Update Function In Other Sheets

Feb 2, 2010

I know I can update the content of a cell on any sheet from other sheet using for example: =SHEET!$G$22. This works ok for text and numbers, but how to get the same result for a function?
Example: in sheet1, cell B3 I have =SUM(A5:A9). When I modify in sheet1, cell B3: =SUM(A1:A9) I need his formula to change on other sheets as well. How to do that?

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Update Sheets

Jul 26, 2006

Could you have a look at my attached sheets?

2 sheets here, one is "TEMP" the other is " SUM".I want to have a command button in the "SUM", in order to do the below actions

1.compare the right now A columns between "SUM" and "TEMP";

2.If it does not exist in "SUM",i.e. it is new,then move the row to the last row of "TEMP";

3.If it exists already in "SUM",then update the row.

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Do Not Update Non-active Sheets

Sep 25, 2007

I have a big spreadsheet with a number of sheets, some with dynamic lists which take up a lot of processing power, but which I only use rarely. Consequently the whole spreadsheet is running very slowly. Is there a way to set certain sheets to not automatically update, but retain automatic updating on others? I know you can set Calculation to Manual in the Options, but I need to retain automatic calculation on some sheets.

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Function To Update ID Changes

Apr 28, 2014

I have a large database, data as rows with individuals each carrying a unique ID code (RING). The database spans over 60 years - individuals are birds with metal rings carrying a unique ID - so some individuals have had their rings replaced (e.g. row 7 in the sample below). My task is take the old ring (C7) and replace any earlier records of the old ring (A3) with the new ring (A7).

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Looping Through Sheets To Update Pivot?

Mar 13, 2014

I don't know why i'm having such trouble with this. I keep getting "Invalid Call or argument". All i need is to loop through sheets 2 to 9 and set the year of 8 pivots per sheet to 2005.

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Sheets Update Themselves As We Add And Delete Clients

Feb 14, 2008

I have a few excel sheets that we use to keep up with clients and the hours spent working on projects for them. We add and delete clients almost every week, and every time we make these changes we have to update all of the linked sheets. I am wondering what is an easy way to have sheets update themselves as we add and delete clients.

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Update Graph When Sheets Are Added

Oct 20, 2007

I am trying to make a line graph of a company's profitability. Each day I add a new page and use data I collect to determine the day's profit. I want the graph to update each time I add a new sheet. The cell that contains the day's final profit is the same cell on every sheet.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Sheets Copy Function Works But Then Jumps To Beginning Of Function

Apr 8, 2014

I'm having trouble using the worksheet copy command in a VBA subroutine. I have the following line in my code:

[Code] ........

When I step through my code and execute this line, the sheet is copied as expected and put in the correct place, but then instead of the next line of code being highlighted, the pointer jumps to the first line of a function (in a different module) in my code.

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Force Update Of NOW Function

Aug 14, 2008

Is there a way to renew / update the formula =NOW() without closing & reopening the file??

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Update Link Between Sheets Automatically And In Sequence

Nov 1, 2013

I have a excel workbook with One Master Sheet.

The data entered in the master sheet is automatically updated in the sub worksheets through direct links created . Each sub worksheet is a branch of organization. almost 100 branches are there.

The data is entered for all the branches in the Master Sheet at different periods continuously which is to be kept as such.

For example In first day 10th, 15th branch data may be entered in master sheet first and second row, which is getting automatically updated in the respective branch worksheets. But the problem is when the data is entered for any branch( for example 6th branch) in 5th row of Master sheet, in the respective 6th branch sheet also, it is updated only in 5th row only, leaving the first four rows blank. But i want the updation in the branch sheet continuously without any blank rows.

For updation i have used the simple direct link between the cells of Master worksheet and Branch sheets.

How to get the updation in branch worksheets while entering the data in Master sheet without any blank rows.

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Circular Reference :: Multiple Sheets Update

Jan 2, 2006

I've a workbook and it has two sheets. Suppose, I want to link A1(sheet1) and a1(sheet2). If I update any of the cells in any of the sheets the other one will be updated automatically. How can this be possible? Or are there any other alternatives?

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Automatic Update In Other Sheets: Need Some Changes To The Existing Code

Aug 29, 2008

I have already got an anwer for this long back from this site. The code was writted by Mr. Krishnakumar
the thread is here :[url]

i need some changes to be made in this code. The existing code creates and updates the details in the sheets automatically from the master data. I just need the sum of Column I in all the sheets after the last row of Column I.

selecting all the sheets and typing the formula in I column is not possible because, the last row in Column I is different in all the sheets.
In sheet 1, the last row of Column I is Row 15, in sheet 2 Row150 is the last row.
I guess something could be done in macros.

follwing is the existing
Sub TestIt()
Dim sWS As Worksheet
Dim Sellers As Range, Seller As Range
Dim lRow As Long, fRow As Integer
Dim CopyRng As Range, ws As Worksheet

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Update External Sheets Without Opening Workbook

May 2, 2009

I have 3 sheets: 1: master entry sheet that fills data in 5 different excel docs. Then there is another doc that aggregates data from the 5 and presents totals on the data. I am trying to get the end result without having to have 7 different excel files open, but when I enter into the master entry sheet, the data doesn't seem to be "pushed" up to the 5 different docs until each one is opened up. Obviously, the master aggregator is not updated since the 5 don't have the new data. When the files are all opened at the same time, the data flows perfectly, I'm just trying to find a way to avoid having to open the 5 docs in the middle of the process.

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Compare And Update Selected Data On Two Sheets

Feb 7, 2007

Each monday i get a new price list from our supplier. My job is to compare this list with ours and update if neccesary. The reason, why I'm writing here is simple -I need to automate the process. Since their and our pricelist is somewhat different, it's only possible to use selection comparison. So, I need something that can do this:

1. First I open those two files and make a selection on both of them (like all the apples on the supplier list and all the apples on our list)
2. Push a button that executes a code
3. The code compares a value in the first column
4. If it finds a match, compares the data in second column
5. If data is same, color the cell (or the text) lets say yellow
6. If data is different, update field in our pricelist and color the cell (lets say red), so I can find and recheck it later
7. If the supplier has a _new_ product, the code will insert it somewhere in our list. Doesn't matter where, it may as well be a new sheet
8. Compare the next cells in selected area

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Update A Function When Opening Worksheet

Jul 20, 2009

how to update a function when opening worksheet. I made

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Unable To Update Data Used By Function

Jun 1, 2006

I have a function written in excel written in VBA. The function reads data from a worksheet and uses it in an array to solve based on the variable passed with the function. Now the issue is if I change variable that the are passed with the function it works fine. If, however I update values in the worksheet that the function is using as an array (sort of a look up table) the function doesn't see the change. I have to exit Excel and reopen it to get it to re calculate the function. Is there a better/faster way than continually closing and reopening excel?

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Automatic Update From Multiple Sheets To Master Sheet

Apr 7, 2011

I have multiple sheets all of which are identical except for the number of rows containing data. I have been trying to create a macro to update these sheets into one 'Master' sheet but I'm having great difficulties due to me needing to leave Column A and Row 1 blank.

I have uploaded example data of what I am after, sheets 2 - 6 need to be automatically updated to the 'Master' sheet when the macro is run.

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Cannot Get Macro To Update Specific Sheets Within Single Workbook

Jan 5, 2014

I am trying to modify the macro that I have put together so that it executes only specific worksheets within a single workbook. In this example, I would like the macro to update worksheets A, B, and C but I have more sheets in my actual file. I am only able to get the macro to work on the active sheet. Attached is my workbook.

Sub HideColumns()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim myRange As Range
For Each myRange In Range("B5:M5")

[Code] .....

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Do Operation On All Sheets Except The First Sheet In The Book Every Time I Update It

Jun 5, 2007

I have a workbook that I would like the same operation on all sheets except the first sheet in the book every time I update it (which is once a week).

I get data (currency format) for all of my employees on a weekly basis. Unfortunately this data is shown as a negative number and I need to invert these values. (So I use the formula below)... but I have to do this manually for about 35 sheets and I figure I could automate this somehow with a macro. Here's what I do usually and what I would like the macro to do automatically:

I want to insert a column after column G.
I would like to enter the following formula into H2:

=IF(G4="u", "u", IF(G4

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SMALL Function For Update Graph Dynamically

Apr 21, 2009

I have a Big Question about the SMALL Function in Excel. I would like to know if it is possible to use a syntax that will make the small function update my graph dynamically.

Personnel transfer out of the Department on know dates... but they come in to the Department all the time. I would like to know if I can increase the "range of my data" even if I don't have data in the cells (i.e. B2:B6 have data, I want the range to include B7:B16, which has no data)... When I have no data in the cells I get errors/ circular references...

Ideally, I would like be able to add or remove personnel and the SMALL function would "organize/update" my graph dynamically. Is this possible?

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Function To Update Column When Inv Fully Paid

May 26, 2009

I have an issue on manipulating the data in my worksheet below. I need to update column 'remark' when the customer has pay fully. Example customer 1003 and 1004 both pay completely so I need to update done in column remark. For customer 1002, because not fully pay, so cannot update done.

customer inv no invoice payment remark
1002 A12 100 100
1002 B45 120 0
1003 W12 90 90 done
1004 F12 30 30 done
1004 F17 45 45 done

May I know what function or coding can achieve this?

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Update Function In Cells Following Addition Row Insertion

Jan 14, 2014

I have a command button that runs a macro to insert two new rows between row 15 and 16 no real problem (see code & sheet below), but I would like the Total Hours and Total Cost rows to include the newly added rows i.e.

Rows 16 & 17

Cell B18 now contains =B2+B4+B6+B8+B10+B12+B14+B16
Cell B19 now contains =B3+B5+B7+B9+B11+B13+B15+B17

If another two rows are added then Total Hours and Total Cost Cells 20 & 21 will now be

Cell B20 now contains =B2+B4+B6+B8+B10+B12+B14+B16+B18
Cell B21 now contains =B3+B5+B7+B9+B11+B13+B15+B17+B19

Command button Code to insert row

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Const fWhat As String = "EXTERNAL"
Dim sR As Range, fR As Range, fAdr As String, nRw As Long
Set sR = Range("A1:C187")

[Code] ..........

Worksheet Below


[Code] ...........

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Forcing Recalculation After Custom Function Update

Apr 26, 2007

I have written a custom function which is called in lots of cells. It had an error so I modified it. But the modification did not automatically trigger recalculation in the cells where it is used. Neither did F9 (manual recalculation). The only thing that did is hitting F2 for the cell then ENTER. But what a pain to do that for every cell it's used.

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Automatically Update Master Sheet With Information From Other Excel Sheets?

May 16, 2014

So, I'm setting up an accounting book. There's a master sheet that needs to pull from the other sheets that are made. The problem is, with each new sheet that is made, I have to update the formulas on the master. I would like that if I made a new sheet, the master would automatically pull from it.


Master pulls renter fee info from May 3rd, May 7th

I create sheet (May 15th)

Master pulls renter info from May 3rd, May 7th, May 15th

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Compare Two Sheets And Update Prices Based On Item Code?

Jul 16, 2014

I have a price list from my supplier with the new prices.

I then have my Accounting software where I need to update the cost and retail prices. The problem I have is the Accounting software has allocated it`s own Unique ID for each item. So in order for me to bulk import this I need to keep this unique ID with the Actual Product ID together otherwise it will duplicate the product.

Here is a example

Sheet to be updated (Cost and Retail only) from PRICE LIST SHEET
Uneque ID


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Countif Function Between Sheets

May 24, 2007

I'm trying to simply count a range of cells using the countif function. The range is on a different sheet within the same workbook then where the formula is. The formula is
=COUNTIF('Aggregated Results'!L3:L22,"yes"). It returns 0 (zero) for the count which is incorrect as three Yes's appear in the range of cells.

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If Function With VLookup Over Multiple Sheets?

May 9, 2014

It is entered in Column B of the sheet Round 2. Basically what I want it to return is the lower price from two different sheets looking them up by part number. Also I guess something I didn't think of is that the HD Final Sheet will not contain all the parts...while the other sheet Round 1 will have all. In cases where the part number is not found on the HD Final sheet I want it to put the price from the Round 1 sheet.

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Sum Function To Reflect Results Across Sheets

Aug 4, 2014

I am trying to sum the details from sheet2 in sheet3. I am currently using a plain formula to sum-up the values. However, create a indirect and vlookup function to sum the values.

In sheet3, I have to sum the values from sheet2 based on the contacts. Sheet1, sheet2 and Sheet3 are connected and any update(insert,delete.. etc) will be made in sheet 1 only. Sheet2 automatically updates based on sheet1. Similarly, Sheet3 should also update based on sheet1 and sum the values based on contacts from sheet2.

I have added the formula which I am currently using in the sheet.

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Using Indirect Function To Sum Across Multiple Sheets

Jan 19, 2009

My sheets are all categorized by date, and I want to be sum individual cells on each worksheet on one final summary worksheet. For example, if cell A1 on each sheet was units sold and I wanted to see how many total units were sold between Jan-04-08 and Jan-16-08 my formula on the summary sheet would be:


But I want to be able to easily modify what dates my summary sheet shows so I tried using the function:


where N14 was the starting sheet and N15 was the ending sheet. It keeps giving me #REF! however and I can't figure out why and don't know if this is something I can fix.

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Find And Copy Between Sheets Using Function

Sep 8, 2008

The project is to take an unsorted list from the first worksheet in a workbook, and based on the value in column A, copy the row data to other worksheets. It's just a straight copy of nine columns of data, and could either include or exclude that first column. (Since that value will always be the same on every row, there's no real need to include it except as a quick visual affirmation of which worksheet is being viewed.) The number of rows of data in the first worksheet are unknown, so the range is not fixed; and the number of expected matches are unknown.

I've found all kinds of advice about using a macro (but I can't use a macro, because the workbook will be maintained by someone who has no VB training), or if they do refer to formulas, say nothing more than "use VLOOKUP, or OFFSET and MATCH".

All the Excel Help file and online references I can find only show how to use VLOOKUP to copy data from a single column, as the purpose and design of that function. How is it possible to use VLOOKUP to copy the row of data?

And to copy into a new row for each match?

I can't even find information on whether that function is entered once for each worksheet or whether it has to be copied into each row.

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