Numerically Sorting Columns And Copying To Separate Page
Dec 19, 2012
I am working on an excel spreadsheet that has multiple "sheets" to it. On the first sheet I have multiple columns worth of info and on the second sheet I am trying to copy some of the info from the first sheet.
For example:
Sheet 1, Column A2 has the number 1 in it.
On sheet 2 I have entered the command "=SHEET1A2" and it copies the info as I had hoped.
However, here is where my issue comes into place.
When I sort Column A on sheet 1 numerically, my answer on sheet 2 changes to whatever the new number is in box A2 on sheet 1.
Is there a way I can copy the info so that it changes as I sort the column numerically or alphabetically?
I receive an extraction from AutoCAD that lists the electrical devices in a drawing. I don't have any problems extracting the letters. I have a problem extracting the device number and the device number extension.
The device label extraction is similar to this: DCM1005-1 DCM1005-10 DCM1005A MTR1005-1 MTR1005-10 MTR1005A
I want to create 3 columns from the device label: (I separated the column with commas) A1, B1, C1, D1 DCM1005-1, DCM, 1005, 1 DCM1005-10, DCM, 1005, 10 DCM1005A, DCM, 1005, A MTR1005-1, MTR, 1005, 1 MTR1005-10, MTR, 1005, 10 MTR1005A, MTR, 1005, A
I am trying to take a spreadsheet and have each row print on a seperate page - without having to do the print area thing on each row. Is there a way to automate this process?
I work for a printing company that prints labels. We have 6 printing presses, lets call them A,B,C,D,E & F. Certain labels can only be printed on printing press F.
From our business system I can run a report in excel format giving details of all the labels that we have sold in the present month. I need split that report into 2 separate excel spreadsheets; 1 showing everything that was printed on presses A to E and the other showing everything printed on press F.
I also have another excel spreadsheet which gives a complete list of all the labels that have to be printed on press F.
Every label that we print has a part code and both spreadsheets show this part code so that would be the linking factor between the 2 sheets.
I have 5 columns. The first 4 columns only contain 1 line each, the last column can contain anywhere from 1-6 lines. How can I do a sort and keep all the text in the last column together? By way, it was imputed on separate lines.
I have 3 status sheets (about 300+ ea.) that I was given to sort out.
Information: 1) Column A: Number of items (i.e. 1 ) 2)Columbe B: Rec'd Date + initials + no. of copies received, followed by notes (i.e. 021709,akb,01)
Since there is only one column with all the information together, is there a way to sort the attached sheet by initials? I don't know how to create a formula to pull all the date,mjg's; date,jac's; date,akb's; etc... into a separate table.
A: No. of items B: Date,mjg... = Total no. of items C: Date, abk... = Total no. of items D: Date, akb... = Total no. of items
I’ve created a worksheet containing many drop down lists that form an inventory of household effects. Once selected, I’d like to be able to view/print the selected options and quantities separately on one A4 page.
I don’t want the separately viewed/ printed page to contain anything other than the selected options. The problem I’m having is to arrange this new page as a contiguous list.
I would like to create a menu representing "tasks" where an amount of "time" can be designated per option for my employees to select and fill. I would like this information to then be tallied elsewhere so I can keep track of our efficiency.
So far, I've created a table where a "time" input is nested beside each "task" drop down menu, I would like these inputs to be added up underneath the same category on the budget tab.
For example: If I work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday doing tiling.. I would like the budget to reflect those accumulated hours (throughout the week) nested under "tiling".
Here's the file, what I'm trying to accomplish [URL] ............
I have line of code that should look bat a given range and copy all visible cells to a new sheet, to start at G8. I get the message that this code doesn't perform this for more than one selection and I'm not sure my code is correct for a rnage that covers two lines either.
VB: Sheets("Error recommendations").Select ' On Error GoTo Errorhandler ...
If the name in Column F of "Sheet1" is found in "DataPEs" in Column B, then copy the block of 6 cells of data below it in column Q to column D of "Sheet1" in their relative rows. Additionally, if column Q has data then copy it, if not then copy the data only in column M. Finally, the number of matching names will vary in Sheet1 but will stay mostly the same in the DataPEs sheet. I've highlighted one block of data in green as an example.
I have a work sheet with about 35,000 lines of data. Every day I have to sort the list by product category (I use auto filter to separate) and then copy the results into a new worksheet, there are about 300 product catagories. I'm new to macros but I'm wondering if there is a macro that can automate this process.
I have a workbook with two sheets the first one is called "SDL" contain master data for three TEAMS (TEAM.A, TEAM.B & TEAM.C") and the second worksheet is called "SDL_Calendar" for graphical chart view.
I need Macro to copy the relevant column data from "SDL" sheet and paste into appropriate column in "SDL_Calendar" sheet then make separate sheets for each "TEAM".
I have attached the work book of what I am trying to accomplish.
I need to copy a range of cells from various columns/rows from 1 sheet into 6 other sheets, but into a specfic range of cells(in the same workbook). I am looking for a code which would copy the cells, then allow me to save the sheets it has copied them to as seperate workbooks without loosing the values it copied. I would also like to make amendments to the cells which have been copied onto the other sheets, without having an error message if I type anything into the cells, also having any blank cells left blank rather than placing the 'o' value in the cell.
I have a spreadsheet of raw data that has been downloaded in Excel. In Column N there are different site numbers.
I want to use a new Sheet for each site. Using a formulae I want to filter the data for each site and then copy the entire row to the relevant site`s page.
So I should end up with a sheet for each page and allthe data sorted correctly?
I'm trying to compare values in 2 separate columns to see how many times the same value appears in both columns. Ideally I would be able to insert a range function to compare the values in the column "ID 1" against the values in column "ID 2" and return the count of times that a value appears in both columns. For example 2122, 1112 and 1718 appear in both columns and I would like the formula to return a count of 3.
In my actual project I'm comparing 2 columns in the same worksheet. The column are column B with data in cells B2:B10266 against column C with data in cells C2:C18560.
I have 9 columns of data in C2-C10 that I can sort numerically by the values in C2. All the numeric values in C2 are also in C1 but C1 has additional numbers not in C2. I want to sort C2-C10 such that each row in C2-C10 aligns with its respective value in C1.
e.g. If C1 contains 1,2,5,8,34,42,56 and C2 contains only 2,5,34,56 I want the row (of C2-C10) with C2=2 to align with the cell where C1=2. And where C2=34 I want the row (C2-C10) with C2=34 to align with the cell where C1=34. Is this possible though i'm not sure my explanation of what I want to do is good enough!
Note that my dataset is going to be very large (500,000 rows).
This is for a race track. Drivers sign in on one sheet. On that sheet there is 4 different columns. Column 1 lists the division that they race in. Column 2 is the name of the driver. Column 3 is his car #. Column 4 is the number that he draws that decides his starting position. Typically there is 2 heat races per division with the odd number that is drawn being in the first heat and the even number being in the second heat. I created a second sheet called heat races. I am using an index function with a small function with a row. I have my divisions listed separately with 2 heats per division. I want to display the car number per division but lined up by the position that they draw. I have figured out how to display all of the cars per division, but I can't figure out how to separate them by what they draw (odd and even and in order from lowest to highest).
When I view a sheet under Page Break Preview, it shows the Page numbers in the centre of the Page. While I am aware that it would not print the page number I was wondering if there is an option to remove/hide the page numbers.
I have a list of dates and need to define every 7 days as a week starting a week 1 and descending numerically. I'm doing this as a set up for an INDEX, MATCH function I'm going to write.
I have attached a sample of what I'm trying to achieve
Starting in A2 are a list of dates, starting in B4 I have week 1 listed and want the week 1 listed for the first 7 rows, then week 2 for the next 7 rows, then week 3 and so on.
Trying to figure out an easy way to automate this process so I don't have to type the week, copy it to the next 6 cells and go down the list that way.
How can I sort the attached list both alphabetically and numerically. I have a list of UK postcode sectors which I am trying to sort alphabetically and numerically, the order should be eg AB1 0, AB10 1, G2 1, G20 1 but excel wont allow that sort order. There are three postcode formats
XX11 1 X1 1 X11 1
Where X an Y could be any letters in the alphabet and 1 could be any digit 0 to 9. Have attached a short list and formula in column B which would allow me to sort the list in column A which I can then apply to my full list.
I have a macro already that prints my blank invoices sequentially. What I would now like to do, is insert a dash. SO instead of just the invoice number, I would like to have a 1- in front of each number;
1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 ... etc.
I have uploaded the 'invoice' that I am currently using.
if anyone know if there is a formula that can separate a name which sometimes have two words or one or two space. For example a formula that can separate a name by first space in one column and the second half in the second column.
example: David T Blain
name is in column A,
column B is David T column C is Blain.
I don't think this is possible with a formula, but if you think it is let me know.
I think it would be more efficient to do this with a macro, could you please see if you could provide a macro that can do this.