I am working on an excel spreadsheet that has multiple "sheets" to it. On the first sheet I have multiple columns worth of info and on the second sheet I am trying to copy some of the info from the first sheet.
For example:
Sheet 1, Column A2 has the number 1 in it.
On sheet 2 I have entered the command "=SHEET1A2" and it copies the info as I had hoped.
However, here is where my issue comes into place.
When I sort Column A on sheet 1 numerically, my answer on sheet 2 changes to whatever the new number is in box A2 on sheet 1.
Is there a way I can copy the info so that it changes as I sort the column numerically or alphabetically?
Below is the code to look in a specified sheet and find the values in the row where the combobox value is found. These values that populate into the Listbox when a Combobox value has been selected, are in the same row as the Combobox value, but offset 20 - 29 columns.
All is good in this section of code.
The Listbox has 3 coulumns. It is populated as follows: 1st column is the header in Row 1 of the the columns 2nd column is the actual numerical values(minus another value offset 80 columns) in the combobox specified row, and 3rd column is the actual numerical value address in the combobox row.
Code: Private Sub ComboBox1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False If Me.ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then Me.ListBox1.Clear ' On Error Resume Next
[Code] .......
The next code runs thwn the user double clicks a Listbox value. It basically enters the Combobox value and Listbox value to a sheet. All is good here, with the exception to placing the Listbox item address to the specified sheet cell.
For some reason i ALWAYS obtain the LAST possible address of the range of values (i = 20 - 29), instead of the actual item selected in the listbox.
Code: Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) With Sheets("DESPATCH") .Activate ActiveCell.Value = Me.ComboBox1.Value
[Code] .......
How to rectify this to obtain the correct listbox address ?
Im trying to sort items in two list boxes on a userform. I found some customizable sorting code online here:
But I'm not having any success with it.
I copied the 'Sub SortListBox' code and added it to the bottom of the Code for the Userform. I then added the following lines to the Userform Initialize procedure: Run "SortListBox", lbUnitList, 0, 1, 1 Run "SortListBox", lbPOList, 0, 2, 1
This should Sort lbUnitList Alphabetically by Column 1, and sort lbPOList Numerically by Column 1.
However as soon as I add those lines to the Initialize procedure it prevents the userform from opening. No Error message is displayed, it just won't load.
I have attached my workbook. The Userform is called ActiveEquipment.
I have written a VB-excel program after a lot of reading on this forum. Purpose of the program is to load a number of log-files with lots of data.
I load these files in a 2 column listbox, were the 1st column is the name of the file and the second column is a number, starting with 1, 2, 3 etc.
Since I don't get the files in the order I want them to be, I created a button to change the number in the 2nd column.
Now my problem: I need to sort the listbox according to the 2nd column. I have a routine that works ok, but whenever I make a mistake like duplicate numbers in the 2nd column, I lose all the data in the listbox and can start over again.
Dim listarray(20, 2) As Variant, Log_name As String, k, i, n, m, listnum, pos, remove_num
listnum = ListBox2.ListCount
For n = 0 To listnum - 1 pos = ListBox2.List(n, 1) - 1 Log_name = ListBox2.List(n, 0) listarray(pos, 0) = Log_name listarray(pos, 1) = pos + 1 Next n.................
I have 9 columns of data in C2-C10 that I can sort numerically by the values in C2. All the numeric values in C2 are also in C1 but C1 has additional numbers not in C2. I want to sort C2-C10 such that each row in C2-C10 aligns with its respective value in C1.
e.g. If C1 contains 1,2,5,8,34,42,56 and C2 contains only 2,5,34,56 I want the row (of C2-C10) with C2=2 to align with the cell where C1=2. And where C2=34 I want the row (C2-C10) with C2=34 to align with the cell where C1=34. Is this possible though i'm not sure my explanation of what I want to do is good enough!
Note that my dataset is going to be very large (500,000 rows).
I'm trying to create a formula that will added the correct amount in the correct cells, I have create a dunny sheet in trying to achieve this. If Cell B8:B11 = ABS or Dum that any points won should be added to Cell L8:L11 right now its adding it into K8:K11. If Cell B8:B11 = is Blank any player points should be added to cells K8:K11. I'm using this formula throughout cells K8:K28 =IF(J8>J25,1,IF(AND(J8<>0,J8=J25),0.5,0)) Any thing in red is incorrect anything in blue is what I'm trying to achieve.
This is for a race track. Drivers sign in on one sheet. On that sheet there is 4 different columns. Column 1 lists the division that they race in. Column 2 is the name of the driver. Column 3 is his car #. Column 4 is the number that he draws that decides his starting position. Typically there is 2 heat races per division with the odd number that is drawn being in the first heat and the even number being in the second heat. I created a second sheet called heat races. I am using an index function with a small function with a row. I have my divisions listed separately with 2 heats per division. I want to display the car number per division but lined up by the position that they draw. I have figured out how to display all of the cars per division, but I can't figure out how to separate them by what they draw (odd and even and in order from lowest to highest).
We receive about 20 sales files of several hundred lines of data each day from various agencies. I want to create a macro / VBA code which checks that the data submitted is correct so that we can upload it into our database without import errors and / or having to manually check each line of data.
I envisage something like an output report:
##################### 149 entries Column A - Date - OK Column B - Customer_Phone - Errors (Should be 11 digits) Row 21 - Customer_Phone - Error (Not 11 digits) Row 108 - Customer_Phone - Error (Contains letters) Column C - Outcome - OK Please correct and re-check. #####################
I have a table with 3 columns of dates and then a column with Set # that I feel in the box #.
I need to see how many items processed for each set per day.
Example: [url]
The problem is that it counts the correct amount but not with the correct dates. The formula that I use is: =SUMPRODUCT(--($I$3:$I$8<>"")*(($C$3:$C$8=39601)+AND($E$3:$E$8=39601)+AND($G$3:$G$8=39601)))
I have a list of dates and need to define every 7 days as a week starting a week 1 and descending numerically. I'm doing this as a set up for an INDEX, MATCH function I'm going to write.
I have attached a sample of what I'm trying to achieve
Starting in A2 are a list of dates, starting in B4 I have week 1 listed and want the week 1 listed for the first 7 rows, then week 2 for the next 7 rows, then week 3 and so on.
Trying to figure out an easy way to automate this process so I don't have to type the week, copy it to the next 6 cells and go down the list that way.
How can I sort the attached list both alphabetically and numerically. I have a list of UK postcode sectors which I am trying to sort alphabetically and numerically, the order should be eg AB1 0, AB10 1, G2 1, G20 1 but excel wont allow that sort order. There are three postcode formats
XX11 1 X1 1 X11 1
Where X an Y could be any letters in the alphabet and 1 could be any digit 0 to 9. Have attached a short list and formula in column B which would allow me to sort the list in column A which I can then apply to my full list.
I have a macro already that prints my blank invoices sequentially. What I would now like to do, is insert a dash. SO instead of just the invoice number, I would like to have a 1- in front of each number;
1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 ... etc.
I have uploaded the 'invoice' that I am currently using.
List 1 (TV Brand) Sony LG Samsung Depended List 2 (Models) Sony LG Samsung EX420 55EB9600 PL43E450A1FXZP EX430 77EC9800 PL43E490B4FXZP EX550 55EA8800 PL43E400U1FXZP EX520 KN55S9C UN32EH5300FXZP EX645 55EA9800 PL64E8000GFXZP
I'm using two Listboxes (Form Control) with multiple selection options namely Listbox 1 (Brand) & Listbox 2 (Models). I want listbox 2 input range to be depended on selection made on Listbox 1 (Brand). For example, if user selects Sony then box2 should show only Sony's models and if user selects Sony & LG, box2 should show models for both Sony & LG.
I have a userform where I can select multiple items in a listbox and add them to another. I also have the ability to filter the first listbox to make finding items easier. The issue I am having concerns the clear filter button. As currently designed, the clear filter button will reset the initial listbox back to its default values. Ideally, I would like it to reset to the default values excluding those values that currently in the second listbox.
The entire code is below for reference, but it's the sub ClearFilter_Click that I am struggling with.
im trying to create a two column listbox that will transfer both columns to the listbox on the right and also transfer from the right to left currently right to left works but when I trasnfer from the left to right then the right to left only one column is moved.
I have two sheets and two listbox's(ColumnCount8) and one command button.
lstInYard rowsource is set to sheet1 lstMilled rowsorce is set to sheet3
Iam trying to cut and paste the selections in lstInYard to lstMilled as well as the corrosponding row values in sheet1 to sheet3 by using cmdMoveSelected click event.
I have 2 userforms. UF1 and UF2. UF2 has a rowsource set to its Listbox. UF1 has a search function that searches the original sheet. Now I want to double click on an entry in UF1's Listbox and select the same entry in UF2's Listbox. I want to then work with that entry in UF2.
I do all of this to circumvent Excels restriction. I can't search in a rowsource Listbox, but any edits done to my new Listbox wouldn't be made to the Excel sheet.
I have the following sheet which functions as a table to store values for files that have been created using the application which this table is in. In this app., I have a form with 2 listboxes. When the form loads, I have the first listbox list values which each of these files are listed under (i.e. - "sub-directories"). With a selection of one of the list values and clicking of a button, I want the second list box to list the values of cells listed in a range directly below where the selected value in the first listbox came from.
I'd prefer, in the first listbox, to have only the values of the ranges that have a value in them in the listbox. However, this would cause my listbox.selected(array) not function properly. But since my current offsets (in the second sub) do not seem to be working anyway, maybe I am going about this totally wrong.
The following line highlights the first selection in the listbox visible and calls the listbox click event
myListbox.Selected(0) = True myVal = myListbox.Value 'after this line executes, instead of being set to the actual first value in myListbox, myVal is ""
Why is myVal not set to the first selection in the listbox? After I execute the following code, myListbox.Value still equals "" and not "Counter 1".
I have 1 listbox (lisbox1) that retrieve it's list items from a worksheet range (imported/database query from access). This works fine.
I have a second listbox (listbox2) that should display results from clicking a value in listbox1. Listbox1 contains companynames (1 column), listbox2 needs to be populated with quotes.
Range A3:D4800 contains company ID's, Company names, Quote Numbers. When I select a company name in listbox1, I need listbox2 to be populated with all quotes for that company.
I have tried (using vba) to do a vlookup using the listbox1 value, but I cannot seem to figure out how to populate listbox2 with "all" quotes. I get 1 quote and that's it. I realize I probably need to have the vlookup loop through each cell in the range to find the value, but when I try this, I get a type mismatch when using the .additem (only for the 2nd and subsequent passes).
I cannot find this information anywhere else in this forum...
Does anybody know how to transfer an item from one list box to another using code, on the click of a button. The list box with the information in is called 'Team_ListBox'The list box i am wanting to transfer to is called 'Starting_Team_ListBox'The button to do this task is called 'AddPlayer_team_Btn'
I have two listboxes on a userform. One is the "choice" listbox, the other is the "master" listbox. Each item selected is a billing object on a sales invoice. problem: The master list works fine when the item is selected in the choice list. But when it is deselected, how can you REMOVE it from the master list? question: How can I add a text box automatically to the userform to allow the user to enter quantity info?
For I = 0 To CodeList.ListCount - 1 If CodeList.Selected(I) = True Then obj = CodeList.Column(0, I) p = 6 test = 0
Do While test = 0 And p <= 25 If sheetsales. Range("C" & p) = obj Then test = 1 Else test = 0 End If p = p + 1 Loop If test = 0 Then.........................
I want to add some to a macro have which asks before performing the rest of the macro... "Are all details correct?" with a yes and no button. yes, carries on with the macro and no ends the macro.
I use a lot of VLOOKUP formulae in the sheets i put together and, despite both the lookup value and table array being in the same format (usually text format), i often get an #N/A being returned.
Here's the fun part... if i then do something simple like access the lookup value cell (either by double clicking or pressing F2) and then hit return, then the vlookup calculation suddenly returns the correct value.
I'm convinced it's something to do with the way the cells are formatted but can't work out what.
In this case the largest groups are: 50:01 - 75:00 = 15 75:01 - 100:00 = 25 100:01 - 125:00 = 15
55% fall in to this bracket.
What we are targeting as a business is that the majority of worker fall in to a similar range each month. So the challenge for my team is to increase the % value month on month. the close to 100% the better they are doing.
Equally what in Excel could I use to automate this calculation.