Text To Column And Sort Formula In One?

Jan 21, 2014

I have found two macros to do the job that I want. I would like them put into one macros What I want is to text to column and sort my data. Below are the two macros

[Code] .....

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Sort Most Frequent Text In Column?

Dec 16, 2013

I have a list of names in 1 column and I would like to be able to find out what name is most frequent and I'd also like to know how many times that name appears in that column.

Here is an example of what I'm looking for:

Most Frequent
No. of times they appear


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Sort Column With Equal Numbers And Linked Text

Jun 8, 2014

I would like to create a formula that will sort the numbers in column B, there are also equal numbers in this column

The difficult part is that there is text in column A, and is linked to the numbers

So if numbers are sorted the names should be sorted in the same way as well.

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Formula To Sort Numbers In Ascending Value Into New Column?

Feb 14, 2003

I have three columns of values that are in no particular order that need to be sorted in ascending order in another column.

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Formula To Sort And Leave Spaces Blank Where One Column Doenst Have The Same Value

Aug 15, 2008

Every AM I run a report that has ALL of our company order numbers from the 2 systems we use. I get those reports and put them into 2 columns. instead of manually inserting so they all match up, is there a way to do this automatically? ....

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Move And Sort With One Column But Insert Extra Columns As Needed For Proper Sort?

Jan 13, 2014

Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.

Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.

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Formula To Total Values In Column Matching Text In Adjacent Column

Dec 20, 2013

Formula(s) to do as explained in the attached example.


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Formula To Match Text In Column And Retrieve Adjacent Column Value?

Mar 5, 2014

I need a formula to run down a column DCapture.JPG (starting at 142), when it finds the last entered value it needs to display the corresponding value from column J into cell AA21.

If you see the attached photo, the last entered data in column D would be 1, AA21 would be saying -30 (J205)


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Formula Dependent On Text In Adjacent Column

Oct 7, 2009

I have a datatable which has a column containing up to 25 different text codes (which are currency pairs). I need to insert a specific number (as seen in the attached example) in a second column. This number depends on the text in the first column. I suspect this is very simple but at the moment, not for me!

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Sort Column To Match Pair In Other Column, Skip Blank Spaces

Mar 28, 2007

Here's what I have.. (on a much smaller scale)


(notice how the lines that match are now even.)

[Edited by admin~ *Link* to large images, don't display them]

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IF Formula - Column To Show Text Value Dependent On Combination Of Three Columns

May 12, 2014

I have three columns that each have a drop down of text options; column A has three options, column B has three options and column C has two options. I want to have a fourth column that will show a text value dependent on the combination of the three columns.

It ends up being 18 variations so my IF formula just won't compute.

This is basically the format I have and works for a few values then just chucks up an error when I extend it to all 18 variations:

IF(AND(A1="text",B1="text2",C1="text3"),"show this text",
IF(AND(B1="other",B1="other2",C1="other3"),"then show this", ) etc etc

Any way I can get this to work for all 18 possible outcomes??

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Changing Text In One Cell Creates Formula Change In Column Below?

Apr 1, 2014

I have a list of pricing and I want to be able to change the text of cell, say "D1", which says "Standard" to say "Premium" and all the formulas would change in accordance. The "Standard" pricing would be, Starting D2, "=C2*.3" and I want them all to go to "Premium" pricing which would be formula "=C2*.35".

What would be the best method of creating this function or formula?

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Search Specific Text In Column Range (Macro Or Formula)

Jun 30, 2014

I need a macro, or a formula that can identify if the words in the Words Column (Column A) is contained in Title Column (Column B). If it is, It displays as "Yes". If not, display as "No".

Case is not sensitive.


Coworker has chronic hiccups

I Love Excel

I Like Turtles

Oh Christmas Tree

Case of the Mondays

Cute Monkeys

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Exclude Column In A Range Sort That Includes The Column

Aug 15, 2006

is it possible to leave a column out of this sort code as in A the very first column which just numbers the rows?

Here is my sort ....

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Multiple Date Column To Single Column & Sort

Sep 23, 2006

I'm looking for a way to sort dates from several columns into a new single column (perhaps multiple columns if the entry columns become too numerous). I've included an example. There are currently only 4 columns, but there may be as many as 20 in the future, each with 20 dates under each heading. Any blank cells would be eliminated. If I filled a blank with a new date, that date would be placed into the chronological column. So basically, this would take the date from several different categories and create a single calendar of events.

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Marcro Or Formula To Extract Urls From A Bunch Of Text In A Column Of Cells

Mar 2, 2010

I have a column of cells over 2000 rows that have a bunch of text in each cell. In the middle of this text in each cell are websites (not hyperlinked). I was wondering if someone wrote a macro or formula to extract URLs located in a bunch of text? I can parse this out but doing some delimiting but that will take longer.

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Sort On Column, But Not Include Any Rows With An X In Other Column

Jan 10, 2010

I believe that the best way to evaluate this request is to look at the example. I have 2 buttons to demonstrate what I need, along with written instructions.


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Sort Column D Acsending, Then Column C Descending

Mar 3, 2007

i want to sort column D acsending, then column C descending. i want to do this using VBA because i cant just format the sheet because another vba macro paste the sheet thier which would rid the formatting. (i would do it myself everytime but it is for someone to make it easier for them and not make mistakes..i searched, just found a sum formula post)

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Excel 2003 :: Concatenate Text Strings From Column Using Multiple Criteria Condition (formula)

Dec 20, 2012

I am looking for a way of creating the following conditioned concatenation.

I have two tables, let's call them "summary" and "detailed".

The "detailed" table is something like the following:





The "summary" table below gets info from the "detailed" table. The 'ID'is now unique. I'm looking for a formula on the 'VOL (concatenated)' column cells it should get all rows from the "detailed" table with the same ID and then concatenate the 'VOL' column results, comma separated:

ID (unique)
VOL (concatenated)

V01, V03, V05

V01, V04


PS: I have people using this table with office 2003, so compatibility is necessary...

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Sort Numbers As Text?

May 28, 2013

I have a column of data that contains alphanumeric ID codes, some of which contain no alpha characters (i.e., Excel treats them as numbers). When I do a data sort, Excel puts all the purely numeric codes first, then the alphanumeric codes. I want to sort the numbers among the alpha codes.

Example Excel sort order:

Desired sort order:

I know there's a way to do this, but I've spent half an hour looking and can't find the answer. And no, manually editing each numeric entry with an apostrophe is not an option.

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Sort Order And Text ..

Nov 20, 2007

I'm sure this has been asked many times before, but I can't seem to find an answer that works for my data. I have some data that is sorted by an ordered list (like a table of contents from an overly detailed book):


This list can be arbitrarily deep (although probably not more than ##.##.##.##), and because I'm using periods to separate the nested levels (can be changed), I've formatted it as text. This means when I sort the data using this column I get 1.11 before 1.2 (text sort order).

After lots of failed formula attempts I've resorted to using an additional column with hand-entered values to sort by so it will sort correctly:


but I'm hoping someone knows a more elegant way to do this, or at least to generate this column without typing so many zeroes!

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Sort Text To Certain Columns

May 30, 2008

What formula will sort the infomation in the first column into the other relevant columns.

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Sort By Part Of Text

Aug 4, 2006

how can i sort a text column by the last words after the "-" automatically. For example, this is a text column:

1. 12634 - Sweetare Dr. - Garden Grove
2. 15234 - Hotflame Dr. - Irvine
3. 16612 - Arigato - Japan
4. 22634 - Saigon - Garden Grove

I need to sort the column by the word(s) after the '-' sign.

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Sort Dates Seen As Text

May 25, 2007


please see the spreadsheet, data are downloaded in bloomberg (I have broken the links already). I have some macro written to perform sort on every column by clicking heading in row 1,

I know excel usually stores the date in a number format but I can't change the date format here since data is downloaded in Bloomberg (I have also asked Bloomberg, format is fixed). But if I select the whole sheet and go to data -> sort, Redemption date as ascending then select "sort anything looks like number as a number", it works. I don't wanna do in this way, I would like the clicking label to sort, so in macro, I think I need to firstly convert the date into an integer then perform the sort, how can I amend the coding to accomodate this?

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Sort Column B To Match Column A

Nov 14, 2006

column A has random numbers 1- 10. Column B has numbers 1-10 also but in a different order. How can i sort column B to match Column A?

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Sort By The Order Of Text Preference

Aug 9, 2006

I have a worksheet populated with text and values from column A to BG, and from row1 to row550. Column B contains only the following text and values:

TKM Kulim
zero bin (internal)
0.33 bin (internal)
zero bin (AMA)

I need help for VBA code to sort the worksheet by this order of preference in col B as follow. Appreciate your help.

TKM Kulim
zero bin (AMA)
zero bin (internal)
0.33 bin (internal)

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Sort AlphaNumeric Text By Numbers

Dec 6, 2006

Take for example ABC10 in Cell A1, ABC199 in cell A2 and ABC9 in cell A3

How am i able to sort such that ABC9 appears in cell A1 followed by ABC10 in cell A2 and ABC199 in cell A3?

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Sort Numbers Appended With Text

Aug 17, 2007

I've got data in a table that has am induvidual "job number" assigned to each row, but this job number could have a variation such as 1000A 1000B 1000C but they may not necessarily be one after the other in the table (other job numbers may appear in between) so i need a to macro to remove all job numbers lets say that start with 1000 and paste them and the end of the table. so i end up with consecutive numbers. Can this be done? I've played around with the find funciton to loop through the column and find all relating job numbers then cut the entire row but cant quite seem to get it to work

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Sort Numerical-Text In Order

May 14, 2008

I am trying to sort different SKU #'s for my amazon store on excel. I go to Data... Sort... Ascending and it comes out like this...

and so on...

i want it to be like this

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First/Last Name In One Column, Sort By Last Name?

Oct 7, 2008

I have one column of names that has been entered as "first and last name" as one entry and I would like to sort by the last name (the last word in the column). Some of the entries are simply first and last name (e.g. Jane Doe), some are spouses together (e.g. Frank and Elaine Smith) and some contain middle initials (e.g. John Q. and Amy X. Public).

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