Formula To Get Desire Result From Values Of Two Column?
Feb 25, 2014
I have set of column data A & B In those A contains Serial No & B contains Ticket No...
I am looking for formula to solve the function by those conditions... almost get done by countifs functions.
1.If Serial & Ticket No Only Once result should be "FIRST TIME LABOUR ONLY"
2.If Repeat Twice For The First Serial No And Ticket "Labour Only", For The Second Serial No And Ticket "Labour & Parts"
3.If Serial No Twice But Ticekt No is different for both serial no Result Should be "PART USED 1 OF 2"
4.More Than 2 Times Serial & Ticket No Repeats" Result Should Be "CCI"
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Aug 28, 2009
I have values in COlumn A, probably about 50K rows, The total unique values on the column A is only about 27. I need to capture all those unique values and paste them in column B. I didn't want to do "Advance filtering" since the workbook has many macros's on it that the user simply click on. Im thingking of creating a loop and compare values already pasted in Column b but then that will take too much time to complete the loop. Is there any easier or yet more efficient way to accomplish this?.
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Jul 25, 2014
I am trying to write a formula where the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists, will display for each instance (row) where a value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers, or a combination thereof.
I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. File attached.
Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,))). Not working.
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Sep 27, 2006
I have a spreadsheet that give me the percentage difference of two cell say a1 and a2 (=a2/a1)[format as % two decimal places]. The result is on say b5 as a %[format as % two decimal places]. Now on B6 I want to do this:
if B5 is >3.01% then b6 =" Market Test Required"
if B5 is +3% then b6 =110
if B5 is +2% then b6 =106
if B5 is +1% then b6 =103
if B5 is 0% then b6 =100
if B5 is -1% then b6 =96
if B5 is -2% then b6 =93
if B5 is -3% then b6 =90
if B5 is >-3.01% then b6 ="Market Test Required"
So on and so on.... I would really appreciate your help on this issue.
I have used excel for some time now but not with complex formulas or any vb.
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Apr 14, 2013
I have an excel file with some data in it. I have two columns with one of four words in it. For simplicity I'll call them RED, GREEN, BLUE, and Yellow. A few columns over I have columns "Same" "Good" and "Bad". I'm trying to figure out a way to get excel to put a 1 in the appropriate column, if cell A1 is Red I need excel to look at the word in cell B2 and put a 1 in the "same" column if A1 and B1 are the same word. If the word in B2 is Yellow I need excel to put a 1 in the "Good" column. If the word in B1 is GREEN or BLUE I need it to put a 1 in the bad column. The tricky part is each of the four words RED, GREEN, BLUE, and Yellow have a different set of words that will be called "good" or "bad". So if the word in cell A1 if Green for example it will have a different set of good and bad color words.
So it seems I need four different functions depending on what word is in A1. In the column next to these lists of words I have the date which I'll need to use to give me the sums of same, good, and bad for each day. But first things first. I think I need to use a combination of IF functions and MATCH function, but I can't figure out anything that works. Below is what I'm hoping it will look like when I've got the right formulas.
First column
Second column
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May 24, 2008
I'm quite a novice at Excel. I have a column of values that I sum as follows;
0 <----------------sum of A1:A5
A formula may change one of the values in the above column to a '1' which means the sum will become '1'. The sum can only be '1' or '0' and only one value in the column will ever change. I need to add a value of 2 to another cell (say, C1) when the sum of A1:A5 changes from a value of '0' to '1'. I know this will probably involve the worksheet change event but am having a problem implementing it.
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Dec 29, 2009
I have the attached table. I need to format with conditional formatting with the following criteria:
1) If >= 80% , then flag as green
2) If >=1% but <80%, then flag as yellow
3) If 0%, then flag as red.
I did the formatting in conditional formatting but the it did not results in the desired solution.
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Feb 15, 2007
I need a formula to count cells based on the date, so that I can have a blank cell when the answer is 0. I am adding values cumulative and future cells need to be blank because I have a graph that has a trend line and I don't want the trend line to fall off at the end. I also don't want to have to go back to this every month and update it.
Column A
1/2/2007 0:00
1/3/2007 0:00
1/10/2007 0:00
2/10/2007 0:00
2/10/2007 0:00
2/15/2007 0:00
3/22/2007 0:00
3/22/2007 0:00
3/22/2007 0:00
4/31/2007 0:00
4/31/2007 0:00
4/31/2007 0:00
Column B
Invoice #
I have this formula in cell F3 that will add the dates through the end of January:
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Aug 5, 2008
I have an Excel workbook with multiple sheets. In one sheet, there are many columns that automatically get hidden based on cells values (=1) in another sheet as I type. I use this
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$C$7" And Target.Value = 1 Then
Sheets("Stakes").Range("E:E").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
If Target.Address = "$C$7" And Target.Value <> 1 Then
Sheets("Stakes").Range("E:E").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Recently I had to change the second sheet that instead of manually entered values, formula results appear in cells. And the above code doesn't work anymore, columns are always stay unhidden. How can I achieve what I want? I need columns get hidden if formula results =1.
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Feb 20, 2014
We receive payments in either USD or HNL. I want to be able to have a final price (last column) that puts all prices in USD. I have a reference cell on a separate worksheet (drop down inputs) that we will use to store the data for validations and the conversion rate. We use one conversion rate for all transactions for a fiscal year, so only need to update once a year. Not sure how to make this work.
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Dec 14, 2013
I am trying to make a column show the result of a formula as positive number only. Right now the column subtracts two other cells and displays the result. I am trying to make it show all the results, positive or negative as positive.
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Jun 10, 2014
When I drag my VLOOKUP formula down a column in Excel 2010, the return value copies the formula result from the original VLOOKUP formula result. For example, if the first VLOOKUP returns a value of 0.5, I expect to see 0.5 or 1 in the cell below that one. However, I get 0.5 which is not the expected result for the cell below.
When, I click the fx on the cells below, the expected return values appear in the formula result. After I click OK, the expected formula results updates and now appears in the cell.
I'm not sure what is causing this issue. My computer was updated recently from an old machine to a new one. I have never experienced this issue before.
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Sep 3, 2006
I created a simple auto numbering function whereby Cell A7 contained =Row()-6, and Cell A8 contained =(A7+1). I then shift, and pasted the contents of cell A8 until cell A600. My aim is to simply copy the increments of 1 - 600 into another column. However when i copy and paste i'm also copying the initial underlying formula ie: =( A?+1), Is there a way to copy the results, not the formula?
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Dec 20, 2013
Formula(s) to do as explained in the attached example.
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Feb 21, 2014
I have a code that inserts a new column after every 7th column. I want to include a formula where every 7th column value is subtracted from the values present in the column before the 1st, or you can think of it as subtracting 7th column of the present group from the 7th column of the previous group. Example: The range of my data starts from col F, then
F (7th) New Column (G) H (1st) I (2nd) J (3rd) K (4th) L (5th) M (6th) N (7th) New Column (O) P (1st) Q (2nd) R (3rd)
So, New Column (O) = N - F
and the next New Column (W) = V-N ...
NOTE: Column G can be ignored.
I want to add a looping function to this so that it will continue to subtract for the other respective columns as well. How do I incorporate this into the following code?
I'm using Excel 2013.
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Apr 24, 2014
see the attached spreadsheet including the data. In Column AA I have created a formula that looks at Column B, and pulls each unique value from that column. add to this formula, or propose a new one, that pulls unique values into column AA if at least one of the rows has an "Actual Finalization Date" in column D that is in 2014?
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Mar 11, 2013
I'm currently using this formula to calculate the average values in column B where the value in column A ='s E1 eg:
Instead of doing this however, I need the formula to calulate the average from column B where the "Date" in column A ='s the year and month I specify in other cells.
Year value specified in: F1
Month value specified in: G1
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Jun 15, 2014
Looking for formula to extract values from column A, D through K from raw data table if conditions are met. Desired outcome is in green color.
Sample data attached : Pull.Sample.Data.2008.xlsx
Product 1348477119150
Product 2578251973823
Product 8763949644583
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Jan 31, 2014
find attached my spreadsheet. I want the excel to look at j2.. search for it in A coloumn and return its corresponding B coloumn values. There might me multiple values with the same name in A2. I would like the excel to return all the multiple values with their corresponding B coloumn values.
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May 15, 2014
I have a column that contains Gender values ( M or F). How do I create a formula that first counts the number of M or F then tells me the ratio of M to F?
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Nov 14, 2008
For example I have a data set that will grow over time say 13 rows, I want to write a formula that will only use the last 3 rows with data entered and get the Median of those rows. I know that the Median Formula for the entire 13 rows would be =MEDIAN(A3:A16). Anyone know a way to make a Median formula only look at the last 3 in any given time without manually updating the formula's range?
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May 14, 2012
I'm entering some time data (in format hh:mm) into Columns. Pretty basic Workbook that I have been given and, to be honest, it's just donkey work putting the data in. The times going down the Columns need to be progressive (ie B8 is arrival time, B9 is admission time etc). This goes through to B27 and then repeats from C8-C27 and ultimately J8-J27.
I'm looking for something as a formula to pop into Column K (or VBA, I don't mind!) which will do a simple verification to ensure that the times I enter is not less than the any of the cells above in the aforementioned ranges. I can do simply the cell above, but due to rusting of brain, can't think how to do this for the range!
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Jan 30, 2013
I have three different values in three different columns and I want to find the maximum amongst the 3 values.
A1 B1 C1
100 50 40
in D1 I have written a formula
=MAX(A1, B1, C1)
But it is returning an error saying formula you typed contains an error
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Oct 12, 2009
1. In this formula in column C, below, i have A2 as the look up... sometimes this will be A3 , A7 or other... how can i vary this formula? I've tried it all ways.
Range("C2:C" & LR).SpecialCells(4).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(A2,Data!$A:$B,2)"
It need to be inserted based on the first cell in column A which has a value.
2. after this has done its thing... how can i paste the values to ONLY those cells which have been affected by the formula. I don't want to copy, paste special the whole column as there are sub total and other exciting things included.
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Jan 2, 2010
I'm looking for a SUBTOTAl IF function (if there's any) that would sum all the distinct values in a column for a given criteria based on another column. My data is listed below:
Column A Column B
(Quarter) (Revenue)
Q1 2008 $10
Q1 2008 $10
Q1 2008 $20
Q2 2008 $15
Q3 2008 $25
Q3 2008 $25
I'm looking for a formula to sum the DISTINCT Revenue values for Q1 2008, Q2 2008, and Q3 2008 based on the autofiltered list. The formula result should change dynamically based on the autofilter selection.
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Nov 29, 2013
I have attached an example workbook with a tiny subset of data and a number of criteria from the Dashboard Engine page removed.
What I need is to sum the total value for each division on the second sheet based on the date criteria (so for the first cell Jan 1/2010 - Jan 31/2010) and on a match between division name on the Dashboard Engine sheet table and the Masterdata sheet. I have tried a number of variations but keep getting a 0 for each return.
Sample Workbook.xlsx
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Aug 24, 2006
I know this is an easy one but I'm unsure why I can't easily modify a formula. The key event in this formula is "+190". Every time I change the value the formula no longer works. I've copied to another cell and the formula no longer works. My question is when you have a formula like this one if you have to modify how do you do it and keep the formula working.
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Jul 9, 2014
I have a file with a column containing a series of records where a reference number can be repeated several times. I want to create a formula that will count the number of unique reference numbers in the column.
However - and this is the tricky part - I need it to allow for when the report is filtered, i.e. something like a SUBTOTAL function which ignores the hidden values.
So, the column in the full report has 691 unique values across 2,200+ records. If I apply a filter the column only has say 78 unique values. Is there a formula that can calculate this?
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Jun 28, 2014
How to express what I am trying to do in a sentence but basically I have this formula
[Code] ..........
I need B# to change automatally like it does when you copy the formula but i need the N1 and N2 to stay N1 and N2, how do i do this?
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Mar 19, 2007
I am using the following formula (which I need to adapt) to enter a value in a cell C30.
I will need to enter this formaula in column C rows 1 to 300.
The problem is that, in addition to A30 needing to be >0, I only need to enter a value in C30 if a value (>0) is found in column B (B29 going back to B1) before a value is found in the A column (A29 going A1). If a value in the A column is found first then I need to enter "0".
For example, if A30 is >0 and the previous A row A29 is >0, I want to enter 0 in C30.
Another example, If A rows A20 to A29 are 0 and B19 >0, then I want to enter A30 in C30.
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