Function To Search Column And Count Next Column

May 8, 2009

I made a quick little spreadsheet that explains what I am trying to accomplish. Basically I need to search a column for a known number, when it is found, I need to look at another column on that row, and if the cell is a specific item , count it.

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Use VLOOKUP Function When Column To Search Is Not Column A?

Sep 27, 2012

use the VLOOKUP function when the column I need to search is not column A?

I have a Workbook with two worksheets in it and in Sheet 1 I have 10 columns of various text and numbers. In cell A1 of sheet 2 I will fill with a certain code that appears in column E in Sheet 1. The result I would be looking for should come from Column A in Sheet 1. I thought that the following would work copied into B1 of Sheet 2 but it doesn't appear to - =VLOOKUP($A1,'Sheet 1'!E$1:$E$481,1,FALSE).

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Search Column And Count While Excluding One Parameter

Sep 11, 2013

I want to count the number of cells in column C with one forumla that answers the question, "How many of the cells in column C contain the words, APM, BPPM, CAPM, and NMS while exluding any results that have "OUTLOOK" in Column K?

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Excel 2010 :: Search For Value And Then Give Count Of Corresponding Value In Different Column

Mar 12, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 and am looking for a formula that can solve this matix in column below. The yellow is where I would like the answers.




[Code] ........

This is what it would look like when the formula were applied




[Code] .........

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How To Use Cells.Find Function To Search Only In One Column

Dec 14, 2006

I want to find a content of ActiveCell only in column "C", beginning from cell C4.What must be in Look in, and Look at?How to accomplish to match whole number,ex. "1" in cell with "1",no to find "1" in "123"

This function searches in whole sheet,but i need only in C column!
Cells.Find(What:=ActiveCell, After:=[c4], LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

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Search For A Phrase In Column - Function Return Error

Feb 18, 2013

I am trying to search for a phrase in a particular column but the excel search function is returning !Value as an error...

Both fields are text so nit sure what is wrong here.

I have a list of cities that i want to cross reference across a cloumn of notes on another sheet. So, I really want to search for the city (Sheet1 Cell A1) in Notes Sheet2 Cell A1) and I want to return it in Sheet1 Cell B1 Whether it exisits in the notes. I then want to copy this down my list of cities in Sheet1 Column a.

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Create A User Defined Function To Search A Column Of Data For A Part Number

Mar 25, 2008

I want to create a user defined function to search a column of data for a part number.

If it exists I want to have a the UDf returna "fail" otherwise "pass"

Here is the code I was trying to use

Function firstpass(SN As String) As String
ws = Worksheets("Defects")
c = ""
With ws.Range("a1:a9999")
Set c = .Find(SN, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
End With
If Not c Is Nothing Then
firstpass = "Pass"
firstpass = "Fail"
End If

End Function

This function only returns a "#value" and I don't quite know how to troubleshoot it.

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Use The COUNTIF Function Formula To Count The Number Of Items In Column A?

Mar 7, 2014

We have one excel file for monitoring of action items generated by the management after the study. As since there were around 3000+ rows has been generated since in the beginning of 1990's till to-date. So I was thinking of instead of getting the result through filter manually, I want to create a formula that will count of how many has been closed this year and this month out of the total numbers of action items.

Is it possible to use the COUNTIF function formula to count the number of items in column A, and date of column B, and closed in column C.

In below, we can see that there were 4 items under Revalidation has been closed this month and the total number of closed this year is 6.

MTD Closing Date

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Contains Function: Function That States If A Cell In The Email Column Contains A String Or Value From The Names Column

Oct 13, 2009

On sheet 1 I have a list of 1000 firstnames
On sheet 2 I have a list of 1000 emails,

I need a function that states If a cell in the email column contains a string or value from the names column, it will result in a true statement so that I can separate out the emails that have these peoples first names.

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Count Values Of Column If Column Header Is Equal To Name In Column A?

Apr 25, 2014

For column "B" count all the 1's if column header is equal to name in column A.

For Column "C" needs to be checked if a value was filled in column "I" if yes then check if in column "L" has a value, count all these values.

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Search For Value In Multiple Column And Row Array And Return Value In First Column?

Dec 16, 2013

I have an array 20 Rows x 42 Columns, which contains a competition draw.

I need to search this array for a unique value and return whatever the time is in the first column on the same row as the value appears, and enter it into column C in the Womens Times sheet.

I also want to return into column D the court number from row 3.

The reason i want this automated is as teams enter / withdraw we may need to drag the games from court to court to fill gaps, so i want the Womens Times sheet to update accordingly.

I have been messing around with index and match, but cannot quite get it to return what i need.

I have attached an example ... on the sheet "Womens Times" in column A there is a list of game numbers ( #1W etc etc) indicating womens game #1 and so on. The main sheet i am using also has a seperate tab for the mens games, hence the designator of W or M on the end of the game number.

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Search A Column Of Dates & Return Data From Another Column

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to get a formula that will search one column range “B” and pull data from another, “D”. Dates are down column “B” and some of those dates are repeated several times. In column “D” there is only one piece of data (a number) entered for each day. Eg, if 08/06/2009 has been entered 3 times in column “A”, there will only be data entered in 1 of the cells of column “D” and blank cells in the other 2.

Column B -- Column D
07/06/09 -- 54000
08/06/09 -- 62000
09/06/09 -- 61000

I couldn’t get the LOOKUP function to work properly, as there are duplicate dates in column “B” and I often got a result of 0 returned.

As I’ve only got 1 piece of data added in column “D” per day and any duplicate days would just have blank cells in “D”, I can actually get a SUMIF function to work, SUMIF(B3:B60,DATE(2009,6,8),D3:D60). Although it does work, it doesn’t feel right using it and I would prefer a formula that would return just the one cell, instead of the sum of a range of cells.

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Macro To Count Column Use Count In Adjacent Column

Nov 23, 2011

Is there a way to do this without using a macro, but I need it to be in a macro.

Column A has a value I am calling a label, ex. ABCDEF which occurs over and over. Column B has a list of animals, many of which repeat AND will be together if they do repeat. In other words, all rows in Column B with Cows are together, occurring in consecutive rows. I need a macro that will look at each row in column C and increment +1 starting at 0. That will be concatenated with the value in Column A and pasted as a value in column C.

See the linked spreadsheet tabs for Before Macro and how it should look After Macro is run.

[URL] ........

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Search First Column For Exact Match In Column B

Mar 19, 2014

I have a file with duplicate names of test id's in col a. In col b I have single test id's and col c I have test names. I need to search col a for exact match of test id in col b and if it is there then put the name of test in col c into col d.

See attached document. Basically I need to know the name associated with the ID in column B.

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Search In A Column & List In Destination A Column

Feb 5, 2010

I like to search in a columns(1) for specific words say “Don” and then write in another column (say column 6) as “one”. Then it should keep doing until the last cell in that column. It should do nothing if "Don" is not found.

How can I do it?

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Search From Every Row Of Column In A Column And Return Row Number

Sep 3, 2008

how to find text from a row in column, where is a lot of text and return row number, of located text?

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Excel 2010 :: Count Distinct Text Values In One Column If Another Column Equals A Value

Mar 5, 2014

I am trying to count the distinct times a value shows up in a column, if another column has a 2 in it.

For example:
A, B

The results shoud be: (2) Because I only want to count the P25 one time.

I'm using Excel 2010

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Count Of Cells In Column Based On Criteria On That Line In Different Column?

Mar 10, 2014

I have two columns. Column A had numbers and column B has names. I need a count from column A for each name in column B.

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How To Count A Column If It Matches Data From Another Column In Seperate Rows

Feb 6, 2009

I have two columns with dates. Colum A has the date of the deadline of a document while column b has the day it was sent. Column X will display the difference if its a positive integer ( i.e. if the document has been sent after the deadline). Now i have another column Y which displays the month as an integer of when the document was actually received.

Now i need a counter which will count the number of instances a positive integer is registered in column X according to the month in column Y. I have been trying everything but cant figure a simple way to do it. Im doing this so i can be able to see how many documents are sent after the deadline per month.

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Count Filled Cells In One Column Based On Date In Another Column

Apr 24, 2009

I think I am working all around this in Excel 2003 and feel like I am in the neighborhood, but can't seem to quite get there. On sheet1 I have 2 columns of 100s of rows. All of the cells in column A will be filled in with a date as time goes by (1-May-09 for example). Several of them may be 1-May-09 as a matter of fact. In column B, some of the cells will have a number in them and some of them will be empty. On sheet2, I want to construct a formula that returns a count of cells in column B that have a number in them based on a specific date in column A. For example:


If I could get the formula right, it would return an answer of 1 for 1-May in the example, because only 1 of the 1-May entries in column A has a number in the adjacent cell in column B. A formula for 2-May would return an answer of 2 since only 2 of the 2-May entries in column A have numbers in the adjacent cell in column B, and so on for the month. If I understand things right, there are too many arguments for COUNTIF. It seems that SUMPRODUCT should work, but I can't make it so.

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Formula To Check Column A For Date Range And Count Column B

Oct 28, 2009

I have a formula that counts if a date range is present. However I need to change it to count another column only if that date range is present. For example a17 a50000 the user will enter the date of the order. and in column B has the order number. I want the formula to count the order numbers for a data range in column A.
Here is what I have but it is counting the dates in col A not the order numbers in B?

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Count Unique Frequencies Column A For Pacific Values Column B

Dec 19, 2010

I would need to count unique frequencies in column A, but only for a specified value in column B.



I am using Excel 2007 and found this formula that counts all unique frequencies in column A: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(A2:A10,A2:A10)>0,1))

In my example, result = 3 Now, I would need to add the possibility to count only for B=1; in my example, result should be = 2.

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Count How Many Cells Have Data In One Column If Within Date Range In Another Column?

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to Count (or counta?) cells in one column if they have data but only if within a date range in another column.

So, in the example below, I would want to count how many cells in column E have data in them, but only if the date in column A falls between Jan 1 2014 and Jan 5 2014. (In this case, result should be 4).



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Excel 2003 :: Count Column A When Y Appears Only When Column B Has X?

May 14, 2013

I need to populate sheet 1 of the spreadsheet attached.

I have tried several formula's but don't work and am getting desperate!

I need to count Column A of sheet2, when "Adverse SEN" occurs but only when there is an "x" in Column B of sheet 2 appears next to "Adverse SEN".

So basically i need to populate Sheet1 of the spreadsheet with the data is sheet2 of the spreadsheet.

I need a formula to calculate how many time an adverse SEN was - where there is an x - resubmitted, approved at meeting, delegate approval obtained, approval outstanding, rejected or approval not required.

I am using excel 2003, so please don't provide me countif functions.

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Perform Count On Column B Based On Values In Column A

May 15, 2014

I have a column that repeats it self and I want to perform a count on Column B, based on the values in Column A.

Example attached : Book2.xlsx‎

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Count Unique Occurrences In Column A If Column B Equals Value?

Jul 25, 2014

how to count the unique occurrences in column A based on the value in column B. In the example below, I am trying to count the number of unique names in each state (Illinois=1, Colorado=2, New York=2). I would like the formula to count unique occurrences for the entire column A because I will be adding to the list.

Alex.....New York
Steve...New York
Steve...New York

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Count Data In Column X Based On Conditions In Column Y

May 6, 2009

I am wanting to count the number of records (excluding cells with no value) based on criteria in a corrosponding column. In column "AS" I have a number of records that are not sorted showing values "7", "13" and "2".

In column "AL" there are values attached to some of these records based on certain IF statement conditions. I am wanting to count and sum the number of records in column "AL" that meet the conditions of "7" in column "AS" and so forth.

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Count Unique Values In One Column If Other Column Matches?

Oct 18, 2011

How do I count unique values in Column A only if the values in Column B match?

1 a
2 a
1 a
4 b
5 b
1 b

The formula would return "2" for "a", and "3" for b. Basically, there are names in column B, and I want to know how many unique things are in column A for each person. If there is a better way than a formula (pivot table?) that would be great - like a table that has each of the names (from Column B) and the number of unique items from Column A next to each unique name.

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Count Column Based On Certain Text In One Column And Blank In Another

Feb 4, 2014

I need to count column E when it does not say "MTO" or if column G is blank. E.g. below would return me a value of 2. I would count row 1 and 3 only.

Column E Column G

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Count Column A If Value Of Column B Is YES And Column C Is Equal To 5

Apr 27, 2004


What is wrong with my formula above? I am trying to count Colunm A if the value of Column B is "YES" and Column C is equal to "5".

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