Return Multiple Lines From Workbooks Onto On Worksheet
Jan 21, 2009
I looking at attempting to combine 26 spreadsheets all into one with a macro. Basically i have 26 spreadsheets detailing all items placed into different suspesne accounts, these are on going so they can be up to 2000 lines long. All 26 spreadsheets are contained in one folder with a backup of each.
Columns B - F detail the payment being applied.
Columns G - J detail the payment being removed.
I was hoping the would be a way for a macro to look into each one and if there is data in column E (value) and not in column I (vlaue removed) then return the whole line onto a new worksheet. So basically after i have run the macro i would have one worksheet with all outstanding items on instead of having to open each one and copy and pasting.
The lines will always vary on each workbook as to where the outstanding payments is and im using excel 2003.
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Feb 27, 2014
The following code won't let me copy from the first workbook. I get a run time 1004 error stating "That command cannot be used on multiple selections".
I would rather not have to copy this by column for each of the 4 workbooks
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May 8, 2013
I have a set of excel files that I need to combine into one worksheet. The files have the same number of rows but the number of column will vary. The combined worksheet needs to have the data from each workbook appended to the last column.
Question 1
Question 2
[Code] ........
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Feb 12, 2009
i have a group of workbooks all housed in the same folder 'ro24_ws' - who's path is -
what i am looking for is some code to copy a worksheet named 'ro24' from each workbook within this folder into a single workbook
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May 31, 2012
I have a worksheet in excel that has financial data for several departments and schools. The data is across 2 columns and 948 rows. I need to break the data down into multiple workbooks so I can use and existing email macro to send them to managers. There is a unique character that separates the data and I was able to use a previously written macro to enter page breaks which is below, but I'm having trouble using the same unique character (or page break) to put the data into separate workbooks.
Dim PBRange As Range, PB As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set PBRange = .Range("A1:A1000")
For Each PB In PBRange
If PB.Value = "***********" Then
.HPageBreaks.Add before:=PB
End If
End With
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Oct 5, 2009
I have to report on 6 departments each with 6 sub departments weekly. First I need to consolidate 6 ( move/copy worksheet to consolidated workbook using a macro) separate worksheets (all saved in the same folder) per department into single workbook (preferably generated automatically by macro/code). I then need to repeat the above process for another 6 files per sub department. The output files should be pasted as "values" while retaining all other formatting. In essence I need to automate the whole right click on tab, select move or copy worksheet function in excel to take the load out of doing it manually.
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Apr 15, 2008
I have a folder with an unlimited number of Excel Workbooks. Data within workbooks are in same format - 3 columns of data. I would like to extract the Data in the range (B55:B70) for every workbook, transpose the data and append by rows into one worksheet.
To be clear - I want to take data range B55:B70 from first workbook,transpose and put on first row - take data range from second workbook, transpose and put on second row, repeating for unlimited number of times...
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Jun 19, 2008
I have about 200 excel workbooks in one folder, each with a different workbook name, and each workbook has one sheet, but that sheet has a different name in each workbook. I want to make the sheet name the same (sheet 1) in all the workbooks.
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Apr 8, 2014
I'm trying to take a single worksheet from a workbook and merge them all into one workbook. In that master workbook I'm looking to have each of the worksheets on different tabs and the tab names as the original workbook name.
So if I have Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 in a folder. I want to open a new spreadsheet, run this macro, select the folder with the Workbooks in, and have it take the range selected from the worksheet 'other' from each of the workbooks and generate a 'master' Spreasheet where each tab would be called Workbook1, Workbook2, Workbook3, Workbook4 and the contents would be from the 'other' tab
I found some of Ron de Bruin's code online which I've tried to customise.
Currently this takes a range from the tab specified, puts it into an array and then pastes it all into different columns on one worksheet. change this so that it creates a new worksheet for each original workbook, and names it after that workbook.
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Nov 14, 2008
Objective: use VB to copy the first sheet (tab) from every Excel file in a specific folder to a new sheet/tab (for each) in a master spreadsheet. I will then aggregate this data into a summary table.
Following the advice of an old thread (Access: VBA combining multiple excel files to 1 new sheet), one time for each file in the folder. So with three excel files in the folder, I get 3 new tabs in my master spreadsheet but all are copies of the first tab in the master spreadsheet.
I'm wondering if maybe the code, which was in a post from 5 years ago, needs to be "modernized" for Excel 2007. Thanks for any help.
This is the code I'm using:
Sub Combine()
Fpath = "C: emp2" ' change to suit your directory
Fname = Dir(FilePth & "*.xls")
Do While Fname <> ""
Workbooks.Open Fpath & Fname
Sheets(1).Copy After:=Workbooks("Master.xlsm").Sheets(Workbooks("Master.xlsm").Sheets.Count)
Workbooks(Fname).Close SaveChanges:=False
Fname = Dir
End Sub
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Jun 11, 2014
I am attempting to write code for a macro that can cycle through about 30 excel workbooks and merge the data. getting the raw data on one sheet is not a problem, but I also need to sort similar data into corresponding columns while merging such that all data from the workbooks with a certain column heading will be in a single column with a single heading on the summary sheet. The problem is that the column headings on the source workbooks are not always standardized, i.e. "F high", "high F". Each sheet has several columns that look like the one below, with a header at the top and a series of numbers. (please ignore the dashes, I just used them to line up the columns in this post, in excel each value is in a different cell)
F Low---F High---V Low
My vba skills are very basic, so I have been approaching this problem with a mountain of if..else and InStr commands, which doesn't seem like the best method and isn't working.
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Aug 1, 2014
I have several workbooks (5) with the same variables (columns- A:Q) but with a changing amount of rows (2:n, not including the headers). Each row corresponds to a date range (usually a week) for a particular person (up to 40 people) plus a few other values.
I would like to have a way of "merging" or "compiling" the 5 "seed" workbooks into 1 "master" worksheet. Where rows 2:n of each of the 5 "seed" workbooks are added to the master without any duplication of the same name-date range combination. Also, the master worksheet should not include the rows which only contain a name and date range but for which all the other variables are zero or missing.
Each "seed" workbook would have a button that sends the data over to the "master" worksheet.
Is this a really difficult project? Feasible for someone with near to zero VBA experience?
I attached 3 files to show you what I mean. The 2 "seed" files are merged into the "master" file. Please note that in the files only 2 names are used, but the "seed" files could contain any combination of 40 some names. Also note that the length of rows which contains data in the "seed" files is variable, although it should not be longer than 16 rows + the header row.
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Jan 17, 2012
I am looking for macro where it can generate multiple workbooks with a single worksheet data source. I have this worksheet with data which is look like this:
This data will be places in 1 workbook for each of line with given file name as page number above those workbooks generated will have same information for each line but at different cell position such as: take this example at line 3
Microsoft Excel 2007
Window 7Pro 64bit
This line could be up to 50 lines of data. I try google search but found most about consolidate multiple workbooks to single worksheet. I do have VBA reference that I refer to from [URL] ......
How to put the information from the worksheet into specific position in the workbooks.
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Aug 24, 2012
I have around 21 excel files in a particular folder all the files column headings are same and but number of line differ from 0 to 50K. Overall all 21 files will have more then 2 Lakhs lines.
i require a code which consolidate the all 21 files in to single workbook. if first sheet in full then data should copy to next sheet, so on. I also require file name in the first column of destination file when files are being copied.
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Mar 6, 2014
I have a different worksheet in the same workbook for every "gig" that I book. Each gig contains the name of the musicians I staffed on the gig along with their salary+expenses For taxes, I need to summarize into a new worksheet how much each musician made. Ideally i'd see not only the total per name but itemized. So if 1 guy did 3 diff gigs, I'd see each row pertaining to his name.
Lastly, I'd like to include names that do not have multiple records because it's possible there is inconsistencies with the spelling of certain names.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have a worksheet (named "A") contains all data, and would like to have a macro to searching in A under condition of date,and return those data to in a cell of different worksheets (saying worksheet B, C, D). and everytime i run the macro previous data wouldn't be replaced by new one. Example: worksheet A has data
worksheetname date number
B 01/01 10
B 02/01 11
B 03/01 12
C 01/01 13
C 02/01 14
C 03/01 15
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Mar 7, 2014
I need a formula or array to perform the following in Excel 2010:
I have 2 worksheets "Master Report" and "Free text comments". The master report will be shaed with individuals but the Free Text comments worksheet will not.
sample feedback report.xlsx
In cells D2 downwards on the "Master Report" I want to show the individual feedback comments from the "Free Text comments" worksheet that have been made by other people for the individual named in cell A2 on the "Master Report" worksheet. So on James' master report it would show the 8 individual comments listed for him on the Free text comments" worksheet.
I have searched the internet and tried various combos of lookups, IFs, index and match but have not come across the right formula yet.
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Dec 5, 2008
What formula do I need for the cells in column F to show the name of the cheapest supplier ... for example the cheapest (£17,820) in line 2 is supplier A ????
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a large table in the final tab of my excel book. This table contains data such as Company name, contact details, etc but also a date which I must contact them on (this is nothing sinister, just a curtsy call following a job ).
The problem I am having is that I am running a vlookup on the first tab on a cell referring to todays date. This only brings shows one record which is the first occurrence of this date. This isn't very useful to me
The problems I need solving are:
I would like to be able to vlookup a range of dates (i.e. 7 days before or after todays date) - how do it do this?
I would also like to be able to return multiple results (i.e. if there is more than one company within that date range I would like them to show).
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Sep 10, 2012
In my userform I have a list of check box's that can be selected. Currently if more than one is selected, they will appear in the spread sheet in the same line one after another with a space between them. How do I make it so they either appear with a comma appearing after each, so the next value appears on the next line below or most perferably the cell turning to a drop down list with the values?
Current code
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox1.Caption
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox2.Caption
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox3.Caption
If CheckBox4.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox4.Caption
If CheckBox5.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox5.Caption
If CheckBox6.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox6.Caption
Spreadsheet current cell appearence if all 6 are selected ' Chinnook EH101 Lynx Puma Sea King Fixed Wing'
Required appearence:
Sea King
Fixed Wing
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Mar 24, 2012
I have a column of cells with Customer info and address in each row, that I need to move into multiple columns. ie Cust name, acct #,address, city,state, zip the problem is ALL of the info for each customer is in ONE cell.To be clear, cell B1 has complete name address etc for one customer, B2 has the info for another, B3... on and on. To complicate matters as in the example, there is not a pattern in the lines. the first example shows the info beginning on the 2nd line of the cell, but the 2nd example shows info in the first line. I have tried the text to column fixed width. Didn't work because names and addresses are of varying lengths. Then I tried delimited, but there isn't a common separation between different data. I am using excel 2007. FYI I did go through many many threads and found some that were close to my problem but not close enough to work.
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Jul 10, 2014
I have a challenge where in have a list of about 4000 rows and each cell have mutiple lines. ( i know there is a thread about this but that did not address my issue).
So my data is as follows - (I have attached teh sample file)
"Pari bom - GP and CFO 02547895452
papa bom - GP and CFO 23365789541
mama bom - CFO 2587412589
nana bom - CFO 2587412589
masi bom - CFO 2587412589
I want to be in a position to seperte each line in exclusive rows and then seperate teh name, number and the email ... the later eing easier but cant get my head around seperating the cells.
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Jan 23, 2010
share a macro to copy cells from range C20:C300 and paste them in C2 on multiple lines. If possible two lines gap between each cell's value when they are pasted in C2.
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Jun 24, 2010
I need a macro that will seperate multiple lines in more than one cell into multple rows.
Cells G-N contain multiple lines of data that I must split out into multiple rows; the multiple lines of data must be parced out into the same row.
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Jan 11, 2010
I'm working on a worksheet that another person started. For some reason there are dotted gray lines around every single cell in the print area in the print preview (no idea what this person did or who this person is, so I can't ask them). Anyhow, I need to get rid of these dotted gray lines. Clicking on no borders does not work.
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Nov 18, 2011
I am using excel 2010, windows 7. When i make a new worksheet or update it randomly blanks out lines that already have information in them. It blanks out the row number also.
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Jan 6, 2009
I'm currently doing a survey using an excel workbook that contains multiple questions across multiple worksheets using radio buttons linked to certain cells.
I have around 400 workbooks coming back to me, so what i want to do is take specific values from across many worksheets within each workbook and combine them into a large master table in a seperate workbook.
I've tried using VBA, but not being very proficient at it i've hit a brick wall with that, so i'm hoping that there is an easier way to do it than what i'm currently pursuing.
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Feb 19, 2012
I've got data being scraped from a site, putting 1 new workbook in a folder each day
each workbook has 40 sheets in it.
i need to run 5 modules in sequence on a sheet then loop to the next sheet and run the same 5 modules.
ive writen all the modules, and can loop them through the sheets in sequence but i cant work out how to loop them through the each workbook in the folder..
is there an easy way to do this or can it not be done because it would need access to the folder that holds all the wordbooks which lives outside of excel on the desktop ?
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Jun 21, 2006
I have to the following lines in the header (left side).
Canadian Mutual Fund Industry
Gross Sales By Fund Company
As at January 31, 2006
(FYTD Tier 1 Firms)
(C$ 000's)
the date is Strored in strDatey. the problem I m having is that I don't know how to make muliple lines in the header through the code.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strHeader As String
Dim strDatey As String
Sheets("FYTD Gross (Tier 1)").Select
strDatey = "April 20"
MsgBox (strDatey)
strHeader = strHeader & "Canadian Mutual Fund Industry " & strDatey ' text strDatey
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = strHeader
End Sub
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Mar 27, 2014
I have a list of projects and a list of milestones and I want to extract every milestone for a project one by one. I have found a way to do this for one project but as there is not a fixed number of milestones, it's proving tricky to do it for multiple projects as I don't know how to tell the formula to stop looking at the Project 1 and move on to Project 3 for example.
This is a very very simplified version of my table (there are other columns inbetween and many more projects)
Project 1Milestone 1
Project 1Milestone 2
Project 1Milestone 3
Project 1Milestone 4
Project 1Milestone 5
Project 2Milestone 1
Project 2Milestone 2
Project 2Milestone 3
Project 2Milestone 4
Project 2Milestone 5
Project 2Milestone 6
Project 2Milestone 7
Project 3 Milestone 1
Project 3 Milestone 2
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