Calculate Contents Of Column Where There Are Empty Cells

Jan 16, 2013

In the Wheelchair 1, 2, 3 & 4 sheets in the attached workbook, I would like to do a simple calculation of the contents of column 'H'. Instead of it adding up to just a few £'s I'm getting the result of something like -£5880.00. I think I know whay is wrong, but I don't know the solution to it. Column 'H' populates when a date is put into Column 'E' So if cells if cells in Column 'E' are empty then column 'H' doesn't do the sum.

What I think I need is a bit of formula to put into column 'H' to tell it to ignore blank spaces and count what is there.

Wheelchair Hire-Sample New (1)(1) (2).xlsm‎

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Returning The Contents Of A Non-empty Cell In A Range Of Empty Cells

Jan 8, 2008

I have a long range of cells (U3:AX3), all of which are empty save one. Is there a way to search through the range of cells, and return the contents of the one cell that contains text?

I would do this with a series of nested IF statements if there weren't more than 30 of them!

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Find Empty Cell In Column And Apply Required Character To Empty Visible Cells?

May 8, 2014

I am looking to find all visible cells in column E that are blank, and then add ''B'' to those empty cells.

I am using code similar to the below:

[Code] .....

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Copy Cells From Column To Adjacent Column If Bold Or Empty

May 20, 2008

I have a worksheet on which the data is already grouped. At the top of each group is a row that contains only the group name. Since the rest of that row is blank, I want to use a blank cell on that row as a reference, then copy the group name to a newly created column, then fill that column down to the next group.

The goal is to create a column that contains the group name, rather than just having the group name as a " header" at the top of each group.

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VBA Code To Remove Value Of Cells In Column B If Value In Column A Is Empty?

Sep 26, 2013

I need to write a VBA code to remove the value of the cells in column B if the value in column A is empty. In my excel sheet, the user will paste hyperlinks in column B. If any link does not meet certain conditions, the cell in the same row in column A will be empty.

I want to have a change event so that after pasting links, it automatically deletes the links from the cells in column B if the cell in column A is empty

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Fill Empty Column Cells With Reference To Adjacent Cells

Aug 11, 2008

I would like a macro that when run, finds empty cells in a column within the used range and fills them with the same formula in the other cells in the same column but relative to the row.

I have a basic understanding of VBA so if someone can set me on the right track i'll have a go myself as i appreciate this would take a while to write out from scratch.

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Add Cells Based On Contents Of Cells In Another Column

Feb 15, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that has columns stating both status and then further to the right in the row, currency totals. There are only two status options, Stocked and On Order. I need to add the total currency amounts based on this other column's listing and it must change if status changes.

(Put simpler:
Column A lists Stocked or On Order and Column B is the currency tied up in that row.
I need to make totals for the cells in column B based on the status listed in Column A and it must change when Column A is changed. This should result in two totals, one for Stock Status Currency and one for On Order Curreny)

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VBA To Loop Column And Copy Cells Contents To Another Cell

Dec 17, 2013

I have a script that copies data to files based on many cells contents but where I am having a problem is creating series numbers for each file.


In my current code I copy files to folders by date and each folder I need series of files (Lab Testing series)

In column A1:A100 I have a series of numbers 01, 02, 03 ...100

Column B contains the Files to be saved

So this works fine

I now need the Script to do is to loop to Column A and select Cell 2 and do the File Copy again on the Next series


When Complete repeat until it reaches the end of column A

Since my Cells are populated by all the data in the workbook I thought at the end of my copy script I would take the next Cells data in A and put it in Cell H8 where all the constants are for the file names.

Column B is built using


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Calculate The Average Of A Group Cells In One Column Based On The Condition Of Another Column

Oct 2, 2008

I'm trying to figure out if there is a formula I could use that will calculate the average of a group cells in one column based on the condition of another column. It's hard to explain, so I will show an example. All the data is on a one worksheet and I'm trying to show totals and averages on another worksheet. Location, Days

17, 4
17, 3
17, 5
26, 4
26, 8
26, 10
26, 7

On a different worksheet I would want to know what the average days are for each location. So is there a formula that I could use that will look at column A for a specified location number and then average all the days in column B for that location? I'm using Excel 2003 and have tried using the Average(if) but with no success.

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Returning First And Last Non-empty Cells Of Column

Oct 3, 2008

Ok, so I have a column of data in 24hr time format over a 24hr period from noon thru midnight and back to noon again. It has been necessary to make some of the cells in the column blank, and I am having difficulty extracting the first and last non-blank entries of the column (basically I want the earliest and latest time in that specific 24hr period). The time data is in order, so for example, some of the first values in the column are 14:30, 21:10, and 22:40, while some of the last values in the column are 02:20, 05:50, and 11:00, therefore the values I require are 14:30 and 11:00.

Any help that anyone can give on this matter would be greatly appreciated, but until then I guess I will keep plodding through the help sites and playing with formula until I spontaneously combust.

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Find Empty Cells In Column?

Apr 11, 2014

i want to find all the empty cells in column M & N within the data range and input formula into them. How can i make it to input the formula only within the data range (maybe can take reference to data in column E, only when there is data in column E then empty cells in M & N will input with formula)

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Insert Row Before All Not Empty Cells In Column A?

Apr 16, 2014

I know it is easy but I can not get code to work. I need to insert row before every not empty cells in column A. This is what I have so far.

Sub proba()
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Long


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Interpolate Along A Column, Where Cells Are Empty

May 11, 2009

I have pasted 5 fields with some random values that are in A1 to E1. E is the column I am trying to populate to fill in the missing data for C.

I have written a function that will interpolate between 2 deltas using the dates. Assuming that June 09 will always have a corresponding delta (e.g. here 33) how can i populate the INTERP column using my YINT function. I can do this manually 1 at a time, but the already-filled cells in the Delta column will not always be the same and manually would take ages....

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Delete Empty Cells In Column

Sep 12, 2007

I am using the code below in an effort to copy two columns from Worksheet1 ("S:S","T:T") to Worksheet3 ("A:A","B:B"), delete the empty cells and then find the difference between the two values for each row("C:C"). I do not want to create a new column in Worksheet1. The code worked great before adding the SpecialCells code but was slow since it had to also process the blank cells. I am trying to speed it up. The code has an error on line five and I cannot seem to figure out why.

Sub TempDiffok()
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
Set wsNew = Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("S:S").Copy Destination:=wsNew.Range("A:A")
Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A:A").Select.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlUp
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("T:T").Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet3").Range("B:B")
Sheets("Sheet3").Range("B:B").Select.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlUp
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-2]-RC[-1]"
Columns("C:C").Select.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
True, Transpose:=False
End Sub

The last two lines are from the previous version before adding the ability to delete rows prior to the calculation.

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Fill Empty Cells From Cell Above In Column

Apr 15, 2009

Is there an easy way that if any cell in column A is blank it can copy the value from the closest non-blank cell above it? I eventually have to export data from a workbook into a database. But I cannot have any cells in column A as null or blank.

1. There are no blank rows, and at least 1 cell in each row has a value.
2. The person who constructed the sheet did not fill in all cells in column A for each row, they imply that if the cell is blank then it belongs to the same value as whatever the cell above it has. Ie, all similar rows are grouped together.
3. Of course, I only need column A filled in for rows that have data in at least 1 of their columns.
4. Simple worksheets with no formulas to worry about.

Additionally, if it is possible to get a macro so I can apply the code to all worksheets in my workbook at once, can I get that too? In the example below (where .... are blanks) I would like A2 to read 'Fruit' and A4 to read 'Meat'

ColA ColB Colc
---- ----- -------
Fruit apple red
.... grape green
Meat ham pink
.... beef brown

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Erasing Contents If A Cell Is Empty

Aug 24, 2007

I'm just getting started with VBA, and I must say, it's very rewarding when something actually works (of course with a lot of help in this fase of my VBA knowledge)

I've got the following problem, I'm trying to write some code that wil clear all cells down if i.e. cell E45 is empty.

So if cell E45 is empty the code should clear all formulas / text in de cells A46 ; M46 all the way to A100 ; M100.

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Macro To Autofill A Number In Empty Cells In A Column

Jan 27, 2009

1. I need a macro to find a unique number, say a 10 digit number starting with 4100.. and move it 1 row down and 3 rows to the left. It needs to look only in one column (E) for this number. This row contains several unique numbers, variable number of blank cells between them, all having 10 digits and starting with 4100.. - So the macro needs to repeat this for every unique number.

2)Once it does this, I need it to autofill the unique number in all the cells in column A until the next unique number is reached.

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Count Empty Column Cells For Each Group Of Values

Jun 11, 2009

see attached workbook.

I'm attempting to count the empty cells in column C which correspond with the project reference shown in column A. I only want to perform this calculation where the project numbers change (see desired results in column D).

Am struggling with finding a way to define the different range of rows for each project ref within the formula. The full sheet has over 6000 rows and 1500 project refs.

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Copy Values Of Cells In Column To 1st Empty Cell On Row

Apr 8, 2008

I have two sheets and I want to copy the values in a row in the first sheet to the second sheet. I am doing the following:

Sheet2. Range("A1").Value = Sheet1.Range("A1", Sheet1.Range("A1").End(xlToRight)).Value

But this only copies the value of A1 in Sheet1 to A1 in Sheet2. How should I modify it to copy the values for the whole range to the second sheet?

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Linking To Column In Another Excel File And Removing Empty Cells?

Jul 15, 2013

Let's say I have 2 files: Source file and working file. In source file there are some text names in a column that are updated once in a while.

1. I need to create a column in "working file" such that is taking values from column in "source file" even when "source file" is closed.

2. It should take only non empty values, because I need to create a cell with validation list that consists of text names from the column.

Solving attempt: By searching some solutions in forum I found that the first part I can do in the following way: copy column from "source file", select in "working file" a "paste special" option and choose "paste link". It works, but the problem is that it imports all the column: if in "source file" the column consists of words "a" (cell A1), "b" (cell A2) and all other cells in A column are empty - in "working file", after linking, it appears as "a" (cell A1), "b" (cell A2) and all other cells in A column are "0" (zeros) till cell A65536. And I need that in "working file" column after linking will appear as "a" (cell A1), "b" (cell A2) and all other cells will be empty, so by setting one of cells in B column to be a list (by "Data" - "Data validation" - "List" ) - it will consist only from "a" and "b", and not from "a", "b", "0", "0", "0", .... (65534 zeros).

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Copy Cells To Empty Column Each Time And Remove Blanks

Oct 24, 2008

Is there way i can have a macro attatched to a button that when clicked, will copy BX:BX on sheet1, remove all the blank cells and put it on D:D on sheet2. Next time it is clicked, it will put BX:BX on to the next available column after removing the blanks and so on, filling a column at a time on sheet2?

If the above is easy, it would be really good if it could paste into columns until it reaches column H and then go back to D again but paste below the data already there, then E, but below, etc. I think though that the last bit is asking a bit much and is just cosmetic and easier to print, so dont worry too much.

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Paste Data To Next Empty Row Based On Cell Contents

Mar 24, 2007

I am trying to write a macro to do the following: Loop through a range of cells on a worksheet Sheet1 M17:M46 and if there is text in the cell then Copy all the data to the left Of Coumun M in the same row and paste the values to the next open row of a range A17:L46 on another worksheet (sheet2.) Basically the text in column M is an idicator to add the data to an order sheet. If there is no text don't add the data , look in the next row etc.
I'm not sure if this is the way to go

Sub CopyRows()
FinalRow = Range("M65536").End(xlUp).Row
' Find the last row of data
' Loop through each row
For x = 2 To FinalRow
' Decide if to copy based on column M
ThisValue = Range("M" & x).Value
' could be any value
If ThisValue = "yes" Then
Worksheets("sheet2").Range("A" & x & ":L" & x).Copy
NextRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range("A" & NextRow).Select
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial = xlValues
End If
Next x
End Sub

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Find Empty Cells In Column And Auto Input Formula With Certain Criteria Using VBA

Apr 24, 2014

i have the following code, what it does is, it locate those empty cells in column M and insert the formula "=TODAY()". What i need the code to do is only insert to the empty cells in column M if there is a value(as long as is not empty) in the reference cell of column E.

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range


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Copy Preceding Single Cell Data Into Following Empty Cells In Same Column

Sep 5, 2013

I need a macro that will examine column A starting at A2 and working its way down copying the data in the first cell (A2) and then delete that row. If the next cells are empty (usually the next 5 cells) it should paste this copied value in each of the empty cells until it comes to the next cell with data in it. At this point it should copy this next value and delete the subsequent row and copy this value in each of the empty cells directly following (again, usually 5) until it finds the next cell that has data in it. At this point, again the whole process begins again repeating it self until it comes to the end where no more data is.

Here is an example of what I need done:

This sheet:



Item Number
Type 2

[Code] ...

Should look like this:



Item Number
Type 2

[Code] .....

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Combine Contents Of Two Cells Depending On Contents Of Another?

Jan 14, 2013

I am trying to combine the contents of two cells depending on the contents of another, I have tried to use the If function but am coming up stuck!

I have provided a link to the example file below:


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Filling Empty Cell Value Based On If Else Condition And Delete Row More Than 2 Cells Empty

May 23, 2014

Here find the excel file

My requirement

1) 4 values contains in each row based on the values from those cells the max value will display.

2) if more than 2 cells have empty,NR or NA text means the entire row has to delete.

3) if 2 or more that means 3 cells having values the empty cell,NR or NA cell will place value with the condition of macro that is 75% of other values which is maximum among them.

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Make Formula Cells Empty Rather Than Empty Text

Apr 17, 2008

Is it possible to make a cell "really" blank/empty based on an If statement? For instance:


Has a value_if_false of "". But Excel interprets this a bit differently than a cell that never had anything typed into it.

So if you have a column full of this formula copied down, and hit <control+down arrow>, you will go straight to the bottom and skip over all rows. Whereas if you have a column with values and empty cells alternating and hit <control+down arrow>, you will only skip the empty cells and go to the next value. Excel treats the conditionally empty cells as if they have a value, when it comes to this type of navigation. This holds even if you copy and paste "Values" for the cells over the formulas.

Is there any way to tell Excel to make the cells truly empty?

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Nested If Statement - Calculate Value Based On All Of Active Cells In Column

Sep 11, 2013

I am putting together a procedure to calculate a value based on all of the active cells in column "A" and a couple other conditions. "k" is my variable to put a value into (k,8) until all the active cells in column A have a corresponding value in (k,8)

I have my scenarios all built out into If statements and the code runs....but no value is being added to cell (k,8) for any of the rows with entries in column "A" when the procedure is finished running. Depending on the values in (k,2) and (k,3) there are four different ways the value in (k,8) needs to calculate as I have built out below. Why my values aren't being added to (k,8)?

Sub CalcSpecialFee()
Dim k As Integer
Dim cell As Range
k = 4
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] .........

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Excel 2010 :: Formula To Determine If Duplicate Values Exist In Single Column (excluding Empty Cells)

Jun 29, 2012

1 workbook, 2 worksheets (or tabs). On tab 1, I want a formula/alert that tells the user if any duplicate values exist in Column A of tab 2

Tab 2, Column A, has Unique ID's (6 digit numeric values)

The user manually inputs the ID's on new rows in Column A

Row 1 is reserved and in use for something else
Row 2 is my header, so cell A2 says "ID"
Row 3-623 currently contain unique ID's

When the user inputs a new ID into cell A624, then they return to Tab 1, I want my formula/alert on Tab 1 to tell the user that they have duplicates in Column A of tab 2. I know the Conditional Formatting, but if the user copies in 100 new values, they won't necessarily see the highlighted cells. My tab 1 is my "checks and balances" and the last place the user is suppposed to look to ensure that they haven't created any duplicate ID's. If the user sees a warning message that says duplicates exist, then I'll tell them that they need to look at column A (for cells that have been conditionally highlighted).

One issue that I'm running into with the conditional highlighting is that I want cells A3:A1048576 to already have the conditional formatting - this way when the user inserts a value into Cell A624, then A625, etc they conditional formatting is already there. Right now with data in cells A3:A623, cells A624:A1048576 are all highlighted with the Red/Bold Red Font (which is okay I guess), but ideally it would be nice to not count 2+ empty cells as duplicates and I'll have to have my formula on Tab 1 not include the blank cells.

I DO NOT want to use the Remove Duplicates feature of Excel 2010. If I remove them I could be removing data in columns B, C, D, etc that belong to the Unique ID. I just need the user to be told in Tab 1 that they DO have duplicates and I'll train the user how to research this and fix it.

The reason I want to look for duplicates in the entire Column A is because the list of Unique ID's will grow over time.

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Lookup Non-Empty Cells / Ignore Empty Cells?

Aug 31, 2013

How I can look up non empty cells as shown in the below tables by use of a formula (I guess shifting data to the left without any empty cells between the data)?

Data as shown in present worksheet.



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