Split Worksheets
Jul 1, 2009
In column A of a spread sheet I have lots of entries in this format:
What I need to achieve is to have a different worksheet containing all the rows for admin_staff_a then another for admin_staff_1 etc.
I want to name each of the worksheets a, 1 etc so i'd remove the admin_staff bit and the _003 bit
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Aug 12, 2009
This code splits a worksheet into multiple sheets (based on sales person in column A). But when it does it, it deletes the sheets and then re-creates them.
However this messes with my formulas I have linked to the split sheets and turns them into #REF! errors.
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Mar 1, 2013
I would like to split a worksheet to multiple sheets based on a column header. On browsing through the forums I found the VBA code below.
My problem with is that the code automatically uses only the first column for spiliting into different sheets. But I would like to modify this so that it searches the first row for a matching header specified by me (Eg "Name" , which may be column 10)
Private Sub PagesByDescription()
Dim rRange As Range, rCell As Range[code]....
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Nov 8, 2008
I have a worksheet that has data in columns A to N. The Salesman’s number is in column A and I need to split this first worksheet in to separate worksheets in the same workbook for each salesman.
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Oct 30, 2010
I have a macro below which splits the data in my workbook (Attached) into seperate workbooks on the basis of each change in data, and saves the new workbooks with the value available in column A. Everything else works perfectly with this code I just want the code to take the workbook name from Column B, not Column A as it is currently taking.
Sub Test()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim List As New Collection
Dim Item As Variant
[Code] ......
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Jul 26, 2009
I am trying to write a macro to:
1. Randomly selects 50 rows from 834 on "worksheet 1". There are only two cells per row.
2. Then, it clears "worksheet 2" and "worksheet 3".
3. From each selected row in "Worksheet 1", it splits the two cells and copies the results into two different worksheets, one column per sheet.
4. The rows in the two new worksheets should be congruent (i.e. same selected order from worksheet 1). Keeping the order the same is important.
This is what I have so far:
Sub Macro1()
Dim rng As Range
Dim iRow As Long
With Rows("1:834")
iRow = Fix(Rnd() * 834 + 1)
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = .Rows(iRow)
Set rng = Union(rng, .Rows(iRow))
End If
Loop Until rng.Areas.Count >= 50
End With
Selection.Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End Sub
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Aug 28, 2009
The following code takes a large range of data (currently 20K+ rows) and breaks it out into separate worksheets. This takes a while, and I have been trying to insert a progress bar into this macro, but the progress bar goes in reverse (from 100 to 0) but the userform will not unload at the end.
Sub MoveCells()
Dim objBook As Workbook
Dim objSheet As Worksheet
Dim lngRowSpace As Long
Dim strName As String
Dim lngTimeRow As Long
Dim lngStartRow As Long
Dim lngInteration As Long
Dim strDataSheet As String
Dim boolError As Boolean
Dim counter As Integer
Dim PctDone As Single
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Apr 4, 2014
spliting of main data By column criterias which start from column E1:L1 something like Pivot Table in new worksheet, but based on formula functions.Each worksheets have to based in one of this column D1:K1 headings. That also have to rapidly change with main data table.
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Mar 12, 2014
We are an office furniture company and we want to hold a master list of all stock. The columns we require are:
Product ID
Product Description
Product Grade
Product Price
The Sold column would be a YES or NO answer, and based on that I want the data to split into two additional worksheets, one with all the unsold items and one with all the sold items. So really I need to know how to split the data based on whether the line has a YES or a NO in the sold column.
The data needs to update instantly so if I change a product from unsold to sold it then comes off the current available stock tab.
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May 22, 2014
I need to split the data into worksheets (see attached) by the Advertiser column and then by the deal year and deal code columns. I need each worksheet to be named per advertiser and deal year_deal code. I took off and replaced the data since it is sensitive information.
creating a macro or implicating one into the workbook to run for future reporting.
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Jan 17, 2014
I have tried to split using KuTool and ASAP Tool but they dont work. They can only split base on #of row. Between each of the group of my data, there is a empty row that split them. I want to split every single row from A:H to a new workbook. Why A:H becuz from A1:A8, the A5 is empty. It has to be in range, specify by me, so if the condition is met as empty from A:H, then split from there and keep going on the whole spreadsheet.
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Apr 11, 2012
I am looking to split data in a worksheet into separate sheets based on Column C which contains Either Babycare or Homecare or Industrial or Professional. Eventually there maybe more names. If possible I would also like to name each sheet.
My VBA skills is limited to this particular task.
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May 26, 2009
how to split one large worksheet into several worksheets using VBA. The only criteria I have to go on in the large worksheet is the existence of blank rows between each chunk of data I want on it's own worksheet.
Please see the attached zip file. There are 39 chunks of similar (but varying in number of rows) data that are separated by 3 blank rows, so I want my workbook be split into 39 new worksheets. My goal is to get the data into list/table format so I can work with it more easily and export into Access etc.
Also, just out of curiosity, is it possible to convert a HTM file into CSV? The attached data starts life as a HTM file that I just convert to XLS
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Feb 4, 2008
I have a huge Excel spreadsheet going into the 10 000 mark.
What I want to do is split the spreadsheet into multiple worksheets based on the Company column.
I've attached a small sample.
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Jun 19, 2014
I am trying to divide a table of data (7 Columns, 500-1000'ish rows) into individual worksheets based on any unique values in column. There may be anywhere from 10-30 instances of the same value in Column C, and I need to bring all rows of each unique instance into a newly created worksheet to be labelled the same as the value in Column C.
The RAW data will be updated monthly by keeping a template file copying and pasting data, therefore I am hoping to have a "SORT" button with this Macro assigned to it. I have quickly thrown together a sample workbook with how the RAW DATA will be pasted into the file, with additional sheets showing how I would like the data split and organised.
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Mar 6, 2008
I'm using Excel 2000 and I have a spreadsheet with 4 columns (A-D) and many (500+) rows.
Part 1:
Colums A & B both contain identical data - a first name and a last name in the format "John Doe".
I want the second word ("Doe") removed from all cells in Column A so that only the first name remains, and I want the first word ("John") to be removed from every cell in Column B so that only the last name remains.
So, where A1 & B1 both started with the data "John Doe" now A1 contains only "John" and B1 contains only "Doe".
Part 2:
Column C contains addresses in the format:
"#5 - 123 Fake Street, Some City, CA 90210"
There is ALWAYS a comma and a space after the street address, then the name of the city or town followed by more data which may include one or more commas.
I would like everything BEFORE the first comma to remain in column C, and everything AFTER the first comma & space to be moved into Column D of the same row. The first comma and space are not needed again.
So, where C1 started with "#5 - 123 Fake Street, Some City, CA 90210", it now only contains "#5 - 123 Fake Street" and D1 now contains "Some City, CA 90210".
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May 8, 2009
How do I split numbers!
I have two problems/challenges!
Part I...
I got the answer 1987, and now I want Excel to take the numbers out and display...
1 in one box then i set + in the next, then 9 in the 3ed. box, next box +, then 8, then +, then 7 in the last so that i can have Excel make a SUM of it all to 25.
How do I split 1987 and put the numbers in different boxes?
Part II...
I want to make A=1 B=2... all the way up to 9, then start over again with J=1 K=2... up to 9 again and then over again.
So that if I write my name it comes out as a value of 14 (Odd = O=6 D=4 D=4 =14)
(AJSØ=1 BKTÅ=2 CLU=3 DMV=4 ENW=5 FOX=6 GPY=7 HQZ=8 IRÆ=9, It's the Norwegian alphabet, that's why there are some extra letters)
So how do I set up my Excel so that is ANY name is typed in I can get it out into a number from the values assign?
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Jul 31, 2006
Here's my problem. I have a cell where there are many data strings seperated by ",". Each data string has a seperate value of its own like for e.g:
A2: aa,ab,ac
String Value
aa 1
ab 1
ac 3
What I want it accomplish is that, split the A2 cell into the different data string entities seperated by ",", then get the corresponding value of each of the data string entity, and to take the average of all the values of the different data string entities.
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May 15, 2013
I have read that there is a VBA macro in F11, but I also read that it would only sort the workshhet names, but not the data. I have Excel 2010.
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Jan 16, 2009
Just need to delete some hyperlinks in column A on 50+ worksheets. Thought a loop through all the worksheets would do it. Only works on active sheet. Forgive my ignorance, don't really even know where it goes, once it works - module or workbook?
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Jul 7, 2014
Let's say I have a workbook with 7 worksheets named, for example, "Instruction", "Begin", "Worksheet 1", "Worksheet 2", "Worksheet 3", "End", and "Data". (in that order)
What I want to do is run a macro to go to whatever worksheet that is in between "Begin" and "End" and copy, for example, cells $C$1:$D$10; then paste as formula into worksheet "Data" starting from cell C1 and then down a list (i.e., copied cells from "Worksheet 1" get pasted as formula into "Data" cells C1:D10; then copied cells from "Worksheet 2" get pasted as formula into "Data" cells C11:D20, and so on and so forth).
But if I were to add more worksheets (e.g., "Recipe" and "ToDo") positioned in between "Begin" and "End" and run the macro again, it'll either 1) re-copy all the formulas from the included worksheets back into "Data" including the formulas from the newly added/placed worksheets or 2) it'll add the formulas from the newly added/placed worksheets and paste into "Data" at the end of the list.
Can create the macro to run based on the position of worksheet, and not based on the name of worksheet, since ultimately there will probably be over 10 worksheets between "Begin" and "End".
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Aug 10, 2009
I'm trying to perform the same process to all the worksheets in my workbook. This is the code I have now, but it will only apply to the single active worksheet:
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Apr 26, 2006
How do I modify this macro so that the worksheet array will select all the worksheets except sheet 1?? My workbooks will have varying numbers of worksheets ...
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Jul 21, 2014
Instead of just counting all worksheets I want to count the number of worksheets between 2 control worksheets (Start and End). Reason for this is that I have a Workbook that grows weekly and each new worksheet is inserted after "Start". I have a macro that lists the Worksheet names but it grabs all and I only want those between Start and End.
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Nov 10, 2006
I need to write VBA code to clear all Values, all values beginning with an = sign for eg = 9725, except formulas and text on all my worksheets, except the last 2 worksheets.
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Mar 30, 2014
I have a table like this:
1 AB111
3 CC332
2 DA221
Is there a way to display that information on another sheet so that each individual product is on its own line with a QTY of one? I can do it with VBA but was wondering if there is an alternative?
1 AB111
1 CC332
1 CC332
1 CC332
1 DA221
1 DA221
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Dec 22, 2008
I was multiplying 2 ranges in an formula to get a cell's value. The first was a set of user inputs and the second was an array of constants. Recently I needed to add another field in the middle of the user inputs which subsequently broke the range.
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May 10, 2009
I have in one column first name space and then surname. I want to divide it into two columns 1 for the first name and 2 for the surname.
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Feb 3, 2014
I have a very long HTML code that i am using for a description of something on our website, when i save the file in CSV format the HTML gets cut up and put into different cells on different lines ... the file needs to be saved in CSV format.
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May 29, 2014
I need a routine that splits a cell with a name into its various components.
For example: split the name Johnny Jones and place Johnny into a different cell, and place Jones into yet another cell.
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