Creating Separate Reports In Separate Spreadsheets

Nov 21, 2006

I have a giant data sheet. I have to cherry pick certain data out of the list and send it to certain associates, in a new spreadsheet.

I want to do this automatically.

I can create the macro to select the data I want, and copy it over (values only), but I cannot find out how to do it in a new sheet with a new name that automatically gets generated with a unique filename (probably using the date).

Essentially, I want to copy my data spreadsheet (post-filter) into a new spreadsheet titled X mm-dd (where X is whatever I pick). I then want to delete several rows from it.

Ideally, the macro would do this (I will put a * next to things I can handle the code for, to save work):Filter Data *
Copy Data *
Create a New Spreadsheet named (Person's Name) mm-dd.xls
Paste Data (values, formats, column widths) to the new spreadsheet *
Delete Several Columns from the new spreadsheet *
Rename the sheet it's been pasted to
Re-filter data (new filter) *
Copy Data *
Paste Data (values, formats, column widths) to the same spreadsheet, only Sheet 2 *
Set the header of the spreadsheet with (Person's Name) and the date
Save the new spreadsheet

There will be as few as 1 sheet (in which case I would only want one worksheet in the new excel file), or as many as 4 sheets. I don't need a fancy way to do this, as it will only be done once a week, and I can just make the various cases required to do it even if it isn't pretty, but I can't figure out how to manipulate other files that haven't been created yet...

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Vba To Create Separate Reports From Master

Jun 20, 2008

I have the following spreadsheet Columns on master sorted by Column J:


What I need too do based on the Codes in Column J is create a separate workbook for each different code.

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Split Data Into Separate Spreadsheets

Sep 25, 2008

every month I import (from SAP) Local Authority staffing data for 200 schools into an Excel template. After a bit of tweaking I end up with a single spreadsheet showing formatted and adjusted data for all schools, with relevant headings separated by page breaks.

This is fine if for distributing a hard copy to schools, but I want to email it. I've seen macros that would allow data to be split onto separate tabs, but is there a way to break it down into 200 separate spreadsheets? I confess to not knowing any VBA, so be gentle with me

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List Days Of Each Month On Separate Spreadsheets?

Feb 22, 2012

I need to list the days of each month on separate spreadsheets...and need to to do this each year...

I was wondering if in cell A1 I type the first day of the month then is there a formula I can use to put the rest in without having to manually put them all in?

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Identifying Matching Rows Between 2 Separate Spreadsheets

Aug 11, 2006

I have 2 separate spreadsheets. Spreadsheet #2 is a full list of items. The item names are in Column A. In Column B is an associated primary number. In Column C is an associated secondary number. Spreadsheet #1 is a partial list of items. The item names are in Column A. The primary number is in Column B. There is no secondary number given in Spreadsheet #1.

My objective is to find out what items in Spreadsheet #1 have a secondary number in Spreadsheet #2, and to group them all together so they can be easily identified. I am attaching a couple of example spreadsheets to give an idea of what I'm working with. The example's are small so it would be easy to just eyeball them and see what ones match up however the real spreadsheets I am working from are thousands of lines long so obviously eyeballing them is not the ideal way of doing it. Is there a formula I can use to reach my objective?

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Splitting Data Into Separate Spreadsheets Based On Column Values

Dec 18, 2013

I have a data that has several columns. But I need to separate the spread sheet based on one particular column values.

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Comparing Character Strings In Separate Cells In Excel Spreadsheets?

Apr 1, 2014

I have a large excel spreadsheet with alpha-numeric data. I want to be able to compare two cells in different row side by side and return the difference in another cell.

e.g. I have in cell B2, "tom, rick, mike, I" and in cell C2, "mike, rick". I need to compare the cell C2 to cell B2 and return the difference in cell D2 which in this case would be the characters " tom, I". They are separated with "," and they can be in different order as you can see in the example.

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Shade A Cell Red If Two Separate Conditions Apply (in Separate Cells)

Dec 3, 2013

I'm trying to use a formula in conditional formatting to highlight a cell red if the cell contains a 0 but the date shown in another cell has passed. I want to copy the formatting throughout a column but I don't want the cell to highlight if there is no date in the other cell concerned.

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Separate Letters And Numbers In A String Into Separate Columns

Nov 20, 2012

I receive an extraction from AutoCAD that lists the electrical devices in a drawing. I don't have any problems extracting the letters. I have a problem extracting the device number and the device number extension.

The device label extraction is similar to this:

I want to create 3 columns from the device label: (I separated the column with commas)
A1, B1, C1, D1
DCM1005-1, DCM, 1005, 1
DCM1005-10, DCM, 1005, 10
DCM1005A, DCM, 1005, A
MTR1005-1, MTR, 1005, 1
MTR1005-10, MTR, 1005, 10
MTR1005A, MTR, 1005, A

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Separate Numeric / Text Combination Into Two Separate Columns

Oct 9, 2013

How can I separate the following numeric/text combination into two (2) separate columns in Excel?


The result would be:

302 ALTO
406 AMZN
451 AMRC
404 AMAD
605 ANCC
405 ADRC

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VBA - Creating Separate Files And Tabs From A Table

Nov 17, 2007

I am sure the answer to this is out there somewhere but I haven't been able to find it. Thank you in advance for the help - I just can't figure it out.

I have several identically formatted worksheets (for different departments) with macros that reorganize the data in each sheet. I also have a list of managers with their respective departments in this same workbook.

I want a macro that will save these department sheets (values and formats only) in new workbooks - the manager's name - according to the list. I also need the macros that reorganize the data to work without referencing the original file.

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How To Separate Text From Numbers Into Two Separate Cells

Feb 13, 2014

I'm trying to separate text from numbers into two separate cells...

Essentially, I would like the users to copy and paste data into Column A, as seen below. Then, hopefully by formula separate the text characters into Column B and the numbers into Column C.

Input: Output 1: Output 2:

Col A Col B Col C
Wells 123 Wells 123
Wells 1234 Wells 1234
Wells Fargo 123 Wells Fargo 123
Wells Fargo 1234 Wells Fargo 1234
Wells Fargo Inc 123 Wells Fargo Inc 123
Wells Fargo Inc 1234 Wells Fargo Inc 1234

Ideally, I would like to do this with a formula...

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Separate Workbook By Value In Column Into Separate Workbooks

Feb 25, 2013

I have 10 very large workbooks that are all setup in the same format. In column Z is a numerical value from 1 to 83. I have been trying to filter the sheet and then copy one at a time from 1 to 83 but that takes a LONG time especially when there is 10 workbooks to do.

Is there anyway I can run a function or macro or something that would just automatically look down the column Z and put each row into a it's own workbooks?

I have attached a sample of what the workbooks look like right now.


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Creating Macro To Compare Data From Separate Sheets

May 8, 2006

I am trying to use a macro to compare data from 2 sheets and spit out matching data in a third sheet. The first sheet has two columns of data. the second sheet has 4 columns of data. Only one column from sheet 1 and 1 column from sheet 2 will actually have matching data.

All other columns in sheet 1 and 2 are associated to the matching columns and must "tag along" into the 3rd sheet. I would love the third sheet to have a button that I just click and it populates the data.

The macro will be comparing between 50,000 and 500,000 items. Possibly a good book to use or even a referral for a proffesioanl or even some good heartedness,

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How To Separate Row Data From One Workbook Into Separate Workbooks Based On Cell Data

Apr 23, 2014

I need to separate row data from one workbook into separate workbooks based on cell data. Currently I filter the data, copy and paste it to a new workbook and save it. It's a tedious process and was hoping to find a way to automate it. I have attached a sample file. In this instance, I would like a separate workbook for the filtered data in Column 1 and then all the row data gets copied to new workbook. So all of Pennsylvania data would get copied to new workbook, then all of the Michigan data gets copied to a new workbook. I have also attached an example of the end result that I need.

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Creating Reports

May 14, 2008

I am trying to create a report that takes two user inputs and looks them up on another worksheet in the workbook and returns the right value. As an example I have the user input a date and a job location and on another sheet there is also a date and a job location that has a population associated with it. Is there a way to return this information so that it changes whenever the user changes these two criteria

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Creating A Macro Combine Reports (files) Into One

Mar 31, 2014

I have a hard time creating a macro from scratch I have 7 different excel files which im trying to create a macro that will combine all of this files (reports) into one, and then put the CT information (an excel file i have) on a separate tab within the 1 common report.

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Excel 2010 :: Creating Reports With Multiple Conditions

Jun 24, 2014

I am creating a report where there are multiple conditions and I am using MS Excel 2010.

Summary sheet will display
Date of Completion - If the exam has been taken already
In Progress - if the exam has been started but not yet completed
Not Started - if the exam has not yet been taken

Available data in Source sheet
Completion_Date - Date when the exam was taken or "Blank" if the exam is still In Progress
Completion_Status - Completed & In Progress only (all subjects that are not in the Source sheet shall be tagged as "Not Started"

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Creating Account Spreadsheets

May 16, 2006

I have agreed to create a simple accounts system for a friend of my mothers. I have no problem when it comes to manipulating cells to interact ( sums) and then creating an aesthetically pleasing spreadsheet. However, as with all things excel, there is an easier way to doing something and a person usually doesn't realise that till the end.

I was hoping that somebody might be able to direct me to a resource that would be ideal for constructing a 12 month revenue and expenses account. I just want it to be as simple as possible for the lady that I am doing this for (all I want her to do is enter how much she made for one day and how much she spent), and everything around this I can make interact.

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Creating Macro That Converts Spreadsheets To PDF?

Feb 3, 2014

So I am starting to get ambitious with Excel now and am looking at creating a macro that will automatically create a pdf file of several worksheets at the same time. However this is my problem. Using the current version of Excel there is a wonderful record macro button, however when I try to include a function that would create a PDF, it says that I need to save any changes before creating the PDF. However when I save the file, I have to stop recording which defeats the whole purpose of creating the macro in the first place.

How can I use the record macro function to create my pdf macro without learning visual basic? If I cannot, how to write what it is that I am trying to accomplish?

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Creating Summary Spreadsheet From Two Seperate Spreadsheets

Mar 16, 2007

I have two spreadsheets. I need to be able to match information from detailed spreadsheet for specific information from a lookup spreadsheet.

The detailed sheet (call it Purchases) has information about what was purchased during a month.

Columns: ...

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Summary / Reports (Multiple Columns Calculation Into Different Reports)

Feb 17, 2014

I have an expense workbook (Data) with 4 columns (ID, Item, Cost, Date). I would like to create macros that will generate 3 different reports and write to 3 different worksheets.

The first report is sorted and sum up the cost for each item. Please see the worksheet "Item".

The second report is sorted and sum up the cost for each part ID. Please see the worksheet "ID".

The third report is the cost for each month and Year-to-Date cost right next to it. Please see worksheet "Summary".

write the macros for each of these reports assuming that we don't know the number of rows in the "Data" worksheet.

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Creating VBA Code To Lookup Return Values In Spreadsheets

Apr 20, 2014

I have 3 workbooks "ID numbers, 07 Car,and 08 Car".

I need a VBA code that will use the value in column C in each workbook, look up the value in workbook "ID numbers", column C thru G, and return
values into each workbook:

Workbook ID number Column C add values to Each workbook (Column B)
Workbook ID number Columns D thru E) add values to Each workbook (Columns D thru E)

See 07 Car workbook highlighted in orange, every product below the orange highlight must look like for both workbooks this after the code is ran.

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Separate Hh:mm Into Hh And Mm

Dec 30, 2009

I have a cell with the time in hh:mm format. I want to separate the time in two cells. One cell with the total hours and another cell with the minutes. So for example 8:32 in cell A1 --> 8 in A2 and 32 in A3.

I want these numbers in number category, not in time category because i want to do some calculations on these numbers.

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Separate Zero From Text

May 2, 2014

in creating a macro to separate below OrgID starting from 0

Example: Eg. SL001004----->01004



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Separate Name Into Two Columns

Oct 9, 2008

if anyone know if there is a formula that can separate a name which sometimes have two words or one or two space. For example a formula that can separate a name by first space in one column and the second half in the second column.

example: David T Blain

name is in column A,

column B is David T
column C is Blain.

I don't think this is possible with a formula, but if you think it is let me know.

I think it would be more efficient to do this with a macro, could you please see if you could provide a macro that can do this.

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Separate Into Their Own Worksheet

Jul 18, 2002

I have a spreadsheet with 10 or more items that I would like to separate into their own worksheet. I'm thinking about a macro but I'm not sure about creating new worksheets in a macro.

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Separate Into Two Columns

Jan 8, 2007

Need code that can separate the date and time in the following format into TWO different columns - one for date, the other for time?

Dec 15 2006 0:10 am
Dec 15 2006 0:20 am
Dec 15 2006 0:30 am
Dec 15 2006 0:40 am

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How To Separate CSV Information

Jan 17, 2009

i succeded to read a string of data from a textfile

String_Data= "EURUSD,20010103,000200,0.9506,0.9506,0.9505,0.9505,4"

Now i want to separate it so each informations goes to it respective variable
Market_= "EURUSD"
Date_= "20010103"
Hour_= "000200"

How can i separate the string information in individual variables using a macro.

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To Separate Addresses

Mar 5, 2009

I'm working with a pre-existing list of vendors and currently the addresses for each are in one column. I would like to separate by city, state, zip. I was thinking of text to columns but since the addresses are not all aligned that won't work.

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