Create Several Rows From One

Jul 22, 2013

I have a download from a customer contact database that has to be entered into another database. The first database has couples and business partners listed in the same record while the second database needs everyone to have their individual record.

For instance:
John & Mary Smith
1234 Main St
Mark Smith & Bob Jones
978 Park Ave
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice Parker
343 East North St

Should be:

John Smith
1234 Main St
Mary Smith
1234 Main St
Mark Smith
978 Park Ave


There are some records with only one person listed, I just omitted them for simplicity. Is this possible? Or would it be more trouble that it is worth?

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How To Create Duplicate Rows Of All The Existing Rows

Jun 26, 2013

Everyone always want to get rid of duplicate rows.

Is it possible to create duplicate rows of all the existing rows?

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VBA To Create Permutations Of Different Rows

Apr 22, 2014

Simple permutation problem that will most likely requires nested loops. I need a list of every possible permutation of words in a row broken out by column. Order does matter and not every row has the same number of words in it. I have attached a sample worksheet with a sample table and then the needed output format.

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Create Invoices From Rows?

Jul 29, 2009

have a look at the attached file. I am trying to create invoices per each row of this sheet, where in Column C is the receipients' address, in D is the invoice number, in E is the item name, in F is the invoice date.

I am trying to create one invoice ( the invoice from I have also created in Excel ) for each row.

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Create Invoices From Rows

Jul 29, 2009

I am trying to create invoices per each row of this sheet, where in Column C is the receipients' address, in D is the invoice number, in E is the item name, in F is the invoice date.

I am trying to create one invoice ( the invoice from I have also created in Excel ) for each row.

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Create Sub Rows In Column

Jul 7, 2006

I have seen this done before I need a Row with Attached sub rows IE... you can expand or close contents clicking a + or - see below

a b c d e f
2+ Omaha Office contents
6- Miami Office Contents
7 Computer inventory no.
8 Chair inventory no.
9 table inventory no.
10- Dallas Office Contents
11 Computer inventory no.
12 Printer inventory no.
13+ LA Office Contents
17+ Washinton Office Contents

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Macro To Create New Rows As Per Data?

Sep 20, 2013

I have 2 sheets in one excel file.

I need a macro to check how many rows have value in sheet b and then insert rows accordingly in sheet A between cell B11:B100.

For E.g. if there is value from cell A1 to A150. than I want the macro to add 50 more rows in Sheet A between Cell B11 & B100 and also copy the formula that is there in cell N11 to Z100.

Data in cell A1 to A150 can be between 0 to 999

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How To Create Slider On Rows Or Columns

Feb 6, 2014


What is this and how do I create it?

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Macro To Create Duplicate Rows

Nov 19, 2009

On some occasions the part number has several to collect but the output from the system we use will output this as a sinle line and a quantity of 2 for instance. I would like a macro to indentify all of the parts with a quantity more than 1 and insert a duplicate line with that quantity.

On the attachement sheet 1 is an example of how the data may look, sheet 2 is how I would like it to be after the macro has been run (but within the same sheet)

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Create New Rows. Skipping Some Cells

Nov 9, 2006

Attached is a sample spreadsheet. Please look at the spreadsheet will reading this post, as it would be rather confusing otherwise.

From this spreadsheet, I need to create two new spreadsheets (I assume one at a time is best). One (S1) will contain data from rows where Column C = "Regular Hours". The other (S2) will contain data from rows where Column C <> "Regular Hours".

The format of S1 (3 columns) is: Payroll # (Column B), code for the type of hour (this code I will need to write into the VBA code), the number of hours (D:G,Q:T,AD:AG), and the constant "N".

The format of S2 (4 columns) is: Payroll # (Column B), code for the type of expense (this code I will need to write into the VBA code), the dollar amount (I:P,V:AC, AI:AP), the project (Column C), and the constant "N".

The trick is each row on the new spreadsheets can only contain one hour/expense (otherwise this would be easy!). So, I need to loop to copy/paste the right cells, and need to skip over blanks, and need to end at column AP, then continue to the next appropriate row. As well, columns H, U, and AH are not used on the new sheets. I have another spreadsheet slightly similar to this with looping, but it is a delete type loop, not a creation one, and it doesn't have to have seperate rows like this does. I know this one is a bit big, but I know someone out there can figure out some looping code that can handle this.

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Create Multiple Rows Per List, One To Many

Dec 21, 2006

I'm trying to do. I have a sheet that gets popluated and once populate needs to create a one to many output sheet. See example. Sheet1 (gets populated from another process):


Sheet2 (is my output sheet, which I then save into a text file to be imported into a different application):
and so on...

Although there is other stuff that I'm doing, this is the jist of it.

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Combining Columns To Create New Rows Not Concatenation

May 22, 2014

RCA Page for forum.xlsx

I'm trying to get entries from one table to appear in another. The first table is like this:

Customer Column1
Description Column1
Customer Column2
Customer Description2
Created By

The table I want to put the data into looks like this:
Created By

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Create Limited Number Of Columns/rows

Dec 11, 2008

is it possible to create or customize a worksheet with 30 columns and 120 rows only.

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Create Duplicate Rows Based On Value In A Column?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a worksheet with two columns and a few hundred lines. One has titles and the other integers indicating how many times the title needs to be copied to another worksheet or text file.

Existing Worksheet (Input)

Desired Output (Worksheet or Text File) [The entire row, including the integer could be copied as well, if it is easier.]

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Create Duplicate Rows Based On Value In A Column

Feb 6, 2010

I need a VBA/macro very similar to several I have seen posted here. I have a worksheet with two columns and a few hundred lines. One has titles and the other integers indicating how many times the title needs to be copied to another worksheet or text file.

Existing Worksheet (Input)

Desired Output (Worksheet or Text File) [The entire row, including the integer could be copied as well, if it is easier.]

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How To Seperate Data In A Cell And Create New Rows

Jun 23, 2013

I am somewhat new to excel and have a task I have a catalogue that I need to separate multiple printer models that all have the same part # into individual line items. This will save me weeks of work.

I have this:


And want to end up with this:



Or even this:




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Create A Report Printing Rows By The Content Of A Column?

Apr 14, 2014

In the column marked SA I have some numbers. These are Sub-Accounts. I am looking to run off a report that prints off all rows with the respective SA number. I have only included a "4" and a "5" in my example but there is going to be more than one row "assigned" to Sub Account 4, Sub Account 5 etc. Ultimately it provides a break down of the accounts.

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How To Create Macros Buttons To Add Or Delete Columns And Rows

May 21, 2014

So I'm trying my hand at creating VBA buttons and functions that do the following.

Button 1 :
to add a column with every click. The button will create one extra column. So by design there will be at least 1 column. Example if the button is clicked twice it will create 3 columns. I just need a buffer col. (contains no data)

Button 2 :
to delete empty columns leaving only one empty buffer column. That is this button will purge empty columns except the buffer column. OR if ALL the columns are filled, Button2 will create the buffer column.

Eg. I click Button 1 three times. It creates four columns. I only fill two columns. When Button 2 is clicked it will delete all the empty colums except the buffer column. OR I fill in all four columns, there is no buffer column, when I click Button2 it will insert the buffer col.

Button 3 :
to add a row with every click. The button will create one extra row. So by design there will be at least 1 row. Example if the button is clicked twice it will create 3 rows. I just need a buffer row. (contains no data)

Button 4 :
to delete empty row leaving only one empty buffer row. That is this button will purge empty row except the buffer row. OR if ALL the columns are filled, Button4 will create the buffer column.

Eg. I click Button 3 three times. It creates four rows. I only fill two rows. When Button 4 is clicked it will delete all the empty rows except the buffer rows. OR I fill in all four rows, there is no buffer rows, when I click Button4 it will insert the buffer row.

In the sample file there are six columns filled with data. The 7th col is empty(the buffer column). The column after that calculates the average of data in filled columns. There are eight rows with data and the ninth row is the empty buffer row.

The "add" buttons must be able copy the format/formula of the column/rows BEFORE the buffer colums/rows and insert it before the buffer column/row.

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Create An Inputbox That Asks A User Which Set Of Rows To Copy

Aug 20, 2009

The example file gives a better visual explanation. Just want to copy a range of cells by pressing a command button. However I want the macro behind it to ask the user which set of rows to copy.

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Create Row In ListObject Based On Number Of Selected Rows

Nov 11, 2012

If only 1 row is selected, it works fine, but if I've selected multiple rows it continues forever. I want to create a row in my ListObject based on the number of selected rows.

Sub CreateRow()
Dim rRow As Range

With ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1).ListRows
For Each rRow In Selection.Rows
.Add (rRow.Row - 2)
Next rRow
End With
End Sub

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Create Copies Of Items And Their Attributes Into Separate Rows?

Oct 2, 2013

I am trying to take items with multiple market attributes and columnized them so that they can be sorted or filtered.

For example,

Item 110 is suitable for Preteen, Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Senior
Item 121 is suitable for Teen and Young Adult
Item 250 is suitable for Senior
Item 300 is suitable for Young Adult, Adult and Senior

I want to be able to arrange the attributes vertically so that the attributes can be filtered. I'm thinking the easiest way to do it is to duplicate each row as many time as there are attributes and copy each attributes to a single Market column.

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Excel 2010 :: Condition To Create New Cell Value On Several Rows

Apr 5, 2014

I am working on a schedule worksheet, the days are the columns and the staff member names go down the rows. I want to create a new cell value based on a condition on each row. I have been successful working with one row but how to efficiently do the same for each row.? I'm working with Excel 2010.

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Create Formula To Group Insurances When There Are Multiple Rows Of Data

May 20, 2014

I am trying to develop a formula that will tell me whether an account has both Medicare and Medicaid or Medicaid HMO insurance. An account can have one or more lines, and one or more insurances. I manually completed the sample file in column 'D' (see attached) to come up with the desired output. The criteria is below:

-If the account has Medicare and Medicaid financial class, then it is a '5'.
-If the account has Medicare and Medicaid HMO financial class, then it is a '6'.
-Otherwise, it is a '0'.

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Using Data Validation To Create List Dependent On Multiple Rows?

Jul 28, 2014

I have three individual lists and I am using a formula like this for each of them =OFFSET(Table1,MATCH(F15,Table1,0)-1,1,COUNTIF(Table1,F15),1)

for my final cell I need to create another data validation list which is depenant on the values selected in the previous three lists.. how I would alter the formula to allow me to do that? I tried using and after the match to match all three tables but it never worked

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Create Order Form That Inserts Rows Based On Value In Column

Apr 11, 2014

I'm trying to make an order form that is based off of a price list. Basically there will be 200 items or so someone can just enter the quantity they want into a column. I would then like another sheet on the workbook to auto-populate all of the fields available. The thing I'm having trouble with is I don't want the finished form to be as long as the price list with blank rows in-between. I've been reading up to make a macro work for this, but have had no success.

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How To Create A Macro To Auto Group Rows That Has No Numerical Values

Apr 17, 2014

creating a Macro to automatically group rows that has no numerical value, for example:

1. 13.4
2. 0
3. 0
4. 33.3
5. 0
and so on...

So for this exercise I need excel to automatically group row 2, 3 5 with one click, and leave other rows with actual numbers visible on the sheet.

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Macro: Create Named Ranges. Unknown Columns/Rows

Sep 9, 2006

I need to make named ranges from an unknown number of columns(at least 1) each with an unknown number of rows. Each column has the name of the named range as the first row, and then a variable number of rows containing part numbers.

I can do it 1 by 1, but id rather do it in a loop so that blanks dont cause errors. there will be different people using versions of this sheet with different model/part number information What i've tried: Count number of colums with row 1 containing data (11 max, which is more than will ever be used) add into array(I know i dont really need to add into the array, but i might use it later for some other code). The problem i'm having is finding the range of rows that need added to the named dynamic range and adding it.

modelcount = Range("G7") 'G7 (for now) contains =COUNTA(H1,I1,J1,etc)

For i = 1 To modelcount
Redim Preserve Models(0 To i)
Models(i) = Cells(1, i + 7)
Range1 = Cells(2, i + 7).Address(xlA1)
lastRow = Cells(rows.Count, i + 7).End(xlUp).Row
Range2 = Cells(lastRow, i + 7).Address(xlA1)
Reference = Cells(2, i + 7).Address(xlA1)
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=Models(i), _
RefersTo:="=OFFSET(Reference,0,0,counta(Range1:Range2),1)", Visible:=True
Next i

This gets me the range i need, but doesnt create the named range properly. If i go to insert>names>define, the named ranges are created, but they dont relate to the data in any columns. It shows the variable names rather than the cell range the variable represents.

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Create Column List Out Of Table (rows And Columns) While Removing Blanks

May 26, 2014

I am trying to create a straight column list that can take the rows and columns of a table, and list only the nonblank items. The formula I am using only seems to work with one column, not multiple.


[Code] .....

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Need Macro To Create Formulas And Split (Comma Delimited) Cells Into Rows

Mar 30, 2013

Example: Column A has a mixture of letters and numbers. ie AU1234 or AU5678 Always the letters will be first, but not sure if 2 or 3 letters. Need to insert space between letters and numbers.

I have so far. " =(left(a2,2)) & " " & (mid(a2,3,(len(a2)-2))) " this works if all are only 2 letters...

Now. What I need to do is open a .csv (will do manually) then hit something like ctrl-alt-k to run macro.

Step 1: Insert a column next to A, check rows down and for however many rows, make above formula (include 2 or 3 letters) to insert space between letters and numbers, select the new column, copy, select column a and overwrite with the values from the new column. ie turn 'A2' from "AU1234" to "AU 1234" and 'A3' from "AU4567" to "AU 4567" .

Step 2: Column D has comma delimited fields. Column F also has comma delimited fields. both D and F will always have the same number of fields. D will be something like 1234,2345,3456 ------ in this case 3 fields but could be over 100 fields
F will be something like M0002456 (04P), M0002457 (05P), M1230477 (02A).

Need to split both D and G from row A2 simultaneously from comma fields to rows. copying all other data from row. and insert before the next set of data in what was previously A3 and (in this case *should* be moved down to A5 because of the 2 inserted lines from the 2 extra fields).

E.g.: Column A Row 2 "AU 1234" Column B Row 2 "data1" Column C Row 2 "data2" Column D Row2 "1234" Column E Row 2 "data3" Column F Row 2 "M0002456 (04P)"
Column A Row 3 "AU 1234" Column B Row 3 "data1" Column C Row 3 "data2" Column D Row 3 "2345" Column E Row 3 "data3" Column F Row 3 "M0002457 (05P)"
Column A Row 4 "AU 1234" Column B Row 4 "data1" Column C Row 4 "data2" Column D Row 4 "3456" Column E Row 4 "data3" Column F Row 4 "M1230477 (02A)"

Then carry on to next row which may have only one field and can be ignored/skipped to the next which may have 100 fields which will need to be split to rows and inserted...etc....

Step 3
Remove all the "space Bracket-data-Bracket" ie " (04P) from column F

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Create A Function That Numbers Rows With Respect To Data Groups In A Column

Dec 1, 2007

I need to create a function that numbers rows with respect to data groups in a column (column labeled "Type" in this example). The result would be that shown in column A in this table.

How do I write the function?
#TypeName Date


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