VBA To Fill Blanks In A Range With A Formula

Mar 16, 2008

I am in need of a solution (probably VBA) that can fill a range of cells with a formula IF they are blank. Ideally that range is a named range I can define in Excel. If that is too hard, then a hard coded column I hand-edit the script for is tolerable. Also, ideally, this script auto-executes whenever data changes on the sheet.

You formula I will populate is:
..but a simpler formula can be stubbed in.

NOte that it does have relative references, so the script needs to adhere to normal EXCEL conventions of enumerating cell references.

If the script points to a refernce cell that contains the formula that is uber.
Maybe it should do copy and paste instead of a string replacement in order to leverage EXCEL's referencing?

I'm stuck on this, and this would be VERY useful for many of my sheets to be able to point to a refernce cell containing a formula to fill in.

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IF Formula - Get Average Of Only Values In That Range Not Including Blanks

Nov 21, 2011

I am looking for a formula for the following:

If there is nothing is U6:W6 return blank

Otherwise sum the contents of Bf6:BH6 and divide by the number of cells that are not empty in the range U6:W6 (to get an average of only the values in that range not including blanks).

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Fill Blanks With The Value 1

Oct 31, 2012

I need to create a macro that searches for blanks in column G, from row 2 to the last row of the worksheet, and then inserts the value 1 in these blank cells.

I have been copy pasting different solutions from this site and amended them a bit, but my excel skill are not sufficient for this.

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Fill In The Blanks

May 21, 2009

I have numbers in Column A starting in row a1. Is it possible to fill the blanks with the preceding data with a macro? approx. 1500 rows





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Fill In Blanks With The Value Of The Cell Above

Sep 17, 2008

I have a list of product codes. Some of the cells in this list are blank, and it is assumed that the blank row is the same product code as the one above it. Is there a formula I could use to have the cells fill themselves in?


<Blank Cell>
<Blank Cell>
<Blank Cell>
I've tried the following, but it only yeilded each of the cells having the same values. =if(isblank(A2),A1,A2). With this, I allowed circular references, but it still yeilds that same result stated above.

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Fill Blanks In Table

Jun 24, 2007

I have a little problem that i need to solve in VBA(because its a part of a bigger solution in VBA). I need to complete a table.

I have:.......................

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Fill Blanks In List

Sep 19, 2007

How to fill or copy contents of

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Fill Out Blanks Using Mapping Table

May 8, 2014

See attached file for a better understanding.

I would like to use a formula in Column 1 (highlighted) which tells me if it relates to Fund 1 or Fund 2 using the Mapping table in column H.

Using the mapping table would be nice but no need to.

Excel Question.xlsx‎

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Fill InThe Blanks Addition

May 22, 2007

I have some great code that HalfAce provided a while back that I think will fit a project I am working on, but I can't see how to modify it to fit this one. I need to have it look at a location and provider and find the most "common" date. Then for that criteria fill in the lines with no dates with that "common" date. Here is the code that I need to modify for this

Sub FillInTheBlanks()
Dim LstRw As Long, _
DescRng As Range, _
AccntRng As Range, _
Desc As Range, _
Accnt As Range

LstRw = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Set AccntRng = Range(Cells(2, "B"), Cells(LstRw, "B"))
Set DescRng = Range(Cells(2, "I"), Cells(LstRw, "I"))

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How To Fill Blanks End Of Cell Excel VBA

Jun 10, 2008

How sholud i fill blanks in cell?


AAAAAAA this must be 11 character long and the blank character must add after the last A so it's 11 character long.

AAAAA same to this.

How to calculate how many character in cell and fill so many embty blanks after that it is 11 character long?

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Fill Blanks In List With Cell Above

Aug 12, 2006

at present i have data in column A That could look like

a1 = fred
a2 to a6 is blank
a7 =bill
a8 is blank
a9 = steve
a10 to a 20 is blank

what the idea is that a1 get copied to a2,a3,a4,a5,a6
a7 get copied to a8
a9 get copied to a10 to a20

these cells could vary on what information is in them and what cells contain information or not

my macro goes to a1 looks for the last cell with data in it then copies itto the cell below then loops back to a1 ans repeats itself

this macro takes about 1 minute to run as the column has about 5000 cells being used. is there a faster way to do this

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Fill Blanks In Pivot Tables

Dec 27, 2006

I am trying to use Pivot Tables for my data set, the only trouble is my data set is as follows:

Name Group
A bbbc

B asde

I have over 10,000 lines and wanted to know if I have to individually click the name and drag it down or is there a macro or formula to take the previous cell and fill down? This is the end result I would want to get all the previous cells to A to be filled in?
Name Group
A bbbc
A cdde
A fggg

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Fill Blanks In Column With Cell Above

Oct 23, 2007

I have a spreadsheet where coloumn A contains either a blank cell, or a "X". There may be anywhere from 1 - 10,000+ "x"'s, spaced in col. a, but they are not spaced evenly, for example A1 may have an "X" A3,A4, A25, A28, etc... I need to find a way to merge the cells from the X to the row above the next "X" (so the X, and all blank spaces below it).

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Fill Blanks In Column With Text

Jun 7, 2008

I know how to do this as an if function, but do not know how to do that as part of a VB module. If No Value in Column R Then Insert "Phrase" Otherwise Do Nothing

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Fill Blanks With Linear Numeric Series

Apr 18, 2008

I would like to find the blanks within a column. Using the available cell values above and below compute a sort of linear function then, using that linear function fill in the blanks in between. So the values are linearly increasing or decreasing (whatever the case maybe) to the next available nonblank cell value. spreadsheet attached.

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Userform To Fill In Blanks On Template Document And Save To PDF?

Apr 4, 2014

I have a word document that is a rental agreement. Im trying to make an easy to use user form where a person can input the information and it populates in the correct areas and saves as a pdf. How I could put the word document into excel and have a userform populate designated areas.

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Calculate The Range And Fill With A Formula Using The New Range

Apr 1, 2009

I have a range of values that are not a constant length. I want a macro that will calculate the range and fill with a formula using the new range. In this example, I need a formula to look at the values in range f464:f471 and calculate the number of values greater than $1000. Column B is a salesman identifier. I can do this manually, but it takes me about 1/2 hour to complete. At every change in "B", I need to place this formula in the open, blank cell in "E" such as highlighted below.


Spreadsheet FormulasCellFormulaF463=SUBTOTAL(9,F435:F462)F472=SUBTOTAL(9,F464:F471)

Excel tables to the web >> http://www.excel-jeanie-html.de/index.php?f=1" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Fill/Populate ListBox From 2 Ranges, Sort & Remove Blanks

May 18, 2008

I need a listbox or combobox in an excel form whos list is created from 2 ranges. for example first name is range a2:a500 second name is rangne b2:b500. the list box should list both coloums in a single list and return the row number. better still if it does not list blank ranges. i have never used a list or combo box before so please explain in terms a simplton can undrstand

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Fill A Range With Formula If Blank

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to add the following code to fill in a certain range only if the range is blank. I can get it to fill in with the formula but it will still enter over if the cell already contains information.


Sub YTD()

Dim isempty As Boolean
isempty = True

For Each cell In Sheets("YTD%").Range("December").Cells
If cell.Value! = "" Then isempty = False

[Code] .......

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Copy Fill Formula With A Range

Feb 6, 2007

I have a formula that is averaging seven (one week) consecutive cells, I want to Copy/Fill the formula down the worksheet for the entire year. Is there a way to use the fill handle to drag down and make the formulas use the next seven colums?

I have removed the $ from the row numbers in the original formula, but when I use the fill handle it fills like this:


I would like it to fill like this:


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Fill Relative Formula Into Range

Jan 23, 2008

Here is my array code

Dim Values() As String
Dim count As String
count = 9
For count = 9 To 1800
Values(count) = "=IF(AND(E" + count + "<>"""",AH" + count + "<>0),(AH" + count + "/E" + count + ")*100,0)"
count = count + 1

I'd make it a static array but eventually I'm going to have to set it up where I wont know the upper bound.

Here is the other part of my code that I don't know what I'm doing.

If Range("A9") > 0.01 Then
Range("AI9:AI1800") = 0.01
Range("AI9:AI1800") = Values
End If

I keep getting mismatch errors on the count variable, but I need it to be a string so I'm not sure what do here.

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Convert Row Range With Blanks Into Continuous Row Range

May 16, 2008

How would you turn

A | B | C | D | E | F | G

1 2 3


A | B | C |

1 2 3

A | B | C | D | E | F | G

1 2 3

A | B | C |

1 2 3

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Sum Range And Ignore Blanks?

Jun 25, 2012

I need to perform the following calculation:


The problem is that this statistical test needs to have pairs and sometimes the ranges won't all be filled or paired. For example, column A may have 15 rows while column B may have 20. So in this case I would need to only add A2 through A15 and B2 through B15.

Is there any any that can be done?

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How To Work With A Range That Has Blanks

May 28, 2007

Using the following bit of code that will Select the whole range of A2:C2 all the way down to the last row:

ws2.Range("A2:C" & ws2.Range("A2:C2").End(xlDown).Row).Select
How do I get around it if there happens to be a Blank cell(s) within the range.

I still need to work with the range even though there may be blank cells.

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Count Non Blanks In A Range

Jan 26, 2009

I have use for this function on varying ranges. I pasted my function as well as my call to it. PhasesActive is just a named range of 5 cells. I get an error... by ref argument type error. Something with the argument, do I have to name the worksheet the range is on?

Function RangeValueCount(Rng As range)
'The function to check if a range has more than one value marked for 'selection, ex: The phases choices

For Each cell In Rng
If Not IsEmpty(cell) Then
RangeValueCount = RangeValueCount + 1
End If
Next cell
End Function

Call RangeValueCount(PhasesActive)
If RangeValueCount > 1 Then
msg = "There appears to be multiple phases selected. Please select only" & vbNewLine
msg = msg & "one phase at a time"
MsgBox msg
End If

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Output Range To CSV With No Blanks

Oct 9, 2007

I'm trying to output a couple columns (and 300 rows) to a csv file. This code works wonderfully, save for the fact that it doesn't igore any cells in the range that are empty.

how I can get it to ignore empty cells?

Public Sub textFileDelim()

Const DELIMITER = ","
Const MYFILE = "E:EricTesting Folder2_Thurs.csv"

Dim Last_Column As Integer
Dim Last_Row As Long
Dim Row_Loop As Long
Dim Column_Loop As Integer
Dim FileNum As Integer

FileNum = FreeFile

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Summing A Range - Omitting Blanks

Apr 30, 2009

Trying to do the following. Look at a range of cells in a row, say A1- H1. Sum the last three cells that have a number in them versus being blank. So, let's say the last numbers in row 1 are in cells B1, F1 and H1, but in row 2 they may be in cells E2, F2 and G2.

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Select All The Blanks In A Range And Delete Them?

Feb 25, 2014

I have data that gets seperated into different cells and what i need is for all the data to line up from left to right with no empty cells in between.. so basically shift delete on each cell and shift the data left.

So i thought i know, ill simply f5, select the blanks, delete and shift left... however that option doesnt come up.. it simple says delete row?

What is the best way to select all the blanks in a range and delete them and have the cells that contain data move to the left so all data is next to each other.

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Concatenate A Range Skip Blanks

May 22, 2009

I have copied the following codes to create a Function of "Concatenate a Range Skip Blanks". However, I humbly seek help to add "," in between every word and also take away the empty space when there is only 2 words are concatenated. Pls refer to my attachement for easy understanding.

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Count How Many Blanks (false) In The Range

Jul 15, 2008

i have a sheet with many formulas on it some in a range are if statements which output a blank ("") if the condition is not met i.e. false.

i need to be able to count how many blanks (false) in the range

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