Filtering Data And Copying The Rows Back To The Summary Page

Feb 4, 2014

I have a spreadsheet of raw data that has been downloaded in Excel. In Column N there are different site numbers.

I want to use a new Sheet for each site. Using a formulae I want to filter the data for each site and then copy the entire row to the relevant site`s page.

So I should end up with a sheet for each page and allthe data sorted correctly?

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Copying 12 Months Data Across The Page To Down The Page

Oct 17, 2008

I have a dataset that is as follows:

Col1 2 3 4 ...... 45

123 456 xxx xxx xxx
100 234 xxx xxx xxx
221 543 xxx xxx xxx
112 234
112 689
122 956
122 234

This goes on from left to right for 45 odd columns.

I need to copy each set i.e set 1 is 123 down to 122 to say cell a25 and then copy the next set i.e. 456 to 234 below the first set.

I need to somehow write a loop code that knows where to get the 2nd, then 3rd set, etc and copy it to the bottom of the preceeding set

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Copying Data From UserForm To SpreadSheet And Back Again?

Feb 21, 2013

We created a database for our employees who have security items and other things we need to keep track. We created a spreadsheet where data was entered on Sheet2 (Entry Form) and then by clicking various buttons would be thrown over to Sheet1 (MasterList) and put in alphabetical order. Then last week he said lets change it to a User form where i can put all the data, be able to tab through my text boxes and make the whole process of entering information faster and more efficient.. but now hes gone and I'm left with his macros and all this stuff i don't really understand! I have been doing pretty well on my own but im stuck "Search Employee" Here is what i have...

Private Sub SearchEmployeeButton_Click()
LastName.Value = Range("A500").Value
FirstName.Value = Range("B500").Value


use code tags around code. Posting code without them makes your code hard to read and difficult to be copied for testing. Highlight your code and click the # at the top of your post window.

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Copying Only Cells With Data To New Page?

Oct 7, 2013

I have line of code that should look bat a given range and copy all visible cells to a new sheet, to start at G8. I get the message that this code doesn't perform this for more than one selection and I'm not sure my code is correct for a rnage that covers two lines either.

Sheets("Error recommendations").Select
' On Error GoTo Errorhandler ...

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Filtering Rows Of Data By Dates

Mar 10, 2013

How can I use a pivot table or advanced filter or macros to view rows by
Only today’s date (1 row) ?Only this week ?Only last week ?Only last month ?Only last 12 months ?All dates ? That is, rows are headed by day. I select the rows that I view.

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How To Go Back To Previous Page In Internet Explorer Using VBA

May 8, 2014

how to go back to previous page in internet explorer using vba.

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Filtering For Summary: Produce A Spreadsheet For Tracking Pupil's Progress Through A Year At School

Oct 6, 2008

I'm trying to produce a spreadsheet for tracking pupil's progress through a year at school (Targets/Predictions etc) but am having some problems with creating a summary of data gathered for each pupil. I have attached the file for your perusal; On the data entry sheet staff will fill in the appropriate data, and on the summary sheet I am looking to generate summaries for each pupil (I have set up how I want it to look). This may sound easy, (and probably is); the issue is that there are around 30 subjects in total, but pupils will only have be doing 5 of them, I need the summary sheet to show the information for subjects they are taking only (It should come up with the subject name under the headings subject1/2 etc and the appropriate grades to go with them, missing the blanks out. Obviously I could do this by cutting and pasting for each pupil...But there will be almost 2000 pupils in the list!!!

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Calendar Summary Page?

Dec 16, 2013

I have a workbook with multiple calendar sheets in it, those sheets are names by the staff member name (attendance calendar). We put the value 'H' or 'S' in the cells to indicate whether an employee is on holiday or sick. I would like to create a summary calendar/dashboard that shows which people are off which days, like a summary or another calendar with names in date cells. I have tried various ways, but cant seem to return the value I want, or find a simpler way of doing it.

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Order Summary Page

Aug 22, 2008

I have created an orderform in excel. it is 8 pages and has a numerous amount of products on it. i want to make a 9th page that is an order summary page.

I want to be able to have the customer put quantites in the spreadsheet and then that item, id code, and quantity will display on the 9th page.

here i my file

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Filtering And Page Formatting Macro?

May 20, 2013

I have a very large spreadsheet that is run by a different department. Regularly, I need to go into it do the following:

-filter the sheet by the information in one particular column - - the column is always the same but the number within it by which I filter changes as needed
-double-click each column to autofit the columns
-go to the page break preview to make the document fit one page
-print the results.

My question is can I automate this somehow with a macro or something else?

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Filtering Multiple Rows Based On Data In One Row

Apr 26, 2012

I have a 'dump' of a general ledger accounting system....about 20,000 rows. Column A contains the journal number for each set of transactions (there are usually two rows in each set but sometimes three), column C contains the name of the account, and column E the amount. For example:

Row 269 cell A269 = 487 (journal number) cell C269 = Cheque, cell E269 = $50
Row 270 cell A270 = 487 (journal number) cell C270 = Travel, cell E270 = -$50

What I am wanting to do is to extract the sets of journal entries, where the account name (in column C) is "Cheque" I would want to extract rows 269 and 270 based on the above example. If I filter using the account name it only gives me one row for each journal transaction - only half of the story. Given that the journal number links the two rows.

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Summary Page For Multiple Tabs

Jan 28, 2014

I have multiple tabs with information in the same cells on each tab (each tab is a different product). Is there an easy way of pulling this information for each tab onto a summary page?

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Summary Page Of Lines With X Value In Y Column

Apr 7, 2009

I'm trying to make a task tracking spreadsheet. Each part (or project) that I'm working on has it's own sheet. On those sheets, in a specified column (let's say column A for now) I would like to add a tag or date that I can use to create a summary sheet. The summary sheet would have a macro that looks through each sheet in the file and if the value of the tag matches a specified value, the summary sheet would be populated with everything in each row that has that value for the tag.

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Creating Summary Page For Workbook

Jan 31, 2013

I am working on creating a summary page for my workbook. I want the code to create a destination sheet called Summary, then look at each sheet in the workbook, check for a value >0 in cell N7, if it is >0, the copy the tab name and the value in N7 and paste it into the destination sheet starting in cell A1(text of source tab name) and B1(dollar amount). Then move to the next sheet in the workbook and copy paste if N7 is >0 sheet name and value. It needs to skip the sheet XMOE. The Summary sheet would then create a dollar amount subtotal of the values copied from the sheets and populate it into Cell D1. Cell C1 would state "Workbook Subtotal"

I would like the code to delete any sheet where N7 = 0.

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Summary Page For Large Workbook

Aug 1, 2013

I am looking to create a summary page to show open items within a log of initiatives. The workbook has 21 different tabs logging initiatives by the each individual person and also 9 other data tabs. On the tabs containing the initiative logs, it states whether the initiative is open or closed and I only want the summary tab to show the open items. Is it possible to do this?

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Pivot Chart - Page Field Filtering

Oct 2, 2009

One of the few flaws I have found using pivot tables is that when selecting from the the page field it does not filter the other page fields to match your current selection.
It does in the actual table, so why not the page fields?

For example we have a pivot table like the following
|Country| (ALL)
|City| (ALL)

|Count of People|
|YEAR| ________ |Gender|
2008__________1000 _________500000

If I select England from the country, when I go to select a City I do not want to be able to select only the cities in England and not every city in the world.

The Attached File shows you how to deal with this Problem.

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Search Page To Bring Back All Transactions Based On A Primary Key

Jun 28, 2009

I have this spreadsheet that has over 20,000 rows. I was asked to build a search page to will bring back all transactions based on a primary key (account number). Here is a sample:

Account NumberDateComments2343566/2/2009 $ 111.43 3453465/1/2009 $ 89.34 5676552/5/2008 $ 643.23 8078989/3/2008 $1,245.34 12543612/5/2008 $ 56.65 2343562/2/2009 $ 343.54 3482459/9/2008 $ 78.76 9345641/2/2009 $ 356.22 2343565/3/2008 $ 529.66

The idea is to enter an account number like 234356 click a button and bring back:

Account NumberDateComments2343566/2/2009 $ 111.43 2343562/2/2009 $ 343.54 2343565/3/2008 $ 529.66

I got the button part done and using vlookup it brings back the first line. The problem is that it won't bring back all the rows just the first one.

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Change Events Updated To Summary Page

Nov 21, 2009

I have had a TREMENDOUS amount of assistance from a true gentleman, Jaslake; aka John. In an attempt to quite monopolizing his time I wanted to throw this at the board. I have a number of sub sheets with exact ranges of (B4,d4:b44, D44) update an individual cell (H6:H86) in the” summary” page. My attachment explains it in detail but currently I will show you the formula that resides in (H6) of "Summary". (H6) = Sheet "1". This formula only covers (B4,D4:B10,D10) for example purposes but I need it to run all the way through (B4,d4:b44, D44) for all 80 sheets.

=('1'!B4) & "-" & ('1'!D4) & " | " & ('1'!B5) & "-" & ('1'!D5) & "|" & ('1'!B6) & " - " & ('1'!D6) & "|" & ('1'!B7) & "-" & ('1'!D7) & " | " & ('1'!B8) & "-" & ('1'!D8) & "|" & ('1'!B9) & " - " & ('1'!D9) & "|" & ('1'!B10) & " - " & ('1'!D10).

Results look like this:

March 01, 2009-Today looks good | March 02, 2009-Today looks bad|March 03, 2009 - Today we had issues in Boston|March 04, 2009-Issues in Dallas | March 05, 2009-Issues In New York|March 06, 2009 - New York is complete|March 07, 2009 - Dallas is Complete

NOW, with this said what I really would like to happen, if it is possible, is to have the "Summary" (H6) only have the last range that has been updated showing. So if currently B4,D4 is showing in (H6) once the user types into B5,D5 then it replaces B4:D4. I would like this action to repeat itself until the user has completed their event. The reason I can not stick with a formula in (H6:H86) is because I have a macro running a copy.paste, then clear.contents once a selection is made in Column 4. The information must remain on the sub-sheets but it can be replaced in “Summary “. “Summary” is only a quick view of the current status while the sub sheets are a log of all the work done. So, the following

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Tab Names To Apear In Cell On Summary Page

Feb 15, 2007

I have a workbook with 5 work sheets. The first one is summary page. Can I make the Name on the tabs of the 2-5 worksheets appear on the first sheet in cells without actually typing them. I want it to be automatic like when I paste a link to a cell in another worksheet.

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VBA Copy All Rows From Worksheets Containing Data To A Summary Sheet

Dec 20, 2012

I want to copy all rows that have a value in say colum B from differenct worksheets to a summary sheet, it should stop when there is no data in colum B and then go to the next sheet.

The macro that I use to copy the date from sheets to a summary sheet:



Sub extractCells()
Dim ws As Worksheet
i = 0
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If sh.Name <> "Summary" Then


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Find Text String And Report Back Data In Unknown Number Of Rows

Apr 26, 2007

For example

Name Address Phone # zip
Danielle 4561
Danielle 9852
Danielle 22
Danielle 69
Joe 895
Joe 28
John 9821
John 1114
John 698

Say I did a search for Joe. I want to report back all the addresses in which he resided but there's no way to tell how many rows of data each person has. Joe has 2 rows, Danielle has 4 rows and John has three. How do I report back all the relevant rows?

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IF,Match,Vlookup Formula: Update A Summary Page

Oct 27, 2009

I have a worksheet that has two different years and I am trying to update a summary page that pulls the amount based on the year in the following formula.

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Create Summary Page From Dynamic Database Pull

Mar 8, 2013

I am currently pulling information from a database into Excel. In column A is a list of dates that vary depending on how many days I decide to pull. On any given day there are options to which car will be driven and it is random and there are attributes associated with that drive such as below. If the car was not driven the data pull inputs "No Data" or a "0". On any given day up to three cars can be driven but it is still possible that only one will be driven. This is shown in the second table below. I'd like to be able to create an automated summary table such as the first table below. The summary table should be organized by date and show what cars were driven and their attributes. I know this seems simple but in reality I have six different cars and up to 10 attributes for each car and will be pulling months at a time. The only thought I have had is to do a for loop that checks every individual cell but I am not sure how to implement that.


[Code] .....

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Take Individual Dates And Total Into Summary Page Automatically

Apr 23, 2008

I have multiple tabs for each month (Jan, Feb, etc) for the 2008 year and I have a Summary tab.

For the individual months, I have each calendar day in a column and whether the day was for sick, vacation, etc in the rows. So if someone was sick in April, I would mark the day they were out of the office. And so on...

Well now I need to figure out how I can take those individual dates and total them up in the summary page automatically.

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Index Match: Summary Page That Shows Product Levels For Each Org.

Oct 16, 2008

I am creating a summary page that shows product levels for each org. The summary page looks something like this.

ORG 863869880
Warehouse SubWHS1WHSWHS


And the data source looks like this

I've been trying to return the qty based on the ORG and SUB using an INDEX MATCH function but it keeps giving me a #NA error. Here's the logic behind what I'm trying to do. Return Value (QTY)of part # X if ORG = B and SUB = C (in this case WHS). Here's my Formula

=INDEX(Data!$D$2:$D$43,MATCH(Summary!B$1,IF(AND(Data!$B$2:$B$43=Summary!$A4,Data!$C$2:$C$43="WHS1"), Data!$A$2:$A$43),0))

This is an array formula so I have confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to designate as such.

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Lookup A Name On A Random Sheet And Return Hours Value To Weekly Summary Page?

May 21, 2014

I have created the bulk of the worksheet, and I am now on the summary page. My challenge for the summary is looking up when someone's name appears in Column A on any of the sheets, then summing the hours per week that the person worked.

The main sheets are to track hours, and billable dollars per project, but the summary is to track total hours per team member per week to make sure staff is being full utilized.

In the examples I have attached Aaron's summary should have 13 hrs per week listed. I do not have the foggiest clue how to do a lookup on a name when the position and sheet is random, and return a value summed for each week.

On the summary sheet I did copy rows 1&2 so at least the summary columns match the sheets.

Example 1 is a sample of the detail on 1 of the 5 sheets that in this example could contain Aaron's name in any random place in column A. Example 2 is my hope for the summary page, that will sum those random hours per week matching the headers on the Detailed sheets.

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Filtering Ranges And Copying Results To New Sheets?

Jul 5, 2014

I want the following script to:

1) Find and define a range ("DateRng") based on cell values. This is controlled by the first block and the script does this job correctly.

2) Find cells

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Data Is In Rows, Analysis Page In Columns

Jul 1, 2009

I am having issue setting up an analysis page for a report that I have. I am trying to find out for each individual what are the currently working on, completed, and the average time it took to complete. I have the data but it is in the following format:


The way I need the data appear with the name above with the data below as shown below.

Avg Time3-

I am having issue because the data isn't setup in a column format. Also the data list is constantly growing so I want it to be something that can update itself so I am not constantly updating the report.

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Copying A Set Of Cells From Multiple Worksheets To New Row On Summary Sheet

Oct 6, 2009

I have a workbook that tracks pollutant emissions. The workbook could end up having up to 180 worksheets, one for each pollutant and the emission total. I have VBA to create a new sheet for each pollutant (attached) using a hidden template sheet.

The summary sheet in position 1 needs to list each pollutant worksheet on a new row, and the same 4 cells from each worksheet (id, name, value, value). I have been typing out the cell references in the summary sheet, and it gets boring [=Sheet!Cell id], [=Sheet!Cell name], etc.

Is there a way for me to copy those cells to the summary sheet when the new sheet is created?

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Automate Copying From Multiple Spreadsheets Into One Summary In Same Workbook?

Apr 3, 2013

My problem is automating a process that takes information from a single column with a range of D7:D77 in 22 spreadsheets and places this information in a summary spreadsheet as rows corresponding to the names of each spreadsheet. This is within the same workbook.

For example say spreadsheet A1 has a column from D7:D77 I would like this information in a summary spreadsheet with the row titled A1 and D1:D77 transposed. This would then be repeated for the remaining spreadsheets

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