Column Copy From Another Column Without Repeat

Jan 5, 2014

I have 2 column in Excel sheet A and B .

What i need that when i enter values in the first column A the column B copy this values , but when i repeat value in first column A .

The column B would not copy it that all I need .

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Copy Column Data From Multiple Tabs Onto Specified Tab / Transpose / Repeat

Mar 25, 2014

1. The idea is that the macro will start on sheet1, look at column "Jon", copy the values down to the last active cell as well as the dates and paste special values and transpose them onto the "Jon" tab starting in B8 and B9. Each day all of the dates and values on the "Jon" tab should be overwritten with the data on sheets1 and 2, instead of it being cumulative.

2. The macro will then go to sheet2, look at column "Jon", copy the values to the last active as well as the dates and paste special values and transpose them onto the "Jon" tab starting in B18 and B19. Each day all of the dates and values on the "Jon" tab should be overwritten with the data on sheets1 and 2, instead of it being cumulative.

3. The macro would then save the "Jon" tab as a separate pdf in a specified location.

4. The process would then repeat for "Mike" and "Paul". Each day the number of columns can fluctuate, so it may be 3 one day (Jon, Mike, Paul) and 8 the next. The number of rows also may vary from day to day, and column to column.

I have attached a workbook that contains the data for the scenario above as well as the output (Jon, Mike, Paul tabs). Ideally there will not be new tabs that remain for Jon, Mike, Paul, just a default tab (e.g. "output" tab) that would receive the transposed data from the columns for Jon, Mike, Paul. I put all 3 in the workbook so you could see how each of them would output.

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Copy A Column Cell If V Column Cell = YES Then Repeat

Jan 26, 2010

Sub Printstuff()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each cell In Range("V168:V246")
If cell.Value = "YES" Then

'enter the name that is in The A (of the row with Yes) column in A2
'Run Sub Individual
'Run Sub View All

End If

'Next "Yes"

End Sub

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Autofill Column To Repeat Set Of Data From Another Column

Aug 10, 2013

I want to Autofill a Column C to repeat a set of data in Column A, if Column B contains an integer, as shown below. Being able to Autofill this data allows me to have a dynamic table for use on multiple projects that may have a different amount of rows in Column B.

Outflow % Table


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Highlight Repeat Cells In One Column If Cells In The Adjacent Column Contain Specific Text?

Apr 14, 2014

I am trying to find a solution for highlighting cells in a column that are repeats, ie. >3. I also need these cells to only be highlighted if the adjacent cell in the next column contains specific text. I have tried using conditional formatting with a countifs formula to no avail.

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Repeat Values Into A Column

Feb 3, 2007

I am looking for a formula to repeat a given set of values, a certain number of times ...

See attached for visual explanation ...

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Repeat Column Of Data Down A Row Using A Formula?

Jun 9, 2014

I'm trying to create a formula (if possible) that will repeat column headers down a row and repeat every nth time. I have text values in cells E6:AL6 and would like to use a formula that will make it so that E6 will show up B2, F6 will show up in B3, G6 will show up in B4, etc. And then when it gets to B35 (AL6), B36 will then revert back to E6, and the loop will continue - B37 will be F6, B38 will be G6, etc.

My thought is to create an offset/address of some sort that will read as OFFSET(E6,0,x+1) and if x>35, start back at 0. However, I don't think you can create such a formula using an offset?

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Repeat Values In Another Column After Every N Rows

Jan 30, 2014

I have data in rows like this

1 x y z
2 x y z
3 x y z
4 x y z
5 x y z
6 x y z
7 x y z
8 x y z
9 x y z
10 x y z
11 x y z
12 x y z

What I am looking for is that I want to repeat the rows after every third row in another column. For eg

1 x y z x y z x y z
2 x y z x y z x y z
3 x y z x y z x y z

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Repeat Column Value Five Times Of Each Cell

Mar 23, 2014

I have values


As so on in my cells a1,a2,a3 as so on

And I want value of column a repeating five times of each cell value in column b

like result
and so on

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Repeat Macro In Adjacent Column

Jan 15, 2010

Sub For_Adam()
For x = 1 To Range("G7")
ActiveCell.Offset(x, 0).Range("A1").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

Next x
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Now all I want is for this to be repeated in the next column, so everything is exactly the same but it doesn't start in B15, but starts in C15, then D15 etc.

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Scroll Causes Column Headings To Repeat

Aug 23, 2007

I have a rather large workbook with a lot of VBA behind it (about 1MB with no data, just formatting and VBA code). It all seems to work perfectly, except one sheet. It is a list of about 35 options with checkboxes beside each option. When the sheet is made visible through VBA code, the user has problems when scrolling the sheet.

It's hard to describe, but it all looks perfect until either the scroll-wheel or the scroll-bar is used to move around the sheet. The display then goes completely screwy. The heading row (which is actually a frozen pane anyway) ends up repeated all down the sheet, as do the column headers (A|B|C|D|E...). If i select another sheet and then back to this one, it's fine, it appears to be only when it is un-hidden through VBA.

I have attached two screenshots as an example... the only thing I have done between the un-scrolled one and the scrolled one is scroll the mouse wheel down and back up once.

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Prevent Repeat Values In Column Across Worksheets

Nov 23, 2013

I know how to use data validation to prevent repeat values entered into a column on one worksheet using data validation. I don't understand how to do this across 12 worksheets (months of the year) in a file.

To be more clear: When I enter an ID in a column cell, I want that to be compared to all the other ID's in all the past worksheets and rejected if it has already been entered

All are column D The values entered are identification numbers and have both letters and numbers.

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Repeat Cells In Column Depending On Change In Another Columns

Jan 23, 2013

Here is an example list:


All I'm trying to do in the second column is something that can say if there is a change in column A, then restart the order, or not..

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Repeat The Following Rows And Formula With Column A Starting At 9150

Oct 28, 2008

I need to repeat the following rows and formula with column a starting at 9150 and going through 15,000 in 50 point increments. Need formula I can copy and paste easly. see the attached example.

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Transpose / Repeat Values In Column Based On Count?

Aug 27, 2010

I was wondering if there was an array formula or some VBA code which can transpose/repeat values based on a count. Below is an example of what I mean:

Name Count Output Tod 4 Tod Bill 3 Tod Sue 5 Tod




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Find Text In Column Then Select Non Blank Cells To Right And Repeat

Jul 13, 2012

I would like to search Column C for an instance of the text "Std. Residual", then cycle through the non blank cells to the right and run some formatting code:

'this line will be modified so that i cycle through the non blank cells that i have found
For row_cycle = 1 To 7
'not signifcant
If Abs(ActiveCell) < 1.96 Then
Selection.Interior.Color = 255

[Code] .....

I then want to search for the next instance of "Std. Residual" in Column C, do the same again, and so on for the entire Worksheet.

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Merge Two Workbooks. Copy Column Data Based On Numerical ID Match Of Another Column.

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to get excel to search a workbook/(or worksheet if easier) for a matching unique value and fill in its associated data. My first workbook has the SKU (A) filled in but not the UPC (B). My second workbook has both the SKU (A) and the matching UPC (C) filled in.

I need to take both workbooks/(worksheets), compare the SKUs, and if a matching SKU is found, extract the UPC from Workbook 2 and fill in the UPC field in Workbook 1, and if no UPC is present in Workbook 2, then it leaves the cell in Workbook 1 blank.

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Macro To Copy Data From Previous Column Into Next Free Column

Aug 20, 2014

I have a spreadsheet which is updated daily. Row A of the sheet has the date in it, and every day a new column is created for the that set of data. I have the below code which works at the moment:

[Code] .....

I want to use this same code on another spreadsheet to do the same process (I need to copy and paste 4 columns (A,B,C + D, into E, F, G & H, then tomorrow it will copy E, F, G & H into I, J, K &L etc etc)). The problem I'm having is that A1:C1 is a merged cell, then D isn't (used as a border to separate). So when it is copied I need to select the merged cell columns and column D (i.e. A:C & D on day 1) and paste it into E:H with E1:G1 merged.

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Copy Same Column From List Of Worksheets To Summary Page To Next Available Column

Feb 26, 2013

If you open the attached file you'll notice that once clients are entered into the name field of the master worksheet that a new worksheet is created with their name based off a master template. What I need now is a way to create a "on-demand" "click" macro that will allow the user to select a month (Jan-Dec) based on my master tab and autocreate a summary worksheet named that month with each client listed on the Team Roster worksheet in the next available column of the worksheet that was just created.

macro generate a prompt to list the months to allow updates frequently.. so if the same month was run twice it would overwrite the previous.. the woman we're doing this for isn't very excel literate...

NOTE: As you enter names on the Team Roaster sheet it will autocreate tabs.. test file has MrExcel as the worksheet, if deleted the sheet will delete automatically.

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How To Copy Value From Column A After Blank Line And Insert Text In Column B

Mar 21, 2014

I have a workbook that usually looks something like this

Category Product No description Price

Balloons 12345 Red Disney balloon .50
Balloons 12567 Blue Princess balloon .86
Balloons 76521 Angry Birds Balloon .80

Kites 23456 A Big red Kite .27
Kites 22222 A small blue kite .06

Banners 10000 Party banner .33


I need to find a way to copy the category below an empty row from column A and paste it in the blank row in column B . If possible to bolden the text but I could probably work that bit out myself. I'm new to this but have used VBA before to run macros.

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Setup A Macro To Copy Text From A Column Of Cells To Another Column

May 22, 2008

I have been working with a few people on here to setup a macro to copy text from a column of cells to another column and then print this in to a text document but it seams to have got stuck in a loop ....

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Autofilter Column A Then Copy Data To Another Sheet With An Empty Column

Mar 7, 2007

I'm trying to write a program for work. One sheet (whereiseverything.xls) will have a list of parts column E and where it is in the process column (k). Column E of this sheet will have multiple part numbers. (Sometimes duplicated.) I would like to figure out how to write a code to Auto filter (whereiseverything.xls) sheet and copy only one P/N from (whereiseverything.xls) column E onto another Workbook Worksheet (Commit status.xls) column. After that the sheet must copy all of the locations of that P/N from whereiseverything.xls column K into and under the P/N of the Commitstatus.xls.

It will continue to autofilter and copy from where is everything, the "one" p/n and all of its locations into another empty column of Commitstatus.xls until it no longer has part numbers to autofilter on whereiseverything. I am extremely green on VBA programming but here is my first attempt.

Windows("Where is everything commits .xls").Activate
Windows("Where is everything commits .xls").Activate

Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="7516113-905" \<--this Is one p/n

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Copy Or Move Column Ranges From 1 Sheet To End Of Column Range Of Another

Mar 7, 2008

I have two different Excel reports and the data needs to be copied from each column on one spreadsheet and pasted to the bottom of the equivalent column on the other spreadsheet.

So, is it possible to get a macro that will copy the data from one column then paste it to the next free cell in the column on the other spreadsheet.

If I could get some code to do one column then this should be enough to get me started and I could apply this to the other columns I need to copy.

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Copy Cells From Column To Adjacent Column If Bold Or Empty

May 20, 2008

I have a worksheet on which the data is already grouped. At the top of each group is a row that contains only the group name. Since the rest of that row is blank, I want to use a blank cell on that row as a reference, then copy the group name to a newly created column, then fill that column down to the next group.

The goal is to create a column that contains the group name, rather than just having the group name as a " header" at the top of each group.

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Copy From One Column And Paste To Another Column By (alt + Enter) Function

Nov 22, 2008

i attach the testing2.xls attachment here. from the sheet 1 "original", how to copy from 1 column, column"B" and then paste to column "A" by clicking function "alt + enter" at the same row but different row in the same cell. Output result can refer to the sheet 2 "output".

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Copy Color Of Column B And Put In Respective Cell In Column A

Feb 27, 2012

I need a code to copy the color of column B and put in the respective cell in Column A. I just need the color to copy from column B to Column A.

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VBA To Copy Non-blank Cells From Column And Paste Into Another Column

Oct 4, 2013

In sheet "diary" I have data in certain rows in column A8:C10000 that contains values if a certain condition is met. I need a vba to copy and past only non blank cells in column D8:F10000. I first wrote a formula with index but it takes too long to caculate.

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Automatically Copy Column To Last Cell In Another Column Upon Open

Aug 21, 2008

I have this code that I have been using fine until today when it just stop working for me... It's a simple copy and paste using VBA Code. The code finds the last row in Column A and copies the cell to L1. Below you will find the code I'm using and the line in yellow is where I'm getting the error.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

This codes runs as soon as the worksheet opens and it has worked for over a year. I'm using MS Excel 2007. Please let me know what you guys think I have tried pretty much everything I can think of but i dont really know what i'm doing when it comes to VBA.

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Copy Cells In One Column Based On Criteria In Another Column

Aug 17, 2006

I have an personnel file with employee info, and I want to create a macro that will look in the "Master" worksheet at the Department column ("I") for anyone in Benefits, and then copy their name from the Name column ("D") into the "Benefits" worksheet. The names should begin pasting in cell "D3" but will recognize if a cell already has a name in it and then paste in the cell below that.

Here is what I have:

Option Explicit

Public Sub RatingbyDept()
Dim Dept As Range

With Sheets("Master")
For Each Dept In .Range("I2:I1000")
With Dept

I keep getting error 92 - "For loop not initialized".

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Copy Multi-Column/Row Range Into Single Column

Apr 8, 2008

I have a contiguous multi column, multi row numeric range that I want to copy (and sort in ascending order) into a single column on another sheet in the same workbook. What VBA code could achieve this, or alternatively can this be achieve via formulas?

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