Excel 2003 :: Macro That Will Generate A List Based On Cells Value
Mar 6, 2012
I have a workbook that has 30 tabs in it. Each tab is a report card for students. What I'd like to do is create another tab with a button on it that when I hit the button it will search through each tabs range of D12:D40, D48:D76, D84:D112, D120:D136, J12:J40, J48:J76, J84:J112, and J120:J136. And if any of these cells has an MS in them then this new sheet I have created will list each students name which is in cell E5 and list what they recieved the MS for. This will be in the same row number but in column B. So if cell D12 has an MS in it then this report will list the students name and what's in cell B12.
Windows XP
Excel 2003
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Feb 5, 2012
I have three workbooks that contain various types of information. I have an Overtime workbook that lists employees and calculates the straight time and overtime worked for the day. This is the main log that information will be pulled from.
I need writing a macro that will copy over information to an Absent Log workbook and a Production Model workbook.
The Absent Log workbook:
This workbook contains worksheets from each month. I need excel to do a lookup of the name in the Overtime workbook and copy the information from the "OT" column but if that column is empty I need it to pull the information from the "Personal DT" column.
The Production Model workbook:
I need this workbook to automatically pull the total straight hours and overtime hours to the production model for the correct day. This will also pull from multiple sheets.
I am going to be writing this in Excel 2010 but it will be primarily used in Excel 2003.
I uploaded the workbooks to filefactory.
OT Workbook: [URL] ......
Absent "Log" workbook: [URL] .....
Production Model: [URL] .....
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Sep 16, 2013
We have an Office issues spreadsheet where our staff post questions/issues they have. These items are then allocated to a member of staff to look into and resolve. Each issue is entered on a seperate row on the spreadsheet, with the issue in column C, the allocated persons initials in column H, their e-mail address in column I (pulled in from a look-up table based on their initials), and the response required date in J.
I would like the spreadsheet to automatically send an e-mail when the issue is allocated to a person, or is re-allocated to someone else, ie when the 'allocated to' cell changes.
The e-mail message would only need to inform them that an issue on "column C text" in "filename" has been allocated to them and that a response is required by "column J date". We use Excel and Outlook 2003.
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Jun 27, 2014
I would like to be able to limit a drop down list's contents based on a user's selection in a different drop down. I am using Excel 2003, and I know how to do this in Access, but I can't figure it out in Excel. Basically, I have a list of themes in one drop down. The user picks a theme, and goes to a second drop down which is a list of sub-themes attributable to that one theme and no other theme.
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Mar 29, 2007
I have built conditional formatting into some cells on ' Sheet 1' and would like a message box (saying "Check errors before closing") to appear when the user tries to close the workbook if any of these cells are coloured red (ColourIndex 3).
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Jan 19, 2012
I can't seem to find a way to copy specific highlighted/selected cells in a filtered list column and paste them outside of Excel 2003. i.e. in Notepad.
It seems to copy all the data between what is selected.
My Filtered list shows rows 5, 28, 35, 40 and 56
If I selected A5, A28 and A40 and select copy
If I paste it into Notepad, it adds A5, A28, A35 and A40
However if I paste my selected copied cell into Excel it works perfect and only adds A5, A28 and A40.
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May 20, 2014
I'm new to macros. I have a data range of A6:H100.
If cells in column H (Complete?) = Yes I want the row moving down to the next available empty row.
Collection DateCustomer Order NumberNo of PalletsHaulierContact Date Collected Complete?
(I'm using 2003)
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Sep 26, 2011
I am wondering if it possible to automate the copying of data from particular cells, based on a value in a different cell, into a different format.
So to go from this simplified table:
to something like this:
At the moment I do it all manually, and it takes forever. I am sure there must be a simple way of doing it. I am using Excel 2003, but could work in a newer version if required.
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Aug 9, 2013
I have the following code, which I used to search Column A for a date and then copy the adjacent cell next to the date and paste it to sheet2.
However what I want to do now is be able to enter just the month or the year and the code will find the cells that contain the same year or month that I entered. I know to find a string value in a cell I can use InStr() however I don't know how to implement this into the code that I have, As depending on the month that I select I want the code to put the value in a certain cell.
Here is the code that I have so far
Sub SearchMacro()
Dim LR As Long, i As Long
With Sheets("Sheet1")
LR = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
[Code] ......
How I can do this by edited the current code or any code for that matter.
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Oct 30, 2011
Operating System: Windows XP, Excel version: 2003
Aim: To create a Macro to hide all rows where the date in column D is before today. Column D has about 600 rows.
Current solution:
Sub Hide_Old2()
'Worksheet name
With Worksheets("Schedule")
'set start of date range
Set rngStart = .Range("D2")
'find end of date range
[Code] .....
The problem with this solution is its speed, or lack thereof. It causes the screen to hang and flicker while it cylces through. Is there some way to create a range based on the date and hide the range? or another solution?
Note: Autofilter is not an option, as the spreadsheet with the dates needs to be kept simple for other stakholders and the macro is being run from another sheet.
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Apr 3, 2014
I'm stuck using Excel 2003 to auto-populate a cell.
I have a range of dates in five consecutive columns called:
Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 and Phase 5
I enter the date that 'Phase 1' starts under the first header. Once Phase 2 starts I enter a date under 'Phase 2', and so on to Phase 5.
Each phase is consecutive to the next so will always be filled in from 1 to 5.
I want to create an additional column called 'Status' that shows the Column Title of the last phase with a date in it. For example, if Phase 1 to 3 had dates but 4 & 5 were blank, "Phase 3" would be displayed in the 'Status' column.
I've tried nesting some ISBLANK functions without any luck.
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Jun 11, 2013
I have two spreadsheets in Excel 2003.
Spreadsheet 1 has 10 columns of data (A-J). I want to copy a variable number of rows from spreadsheet 1 to spreadsheet 2.
When I paste into spreadsheet 2, I'd like to automatically insert blank cells in three places, taking the total number of columns to 13. I'd like columns C, F and I to be blank, and the last column with data to be M.
I will perform this task regularly, and add the copied cells to the bottom of spreadsheet 2, so I'd only like to insert blank cells within the range that I'm copying, not the entire spreadsheet.
I will then populate the blank cells with a VLOOKUP function. Do I need another macro to automatically add the formula to the cells, or is there a way to include this in the cell-inserting macro?
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Jun 8, 2014
I have a dropdownmanu in sheet1 with different countries taken from Column A in Sheet3. I need a macro to run when i select a country example Denmark. It will fill out transmittal code and also country code in named cells for it in sheet1. Info taken from Sheet3
Transmittal code is in below testsheet in Sheet1 cell E12.
Country code is in Sheet1 cell.
But this have to be possible to change. Also the range for the country have to be possible to change.
This vba code i need to run as soon as i select a country in the dropdown manu.
But one thing i would like to solve also is. When i select a country it will create a dropdownlist in I13 taken from the info in column, i have in Sheet3 column F. So if i select example Denmark, it will show a dropdown menu in sheet1 I13, with the ledger codes 10 and 6x. I have tried to make this work but cant make it work good.
I use excel 2003. Please have a look and upload the testsheet back.
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Jan 7, 2009
I am trying to generate a list based on the value of a cell. That list will then be used as the range for a drop-down list. Example: Cell A1 returns a value of 15
A drop-down list displays the values 1 through 15. Cell A1 changes to 20
Drop-down list displays the values 1 through 20. I assume I'll need a two-step macro to accomplish this but I can't figure out the logic to populate the drop-down.
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Aug 3, 2012
I have unprotected cells in excel where I need to change the content (number) and cell color, but I don't want the cell borders to change. I'm a beginner with vba. I've tried protect sheet and workbook options, but looks like I need a vba code and don't know where to start.
Win 7
Office 2007
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Oct 21, 2013
i have a macro that opens 10 other workbooks and copies cells onto a "master" workbook. Until recently, everything worked fine. Suddendly, while it opens the 9 books and copies as it is expected, but when it opens the 10th wb, the macro breaks at a very simple copy/paste.
The weirdest thing is that after it breaks, I cannot select any cells neither in the opened wb nor in the master wb. This continues even after I press the "reset" button in the vba. So, I am only able to select objects (text boxes etc) in my wb and not any cells.
Also, the "arrow" icon on the design toolbar is not active. And I've tried pressing and de-pressing the F8 key, but I still cannot select any cells.
I have option explicit in the beginning of my macro. And i'm using excel 2003.
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Apr 22, 2012
How to generate a list base on the differences of another list. let me explain; I have a list of combination A1:F2200 each row of course the numbers have difference, example:
As you see the difference in the first row for this small example is 317425 and the list base on this difference is :
The maximum number is 53. doing this one time find, but I have to do it with my 2200 difference.
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Mar 26, 2014
I would like to generate a dynamic list of employees on sheets based on information on Sheet A. Here is my workbook structure:
-Sheet A contains all employees information (Name, division, salary hire date, etc)
-Sheet B is named Div A
-Sheet C is named Div B
Here is what I want to happen:
-Sheets B should pull the employees name and salary from sheet A only for employees of division A
-Sheet C should pull the employees name and salary from sheet A only for employees of division B
Sheet B, C , etc. should update the info and resort every time sheet A is updated.
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May 7, 2007
I am trying to make a more useful excel extracted report – what I have to start with is muck like the attached sample file. With at the bottom is what I would like to be auto done.
There is a column of names – with most names repeating so the first thing needed is to create a new summary list – can be in the same worksheet or in a new worksheet. The new list with be just a list of each name but only display each name once rather that the multiple of times as source list.
The second requirement is than once have a list of each name that appears then in columns next to each a tally /count of each non blank cell under each respective column heading - now it has to be a count of non blank cells as the content of each cell will chance – now need to understand it is not a count of numerals as such but a count of non blank cells so it is not 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 but should be 1 +3 + 5 = 3 (3 non blanks).
A idea of what I want is at bottom of sample worksheet attached
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Jul 8, 2013
How can I create a Makro that looks for values (e.g. values > 90) and that then generates a list with: all the values greater than 90, the row names and column names of the values?
I am pretty sure I will need a Makro for this, but how to create it. I am using excel 2010.
I have attached a file to give you an example. The red table is the table with the values. The blue table is what I want to be generated automatically. In the example I did it manually.
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Jan 2, 2014
I would like to generate a blank email with a list of recipients (no more than 40) in the 'To' field. I would like to do this in a single click on a cell with the text 'newsletter group' in it (cell B17). The recipients email addresses are in the format of one complete email address per cell in a column starting at C17 (C17, C18, C19, etc...). I thought I had found a way to do this (using the hyperlink function I think, but can't quite remember)but it turned out you could only string together about 8 email address before the function stopped working.
Also just to be clear, I don't want to send the workbook to the recipients.
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Mar 11, 2012
I have a sheet with 500 rows and 20 columns. I want to put an input box and a button on a different sheet. What I would like to happen is that when you put the criteria in the input box and click the button it opens the form for the row corresponding to the criteria and allows you to edit the 20 columns. Excel 2007.
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Feb 19, 2014
I am thinking to make a excel file which can generate a headre file for my c++ source file. Previoulsy we used to generate .h files using excel but i dont know the logic behind that(Hope some macros using for that).
MY header file contains this many data and my intention is to give "MYapp Alpha 0.0.3" through excel file because the version number changes for each release. If i used excel file then I can edit that excel and it creates .h file for me, later some more informations i can make configurable through excel file
#define APP_FLASH_APP_ID 0x123
#define APP_VERSION_NUM "MYapp Alpha 0.0.3 "
#define APP_RELEASE_DATE_STR "10/11/13"
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Oct 30, 2009
How to include a boolean OR in my SUMPRODUCT formulas.
Software: WinXP SP2 and Excel 2003 SP3
I'll try to type in some data in legible format:
......Col B.....Col C.....Col D.....Col E.......Col F
1...NW OH....WMA.....110%....NW OH...(result)
2...NW OH....SIS.......130%
3...SO FL......PRB........92%
4...NW OH....TRO......104%
I want to sum the contents of Column D when Column B = a given text value located in Cell E1 AND Column C = text value #1 OR text value #2 OR text value #3, and plunk the result in Cell F1.
So for example if I have NW OH in Cell E1 and my values to match in Col C are WMA, SIS, or PRB, I need a result of 240%.
I am using dynamic ranges for the contents of Columns B, C, and D: CALC_AFFIL, CALC_TITLE, and CALC_PERC respectively.
I have tried:
Also tried both the above formula w/o the "--" in front of any array.
Again, the above was tried with and w/o the combinations of "--" in front of arrays.
Once more with and w/o "--" combinations.
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Mar 20, 2014
I have a master list of Players on one sheet B2:B72 and in E2:E72 is a column called Playing and in it is "y" or "n". I need to make a list of the Players that are Playing on another sheet without blank rows (I can do it but it leaves blank rows for the Players that have a "n" from column B. I am using 2003
Here is the formula I am using now: =IF(Players!$E3="y",Players!$B3, " ") but I get blank rows for the player that are not playing.
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Jun 14, 2013
Running Excel 2003. I have a list in column B, of numerical codes. What I want to do is find the duplicates, and list the duplicates in column D. Is this possible?
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Aug 24, 2012
I am using Excel 2003.
I have a pivot table in sheet1 and references in sheet2 like
and so on to copy the whole thing to make it the source data for a bubble chart.
Now, I want to convert the table in sheet2 into a list via Ctrl+L to be able to sort by names with a dropdown menu. Unfortunately, I have to copy all rows from 1 to 1000 to account for possible increases in the pivot table size. This results in blanks in the list and when I want to sort it, I have 990 blanks before the first data rows show up. Not very neat
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Nov 12, 2012
Unfortunately we don't have 2010 at work so I don't have the luxury of the use of the duplicate function.
I'm using Excel 2003 and need to remove duplicate names from a list; what would be the best formula to do this.
I've done a countif to identify how many occurrences appear; any other formula if greater than to get to the object of how many staff I have in the list
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Apr 27, 2014
I need new workbooks based on category name in the below list. Respective sheets should be copied from the existing workbook with items as sheet names. List can be updatable.
Vegetables carrot
vegetables brinjal
meat chicken
meat Fish
meat Mutton
grains Wheat
grains Rice
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May 15, 2013
I am looking to write a code to lock/unlock cells based on values selected using a drop down list (see attached Excel) For example if Netherlands is chosen as the Country (Column A), then except for the columns Amsterdam (column B) and Eindhoven (column C), all other columns must be locked. Similarly, if India is chosen as the country from the drop down list, then only the columns New Delhi and Mumbai must be editable for the user, the rest of the columns remain locked.
I tried tweaking some of the lock/unlock codes around, but got lost especially with getting to run the macro - still trying to come to terms with running a "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange" function in the sheet from "Module"!
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