Splitting A Long Column Of Data Into Separate Columns

May 21, 2008

i have a long column pair of data, each entry in its own cell:

10/5/20088:30:00 AM
10/5/20088:46:00 AM
10/5/20089:14:00 AM
10/5/200810:18:00 AM
10/5/200810:42:00 AM
11/5/20088:30:00 AM
11/5/20088:46:00 AM
11/5/20089:14:00 AM
11/5/200810:18:00 AM
11/5/200810:42:00 AM
12/5/20088:30:00 AM
12/5/20088:46:00 AM
12/5/20089:14:00 AM
12/5/200810:18:00 AM
12/5/200810:42:00 AM
13/5/20088:30:00 AM
13/5/20088:46:00 AM
13/5/20089:14:00 AM
13/5/200810:18:00 AM
13/5/200810:42:00 AM
14/5/20088:30:00 AM
14/5/20088:46:00 AM
14/5/20089:14:00 AM
14/5/200810:18:00 AM
14/5/200810:42:00 AM

how can i program a macro to 'split' this column according to date? please refer to the attached picture as an example. i know this is probably a simple question but please bear with me i'm still new to excel programming.

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Splitting Text And Numbers From 1 Column Into Separate Columns

Jul 24, 2014

I have some data that is both text and numbers in the same cell. I would like to split the the data so that the text is in one column and the numbers are in another column.

The numbers are all a fixed length (15 chars) so I know that I can use the following formula = RIGHT(A1,15)

However I am not quite sure how to split the text as the length can vary as as well as the number of words in the string.

For example A1 is 1 word with 7 characters but A2 is 2 words, 14 characters long inc space.

A1 Goodwin 000710280740120
A2 Gillette Ridge 000715058510122

B1 Goodwin
C1 000710280740120

B2 Gillette Ridge
C2 000715058510122

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Splitting Data Into Separate Spreadsheets Based On Column Values

Dec 18, 2013

I have a data that has several columns. But I need to separate the spread sheet based on one particular column values.

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Splitting Names Into 2 Separate Columns

Apr 11, 2008

I have two columns in my excel sheet, the first column has the Second name, First Name and the second column has the Date of birth.

Now what I'm after is two columns really, the first column should show the Furst name Second Name (space in between with no Comma) and the Second column should show the First Initial from the first name, the first initial from the second name and then the date of birth.

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Splitting A List Of Values In Separate Columns?

May 8, 2014

I am trying to put something together on Excel.

1. In my first column(Let's call it "input"), there will be a variety of values from 1-10 which will appear in cells as 1,7,10 or 4,5,6,7 or any other similar variation. The quantity of numbers can vary and will always be comma delimited.

2. Following the first column are 10 additional columns. For simplicity, let's say they're labelled 1-10.

3. If 2,5,6,9 is present in the first cell, I want the number 1 in the columns labelled 2,5,6 and 9.
If 1,4 is present in the first cell, I want the number 1 in the columns labelled 1 and 4.

The input will only be in the first cell so I am hoping to find a way to automate the placement of 1's in the appropriate column depending on the input in the first column("input").

As a bonus, I'd like all cells not present in the first column to appear as a "0".

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Splitting Text String (address) Into Separate Columns

Jun 2, 2014

I have address that sits in one cell only and I need to separate into two or three columns (streetname, street number, streetletter).

Is this possible as the length of street text, numbers and letter differs all the time...

Attached is a sample file with before and after result


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Splitting Data Onto Separate Sheets?

Mar 6, 2014

I'm currently using the following code (that I found online) to take a list of data and copy it to specific sheets based on the values in Column C (there are only 4 columns in my data set). The issue I have with it is that it's meant to create the sheets from scratch every time. What I could like, however, is for it to copy the data to preexisting tabs that are already named with the sames values that are found in Column C. This macro will actually perform that but the down side is it wipes out everything that's on those sheets but I cant have it do that. Is there a way to either modify this sheet so it only copies the four columns and only pastes the four columns onto the sheets?

Sub SplitData()
Const NameCol = "C"
Const HeaderRow = 2


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Separate Data From One Column To Several Columns

Jan 3, 2014

I'd like to copy information from a PDF into a worksheet. The information looks like this:

1 PAOZZ 5310-00-918-0482 80205 NAS1291-7 NUT.............................................................................. 1
2 PAOZZ 5305-00-995-2125 80205 NAS603-7P SCREW.......................................................................... 2
3 PAOZZ 5305-00-866-0937 80205 NAS603-8P SCREW.......................................................................... 14
4 PAOZZ 5306-01-106-8238 80205 NAS6603-3 BOLT ............................................................................ 8

When I paste it into excel it all gets entered into one column, I'd like to spread it out over 7 columns. Is there an efficient way to do that?

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Separating Data From One Column Into 2 Separate Columns

Apr 10, 2013

I have a glossary with 400+ rows in column A. See examples below. I'd like to separate them so that the term is in column A and the definition is in column B. Once Done I will not need the . Normally instead of that tag I would have a hyphen separate the term from definition but the fact that some terms have a hyphen like "D-VHS" was throwing me further. In the end I will not need a separator because everything will be in separate cells.

DSL Digital Subscriber Line is a technology for bringing high-bandwidth information to homes and small businesses over ordinary copper telephone lines. A DSL line can carry both data and voice signals and the data part of the line is continuously connected.

D-VHS Connects a digital audio/video cable for use with some D-VHS digital VCRs.

E-Mail Messages sent to a customer's receiver that are viewed on their television screen. Pending messages are indicated by an icon on the on-screen status display (channel marker) and by having the Power button flash. (Not all receivers have a blinking light.)

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Reorganizing Data To Show Info From Two Separate Columns In Third New Column

Feb 5, 2014

I've got a problem with organizing my data. I've performed a study with several participants, each of which does several trials with 8 conditions (1,2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8), with each participant doing a condition more than once. I also have a separate column telling me whether they responded correctly or incorrectly (with a 1 or a 0).

I need to find a way to produce a new column to identify whether they got each condition (of the conditions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, or 8) correct separately, i.e one column for responses to condition 1, one for condition 2 and so on....

It would also be useful if there was a way that once this is done I could summarize their accuracy of responses to each condition.

I've attached an example of my data. excel problem example.xlsx‎

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Splitting One Column Into Many Other Columns

Dec 22, 2007

I need a macro which place chosen parts from one column into another column.

For example I have following text in column E:

Column E
Flugschneise {f}
(total) im Arsch [vulg.]
Geld und Gut
Pensum {n}

*chosen content not always at the end of a cell!

Now i need a macro which puts chosen content from Column E to Column F or Column G. For example I want that all “{f}s” should be deleted from column E and put into column E. Or I want all {n} to be deleted and placed into column F. Or I want all [vulg.] to be deleted from column E and put into column G. If column F or G already consist of text then the new text( {f} or {n} or [vulg.] ...) should be added to the existing text but separated through a separator like comma or semicolon …

It means that the macro is each time fed with information about what to delete from which column and where to put it. It would be cool if a simple msg box would ask for the needed information.

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Macro VBA For Copy Paste Columns Of Data From Three Tabs Into One Column On Separate Sheet

Nov 18, 2013

I have a workbook with four tabs or four sheets.

Tabs 1, 2 and 3 have a column of data (Column A) on each sheet. They all start from the same cell. Each cell of data are just numbers. The column (an array) of data will not have blanks between.

But, they are not the same number of data. They vary.

Meaning, Tab 1 may have 15 numbers (A1 to A15), Tab 2 may have 20 numbers (A1 to A20) and Tab 3 could have 5 numbers (A1 to A5). Each iteration of the workbook may have different number of data in the A column on these tabs.

Now on Tab 4, I want combine the data from all three tabs into one column (in column A).

So, Tab 4 has a column A with data from Tab 1 copy and pasted to (A1 to A15) as values, then (A16 to A35) have Tab 2 data copy pasted as values and (A36 to A40) have Tab 3 data copy pasted as values.

Basically, the macro on Tab 4 has to count the number of rows on each Tab that are populated with data values and figure out to copy all the data on Column A from each three tabs and paste the data value into the Tab 4 in one column of data (in values).

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Splitting Address Data From 2 Different Columns Into City And State Columns?

Dec 5, 2012

I have been researching this for 3 days and I cannot find a solution. I have City, State information in A1. I also have City, State information in B1. I need to put them into City (D1) and State (E1).

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"Macro" For Splitting Data Into Separate Sheets

Aug 15, 2003

Scenario: Master List, which has all the U.S. states in it.

What I Need to Do With It: Divide out EACH state's information and put it on a seperate worksheet.

I've only recently started using macros (to format various documents for easier printing), but now that I'm starting to understand them conceptually, I'm thinking there Should Be some way for me to program a "macro"-type thing to run on the master list and come out with all my state lists, looking beautiful in seperate files.

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Splitting One Row With Two Pieces Of Data Into Two Columns With Same Name

Jan 29, 2013

I have a homework assignment where I have a list of companies with the products they have with one other company. The original company and their products are listed on the same row, with a dollar value assigned to the product. So Cell A1 has company name, cell B1 has product a, and Cell c1 has the amount they pay for that product. Is there a function I can use to split that one row into 3 separate rows, to show the company name 3 times and the product and dollar amount as it's own row, next to the company?

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Splitting Cell Data Into Columns / Data Cleaning

May 10, 2006

how to split data into columns.

I have a set of (imported) data consisting of 1000+ rows. The data set (bank statement) contain six informations (date1, transaction, vendor, date2, sum1, sum2) in one cell which has to be split into six columns.

Using text-to-columns will generate more than six columns since the set dosn't have any delimiters and both the transaction and vendor name-fields contain blank spaces.

Is there a way to either split the data into the correct number of columns or if text-to-columns is used - a way to manipulate the data into the correct columns, for instance with help of filtering ?

small data sample included

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Splitting One Value Into Two Separate Values In Sequence

Jul 4, 2014

I'm building a work schedule based on 12 hour days and I would like to separate a full weeks hours, 84 total, into the Regular hours and the Overtime hours that the employee will be paid. The way it is set up is I have 1 spread sheet that has the schedule for a full year (using "IN" as a working day and leaving the cell blank as a day off) and on a 2nd page I've set up with a COUNTIF formula to total the number of days worked (IN) during each pay period and then it multiplies the number of days by 12 to get the total hours.

Where I am having trouble is that the employees are paid Regular hours and OT hours in a single day and I don't know how to separate the total hours automatically into those two types of pay. For the first 5 days of their shift they are paid 8 hours of Regular time and 4 hours of OT time, and the last 2 days of the shift they are paid 12 hours of overtime. In a total of 7 days they will get 40 hours of Regular time and 44 hours of OT time.

To break this down into simple formulas, ie. (84 -40 = 44), won't work because if an employee works more than their 7 days the pattern they are paid restarts again with the 8 hours of Regular time and 4 hours of OT time and etc. (8 total days would be 48 hours of Regular time and 48 hours of OT time, max of 14 days per pay period).

Is there a formula out there that can break a number down in sequence (8-4-8-4-8-4-8-4-8-4-12-12) and total them in two different cells?

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Splitting Multiline Cells Into Separate Rows

Feb 13, 2014

I basically have a five column spreadsheet containing address information. While most cells only contain one piece of information, I have quite a few cells that have multiple lines of data in them because the individual has more than one address.

Here is an example. Note that Rows 1-2 contain single address info for each individual person. However, row 3 contains an individual with 3 pieces of address information in the four right hand columns:

Row 1: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 2: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 3: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

[carriage return in street address, city, state and zip cells]

--------------------------------- |Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

[carriage return in street address, city, state and zip cells]

--------------------------------- |Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

Row 4: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 5: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

Please note that some individuals have 2-4 different addresses.

I would like to manipulate the 5 rows of example data above so that when I am done I have the following:

1. 7 rows of data (5 individuals with 7 total addresses)
2. Automatically copy and paste the unique id number and name into the two new rows that were created so that I have the following:

Row 1: Unique ID - 001 | Joe Chang | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 2: Unique ID - 002 | Joey Chung | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 3: Unique ID - 003 | John Smith | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 4: Unique ID - 003 | John Smith | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 5: Unique ID - 003 | John Smith | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 6: Unique ID - 004 | Jane Derry | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 7: Unique ID - 005 | Julie March | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

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After Splitting Data In One Column Using Delimiter?

Jan 29, 2013

Currently, I have an excel sheet of names and addresses. In my address column, many of the addresses have carriage returns separating information. I want to divide this information by carriage returns and parse it into different columns.

I have already tried what I believe is the correct method: I go to Data>Text to Columns. I choose "delimited." Then I enter [Alt 0101] under "other" and make sure that is the only option checked. When I finish, only *some* of my data is parsed into corresponding columns by the delimiter while some isn't.

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Splitting Column Data Using Delimiters

Oct 3, 2011

Having some problems splitting data within a single column into several using VBA rather than a Formula. (I have been able to get working using a formula). I have found a few similar theads but nothing i seem to be able to convert with my some what limited skills

My data is always in a sheet called "Release Data" in column A, the number of rows varies daily. The data is always extracted with the delimiters in the same position E.G.

NNNNNN_AAA_Variable length txt

I would like to split the data into columns I, J and K.

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How To Separate Long Standard Text To Different Cells

Jan 8, 2013

How do i separate example: #EM/13/10000749#JTDEl_1234#abc-NORTH#1##No Traffic Data into separate cells like 0749 to A1 , JTDEl_1234 to A2 , abc-NORTH to A4 , 1 to A7 , No Traffic Data to A5

And then continued with another text of the same standard to the next row by just copying from "Notepad" and pasting it in excel.

All the text is following the same standard.

Example :
#EM/13/10000749#JTDEl_1234#abc-NORTH#1##No Traffic Data
#EM/14/10000730#JTDEl_1256#abc-SOUTH#3##No Connection
#EM/09/10001683#JTDEF_5674#abc-EAST#2##Low Data

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Subtracting 2 Columns Of Data From Each Other When Labels In Separate Columns Match

Feb 20, 2009

I have four columns of data, as follows:

label 1, value 1, label 2, value 2

I need to create a formula in the fith column that for each line will tell excel to:

look for entry in 'label 1' in 'label 2' if there is a match, then subtract value 1 from value 2, display result.

I have tried doing this with SUMIF but am getting nowhere fast....

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Splitting Large Table Into Separate Worksheets Keeping Format Same

Apr 26, 2013

I have 2 large XLS sheets that need to be split into seperate sheets.

The first is only 5 columns wide but the amount of rows changes day to day.

The second is a maximum of 7 columns wide and again the amount of rows will change.

I'm hoping for a VBA code to be able to do both on seperate books.

The A Column has the name of the company, and this can include (/,&) that will need to be removed, the names can also exceed 31 characters.
I would like to seperate the sheets by the company name and have the name appear as the sheet name.

Also the formatting from the master sheet to be copied to the resulting sheets, with a header row.

I have included the data for the larger of the two workbooks. data.jpg I have to pull the smaller report each day and the larger report each week.

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Preserve Format Of Table When Splitting Master Into Separate Tabs

May 27, 2014

I have a macro that enables me to split my master table into separate tabs based on the first column. However, the column widths and the header format is not retained. Is there something I can add to the macro below to keep the formatting?

Sub DispatchTimeSeriesToSheets() Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("MasterList")
Dim LastRow As Long

LastRow = Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

[Code] ......

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Create Separate Columns From One Column

Jun 27, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with these columns:Group_Name
Contact Name
Company Name
Contact ID

The Group Name Column has the name of the group that the Contact Name is a member of. The Contact Name could be a member of many Group Names and therefore there may be many rows of the same Contact Name one with each Group Name that they are a member of. I have manually created separate columns for each Group Name in the spreadsheet that is attached.

I would like to have a macro that will look at the Group Name column and create a new column for each distinct group. I then would like the macro to go down the Contact Name column (I believe that I will have to have it sorted)and look at the Group Name that is listed in that row and put "True" in the Group Column that was created in the above step. Then, go to the next row, if the Contact Name is the same, look that the Group Name column and put "True" in the corresponding Group Column in the FIRST ROW OF THAT CONTACT NAME. Then Delete that row.

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Separate Column Of Names Into 2 Columns Of First And Last Name?

Nov 13, 2013

I have a column of first and last names that sometimes look like this: Smith, Michael D and other times look like this Smith, Michael (no middle initial) I would like to separate them into two separate columns, one for First name and the other for last name. I have no use for the middle initial so that can be ignored.

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Extract Text From Column :: Place Into Separate Columns

May 14, 2007

I have a long column of info as below. I want to extract (the name changes)- "SEAPORT TWN" etc and also "01.30" and place into separate columns say G and H at the next available cell.

TOWN STOP---SEAPRT TWN Arriving at 01:30

Terminal Shipping Burl North 460020 GRAINCAR empty Elevator Co. Ltd.
Terminal Shipping Sante Fe 100396 GRAINCAR empty Elevator Co. Ltd.
Train should leave this town with 2 car(s)
TOWN STOP---PRARIE TWN Arriving at 02:00

Elevator Co. Ltd. Burl North 460020 GRAINCAR Grn w/Wht Lttrs -4 Bay
Elevator Co. Ltd. Sante Fe 100396 GRAINCAR Maroon w/Wht Ltr -3 Bay
1/05/2007 8:57:52 a.m. ...............................

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Indexing Multiple Columns To Return A Result From A Separate Column

Oct 22, 2009

col A = contains the style#
col B = contains the color of the style
col C = contains the size of the style
col D = contains the qty of the style,color, size


I would like to do the following:

A1 = input the style #
B1 = input the color of that style
C1 = input the size of that style

then D1 should automatically contain the qty of the mentioned style, color, and size.

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How To Separate CSV Data Into Different Columns

May 22, 2013

how to separate .csv data into different columns in excel?

e.g this .csv data



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Separate Data Into Columns?

Jul 22, 2014

I have some data which i want to split, i have tried " Text to columns "on excel but couldnt find a way it works.In one cell my data is exactly like this:

Name of product
Code of product

Loc.: here is the location
expire date:

I would like each one of these itens on one column, like

A b c d
Name of product code of product Loc.:here is the location expire date:

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