", respectively)
How can I created a formula to insert the correct numbers into the correct places? I'm willing to have multiple cells with formulas and simply hide the columns that are doing the calculations.
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