Stopping Data Entry If Adjacent 5 Cells Are Blank
Feb 10, 2009
I've got six columns with drop-down lists in every cell. I don't want column six to be selectable if the first five drop downs don't have data in them too.
Equally, I want the data in column six to be undone if columnns 1-5 are then unselected. Can I do this?
I know that using data validation or VBA is an option but I'm not sure exactly how to set it up this way. I also don't want anyone screwing with what can and can't be entered according to these rules - I want to keep it watertight!
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Aug 27, 2009
see attached doc. The graph is showing the overall % from the table above. However months april-december are blank although they have a formula in them. This is causing the graph to show thes months as 0%.
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Feb 19, 2014
I'm trying every conceivable angle I can think of in vba and coming up empty. What I have is a spreadsheet similar to this:
Column A Column B
1. 1234567
2. 2345678
3. 3456789
4. 4567890 A0001
6. 9876543
7. 9876543
8. 9876543
9. 1234578
10. 3456789 A0002
What I would like to do is to fill in B1:B3 with A0001 and B6:B9 with A0002. The number of rows in each set of data will vary, but the identifier (A000X) will always be located in the row in column B adjacent to the last entry for that set of data in column A and there will always be empty cells between data sets. The number of data sets will also vary.
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Jul 22, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with 'due date' for returns in column L and 'received date' for returns, in the adjacent column M.
I would like to get the due date to turn red when it is overdue, ie. the date in the cell has arrived and no return was submitted. By trawlling the forum, I managed to accomplish this with the following in conditional formatting:
Cell value is less than or equal to =TODAY()
All's great.....but - I would like the date to turn back to black if I enter a date in the adjacent received column, column M.
In other words, I want to flag a problem if the due date has passed, but once I receive the return and enter the date I receive it, i would like the due date entry to revert back to the original formatting ie. black. So only the outstanding returns are highlighted.
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Mar 14, 2013
I have the following formula in cell H2:
I would like to prohibit data entry in G2 if H2 reads "false" and allow data entry in G2 if H2 reads "true" .
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Aug 13, 2009
I own a Hair Salon which collates its daily takings using a spreadsheet. A section of this takings sheet asks staff to enter which Products have been sold and what they where sold for (RRP), so that once all products have been entered, totals at the end of the day allowing the end -of-day "till-up" process to reconcile purchases and services rendered aginst cash and cheques received.
Unfortunately there is over 600 products to choose from and this evergroes as new products are introduced by manufacturers. Names are long and often very similar, and product price manual listings are slow to reference, therefore the customer has to wait while the staff find the right product and select the right price.
All of this is subject to human error. What i would like is simply to enter part of the product name into a Cell and the right product to be visibly selectable and the price automatically added to an adjacent cell.
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Mar 5, 2014
I am trying to sum 3 non-adjacent cells. Some cells are blank, not always in the same row / column, and all are the result of vlookups. I tried: E = I+M+Q, but the result is #value!
-In column E (respectively F, G, H) that's where I want the result of the sum
-In column I (respectively, J, K, L), depending on the row, some cells are blank and some cells contain a number. That's the first term of my sum.
-In column M (respectively N, O, P), I have also blank and non-blank cells, depending on the row. This is the second term of my sum.
-In column Q (respectively R, S, T), also blank or non-blank cells. This is the third term of my sum.
I will need to extend this formula to F=J+N+R, G=K+O+S, H=L+P+T, and probably also a sum with 4 terms where E=I+M+Q+U etc.
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Jun 14, 2008
I am trying to merge text, in four adjacent cells in the same row (say cells A1,A2,A3 and A4), into a single cell (say cell A5).
I would like a comma or full stop and then a space between each item merged (cell A5).
The text to be merged may appear in any one of the four cells (cells A1 to A4). Those cells without text are blank.
Only where all 4 cells are blank, will I need cell 'A5' to indicate this.
The formula needs to be relative as I will need to copy the formula down the spreadsheet so that it applies to additional rows.
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Jan 30, 2010
I have 2 Excel documents.The first document is named "data" and it extracts data from off the Internet every 24 hours. The second document, named "database", is for storing this data. Every 24 hours, I run a macro which imports the data from "data" into a new row in "database", along with the date the macro was run.
My problem is this: Whenever I refresh the external data in "data", my "database" document also refreshes itself instantaneously. My question is this: Is there a way to "cut the connection" between the two documents so that, when "data" is refreshed, the data in "database" DOES NOT also refresh itself automatically?
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Apr 22, 2014
I have a formula (below) where I want it to count the cells that contain a date that is less than or equal to today, but only when the adjacent cell is blank. The latter part of the formula works, but I'm struggling to tell it to only do the count when cells in column I are blank;
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Aug 8, 2008
I would like a macro that deletes rows based on having two blank cells in adjacent columns. I have achieved this with the following code however i need it to only delete rows below a certain row. How would i achieve this?
Sub DeleteBlankARows()
Dim r As Long
For r = Cells(Rows.Count, 30).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
If Cells(r, 3) = "" And Cells(r, 4) = "" Then Rows(r).Delete
Next r
End Sub
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Oct 17, 2008
I am constantly editing this (we currently have over 100 accounts) and therefore the totals are changing.I have a formula for Total but I need formulas for the other two, based on when the cells in columns F and J are blank or have dates in them: For active, the total is the sum of all numbers in column M but only when there is a date in column F and a BLANK in column J. For yet to enter, the total is the sum of all the numbers in column M but only when both column F and column J are blank. At the moment, my accounts run from row 6 to row 142, with the first line of totals in row 145, however this is constantly expanding.
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Jul 9, 2014
1.I've watched tutorials on youtube but the data entry was on the next row. I want that my data entry to input data on the next blank column. I'm having problem with the code to use
2. Any way that the P.O. number will arrange in ascending order.
Example : The last P.O. number was 005 then i've realize that I've missed P.O. number 003. And I want to input P.O. number 003 and it will be arrange.
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Aug 12, 2014
I have one column that contains an If statement formula and would like the next column to then work off of the first column (i.e. if that 1st column returns a value then then adjacent column uses that result).
What is happening now is that it is returning #value (because I guess technically the cell isn't blank?)
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Jan 7, 2013
If the value of the adjacent cell in column A is blank, insert a blank row through Column B:J.
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Feb 28, 2008
formula to auto input the date into a specific cell once one cell has been changed
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Mar 18, 2014
I have a couple of spreadsheets that has several columns each containing several hundred thousand rows of codes. To quickly analyze this data, I am trying to come up with a conditional formatting formula to highlight the respective cells when specific values occur next to each other. A particular code will show up in many cells, but the code that is the respective adjacent cell is always different. I need to know when row A contains, for example, '9928559' and row B contains '36415RT'.
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Jan 5, 2014
I have a workbook with 30 worksheets. Each sheet has 84 rows of data (start in 15 columns (A to O). I would like to create a summary sheet that only shows the most important data from each sheet.
The summary sheet would have 12 lines of headers and formatted crap at the top.
The Summary sheet header columns would be:
Site (A), Date (B) Health (C), Status (D), Critical (E), Task (F),
Dependencies (G), Owner (H), T-Date (I), Task Date (J), Mitigation Date (I)
The data in the sheets are not in that order, of course.
1. puts the name of the sheet I am copying from in column A
2. the deadline date in Column B (that date is always in C10 of each worksheet)
3. and copies Cells from Column A,B,G,H,I,O in any row in which the value in A is not "good" into columns C through H. I would like to paste those rows into the summary sheet. I have code that loops through the sheets and rows in each sheet to find the rows to copy. I can copy cell values directly from the active sheet to the summary sheet, but because I am copying a cell at a time, it takes 7 minutes. Yes I am impatient :)
Here is the code snippet where the copying is done:
Dim sh As Worksheet 'current worksheet
Dim DestSh As Worksheet 'worksheet in which to paste summary
Dim Last As Long
Dim CopyRow As Long 'row to copy
Dim LastCopyRow As Long
[Code] ........
Application.Goto Sheets("KMARollup").Cells(1)
End Sub
I think there must be a way to use ranges to build an array of cell values and paste only once but I am lost here.
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Feb 21, 2006
Here's what I'm attempting to do: For each column, X,Y, Z, I am attempting
to count nonblanks. However, the data was imported from Access and Oracle,
and Excel treats what appear to be blank cells as nonblanks. I've tested
this theory by highlighting a couple of "blank" cells and deleting them, and
my count changes. So, can I get Excel to put a value into my "blank" cells,
so then I could filter it out, or create a formula that would only count
dates in my columns (which is what I'm after).
This is what I'm looking at:
1 2/4/2006 2/6/2006 ("blank")
2 ("blank") 12/13/2005 1/7/2006
3 2/20/2006 1/15/2006 ("blank")
In each column if I use a COUNTA I'll get a total of 3, instead of 2 for A,
3 for B and 1 for C.
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Apr 18, 2006
I'm using this formula (in conditional formatting) to compare a cell with the previous cell (e.g. E11 compares to D11). If it is higher/ lower/the same, E11 is coloured accordingly.
However…. sometimes the data is not in D11 but C11 or B11. How do I tell excel to first of all look in D11 and only if the data is not there, to look in C11, then B11?
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Mar 27, 2013
How to populate data in non-adjacent cells from information that is stored on another sheet. Sheet 1 is essentially setup to be visually pleasing to the user, but the data stored behind it is on another sheet stored in a more logical manner. I would like to auto-populate the nicely formatted sheet with information from sheet 2 when an item from a drop-down list is selected. I have found quite a few ways to do this using offset, etc. but in my case the values will be pulled into cells that are spread around the design sheet in no set order.
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May 26, 2006
In column A, I have unit numbers. Column B is blank. I need help copying the unit number in Column A down in Column B until a new unit number appears in column A. For example, in A6 is unit LS2, A12 is unit LS24, A17 is unit LS34. I would like to be able to copy A6 into B6:B11, A12 into B12:B16, and A17 into B17:B22, etc.
I have the code to copy A6 in to B6 and down, but I don't know how to make it stop at A12. Attached is also an example.
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Feb 5, 2008
For the first grouping of data (Ex 1) I need to do the following; if the value in column J is less than 49 then delete the data in the corresponding row from column E to K. For the second grouping (Flx 1) if the value in column R is less than 49 then delete the data in the corresponding row from column M to S. I would like to be able to do this for all groups all the way to group Flx 5. All my sheets are set out in this way but I am not sure if I can do this using a formula or a macro (which I am not very experienced at writing).
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Apr 23, 2013
is there a way to lock certain cells to allow data entry but not allow data to be removed.
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Feb 26, 2009
I want to limit data entry in a range of cells to Y or N (Upper Case)
I have tried data validation, list, but this still allows y or n, I want just Y or N
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Aug 13, 2013
I need the attached spreadsheet to lock cells after data is entered into cells E13-G74 and the page saved. It will be opened twice daily and saved. Also im not sure if it makes a difference but I would like all other cells outside this range locked except for C5, C6, C7 AND C8. I have seen several threads on the topic but am extremely new to using VBA and cannot make anything work.
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May 21, 2014
I have an excel spread sheet with the page title "Main". I would like to add a macro by pushing a button and a window pops up. It will have 4 columns or 4 questions. The first question will ask what is the date? You enter date, next question asks, What is the fundamental? You enter the fundamental. Next question is what is your name? you enter name and next question is enter what you need fixed. Once you enter that and press finished, the data is then place in the spreadsheet. All rows shift down 1 spot. B2 answer is posted in B2, question 2 answer is placed in C2, question 3 answer is placed in D2 and question 4 is answered in E2.
Each time someone presses the NEW ENTRY button this window pops up asking these 4 questions. The answers are then posted in cells B2 through E2 after shifting the entire page down 1 row.
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May 14, 2009
I'm creating a spreadsheet for work, which for security reasons requires certain information to be locked except to administrators. However the cells need to be open for inputing information for everyone until the administrator enters specific data.
Completed Date Time W/R No. Acc. No. Priority? Vunerable? Comments Closed Date/Time Yes 14/04/09 11:30:00 1234567890 8890976 Yes Yes N/A 14/04/2009 11:30
What I am looking to happen is once an adminstrator selects 'Yes' from the drop down menu on the Completed column, for that row of data to be locked for editing, unless unlocked later by an adminstrator.
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Nov 12, 2009
I'm trying to find a way to search a second sheet in a workbook for specific criteria outlined in a first sheet (in my attached example, from A3 downwards within the 'list of search criteria' sheet), and then to copy any secondary data found against a successful search match to the original sheet, transposed against its corresponding matched search term.
As you can see in the example, the search term 'bindi' (A4 in the 'list of search criteria' sheet) appears in the 'data' sheet 3 times - the secondary data for these occurences ('feathery', 'Fibonacci', 'glassy') is copied to the 'bindi' row on the first sheet and is offset with each copy to produce a transposed-esque effect of copy and paste.
If it's any help, there are a maximum of 9 matches for a single search term in the real document.
Thanks in advance for your help... I tried to adapt a previous solution given to me for a similar question but failed miserably. I bow humbly to your expertise!
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Dec 1, 2011
I just have a basic data validation list. I used "List" and checked the right boxes and the file has been working before. Now the same file does not stop the user from typing in anything.
I re-did the same data validation in a new file and it works. Was there something in the file that prevents it from working?
I have Excel 2007. I saved in both xlsx and xlsm formats
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