Decrease Decimals If Cells Formatting Is In Percentage

Feb 27, 2014

Is it possible through a macro that the cells where numbers is in percentage format should not show any decimal points (is should not roundoff) just decimal points should not visible. I am aware that this can be done by "decrease decimal" but data will be across thousand of rows manually it will be very time consuming.

I have attached a sample worksheet : Percent.xlsx

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Keyboard Shortcut To Increase Or Decrease The Number Of Decimals

Apr 21, 2009

Is there any keyboard shortcut to increase or decrease the number of decimals shown directly (I mean without having to use ctrl + 1... etc )

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Percentage Increase Or Decrease From Cell

May 2, 2012

I need a formula that can work out a percentage increase or decrease from cell J2 to L2.

J2 is the current data with L2 being the previous data - so the formula would compare J2 with L2 and tell me if there is an increase or decrease shown as a percentage.

The figures fluctuate from month to month so they could be either an increase or decrease. There are over 300 entries so I can't go through each one adjusting the formula accordingly - this is why I need the formula to do the working out if it is up or down.

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Find Percentage Increase / Decrease Between 2 Numbers

Mar 4, 2014

I have totals in d18 and e18 and need to find the percentage increase or decrease between the 2. E18 is last year's value and D18 is this year's value. Which formula will give me what I am looking for:

(D18-E18)/D18 or (D18-E18)/E18

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Convert Numbers With Decimals To Percentage

Nov 11, 2008

I have a spread sheet with over 200 numbers like 3.3, 4.5, 6.6 and so on. Is there and easy way to convert them to Percentages?

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Countif With Decimals To Give A Percentage..HELP!!

Nov 19, 2008

This one sounds easy but I have spent a lot of time on it and no success. I have a list of students with various levels next to each name. EG: 4.5, 5.6, 5.7, 6.1 etc. From this range I want to work out the percentages of achiveing Level 5, 5 and above, Level 6, 6 and above. By doing a countif it counts 5 not 5.1 5.2 etc. How do I get over this? Attached is a sample.

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Conditional Formatting Formula For Decrease In Numbers

Oct 16, 2013

I have a table that has labels of departments. Then each of those departments will be tracked per week on a number. I am looking for a formula for conditional formatting that if cell C5 is less than B5 that cell C5 (with the smaller number) fills green. Then depending on the next weeks number it will have no fill or a green fill if the number has decreased in cell D5.

Is there anyway that I can do an array of cells or do I have to do it individually per column?

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Conditional Formatting - Colouring Percentage Of Multiple Cells Based On Date Range

Mar 12, 2014

I am trying to get a row of cells to highlight a percentage based on a date range

Below is an example of what my spreadsheet will look like, very simple for managers to read and understand but I am stuck on how i can get this to display the right way.

In the example i would need the Jan column to colour for a certain percent for 21 days and continue to feb for 26 days. Im not sure if this makes sense but this is what they are asking for. Colour bars to simple show the percent of days off each month.

Name Start Date End Date Jan Feb Mar

Dale 11/01/14 26/02/14 21 days 26 days

I have attached the spreadsheet for an example : Book1.xlsx‎

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VBA Number Formatting - Thousands Separator / No Decimals

Apr 11, 2014

How do I use a number formatting function that gives me the thousands seperator and no decimals?

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Conditional Formatting Based On Percentage And Insert Cell Based On Percentage

Apr 3, 2013

I have a workbook that I've built for a project. I've attached a sample workbook. What I'm trying to do, for the entire sheet or workbook if possible, is turn any Cell with a percentage of 30% to 49% yellow and any cell with a percentage of 50% or more Red. I would also like to move the ID's of the variable cells, for example Id number 9922, to the cells beside the description of the rows, Affected would be an example, if the information contained in the same row as the ID meets with a set of variables.

For example I only want the ID's moved if they correspond with IDsub 1-25. One more thing, the people who will be using this spreadsheet will be copying data from a website when it is imported it does not insert the values as numbers. I would like to format the cells, in example workbook they would be any of the cells labeled ID IDsub Variable or Number, so that anything put in that cell will automatically be converted to a number.

I should also probably add that the formatting will be done on approximately 80 rows a sheet with 47 sheets.

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Convert Degrees Minutes & Decimals Of A Minute (12° 34.567') To Degrees And Decimals Of A Degree (12.57611°)

Oct 29, 2008

I am trying to convert Degrees Minutes & Decimals of a minute (12° 34.567') to Degrees and decimals of a degree (12.57611°). I have the formula to convert latitude, that is two digits, but it doesn't want to work with longitudes, three digits. (see attachment). This is the formula that I am using:


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What Numbers Have No Decimals In About 500-1000 Cells

Mar 17, 2009

I use a worksheet full of formulas to know what divisors a number have, but i need to see what numbers have no decimals in about 500-1000 cells. Is there a formula whitch computer can use to see if it shows a number or not (if a number have or dont have decimals)?

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Percentage Number Formatting

Feb 21, 2013

I am trying to figure out why my number will not format correctly... I have a number thats value is pulled in via external data that gets updated everyday.

Everything works fine there, but I needed the format of that number that was pulled in to have parenthesis around it...

I know that one can add the parenthesis to the number by using the ="("&(Number)&")" function...

What the problem is is that when I add the parenthesis to the number it will not allow me to view it as a percentage; it will leave it as a full general number (Ex. (0.0006), instead of (0.06%)

Is there a way to get the percentage number format back?

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Formatting Percentage With A Difference?

Nov 6, 2011

I was wonder if there is anyway in excel to do the following. I have a table that shows %'s,,, and I have formatted it to show 1 decimal place. Is there anyway to do it so that if the % is a whole number, IE 100% it shows just 100% and not 100.0%

So; basically, all %'s that aren't whole numbers will show 1 decimal place,, whole numbers to show NO decimal place.

I can see in excel a custom formatting under the Number tab,, but if this is where you do /can do it,, I'm not sure how.

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Condition Formatting By Percentage?

Jun 29, 2014

I would like to format a number of cells depending on the percentage of another cell.

I have a cell 'Seats" that has a number in it. In other columns, 'Stop1', 'Stop2', 'Stop3', are vaious numbers. I would like to format the Stop cells according to how close (or over) the number is that is in the 'Seats' cell. For example, if Seats is 30, Stop 1 is 15, it would be a medium red. Stop 2 is 30 (or over), it would be red. If Stop 3 is 5, then white. Basically a percentage scale of color depending on the number in the Seats field.

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How To Apply Score To Time Cells (decimals)

Jan 17, 2013

formatting time as follows :

I want to apply a score to the time cells ( decimals ) Basically i want to apply this set of criteria to a Row >

IF LESS THAN 0.00694 (10mins) then score 3
IF LESS THAN 0.01388 (20mins ) then score 1
IF BETWEEN 0.01388 & 0.9811 (20mins and 23:40:00) then score 0
IF GREATER THAN 0.98611 (23:40:00 ) then score 1
IF GREATER THAN 0.09930 (23:50:00) then score 3

I have this code :


it seems close to what i need but gives a #VALUE error ....

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Conditional Formatting Based On Percentage

Oct 5, 2013

I need a conditioning format formula. If cell A2 is less than 50% of cell A1, then highlight red.

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Conditional Formatting For Percentage Values

Jan 26, 2014

Using conditional formatting to make all the cells that contain numbers and are formatted to percentage format make display in red color? let's say I want to set this conditional formatting rule initially after just opening the excel book and afterwards when I type in values/text etc. into the cells I want the cells where I have input numbers and chose the percentage format to come out in red color? and all the rest stay in black color?

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Conditional Formatting Based On A Percentage Difference

Apr 3, 2009

Using conditional formatting i am trying to write a formula that changes colour on the percentage difference of another cell.

An example would be if cell A1 contained a target of 5% in cell A2 would be an actual. If cell A2 is equal to A1 or better then it would be green. If cell A2 was within 10% less of A1 (i.e 4.5%-4.99%) then amber and red for the target minus 10% (i.e <4.49%)

I want to do this as a conditional formatting formula as the target figure will change but 10% difference will remain the same.

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Conditional Formatting Percentage Axis For Thermometer Chart?

Jun 11, 2014

I currently have a thermometer chart in Excel 2013 that I set up with percentages along the Y-Axis. The thermometers are showing spending based on a budgeted number. Currently, the project is over-budget so I have adjusted the thermometer scale to go far beyond 100%.

I would like to have the percentages past 100% show in red along the lefthand side.

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Formatting Based On Percentage Complete And Target Date?

Nov 20, 2013

I have a sheet (example is attached) that lists multiple jobs and their related tasks. I want to know if it's possible to create a conditional formatting that says if the percentage complete under the "task" is under 100% and within X number of days of the target date, it's red/yellow/green.

So, if a target date is 70-100 days out; 0%-10% - RED, 11%-45% - YELLOW, 46%-100% - GREEN

If a target date is 40-69 days out; 0%-45% - RED, 46%-75% - YELLOW, 75%-100% - GREEN

If a target date is 20-40 days out; 0%-60% - RED, 61-90% - YELLOW, 91%-100% - GREEN

If a target date is 0-20 days out; 0%-85% - RED, 86%-95% - YELLOW, 96-100% - GREEN

If a target date has passed, Anything under 100% is RED.

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Conditional Formatting That Will Adjust Based On Percentage Ranges

Sep 29, 2011

I need to have a conditional format that will adjust based on percentage ranges.

1% to 25% would be shaded red
26% to 50% would be shaded Orange
51% to 100% would be shaded Green

I was hoping to reference another cell and have the formatted cell reflect the conditional format. I dont think that's possible, so I can include a percentage in another cell and have that highlighted.

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Extract Multiple Dollar Values With Decimals From String Into Individual Named Cells?

May 21, 2014

I'm pasting XML data into a spreadsheet and trying to create a vba tool so I can work with the values in a different configuration.

Here's an example of the XML data when pasted into Excel and how I'd like to organize it:


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Decrease One Cells Number While Increasing Another Cells Number?

Jun 10, 2013

i have been working on 2 sheets receiving and selling item and QTY, or in other words i have a Stock IN sheet and a Stock Out sheet

is there some sort of a formula which links 2 cells, columns, together in a way that, if one cell's number increased the other would decrease automatically ?

say iv set 50 in cell a1, i want to set 10 elsewhere and the 50 in cell a1 will automatically decrease from to 40

here's my excel worksheets i uploaded it,

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Percentage Of Cells That Start With X If Corresponding Cells Have Data

Mar 1, 2009

I need to calculate the percentage of cells in one column that have data in them compared to those that do not. This is easy enough to do by itself but here's where it gets tricky for me. I need this percentage calculated only when cells in a different column contain data.

Here's the specifics. All of the row and column references are exactly what I'm looking to have in my worksheet. If A5:A200 contain any value then I want to know the % of the cells in F5:F200 that have a value in them compared to the same number in F5:F200 that contain no value. I would like the answer to show up in B2.

Part of the issue is that cells A5:A200 already have a formula in them so I think that would count as a value. The one thing that might help is the fact that A5:A200 values that I'm looking for ALWAYS start with TN so that could be used as the search function. The reason why I need to base it on a value in A5:A200 is that the sheet is blank until I enter data in the rows. I can't have the blank rows below the last data that I've entered on the sheet count towards the percentage that I'm looking for.

Basically it's a sheet that I enter installations and service calls on. The information always has a TN# associated with it. Which through a formula is automatically populated in the same row in the A column. I track the installation or service call and when it's completed I enter a completion date in the F column in the same row.

I am trying to be able to keep track of the percentage of jobs completed (completion date entered in column F) compared to incomplete (cells in column F that have no completion date) but it has to only look at rows that actually have information entered in them which I think should be done by column A. column D5:D200 is where I enter the main information and there is no formula entered in the cells in column D so if it's easier to base it on that column then that's fine.

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Add Percentage To Multiple Cells All At Once?

Jul 6, 2012

i have a price list that I need to upgrade I will show how it is set now and what I need to do.

A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
=E1*1.25 59.99

Result $74.99

when i try to make E1 to a furmula (=E1+10%) it dose not work!!!

I need to add 10% to E1 so A1 is incresed 10% how do I do That

by the way I have much more cells than A1 it gose down to A123 and that is only page one.

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Calculate Percentage Between Two Cells

Jun 26, 2007

in A1 I have 57 in B1 I have 75 so if I calculate percentage between those two I should get somewhere around 5% instead I'm getting 76%,

what am I doing wrong, in C1 I have =A1/B1 and then formated under percentage.

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Calculating Percentage Difference Between Cells

Dec 5, 2013

Formula "(Cell-Cell)/ABS(Cell)"

When calculating percentage difference do I always subtract the smaller number/cell from the larger number/cell, then divide by the smaller number/cell or vice versa? Maybe I am over thinking it, but it is confusing the heck out of me

I provided an example below to illustrate a spreadsheet I work on. The numbers go up and down. I want to know how I should go about setting up the formula. If I need to ensure the smaller number is always subtracted from the bigger number, it will require a lot of manual intervention on my part.

Row 3 is =(b2-b1)/ABS(b1)Row 4 is =(b2-b1)/ABS(b2)Row 5 is custom. I went through each cell and made sure the smaller number was being subtracted from the larger number, then divided by the smaller number


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Pull Extra Percentage Into Below Cells?

Jan 4, 2013

1st Quarter Goal23306.67%
2nd Quarter Goal00.00%
3rd Quarter Goal00.00%
4th Quarter Goal00.00%

The 306% cell has (B2+B3+B4)/7.5 in it to get that value. I need to dump any access percentage above 100% into the next quarters goal. so 2nd should be 100 and 3rd should be 100 and 4th should be 6.67.

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Taking Percentage Of The Larger Of Two Cells

Sep 19, 2006

I hope my title was clear enough, but I’m not sure how to set this up. I have numbers in cells B4 and B13. I want to take the largest of these two numbers and multiply it by 0.85. I then want to take this number and compare it to a number in cell B23. If B23 is greater than the larger of B4 and B13 X 0.85, I want B33 to display “No” in a boldfaced red font. If B23 is less than the larger of B4 and B13 X 0.85, I want B33 to display “Yes” in a normal black font. This formula will be in cell B33.

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