Summary Different Day Expense

Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to summary my differentday food data. i want to add total in SUmmary table.

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UserForm For An Expense Report

Jun 24, 2008

I have an expense report with one row labeled as "Auto", and 7 columns labeled with Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. I'd like to double-click a cell within that row and have a userform (or something else) pop up with 2 spots for data entry: "Personal" and "Company". A user would enter dollar amounts in one or both fields. After they're finished, I would like the total of what they entered to populate the cell that was double-clicked, but still have that breakdown available or even be able to change it by re-double-clicking the cell. Is that even possible?

To add complication, at the end of the row are two additional columns that total personal and company expenses. I'd have to have all personal expense amounts sum together in its column, as well as all company expenses sum together in the other column.

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Expense Account Lookup

Aug 19, 2007

The expense account we work with involves several currencies due to the international nature of the business. With that, each row must show the currency involved and the formula used from one line to the next makes it repeat the currency until changed i.e. if cell B22 has a date entered then Cell H22 will reflect the currency from Cell H21 =IF(B22="","",H21). If Cell H21 showed CDA for Canadian currency then H22 would also become CDA. Once changed manually then all cells below will now reflect the new currency until changed again.

Using the lookup function we collect the individual amounts of each currency and run totals at the bottom. Therefore, if there were three entries in SGD (Singapore Dollars) and two entries in EUR (European Euros) etc. that each row will do a lookup by the three letter currency code and collect the sum of each currency. SGD could repeat later again and when changed manually will be included in the lookup.

At the present we are entering the three digit codes manually i.e. SGD. What we would like to do is automatically have the bottom be able to pickup the currency change when a new currency is entered on the individual rows on the top part of the expense sheet. So if Cells H21:H23 were SGD and Cells H24:H25 were ERU that Cell A58 would show SGD and cell A59 would somehow be able to grab the ERU etc. One of the same currencies may repeat itself and the lookup will capture the additional totals but SGD would only show once.

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Payment Expense Spreadsheet With Gst

Nov 3, 2006

I used erecord the other day to do my activity statement for the first time (I have just started a home based business which has not yet started trading but I had to send the BAS for the purchases that I had made for the business) and it was quite easy to use and you can send it electronically to the ATO which saves a lot of hassle particularly as I am very not accountancy litterate. However I am trying to develop an expenses/payment spreadsheet similar in function to erecord but that allows me to categorise the inputs.

My headers are:
Cbookref = (drop down validation box) similar to a chart of account #
Category = ie - advertising accounting fees etc.. uses a look up function with cbook ref to populate field
Description .........................

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Expense Sheet - Correct Day And Date

Oct 21, 2011

We have a form (an Expense Sheet) that has the date entered in the "Monday" cell using the =Today() formula (the rest of the week uses =Today()+1, =Today()+2, etc).

I am betting you already see the problem...this only works if you open the form on a Monday....before I point out the error to the document owner I thought I better have a solution...

So...what is the best way to self-populate the "Monday" cell with the correct date for the Monday of the week?

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Expense Tracker By Month For Multiple Inputs Then Add Together?

May 14, 2014

I am looking to take the data off of a "detail" sheet and put it to a summary page. I want the summary page to find the capital and expense from "details" sheet by the month on the "details" sheet. Then for every month add all the expenses and capital and put as 2 values per month, Capital and expense, on the summary page. I am not really sure where to begin but have added my excel workbook that I have started.

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Calculate An Average Daily Expense Cell

Feb 6, 2009

I've set up a simple spreadsheet to keep track of my food expenses every month. The first column is for the date, the second is for the daily total expenses and then the next three columns are where I add the data which is then calculated into the daily total column.

I also have a total at the bottom for the entire month. Now what I want to do is I want to also have underneath the grand total, a cell which keeps track of my average daily expenses. Basically I want to divide the total expenses by the number of days which I've entered data. Now normally this would be fine but because I've applied the formula to all the cells in the expense column, it automatically lists every day as "0" rather than leaving it blank. So when it does the average calculation it's dividing my total by 30 days rather than by only the 7 days I have data for.

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Categorized Daily Expense To Monthly Basis

Jan 8, 2010

While I was working my daily expense I come up with this issue. I do eat outside while I am on work. Sometimes I go to Pizza, sometime I go to mexican etc etc. The common between them is word FOOD. I would like to modify the formula suggested by Ron Coderre


See the attached file to get more idea of my question. Then I would Like to Highlight Entire Rows which contains a Specific text.

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Creating Personal Expense Tracking Form

May 14, 2006

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that will track my expenses. What happens is I enter in my daily expenses in a "Notes" worksheet. This includes the date, whether it's a debit/credit, and what category is it (rent, tuition, entertainment, work income etc). It looks like this

Date - - - - - - Debit - - - Credit - - - Category
4-May-06........................$30 ..........Dining out

Then I have another worksheet called "Expense outline" which pretty much sums all expenses in each category and displays a summary. So it would show how much I have spent in total on each category for each month. Looks something like this

Dining out..........$100

So what I did for the Entertainment summary for the month of May was, I used a SUMIF(column of categories, "Entertainment", column of credits). This will look for the category name "Entertainment" in my "notes" worksheet, and sums the corresponding amount from the credit row. The problem is, I also want to include it so that it will automatically differentiate between the different months. Right now, when I'm choosing the column of categories for May, I select only the cells in the month of may when I'm choosing my column of categories and credits.

For example:....................

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Excel 2010 :: Summary All Statement From 4 Worksheets And To Summary All Total ICC

Dec 23, 2013

excel 2010. This workbook has 4 worksheet(Process Engineer,OSBL,OSA,Lab Operator) I want to know what is the best excel formula/function to summary this 4 worksheet.

Example:I want a formula/function to summary all the statement from 4 worksheets and total number of answer "1" per statement from 4 worksheet.

Sample Statement below

"Demonstrate Interpersonal (People-to-People-) Skills" Question:What is the formula if above statement contains this statement in 4 worksheet?As i checked the total is 4 then What is the formula to get all total answered ICC on this statement from 4 worksheet?

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Track A Number Of Expense Items Accross 15 Worksheets With Up To 500 Rows Accross 30 + Columns Per Worksheet

Jan 12, 2010

I'm looking to use excel to track a number of expense items accross 15 worksheets with up to 500 rows accross 30 + columns per worksheet. Many of the learned people in this forum have helped me get this far, now I need some more assistance - please.

In my speadsheet I have a vlookup formula that returns a value from another worksheet. Here's an example.=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP($D3,Room_Configs!$A$1:$BO$3006,MATCH(M$1,Room_Configs!$1:$1,0),FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP($D3,Room_Configs!$A$1:$BO$3006,MATCH(M$1,Room_Configs!$1:$1,0),FALSE))

This works brilliantly. Now here comes the tricky part. What I'd like to do is append that formula with another one to do a vlookup on a second worksheet.

If both lookups return a value then I'd like the value of the 1st vlookup returned in the cell. If the value of the 1st vlookup is "0", then I'd like the value of the 2nd vlookup returned, and if the 1st and 2nd vlookup values are blank then a "0" is returned.

The name of the 2nd work sheet is "Non_Network_Equip"

Finally, it would be really great if the font colour for values returned from the 2nd vlookup forumla was blue.

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Summary Tab

Sep 4, 2008

i need a macro that can copy info from all tabs (30 tabs) (B1:ZZ500) and put them into a sumamry tab.

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Database Summary

Mar 26, 2008

in summarizing my data set. specifically, I have names of organizations listed in once column and in one of the others I have status of organization (open, closed), number of transactions and volume of transaction by months for each organization. In a summary sheet I need a formula that would look up for a specific organization in the long data base and match it with its status and count the number of "opened"(or "closed") organizations matching that specific name as well as sum the total volume of transactions for that specific organization. If I stated my request unclearly i can explain it better or attach a excel sheet.

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Summary Report

Apr 30, 2009

I'm working on some homework for a CIS class, that is pretty straight forward...except I don't know how to make a summary report in excel.

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Summary Table In Vba

Apr 2, 2007

I am trying to populate values in a summary table using Vba. Details as per attachment.

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Summary Sum By Week

Mar 25, 2008

I have a huge data set, lets say
Wk1 Wk2 ...... WkN
Area1 Type1 Pdt1 Val1
Area2 Type2 Pdt2 Val2
Area3 Type1 Pdt3 Val3
.... ... ...
.... ... ...
AreaN Type1 PdtN

I have to prepare a subset for this table, lets say for Area1, for Weeks 2 to 5 and Products 2 & 3. I need a formula that can pull in the values by looking at area, type, product and weeks.

I believe match and index can possibly solve this. However I just cann't set it right.

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Calendar Summary Page?

Dec 16, 2013

I have a workbook with multiple calendar sheets in it, those sheets are names by the staff member name (attendance calendar). We put the value 'H' or 'S' in the cells to indicate whether an employee is on holiday or sick. I would like to create a summary calendar/dashboard that shows which people are off which days, like a summary or another calendar with names in date cells. I have tried various ways, but cant seem to return the value I want, or find a simpler way of doing it.

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Specific Worksheet Summary

May 27, 2009

I browsed through existing threads and other sites and didn't find this exact scenario. I'm sorry if this type of question is common, but I wouldn't know. I appreciate any help and thanks for trying and offering your 2 cents!

OK. What I have is a table with over 20 columns that I use to sort and AutoFilter the 200+ rows of data. Several of the columns use Data Validation which require data to be from lists. Conditional formatting is used very often throughout the sheet.

Now, I want to have a second worksheet that will be almost identical to the original, but only accept rows that have certain values (let's say 3 of the 8 possible values) a specific column. These values are text values that appear in a list, and the column uses Data Validation to accept values only from that list. This second worksheet should be like if I Autofiltered the original table by check-marking 3 of the 8 available filter options for that column, but I need this specific 'view' of the data for certain purposes and my own reference.

In a perfect world, this second sheet would automatically mirror the original sheet's changes... But I don't know if that's possible? Although Excel is a very flexible and powerful tool, flexibility is relative once your tastes in data organization become more and more specific! Please let me know if any of this is impossible, so I'll stop trying to figure out how, haha.

Even if it won't 'automatically' mirror the original, I still would like to view the information in this way!

Also, I am very good with formulas and finding my way around Excel's features, but I'm not very experienced with the VBA programming or custom macro-writing.

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Add Summary Sheet Of Other Sheets

Jan 27, 2014

I've got a multi-sheet workbook and I'd like to have a summary tab of all of the tabs that have a name starting with "Site"....I have Site 123, Site 234, Site 567 and Location Listing. I've run a macro that I found on the internet and it works to copy all content to the new sheet, but, I prefer that the macro not need to be run to update the summary tab each time a change is made to one of the other sheets because this workbook is for someone that wouldn't know how to run the macro.

Every "site" sheet has the same columns, but the number of rows is different.

There will be new "site" sheets added and I want to make sure there is a way to update the summary sheet when new "sites" are added.

What is the best way to do this or is it even possible? I've attached my example workbook.Tracker.xlsx

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Summary Sheet With Headers

Jan 29, 2014

I have a Workbook that has 12 worksheets in it, one for each month (January '14, February '14, ect.). Each sheet is identical with A1:Q1 being the same headers on each. I need a way to consolidate each sheet into one new summary worksheet. The issue I'm having is with the headers being copied multiple times on this new summary worksheet; appearing when a new month is listed. Row 1 of the summary sheet should be the header row and the following rows the data found on each monthly worksheet.

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Summary Report Using VB Code

Dec 1, 2006

I have a report that I need to summarize, here is some sample data.

Dealer CodeParticipantModules

Desired results would be column A Dealer Code, Column B Particpant, Column C a summary of Modules taken, Column D a count of Modules

F23CH Rob Masson 10,7W,8,9 4
F32c5 John Coutts 16,17,21 3
F32C8 Scott Plakholm 7,7s,7w,8 4

Is there a easy fix using VB code? The report is usually between 1500 lines and 2000.

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Order Summary Page

Aug 22, 2008

I have created an orderform in excel. it is 8 pages and has a numerous amount of products on it. i want to make a 9th page that is an order summary page.

I want to be able to have the customer put quantites in the spreadsheet and then that item, id code, and quantity will display on the 9th page.

here i my file

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Create Summary Sheet

Apr 29, 2009

I have a sheet in my workbook named Summary, from this I would like to run a macro that cycles through every sheet except "Summary" & "Variables" & "Cash" and puts the sheet name in E5:down and cell AH30 from every sheet in F5:down.

I know it's possible, but I'm not sure how to set up the loop.

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Summary Of SUMPRODUCT Data

May 10, 2009

For instance, in travels.xls a table in the 'data' sheet lists destinations versus people and the data of travel.

What i'd like is to assign a macro that would have a breakdown of the number of travels per destination that month. Where there is no travel that month, that destination is omitted.

I can work out how to use SUMPRODUCT to produce the number of trips per destination within that month, but stuck as to how to get it to display it using a macro.

Should I use a loop to loop through all destinations, copy that information to the separate sheet and then another loop to delete destinations with zero trips?

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Summary Sheet In Userform

May 18, 2009

i had created a userform with data in Sheet1. what i want is to display the whole summary in a form using the worksheet function.The form need to display the amount and count of the expenses in the range(Sheet1) from the values in the combobox.i m unable to find out where i m getting it wrong. hope i had made the code 90%correct. Pls help me. One more thing is there any other form in which i can display the summary dynamically on selecting different items from the combo box. i mean can i show it in a new form.

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Create Summary Workbook

Jul 10, 2009

I need a macro that will copy and paste the data from the range below from every file in a directory with each file in the directory on a new row. My goal is to build a database with the information in the files in the directory. I will need to be able to put the directory in the code at a later time as it has not be set up yet. it will be on the local computer and not on a network share.....

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Create A Summary Sheet ..

Dec 7, 2009

I have a spreadsheet which details an employee number, name, event type and no events as shown in attachment. (SHEET1). I would like to be able to create a summary sheet in the same workbook which will search through the list of usernames and produce a summary for each user.(SHEET2). The number of users varies in sheet1 so I would need to handle this dynamically.

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Creating A Summary Worksheet

Nov 22, 2005

Is there a way to populate a summary worksheet with the details of 4 other
worksheets, all of which have the same number of columns (A:J with the labels
on row 5) yet have different numbers of rows (each sheet will have a
different number of rows with the data beginning on row 6 in each sheet).

Is it possible to do without running a macro so that the summary sheet will
look to be automatically populated with as many rows as there are on sheet
number 1, then look to be populated with as many rows as there are on sheet
number 2, etc.

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Summary Fields With Filters?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm creating a spreadsheet with data I've exported from a survey.

My data begins column headings on row 10 and spans across several columns. I've applied filters to the headings.

Above column 10 I have some summary data using the countif and counta functions. Is there away to have my summary fields change as I apply my filters to the main body of data in different ways?

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Summary Tab VBA - Using Formulas Taken From New Tabs

Oct 4, 2011

I am currently working through a macro and got stuck about halfway. I have a number of files in a folder on my drive that I am pulling the first tab from into a Master workbook, and then I want to have a summary tab for all of those tabs(they are all identical). Some of the cells will be text(say range A5:C105), some will be SUM(E6:G105) and some will be AVERAGE(D6:D104) formulas needed. These formulas will not change, but will need to pull the data from all tabs that are pulled into the file.

So far I have this code that pulls all of the first tabs together:


Sub Staff_Plan_Update()
Dim wbDst As Workbook
Dim wbSrc As Workbook
Dim wsSrc As Worksheet
Dim MyPath As String
Dim strFilename As String

Call TimeStamp

[Code] ......

I was going to record a macro that creates a summary table every time, but not sure if it is easier to create a blank template for the summary tab that will update every time all of the tabs are pulled into this file. The problem I ran across with that is that I will be taking the SUM of all tabs, but the number of tabs/name of tabs will be different.

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