Splitting Data Into Separate Spreadsheets Based On Column Values

Dec 18, 2013

I have a data that has several columns. But I need to separate the spread sheet based on one particular column values.

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Splitting A Long Column Of Data Into Separate Columns

May 21, 2008

i have a long column pair of data, each entry in its own cell:

10/5/20088:30:00 AM
10/5/20088:46:00 AM
10/5/20089:14:00 AM
10/5/200810:18:00 AM
10/5/200810:42:00 AM
11/5/20088:30:00 AM
11/5/20088:46:00 AM
11/5/20089:14:00 AM
11/5/200810:18:00 AM
11/5/200810:42:00 AM
12/5/20088:30:00 AM
12/5/20088:46:00 AM
12/5/20089:14:00 AM
12/5/200810:18:00 AM
12/5/200810:42:00 AM
13/5/20088:30:00 AM
13/5/20088:46:00 AM
13/5/20089:14:00 AM
13/5/200810:18:00 AM
13/5/200810:42:00 AM
14/5/20088:30:00 AM
14/5/20088:46:00 AM
14/5/20089:14:00 AM
14/5/200810:18:00 AM
14/5/200810:42:00 AM

how can i program a macro to 'split' this column according to date? please refer to the attached picture as an example. i know this is probably a simple question but please bear with me i'm still new to excel programming.

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Splitting One Value Into Two Separate Values In Sequence

Jul 4, 2014

I'm building a work schedule based on 12 hour days and I would like to separate a full weeks hours, 84 total, into the Regular hours and the Overtime hours that the employee will be paid. The way it is set up is I have 1 spread sheet that has the schedule for a full year (using "IN" as a working day and leaving the cell blank as a day off) and on a 2nd page I've set up with a COUNTIF formula to total the number of days worked (IN) during each pay period and then it multiplies the number of days by 12 to get the total hours.

Where I am having trouble is that the employees are paid Regular hours and OT hours in a single day and I don't know how to separate the total hours automatically into those two types of pay. For the first 5 days of their shift they are paid 8 hours of Regular time and 4 hours of OT time, and the last 2 days of the shift they are paid 12 hours of overtime. In a total of 7 days they will get 40 hours of Regular time and 44 hours of OT time.

To break this down into simple formulas, ie. (84 -40 = 44), won't work because if an employee works more than their 7 days the pattern they are paid restarts again with the 8 hours of Regular time and 4 hours of OT time and etc. (8 total days would be 48 hours of Regular time and 48 hours of OT time, max of 14 days per pay period).

Is there a formula out there that can break a number down in sequence (8-4-8-4-8-4-8-4-8-4-12-12) and total them in two different cells?

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Splitting A List Of Values In Separate Columns?

May 8, 2014

I am trying to put something together on Excel.

1. In my first column(Let's call it "input"), there will be a variety of values from 1-10 which will appear in cells as 1,7,10 or 4,5,6,7 or any other similar variation. The quantity of numbers can vary and will always be comma delimited.

2. Following the first column are 10 additional columns. For simplicity, let's say they're labelled 1-10.

3. If 2,5,6,9 is present in the first cell, I want the number 1 in the columns labelled 2,5,6 and 9.
If 1,4 is present in the first cell, I want the number 1 in the columns labelled 1 and 4.

The input will only be in the first cell so I am hoping to find a way to automate the placement of 1's in the appropriate column depending on the input in the first column("input").

As a bonus, I'd like all cells not present in the first column to appear as a "0".

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Splitting Text And Numbers From 1 Column Into Separate Columns

Jul 24, 2014

I have some data that is both text and numbers in the same cell. I would like to split the the data so that the text is in one column and the numbers are in another column.

The numbers are all a fixed length (15 chars) so I know that I can use the following formula = RIGHT(A1,15)

However I am not quite sure how to split the text as the length can vary as as well as the number of words in the string.

For example A1 is 1 word with 7 characters but A2 is 2 words, 14 characters long inc space.

A1 Goodwin 000710280740120
A2 Gillette Ridge 000715058510122

B1 Goodwin
C1 000710280740120

B2 Gillette Ridge
C2 000715058510122

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Splitting Data Onto Separate Sheets?

Mar 6, 2014

I'm currently using the following code (that I found online) to take a list of data and copy it to specific sheets based on the values in Column C (there are only 4 columns in my data set). The issue I have with it is that it's meant to create the sheets from scratch every time. What I could like, however, is for it to copy the data to preexisting tabs that are already named with the sames values that are found in Column C. This macro will actually perform that but the down side is it wipes out everything that's on those sheets but I cant have it do that. Is there a way to either modify this sheet so it only copies the four columns and only pastes the four columns onto the sheets?

Sub SplitData()
Const NameCol = "C"
Const HeaderRow = 2


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Split Data Into Separate Spreadsheets

Sep 25, 2008

every month I import (from SAP) Local Authority staffing data for 200 schools into an Excel template. After a bit of tweaking I end up with a single spreadsheet showing formatted and adjusted data for all schools, with relevant headings separated by page breaks.

This is fine if for distributing a hard copy to schools, but I want to email it. I've seen macros that would allow data to be split onto separate tabs, but is there a way to break it down into 200 separate spreadsheets? I confess to not knowing any VBA, so be gentle with me

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Creating Separate Reports In Separate Spreadsheets

Nov 21, 2006

I have a giant data sheet. I have to cherry pick certain data out of the list and send it to certain associates, in a new spreadsheet.

I want to do this automatically.

I can create the macro to select the data I want, and copy it over (values only), but I cannot find out how to do it in a new sheet with a new name that automatically gets generated with a unique filename (probably using the date).

Essentially, I want to copy my data spreadsheet (post-filter) into a new spreadsheet titled X mm-dd (where X is whatever I pick). I then want to delete several rows from it.

Ideally, the macro would do this (I will put a * next to things I can handle the code for, to save work):Filter Data *
Copy Data *
Create a New Spreadsheet named (Person's Name) mm-dd.xls
Paste Data (values, formats, column widths) to the new spreadsheet *
Delete Several Columns from the new spreadsheet *
Rename the sheet it's been pasted to
Re-filter data (new filter) *
Copy Data *
Paste Data (values, formats, column widths) to the same spreadsheet, only Sheet 2 *
Set the header of the spreadsheet with (Person's Name) and the date
Save the new spreadsheet

There will be as few as 1 sheet (in which case I would only want one worksheet in the new excel file), or as many as 4 sheets. I don't need a fancy way to do this, as it will only be done once a week, and I can just make the various cases required to do it even if it isn't pretty, but I can't figure out how to manipulate other files that haven't been created yet...

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Pulling Data To Separate Sheets Based On One Column

Oct 4, 2013

How to pull data based on column B to individual tabs.

I have the following data:

Jane Doe | L1 | 20% | High
John Doe | L2 | 15% | Medium
Mike Smith | L1 | 60% | Low
Marie Smith | L4 | 10% | Low

I want to have the first tab/spreadsheet only pull records that have L1 values for column B

In the next tab/spreadsheet I want to pull records that have L2 values in column B etc.

What formula can I write that will pull all L1 records (A.B.C.D) in to Tab 1, then all L2 records (A,B,C,D) into the next tab?

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Split Data Into Separate Worksheets Based On Column C?

Apr 11, 2012

I am looking to split data in a worksheet into separate sheets based on Column C which contains Either Babycare or Homecare or Industrial or Professional. Eventually there maybe more names. If possible I would also like to name each sheet.

My VBA skills is limited to this particular task.

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Splitting Known Range Based On Cell Values?

Feb 5, 2013

I've attached a workbook to explain my query further but essentially I have a data range, variable in size and I would like to split the range based on values in the range (delimiters if you like) into discreet ranges.


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"Macro" For Splitting Data Into Separate Sheets

Aug 15, 2003

Scenario: Master List, which has all the U.S. states in it.

What I Need to Do With It: Divide out EACH state's information and put it on a seperate worksheet.

I've only recently started using macros (to format various documents for easier printing), but now that I'm starting to understand them conceptually, I'm thinking there Should Be some way for me to program a "macro"-type thing to run on the master list and come out with all my state lists, looking beautiful in seperate files.

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How To Separate Row Data From One Workbook Into Separate Workbooks Based On Cell Data

Apr 23, 2014

I need to separate row data from one workbook into separate workbooks based on cell data. Currently I filter the data, copy and paste it to a new workbook and save it. It's a tedious process and was hoping to find a way to automate it. I have attached a sample file. In this instance, I would like a separate workbook for the filtered data in Column 1 and then all the row data gets copied to new workbook. So all of Pennsylvania data would get copied to new workbook, then all of the Michigan data gets copied to a new workbook. I have also attached an example of the end result that I need.

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Table Presentation: Diagonal Line Splitting Two Values In One Column

Mar 4, 2007

I have a table with data representing $income vs %Debt burden respectively. The data on the table per respective intersection provides number of accounts and total ($)value of accounts. I have tried to combine the two pieces of information into one column and have a diagonal line separating the two numbers. (sample table attached).

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Sum Of Columns If Values Of One Column Are The Same - For Large Spreadsheets

Apr 15, 2014

I'm in need of a formula that can give me the sum of cells in a column if the values in another column are the same. For example:

Col A
John Smith
John Smith
John Smith
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe

Col B

Col E

The total for John Smith would be 19 and the total for Jane Doe would be 13. The problem is that this file is huge and we will have to use this formula on a weekly basis with different values each week, so it would be very difficult to use a "specific" formula for each person. Is this a possibility?

And to make it more difficult, I would then have to subtract one of those values if that row has a certain value in one of the other columns.

If values in Column A are equal to each other, sum of Column B. (Column C would contain the sum in this case.)

Column D = Column C minus B, if value of Column E is Sunday, otherwise don't subtract anything.

The total for John Smith in Column D would be 10 and Jane's total for D would still be 13.

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Splitting Names Into 2 Separate Columns

Apr 11, 2008

I have two columns in my excel sheet, the first column has the Second name, First Name and the second column has the Date of birth.

Now what I'm after is two columns really, the first column should show the Furst name Second Name (space in between with no Comma) and the Second column should show the First Initial from the first name, the first initial from the second name and then the date of birth.

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Join Two Spreadsheets Based On A Common Column

May 13, 2006

I have two worksheets. One has columns A B C , the second has columns A B C D. Columns A in the two worksheets reflect the same data (serial number) , although one worksheet could have more rows than the other since it gets updated manually daily. I would like to use a macro that would:

1. use columns A's value in worksheet 1 to match a row in worksheet 2 then merge columns from worksheet 1 & 2 and insert into a new worksheet
2. repreat until all rows in worksheet 1 are read
3. save worksheet 3

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Splitting Multiline Cells Into Separate Rows

Feb 13, 2014

I basically have a five column spreadsheet containing address information. While most cells only contain one piece of information, I have quite a few cells that have multiple lines of data in them because the individual has more than one address.

Here is an example. Note that Rows 1-2 contain single address info for each individual person. However, row 3 contains an individual with 3 pieces of address information in the four right hand columns:

Row 1: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 2: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 3: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

[carriage return in street address, city, state and zip cells]

--------------------------------- |Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

[carriage return in street address, city, state and zip cells]

--------------------------------- |Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

Row 4: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 5: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

Please note that some individuals have 2-4 different addresses.

I would like to manipulate the 5 rows of example data above so that when I am done I have the following:

1. 7 rows of data (5 individuals with 7 total addresses)
2. Automatically copy and paste the unique id number and name into the two new rows that were created so that I have the following:

Row 1: Unique ID - 001 | Joe Chang | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 2: Unique ID - 002 | Joey Chung | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 3: Unique ID - 003 | John Smith | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 4: Unique ID - 003 | John Smith | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 5: Unique ID - 003 | John Smith | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 6: Unique ID - 004 | Jane Derry | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 7: Unique ID - 005 | Julie March | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

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Retrieving Values Based On Matching Values On Separate Worksheets

Feb 17, 2010

Is it possible to have a formula where it will retrieve a specific value on one sheet based on matching values? Unfortunately, hlookup wont work as there are several values in the table where the 'lookup_value' is the same.


On sheet 1 (titled BSRC), I have a table which has a list of values in column 1. On column two I have the 'lookup value' which needs to be matched and all values underneath it to be retrieved from sheet 2 (titled CSRD). The 'lookup_value' range is on row 9 of sheet 2.

I have attached a sample spreadsheet for clarification.

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After Splitting Data In One Column Using Delimiter?

Jan 29, 2013

Currently, I have an excel sheet of names and addresses. In my address column, many of the addresses have carriage returns separating information. I want to divide this information by carriage returns and parse it into different columns.

I have already tried what I believe is the correct method: I go to Data>Text to Columns. I choose "delimited." Then I enter [Alt 0101] under "other" and make sure that is the only option checked. When I finish, only *some* of my data is parsed into corresponding columns by the delimiter while some isn't.

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Splitting Column Data Using Delimiters

Oct 3, 2011

Having some problems splitting data within a single column into several using VBA rather than a Formula. (I have been able to get working using a formula). I have found a few similar theads but nothing i seem to be able to convert with my some what limited skills

My data is always in a sheet called "Release Data" in column A, the number of rows varies daily. The data is always extracted with the delimiters in the same position E.G.

NNNNNN_AAA_Variable length txt

I would like to split the data into columns I, J and K.

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Splitting Text String (address) Into Separate Columns

Jun 2, 2014

I have address that sits in one cell only and I need to separate into two or three columns (streetname, street number, streetletter).

Is this possible as the length of street text, numbers and letter differs all the time...

Attached is a sample file with before and after result


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Splitting Large Table Into Separate Worksheets Keeping Format Same

Apr 26, 2013

I have 2 large XLS sheets that need to be split into seperate sheets.

The first is only 5 columns wide but the amount of rows changes day to day.

The second is a maximum of 7 columns wide and again the amount of rows will change.

I'm hoping for a VBA code to be able to do both on seperate books.

The A Column has the name of the company, and this can include (/,&) that will need to be removed, the names can also exceed 31 characters.
I would like to seperate the sheets by the company name and have the name appear as the sheet name.

Also the formatting from the master sheet to be copied to the resulting sheets, with a header row.

I have included the data for the larger of the two workbooks. data.jpg I have to pull the smaller report each day and the larger report each week.

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Preserve Format Of Table When Splitting Master Into Separate Tabs

May 27, 2014

I have a macro that enables me to split my master table into separate tabs based on the first column. However, the column widths and the header format is not retained. Is there something I can add to the macro below to keep the formatting?

Sub DispatchTimeSeriesToSheets() Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("MasterList")
Dim LastRow As Long

LastRow = Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

[Code] ......

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List Days Of Each Month On Separate Spreadsheets?

Feb 22, 2012

I need to list the days of each month on separate spreadsheets...and need to to do this each year...

I was wondering if in cell A1 I type the first day of the month then is there a formula I can use to put the rest in without having to manually put them all in?

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Identifying Matching Rows Between 2 Separate Spreadsheets

Aug 11, 2006

I have 2 separate spreadsheets. Spreadsheet #2 is a full list of items. The item names are in Column A. In Column B is an associated primary number. In Column C is an associated secondary number. Spreadsheet #1 is a partial list of items. The item names are in Column A. The primary number is in Column B. There is no secondary number given in Spreadsheet #1.

My objective is to find out what items in Spreadsheet #1 have a secondary number in Spreadsheet #2, and to group them all together so they can be easily identified. I am attaching a couple of example spreadsheets to give an idea of what I'm working with. The example's are small so it would be easy to just eyeball them and see what ones match up however the real spreadsheets I am working from are thousands of lines long so obviously eyeballing them is not the ideal way of doing it. Is there a formula I can use to reach my objective?

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Comparing Character Strings In Separate Cells In Excel Spreadsheets?

Apr 1, 2014

I have a large excel spreadsheet with alpha-numeric data. I want to be able to compare two cells in different row side by side and return the difference in another cell.

e.g. I have in cell B2, "tom, rick, mike, I" and in cell C2, "mike, rick". I need to compare the cell C2 to cell B2 and return the difference in cell D2 which in this case would be the characters " tom, I". They are separated with "," and they can be in different order as you can see in the example.

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How To Separate Values Of Each Column From Selection

Jul 22, 2014

I have values in 4 Cols a,b,c,d and row count varies... For ex i make selection from A1 to D5

I want values of colA1 to A5 stored Range K1
values of colb1 to b5 stored in range K2
values of colC1 to C5 stored in range K3 and
values of colD1 to D5 stored in range K4..

I need the values of each columns seperately based on the selection..

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Separate Unique Values To Another Column

May 30, 2012

How to separate unique values to another column in Excel apart from using Advanced filter..,, that is by using formula??

Since I need to separate unique values dynamically, i'm in need of formulas to do that...

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VBA To Sort Data Based On Column Values

Oct 8, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that track orders. I want to be able to add a bit code to my current VBA script that sorts the data based on the values in a particular column (smallest to largest).

Current table looks like this:

Order Number

VBA formula


I want to add be able to sort the data, smallest to largest based on Column E (tittle Priority)

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