Excel 2010 :: Countif For Given Month And With Given 2 Conditions
Mar 20, 2014
MS Excel Version : 2010
Attached File name : countif for 2 conditons a given month.xlsx
I want to a count with given 2 conditions AA11 / BB22 and xxx / yyy according to the month in yellow cells.
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Mar 20, 2014
MS Excel Version : 2010
Attached File name : countif for a given month.xlsx
I want to a sum the given condition xxx / yyy according to the month in yellow cells.
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May 13, 2014
How to total 2 different criteria from the same row?
Here is one option I was trying but does not work COUNTIF((E5:AT5,"D12")+(E5:AT5,"LD12"))/18
Basically I want Excel to count up the number of times the value "D12" and "LD12" occur in the range E5:AT5 and then divide that total by 18.
I have it working to count only the "D12" but am unsure how to have it count 2 different criteria. I am using version 2010.
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Jun 25, 2014
In excel 2010, I have 2 spreadsheets, the first "Active Total Master Turn" has the data, the second, "Pending" has a reporting chart. A cell on "Pending" contains the following formula:
=COUNTIFS('Active Total Master Turn'!F:F,"RK*",'Active Total Master Turn'!H:H,"Painting",'Active Total Master Turn'!C:C,"
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Jan 5, 2014
Excel 2010 windows 8
I am in need of a formula to count filtered results. On Sheet1 (Job Flow) the user enters data continually . The most important is the Date in column D some measurements in columns N,O & P that gives a result as a code, example s15020 or c3005 in column Q. A vlookup is then pulls up a price for the code.
On sheet two Column A There is a list of all the codes. I need a formula that will give a count in column B for the amount of codes that was entered in to the data base "sold" for a date filtered time period, be it a week, month or year. In other words the codes in ,column A sheet 2, should reflect the amount of units for the time filter on page1.
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Jan 15, 2014
I am working with an Excel 2010 workbook that has two worksheets in it. What I am trying to accomplish is I want the second worksheet to scan the first worksheet for a student's name, and count all of the instances that the student has a score less than a certain threshold (we'll say "5" for this example). I have tried using various combinations of vlookup and countif functions, but have not had much success. I did get it to a point where it worked, but only for the first instance of that student's name; it wouldn't continue searching the first worksheet for any other instances.
I have attached a sample workbook as a reference : Sheet1.xlsx‎
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May 8, 2012
I am using Excel 2010. I have a spreadsheet where column A is for Quarter, column B is for Employee, and columns C-R are for Codes (Code1; Code2; Code3; etc. through Code15). One line might have no values in the codes columns, another might have values in only Code1, another might have values in Code1 and Code2, and another might have values in all 15 columns.
A B C D E F --> R
1 Qtr Emp Code01 Code02 Code03 Code04 --> to Code15
2 2012.1 Liz CER02 INS12 WKH15
3 2012.2 Jim PIN55 WKH12 WKH19 WKH23
4 2012.2 Jon
5 2012.2 Jim WKH15 WKH23
6 2012.2 Jon PIN55 WKH15 WKH12 CER08
The worksheet is named "ALLAUDITS" and the named ranges are as follows:
Quarter: =offset(allaudits!$A$1,0,0,counta(allaudits!$A:$A),1)
Employee: =offset(allaudits!$B$1,0,0,counta(allaudits!$B:$B),1)
CodeData: =offset(allaudits!$C$1,0,0,counta(allaudits!$C:$C),15)
On another worksheet I need to be able to count how many times WKH15 appears in the CodeData range within a certain Quarter. I tried
But that didn't work, and from what I can tell in Excel support, it's because the ranges are different sizes. I have over 6500 rows, so I'm trying to avoid having to name all 15 columns and then do a sumproduct on all of them, such as
Calculation would take forever.
I could just create a pivot table based on the "allaudits" worksheet, but I can't figure out how to get the actual codes as the row headers (instead of Code1, Code2, Code3, etc.).
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Jun 24, 2014
I am creating a report where there are multiple conditions and I am using MS Excel 2010.
Summary sheet will display
Date of Completion - If the exam has been taken already
In Progress - if the exam has been started but not yet completed
Not Started - if the exam has not yet been taken
Available data in Source sheet
Completion_Date - Date when the exam was taken or "Blank" if the exam is still In Progress
Completion_Status - Completed & In Progress only (all subjects that are not in the Source sheet shall be tagged as "Not Started"
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Mar 29, 2012
I have a date in column A. I want to format to YELLOW column F based on whether column F is blank and 20 days past column A. I also want the formatting to change colors to RED if it remains blank past 30 days. Then, when column F is filled in I want the formatting to be removed.
I am working in Excel 2010
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May 28, 2013
I have two conditions for a cell. One is that it counts the time elapsed in cell M4, (=now()-J4). The other is whether or not we are still waiting for a response (in cell L4, Y or N). What I would like to do is make it so that when we are still waiting for a response the M4 cell is highlighted yellow if more than 3 days and red if more than 6 days, but if cell L4 is changed to "N", then the formatting goes away. II use Excel 2010.
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Sep 19, 2013
In column A, I need to highlight the cells green if the value is less than < the values in columns B and C, yellow if A = either B and C, and red if A is greater than B and C. But I only want the formatting to stay in column A. I'm using Excel 2010 and Windows 7.
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Mar 31, 2014
I have data arranged in a worksheet (see attachment) that has hours of work broken down by day. What I need is a formula that will find the number of times a record occurred in Column F that is greater than or equal to 12 hours each day. So for March 1st there would be 9 times. I can do that now with no problem using "=COUNTIF(F4:F14,">=12")" However, the real thing that I need is how many days of each month were there only 1 count (of 12 hours or more). So it needs to look at the range of data that goes from 3/1/13 to 3/31/13 and find the total number of days that had 1 count (of 12 hours or more) each day and return the number of days it found.
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Apr 26, 2014
I'm trying to auto populate a calender style sheet in Excel 2010 based on data from a Work Schedule sheet. The work schedule sheet contains a list of jobs, with each row representing a different job. There is a column for the start date (e.g. 25/04/14) and a column for the end date (e.g. 26/04/14). There are other columns which select resources such as people and vehicles. Each resource may appear on any one of several columns for each row, e.g. Site Operative 1, Site Operative 2 etc.
On the calendar sheet, in which one cell represents one day (e.g. 25/04/14), all the dates are shown along the top going right and all the resources are shown on the left going down.
On the calender sheet, in every cell I want a formula that will look at the Work Schedule sheet and see if that particular resource is being used on that particular date. If it does, the cell can display information from another cell such as the job number or job name to which the resource is assigned; if it doesn't, the resource isn't being used so it can display "Free" or "Available".
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Apr 30, 2012
I am using Excel 2010 and need to get the totals for each month transfered to a separate sheet. For example;
One sheet is called Outgoings (which has all the receipts entered chronologically in rows and apportioned in the columns) and the other sheet tracks the cost per month of each column.
I found a formula online and adapted it to this;
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Feb 4, 2014
I’m working on a project using Microsoft Excel 2010 and I want to add some features to facilitate saving and retrieving files process.
1.How can I save the daily created workbooks (Assume 15 files a day) in order to contain the current date (and time if possible) linked with certain cell(s) I have at my workbook forming the file name? (XYZ 2-4-2014) and/or (ABC 2-4-2014 23:11) and so on …
2.I’ve been through some other posts and I found VB code which saves the active file into specific path, but it is only useful for single workbook because multiple files are getting overwritten automatically. Is there a code which allows multiple/different files saving & creates daily folders?
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Feb 11, 2010
I am trying to create a COUNTIF formula which will work with two conditions. If you see the attached spreadsheet you will find the data that I am trying to apply a formula to. I have my data in the table on the right. The table on the left is supposed to show the number which the number of destinations that had a certain range of visitors.
As you will see that there are 3 destinations that had 12 or more million visitors, this was counted using a basic COUNT IF formula but for the rest of my data how can I apply the formula so that the correct number of destinations are counted. For example what formula would be needed to count the number of destinations that have had 8-11.9 million visitors. I am guessing that the formula will have the conditions ">=8" and "<=11.9"?
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Dec 5, 2013
I have coded data for age range in one column and for answering yes or no to a question in a different column. I need a formula that will count the number of yes answers for each coded age range.
a= 14-15 years old, b=16-17, ect.
Column One Column Two
age(coded) Yes or No
a Y
a N
b N
c Y
a Y
b N
I need to be able to count the number of yeses for each coded age. If the formula works it should give me the following output given the sample data above.
14-15 year olds output with the data above would be 2
16-17 year olds output would be 0.
How would I write this formula? I tried countif and sumproduct (though admittedly sumproduct I don't know at all and just tried to find a similar situation and tried it with my spreadsheet).
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Aug 28, 2007
I just need it to be able to test two seperate conditions on two seperate columns but i cant work out how its done
for example, i have two columns on a sheet, one called type and one area, both are text, i need to count how many items of one type are in a particular area. so if i have two columns "area" and "type" i want a total count of how many rows contain area="north" and type="b"
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Nov 16, 2008
I have a table like this:
Name (A).....Date-in (B)....Date-out (C)
I want to count the rows (in the entire table) that B and C dates intersect with a reference dates (say J1 and J2).
It is a booking table so I want to know if the apartment is available for the reference dates (i.e. no bookings for that days).
I tried first a simple double conditional to know if a date is inside two dates but it didn't work:
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Apr 14, 2009
In my Sheet "List" I have list of persons working on different projects.
I prepared graph after putting conditions on Project Type, Project Size, Project Year & Position (PM Project Manger). Every thing was done a in a nice manner with the help of below formula.
PJ TYPE , PJSIZE, PJYEAR, POSITION are ranges names.
But the problem was occured that in a year if a person work on small project more than once then he will be counted only once. But if he has worked in same year on Medium or Larage project then they will be counted separately. I tried to oversome the problem with the help of Pivot Table and put manually some legend P1, P2 & P3 against the person name if he is working on same type of project in same year. then count only P1 in my formula to count how many Project Manager worked on Project. like
Now i am trying that in a separate columm of # of PM there must be a formula which only put P or 1 for a person if he is working on same project in a year but i want that p or 1 only appear against his first entry i duplicate. for other persons it automatically enter 1 or p if they are appearing only once. i have tried a lot while using countif with multiple conditions but all in vain.
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Apr 23, 2013
I've come across this page around simulating a countif with two conditions. Instead of two 'equal to' statements though, one is a 'less than' statement, and something does not seem to be right - I am not sure if I am getting the syntax wrong but am currently just getting #VALUE! across all cells I try and use.
Currently I have;
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Jul 15, 2006
example of what I'm trying to do:
"if the number in G6 is <800 and H6 is >=20 then count the row as 1"
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Apr 2, 2008
I am using =COUNTIF formulas to calculate different conditions. such as, calculating how much of one product do we have and how much is is received under 30 days. i want to combine those formulas in one cell to calculate two conditions in different columns.
1-So first i found out the date difference. I used =DATEDIF(Sheet1!C10,Sheet1!E10,"d")
2-Then I found out how many of one type do we carry, using the =COUNTIF.
3-That was easy, But now i have to sepereate them into 30 or less, 60 days or less, 90 days or less.
Then i used =COUNTIF(D2:D3810,"
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Jan 15, 2010
I want to be able to look at two columns and set a criteria to count. I want to look at column A and if its blank then look at column B and if it has a value of more than 0 then count.
1 1.00
2 Yes 4.78
4 5.00
5 Yes 4.89
6 11.99
So this example would count 3
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Dec 16, 2013
Below is my function. I use it to count the number of times a value in A9 appears in Sheet2. I would like to edit my function to count the value in A9 that appeared in a given month in U6.(U6 is 12 for decemeber)
This is what I thought it would have been but I think I'm wrong because the function is not counting by month.
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Jul 27, 2014
How do I 'countif' for a particular month of the year?
I have a long list of dates and need to count how many are in January, february etc.
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Dec 1, 2008
I play poker, and I have a live session log in an excel spreadsheet, like so:
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Mar 12, 2007
I have a table in which we track our daily issues.. A1 - A6
Resource/Subject/Date/Time Of Failure/Escalated/Tech Int
I want to be able to count the amount of escalations we have per month...
We just enter a Y or N for the escalation field.
I'm not great with Excel and can do a count with the COUNTIF but don't know how to separate my results so that the count is done per month..
Can someone point me in the right direction?
*EDIT* Also my date format is as follow's 04-Jan-07. Should I change that to make it easier to calculate the results?
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Mar 6, 2014
I am a memeber of this forum for more than a year, and currently assign into a new assignment which dealing an excel file everyday. We have one excel file for moniroting of action items generated by the management after the study. As since there were around 2,500+ rows has been generated since in the beginning of 1990's till todate. So I was thinking of instead of getting the result through filter manually, I want to create a formula that will count of how many has been closed this month out of the total numbers of action items.
Is it possible to use the COUNTIF formula to count the number of items in Col C, where Col B contains a date?
2-Jan-13 Closed
2-Jan-13 Closed
5-Jan-13 Closed
19-Feb-13 Closed
16-Feb-13 Closed
22-Feb-13 Closed
2-Mar-14 Closed
5-Mar-14 Closed
8-Mar-14 Closed
10-Mar-14 Closed
15-Mar-14 Closed
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Mar 6, 2008
I need a macro to automatically update 50 cells (currently done manually) with the calculation below. The calculation is different in each cell ie a different range is specified but the concept is the same.
COUNTIF(‘SHEET 1’!$A$1:$?$99,”X”)
SHEET 1 remains static
$A$1 remains static for the particular cell - each cell has a different value
$?$ ? moves to next column number each time the macro is run
$?$99 99 remains static - each cell has a different value
“X” remains static - differs from cell to cell
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