Highlight Rows With A Macro
May 18, 2009
i have all countries in column A in sheet 1 and some countries in column A in sheet 2. how can i highlight same countries between two sheets from column A to Z in sheet 1
for example in sheet 1 column A is:
and in sheet 2 column A is
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Feb 8, 2012
Can this be automated?
I have an excel sheet called "Summary Tab" where I highlight specific rows that has the largest variances for the month. And, then within the same workbook I have about 10 different sheets which has more info regarding the accounts hightlighted in the "Summary Tabs".
For example, the following accounts were hightlighted in grey in the summary tab.
-------- Column A
Row 1 -- Training
Row 5 -- Printing Expense
Row 9 -- Travel Expense
Row 12 -- Telephone Expense
Now, i have to highlight the same accounts in Prior Yr, Current Yr, Detail tab...etc (all of the sheets in the workbook has different row for training, printing...etc
I tried recording this but it doesn't work like it should because each month the variance could be different.
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Nov 5, 2012
How to create a macro that would highlight a row that has the following condition :
ref num
In this table, i need a macro that would highlight the row that has alice data due to it been having 1 ref number count under the ref num column. The macro should loop and end with msg " there are 'x' records having 1 ref number count"
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Jan 16, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with month names in column A10 and down and want to highlight the row based off a cell(which will be A3) so if cell A3 = Nov it would highlight all rows that have Nov in column A. I don't want to highlight the entire row just columns A.
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Aug 6, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where if Cell A2 says "Deposit", Rows A2-E2 would be formatted with a Blue background.
I've tried conditional formatting, but I can't built it into a Macro (I can't make it run), and it only highlights the cell that has that value. I also tried having the spreadsheet filter down to only the values I want highlighted, then highlighting all cells and un-filtering the column- this didn't work either.
It would basically say :
If (any cell in Row A) has text = "Deposit" (it needs to be exact, it can't be "containing"), set cell with the word "Deposit" and 4 cells to the right as Blue (I'm not picky about the color).
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Apr 24, 2014
How to write one (apart from relying on tutorials). I have written the following and got stuck
My spreadsheet consist of 3 rows of numbers for every sample, and I want to highlight with grey every three rows at a time to tell one apart from another. With the current strings I can only highlight one row, how to expand the selection?
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Mar 5, 2014
I am looking for a VBA to highlight a every other set of rows in a data set in grouped by name. I am able to do so by using conditional formatting but being that I will be doing this on a frequent basis. I have attached an example of what I'd to do.
If c2 = c1 then copy row color, if c2 does not equal c1 then highlight row light grey.
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Dec 23, 2009
im sort of new to functions in excel, so ill tell you what i have and what i need.
i have the cells A1-J-1 with info in them, i got it set so when i place an X in J1 it highlights the cell GREEN. i want it to Highlight the WHOLE row A1 through J1
as well as a2 a3 a4 ect ect so anytime i place an X in a j column it highlights that whole row. is there a way to do this?
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Oct 15, 2008
i'm looking for a vba script, that will HIGHLIGHT duplicate cells, by the row.
etc.. lets say i have
a w
a s
e t
v t
If i click on Col / cell a and run the script, rows 1 & 2 will be selected.
I i click on Col / cell b and run the script, rows 3 & 4 will be selected.
i know there are heaps around that will change colour etc. but i just want to highlight?
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May 12, 2007
I am trying to set formula to change row colour when certain criterias are met the options must be availiable for all rows but Governed of one colum.
Eg. If Cell A1 = "Contacted" then row will change to colour Green,
"Left message then row will change to amber
"Not contacted" then row will change to Red
"Do not contact" then row will change blue
If these can be set as drop down menu to save operator typing them that's even better.
Once one is set I can copy the formula into the remaining collums.
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Apr 1, 2014
I am working on a very long worksheet and creating a macro to automatically highlight the row that I am working on
Ex: If I am on row 2 I can use a shortcut to highlight it in blue when I am done working on it I can use another short cut to remove the highlight
Or if I am working on row 5 and 6 I can highlight 2rows or more but still able to remove the color after.
I am wondering if I can have different shortcuts for color blue, green and yellow and another shortcut for removing it.
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Oct 21, 2008
I would like to find a way that will look on a worksheet for a specfic word and highlight all the rows that contain this data.
Column A - Has the wording "JOB" & "WORK"
I want this to look down column A find all the rows with the word "JOBS" and just highlight them rows, i dont want a highlight like conditional formating but a highlight like when you click on the entire row.
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Jan 12, 2010
I have data from Col A to Col M, in Col C i have amounts, i need a conditional format that will highlight rows from Col A to M in yellow which are >5,000,000.00 and
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Nov 3, 2006
i have a series of colums in which i have a formula for checking if each proceding row has the same value in the cells above ie duplication. i am using the following formula
= if(and (C4=C3),(D4=D3),(E4=E3)),"yes","") although this seems to work ok, some of the cells in colums D & E are empty.
what should i do to check for this.
what i am attempting to do is check for duplicate rows where the row is only a duplicate if the previous row is identical.
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Nov 21, 2006
I need to run a macro that compares two columns and Highlights the ineuality rows in both columns
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Feb 15, 2013
I am wondering how I can highlight rows that contain the same text across selected columns (not all). For example, consider the following table:
I want to focus on Columns B, C, and D. I would like rows 3 and 5 to be highlighted, since they share the same text across the target columns. I assume this can be done via a formula in Conditional Formatting, but I'm not sure.
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Feb 14, 2014
I have a very large spreadsheet (46,000 rows). There are a couple hundred rows I need to find and highlight, and also insert potentially-linked contract numbers in a second column.
For example:
Column 1: Column 2:
Contract # Linked Contract #
12345 67890
Is there a quick way to do this without using find and replace to highlight all several hundred of these rows? I have an hour and a half until I leave work and my boss wants it today! Compounded is the problem that there are about 100 versions of this spreadsheet I need to do this for.
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Feb 11, 2014
do a conditional format rule that will highlight every other row of my excel spreadsheet when the value in a specific Column (say Column A) differs than the previous.
I've attached a sample worksheet with what I want it to look like after the conditional format rule is applied (every other row highlighted in light blue). The rule needs to apply to all rows in the worksheet beginning with ROW 2 (I don't need the rule to apply to the column header which is in ROW 1).
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Dec 24, 2008
I need to creating a macro to highlight entire rows if a cell in that row (C) contains specific values.
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Jul 31, 2009
I am trying to accomplish three things with the attached workbook. The first thing is the insert a blank row between the different part numbers, column "A" to make the sheet easier to read. The second thing is to highlight the data in light gray (A:E) leaving the blank row that was created empty. The third is to then sort the worksheet by data in column "A" to group like numbers together.
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Dec 7, 2012
I have a 14 column report with a dynamic range of rows. In Column A, there will only be one cell that contains the text "Added Sections:".
I need to highlight, 10 whole rows up to the 14th column, after the cell that contains "Added Sections:".
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Jan 15, 2014
I'm looking for a formula in column F that will return True if there are any negatives or blanks in E for any of that item A?
False if variance is blank or all off that item has no variance?
Excel 2010
[Code] .....
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Apr 11, 2008
I have a whole spreadsheet of data which looks confusing so I need to make it look more attractive to the viewer.
I have column A which shows a number of the branch conducting the transaction and the column will contain numerous different branches which I have sorted into branch order.I think there are too many branches to use the conditional formatting condition (probably 5000 different numbers)
What I wish to do is change the colour of the cell when the branch name changes.
For example
Column A= Branch number
What I need is to highlight all branches 123 with a colour (any colour say red) but when the change in branch number occurs to 345 use a different colour to highlight all the branches (cells) with the number 345 (say grey).Then when the branch changes to 456 use the same colour that highlighted branch 123 (ie red) .Then again when the branch changes to 789 change the colour back to grey again so the spreadsheet shows rows highlighted when a different branch occurs
The above example would look like
Column A
all branches with 123 ( cell highlighted any colour but say red)
branches 345 cells highlighted grey
branches 456 cells highlighted red
branches 789 grey
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Aug 7, 2007
I am having a problem finding or creating a macro for what i am needing to do. I have a workbook with 2 worksheets (2 months july and august) to figure out a billing process.
I need to be able to First of all search each value in Column A on sheet 2 (august) to Column A on sheet1 (July).
My sheet is set up like this where ID is a buyer and Products 1,2,3...are if they have purchased that product from us
1 ID Product_1 Product_2 Product_3
2 100 0 0 1
3 200 1 1 0
4 300 1 0 0
5 400 0 1 0
Better Picture representation attached
Both worksheets are very similar but August may have some changes from July such as new ID's and changed prduct purchases. What I need to do is have each ID in Column A be compared to Column A in the July sheet, but it may not always be the same cell (because of new ID's added they are moved around)..so it need to search for the same ID first then compare. Once it finds the ID, I then need it to compare the rest of the row (the product info) for that ID to see if any products were added or changed to determine billing. And for any changes that are found in the comparison, I need them to be highlighted.
Now in the case that a new ID was added...it wont be in the July sheet, so the whole row would need to be highlighted to notify of a new ID and new billing needs to be added.
This way the billing person can look at the sheet, see the highlited changes and see what is new or needs to be added to a previous ID's billing. Currnelty they are looking at it manually to see if there are changes.
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Aug 23, 2007
I need VBA help. I know how to highlight every other row but what I can't do is highlight a row if column values are the same. For example I have 5 columns but only the first one has the data I'm interested in. If the data in the first column looks something like this:
I want to highlight every other row that has similar values therefore I want to highlight row 2, both row 4s, and three 6s...etc.
I also want it to start on the 2nd row of every page until the last row of every page which is row 37 in my case.
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Jan 19, 2014
how to highlight entire rows within a spreedsheet based on the information in a cell. I have gone to the conditional formatting and done:
=$A4="Needs Labs" and formatted that red, but when i go to note what areas it applies to, It will not highlight the row. I use the wizard box to decide where to apply the formatting like I saw on an online tutorial and dragged across the row, but nothing happened.
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May 9, 2014
I have a running list of to-do items sorted by date due (the dates are in the "C" column and start at row 9 to make room for some title info.)
VBA code that would highlight the rows of items that fall in the current week or next 7 days, whichever is easier.
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May 29, 2012
I am trying to write a procedure to highlight entire rows in VBA based on a entry in column A.
I have the below which works for say 1000 rows but breaksdown when I have 58,000 rows which is the usual amount of data I will have.
Below is the code I have so far. It appears when I debug it breaks on the red line with type mismatch.
Option Explicit
Sub RemoveBH()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim intcount As Long
For intcount = Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
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Jul 22, 2014
I'm finding it hard to explain what I am trying to do (which may be why I can't find a solution through Google), so I have an example. I am using a much larger spreadsheet than this sample(18,000 rows)
I want to highlight rows if there are multiple instances of ID and # values - I included a column at the end showing which rows in this data set would be highlighted.
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Apr 17, 2008
I have a large file of invoices, and some have been paid. The problem is, sometimes it is not paid against the correct invoice, so I have a lot of credit and debit that should offset each other. I want to go through the sheet and highlight all the rows that has a matching ID and an a 0 value when total amount column was added up to another row. I would like it so that it highlights a different color for every pair of offsetting amount, but the same color highlight is fine too.
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