Functions Left, Right, Mid And Trim: Early Binding And Late Binding
Nov 30, 2006
I have some code that run on Excel 2003, and fail on Excel 2000. It happens on functions Left, Right, Mid and Trim. I've found that I must use in "Late Bindings".
If exist any convertion for above functions?
I have a workbook in which there is a sheet containing a table.
Excel 2002ABC123Specific Gravity6 Volt ValuesSOC40.0000.000Dead 51.1345.97010%61.1485.99020%71.1626.02030%81.1766.06040%91.1906.10050%101.1976.12055% 111.2046.14060%121.2116.16065%131.2186.18070%141.2256.20075%151.2336.23080%161.2416.26085% 171.2496.31290%181.2576.32095%191.2656.350100%SOC Chart
From another sheet I query this table using the LOOKUP function to obtain values from column C such as 25% 60% and so on. A typical query formula looks like this:
=LOOKUP(B2,'SOC Chart'!B4:'SOC Chart'!C19)
It would be nice if the fill color came along with the value.
I want to late coming and early going of employees. eg. office incoming time is 9 am and 5 mints late coming is allowed 9.05am . and outgoing time is 6pm i am not able to calculate late coming if outgoing is 5.30pm and if put formula =IF(E3>=6,0,6-E3) not working properly.
Tried with index & Match formula but it throws errors in few cases becoz Cell value are either stored in general or H:mm formats
For ex.
Cell value "05:07" has a custom format applied (hh:mm), and in the formula bar it is displayed as "05:07:00" which is not what we want. When I change the format to 'General' Excel converts the 'time' to decimal, eg "0.213194444444444".
When I manually enter 05:07 the problem is nearly resolved as it changes to 'general' without turning to decimal, but displays as 05:07:00. The formula converts it to decimal where it throws error.
I’m developing an application that will be distributed amongst several clients all running different versions of Excel.
I am trying to employ Late Binding, but am runing into an issue with some string functions (like Mid, Right and UCase) and am getting a ‘Can’t find project or library’ error.
These functions work as expected in a blank project.
StrMnthYear = Trim(Left(Range("A1"), _ InStr(1, Range("A1"), " ", vbTextCompare) + 4)) MsgBox StrMnthYear End Sub
I have a column of cells likes: 5/5058 Jack Daniels 5/29AA Crown Royal
I want to delete everything to the left of the first space. So it will look like: Jack Daniels Crown Royal
It has to be vba though. I have done alot of trim in just formulas but this is first time in VBA. The above code is one I found by searching but not sure what to do to modify it. This will be for range AM2:AM2000
I have two columns of data that I need to use SUMPRODUCT on. However, in one of the columns, there might be text after the number. The text can be several different characters. I only want to use the numbers, never the text. Also, there are usually blank cells within Column B and at the bottoms of both columns because this formula is going into a template for future worksheets that all have differing numbers of rows.
14T 16
20 150
97L 67
13 12
For the above example, I want the result to be 9879 (14*16 + 40*0 + 20*150 + 97*67 + 13*12 + 0*0 + 0*0 = 9879).
I've tried using the LEFT function to only get the numbers before any text, but I can't make it work with the blank cells at the bottoms of the columns.
I am trying to obtain price of an item using vlookup() function on the identifier “0003128” (7 digits) stored with “custom” format “0000000” in one worksheet. However in other worksheet, the identifier is stored as “000312” (6 digits) with “text” format without the last digit ‘8’. I tried using the left(A,6) function on “0003128” but instead of returning “000312” it returns “3128” and I’m unable to use the vlookup() function.
I need a formula that will bring up the Model type of a product based on its Material code. All the models I need to generate have a "root" number in them (the first 6 digits define model type). This is what I need to fill out:
I have come up with this to Trim all of the data from rows 2:30 removing any trailing spaces after the last word in each cell. The macro takes a couple of minutes to run have I got something wrong that is making it run slowly or does the Trim process just take longer?
Sub TRIM_RANGE() Dim myRange As Range Dim myRow As Range Sheets("CAMPAIGNS_2007").Select Set myRange = Range("2:30") If myRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Application. ScreenUpdating = False myRange.Replace What:=Chr(160), Replacement:=Chr(32), _ LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False For Each myRow In myRange.Columns If Application. CountA(myRow) > 0 Then myRow.TextToColumns Destination:=myRow(1), _ DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:=Array(0, 1) End If Next myRow Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
verify that this syntax is correct. I just started working with Charts in VBA and it is getting very frustrating. This code should be able to run up to 140 cycles but it quits making charts at 7. Something I'm missing? If it is of any relevance sometimes it errors out at the HasTitle and Legend properties.
Dim myChtObj As ChartObject Dim rngChtData As Range Dim rngChtXVal As Range Dim rng As Range X = 0 y = 2 z = 1
Do Until y = 8
Set rngChtData = ActiveSheet.Range("A2:A352").Offset(0, z)
i have an excel file which tracks break time. The program works by logging in the start time of break and the log out time of the break of every employee. What I would like to do is to have a prompt if the user immediately logs out at an early time. Say if the user's start time break is 1:00 PM, if he happens to log out immediately, he should be given a prompt that he can only log out after 25 of his total 30 minute breaktime. Thus he can only log out at 1:26 PM.
My code below currently logs in and logs out the time but without the prompt i would like to have.
I wish to subtract the date 11/18/1877 from 11/16/1968 to get a result showing the number of intervening days but excel does not want to do it.
When I take 11/18/1900 from 11/18/1968 and format the result to get a number with no decimals the result is 24835 as it should be; but it does not seem to work for dates earlier than 1/1/1900.
The data consists of 2 columns essentially, Scheduled Delivery Date and Actual Delivery Date.
If the Delivery was made on time or early, I want to count it. I will do a similar count for Late as well.
Additionally, the user can enter the Scheduled date range they want to count early/on time deliveries from. There all also blanks in the Actual Delivery date column where deliveries have not been made (no actual).
Cells O3:O38 contain the Actual dates Cells N3:38 contain the Scheduled dates Cell B3 contains the begin date to start the range. Cell B4 contains the end date of the range.
I have tried using COUNTIFS and am having trouble getting the formula to work.
I know this will not work but I hope it shows the logic I want.Count range O3:O38 where values in O3:O38 are less than or equal to the corresponding cell value in N3:N38, for a range of N3:N38 that is greater than or equal to the date in B3 and less than or equal to the date in B4.
All i want is to give solution for this time in and to deduct late minutes to the salary of staff.
Date IN OUT Thu 4/3/20149:1418:39 Sat 4/5/20149:0117:56 Sun 4/6/20148:5817:58 Mon 4/7/20149:1217:50 Tue 4/8/20149:1618:00 Wed 4/9/20149:0216:06 Thu 4/10/20149:1017:54
I have a very large spreadsheet with the following columns: WO# (number field); Start date (date format MM/DD/YYYY); Frequency (text); and craft (number). I am trying to have code that checks the frequency and if is "Monthly" or "Weekly" it just goes on to the next row; if it is "Annual", it adds 163 to the start date (start date needs to changed to a numeric field); if it is "Semi-annual", it adds 82 to the start date; if it is "Quarterly", it adds 45 to the start date; and so on, there about 20m different frequencies. After it adds the above value to the start date, I need to check if that number is less than today's date (the day I run the code). If it is, it needs to flagged as "LATE" and the whole row of info copied to another worksheet with LATE as the title and all the column headings and info copied to the worksheet. I hope this makes sense to someone because I am a beginner in Excel and even less informed when it comes to VBA. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The way the process must work is that I need to check the frequency and if it is "Weekly" or "Monthly" , it is ignored and goes on to the next row. All other frequencies are cut in half, i.e., "Annual" is 183 days, "Semi-annual is 92 days", "Quarterly" is 45 days, "2-Year" is 365 days, and so on. This number needs to added to the scheduled start date (now formatted as a number, not a date, and checked to see if it is smaller than today's date (also a number). If it is, it is reported on the second worksheet (titled Late).
I'm working with data as displayed below. My objective is to create a table by Model with summed quantitiies in two columns representing On-Time and Late. On-Time is achieved when Date Shipped is on or before the Promised Date. I have included the required format to be achieved in the second example. I'm willing to work with macros or VBA for the solution. I just need guidance to learn how to accomplish this task.
I have a 2010 excel sheet containing 14 columns and 45082 rows in total. I am quite illiterate when it comes to writing macros but I know that what I need can be achieved with a set of codes.
To be more clear, I inserted two tables below. The first one represents the current data structure, and the second one is the way I want my data to look like.
Current data structure looks like Variable 1 Variable 2 Variable 3
I am putting together a simple table to display current week's data vs previous weeks. The current week's data is drawn from a status chart which changes frequently. The constant change is fine for 'Current' as I only want the current data displayed.
The problem I am having is calculating the number of late jobs that existed during the previous week.
The status log has a due date which is compared to the current date to determine 'on time' status for the current week. Due dates are reissued regularly so I can't use
=COUNTIF(RANGE,WEEKNUM(NOW()-1)) to return data about last week from my status chart.
I have available a 'Movement Log' (in the workbook but a separate worksheet) which tracks the changes in the due date field, but I'm not sure how to integrate that data to calculate the # of jobs that were running late from the last week.
My thought is that I need to perform a count of the # of late based on a comparison of 'due date' to 'date of the last day of last week' with a way to insert the "old due date" from the movement log to replace what is shown in the status log if necessary.