Separate In Deferent Cells

Jan 21, 2009

when i copied data from text to excel it becomes all in one cell ,how can i separate in deferent cells ,file attached

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Shade A Cell Red If Two Separate Conditions Apply (in Separate Cells)

Dec 3, 2013

I'm trying to use a formula in conditional formatting to highlight a cell red if the cell contains a 0 but the date shown in another cell has passed. I want to copy the formatting throughout a column but I don't want the cell to highlight if there is no date in the other cell concerned.

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How To Separate Text From Numbers Into Two Separate Cells

Feb 13, 2014

I'm trying to separate text from numbers into two separate cells...

Essentially, I would like the users to copy and paste data into Column A, as seen below. Then, hopefully by formula separate the text characters into Column B and the numbers into Column C.

Input: Output 1: Output 2:

Col A Col B Col C
Wells 123 Wells 123
Wells 1234 Wells 1234
Wells Fargo 123 Wells Fargo 123
Wells Fargo 1234 Wells Fargo 1234
Wells Fargo Inc 123 Wells Fargo Inc 123
Wells Fargo Inc 1234 Wells Fargo Inc 1234

Ideally, I would like to do this with a formula...

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Linking Cells Globally To Allow Users Ability To Change Cells On Separate Sheet / Cells?

Feb 18, 2014

I have a workbook that uses the values that a user had entered into 3 cells to calculate multiple other charts/diagrams on multiple sheets within the workbook. Each sheet would show what the user had entered in the 3 cells to allow them to see what is being used to calculate each table. Is it possible to link these cells so that the user can change the 3 values without having to go back to where he originally entered the 3 values?

For example, a user has entered in 3 values in Sheet 1. A formula in Sheet 2 displays what is entered by the user and uses these calls in Sheet 2 for calculations. When the user wants to change the three values, he would have to navigate to Sheet 1 and enter in the new values to have the workbook recalculate all the tables. Is there a way to link the three cells from Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 so when the user is on Sheet 2, he has the opportunity to change the values on the current Sheet without having to navigate to Sheet 1 to do so?

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Match 2 Separate Cells To A Table?

Nov 5, 2009

I would like a formula that will take the info from 2 cells (not adjacent to each other or in the same row) and then look these up in a table giving the answer in the 3rd column somewhere else on the worksheet.

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Adjustable Rows Via Separate Cells

Dec 10, 2013

Need to adjust the length of a countif formula from a separate cell

something like this ?


H21 being the cell i will change value to indicate rows

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Separate Table From Rest Of Cells?

Dec 16, 2013

Im using a table so I can sort diffrent catagories and I'm trying to put other functions to the right of the table I noticed as I change the sort on the table is moves the information outside the table as well is there a way to seperate that information or do I just need to move it above my table?

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Updating Cells In Two Separate Worksheets

May 14, 2014

I need to find a way of updating cells in two separate worksheets. The cell address can vary.

Right now I am using a "button" which when clicked updates the cell value by an increment.

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Separate Text From One Cell Into Other Cells?

Feb 21, 2014

Is it possible to that the contents of a single cell and and place text of that cell into separate cells? From a web output I have some like the following in my first cell

asdfsdf|adkjoi|fdf234sd|fsf3ie43|||asdfjlkei393|dfjvie|d||adfjei|...goes on with 28 "|"

The text is in A1 and I would like it to take the first string of characters up to the | and place it into cell A2

Then take the next set of characters up to the next | and place into cell A3 and so on.

Once the cell in A1 has been completely separated, go down to the next row and do the same until it reaches the end of the data.

Normally I would create a text file with the web data and then import that in with "|" delimited fields but I don't want to create that extra step for the user.

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Alphabetize Separate Cells Of Data In Same Row

Nov 30, 2009

I have a worksheet with 6,500 rows of data. In each row, there are up to 6 cells containing a name in "Last, First" format. I need to alphabetize the data from these 6 cells so they go across the row in order left to right, alpha by last name.

Example of my data layout:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 Jackson, Bob / Anderson, Lisa / Cardinal, Mike
Row 2 Tomlinson, Steve / Dodge, Sarah / White, Brian

I need them to be in this order:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 Anderson, Lisa / Cardinal, Mike / Jackson, Bob
Row 2 Dodge, Sarah / Tomlinson, Steve / White, Brian

Is there a formula I can apply that will pull from only the portion of the data before the comma in each cell? Or do I need to separate out all of the names so the first and last names are in separate columns for this to work?

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Macro To Separate String Into Three Cells

Nov 17, 2011

Is there any way to create a macro for the following:

I have the following format

First Name MI Last Name in Column A.

Sometimes there is a space on the last name for someone with a last name Mc Cormick (for example)

Also, sometimes the list of names is short and sometimes the list of names is long. Is there a way to get a "universal" macro in place, that will not depend on the number of names in the list but will be able to detect when the list ends?

So far I was able to run the macro to get them from text-to-column into cells A, B, and C. However, the middle column sometimes contains the last name if there isn't a middle initial. I need a way to test the middle column for more than one character. If there is more than one character, it is a last name and needs to be in the third column.

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Separate And Delete Date Into New Cells

Jan 25, 2012

I have a table that I've imported into excel. Below are 2 samples of the information in the cells..


Basically I would like to separate into 3 columns as such

From A1;
D1 = Unspecified
From A2;
D2 = U

When Importing I can't use delimited or fixed width. I can do this with Find and Replace and copying cells, but thought there might be a more savvy way to do this.

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Isolate XY Coordinates In Separate Cells

Sep 17, 2013

I have a cell in F2 that looks like this...

Kansas City, MO
(39.104810141000485, -94.47983043799968)

I need to isolate the coordinates in separate cells. IE "39.10481014000485" in cell J2 & "-94.47983043999968" in cell K2. The problem is that some of the cells don't have 14 numbers behind the decimal, and my formula will sometimes grab either the comma ( "," ) or the end parenthesis ( ")" ). Is there a formula I can use to isolate the two coordinate plots?

The good thing is every cell is formatted exactly like this. I had been using a formula that looks like this.


I think it's close. I just cant figure out how to tell the formula to stop at the first comma, and to stop at the end parenthesis for the second set of coordinates.

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How To (save As) Using Data From 2 Separate Cells

Sep 23, 2013

The current macro I have allows me to save 'sheet 2' as the name in cell sheet1 B2, which is a 6 digit number. I now want it to save as data from 2 cells, sheet1 B2 followed by sheet1 B1, which is job name (eg. 112233 microsoft excel).

This is the current formula I have:

Public Sub saveworkbook()
Dim filename1 As String
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=2, Collate:=True, _
filename1 = Range("b2")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:= _
"C:UsersAndrew.SDocumentsInterloc DocumentsHardware Sheets" & filename1
End Sub

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Separate Text And Numbers Into Two Different Cells?

Jan 11, 2014

I want to separate the text and numbers into two different cells. Basically, I have the entire drawing details in one cell and I need to split it up, e.g. I have:

KEEP PLATE 902 4 0002

STOOL 525 4 0199

PACK PLATE 525 4 0200

PACK PLATE 525 4 0201

PACK PLATE 525 4 0202

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Printing Name And Time In Separate Cells

Apr 30, 2009

In my Workbook, Sheet 1 i have Cells B2, C2, D2, H2 all with Name, Age, M/F and Fastest time,
on Sheet 3 i have Cells A4, B4 with Under 20 Male and Time.

What i want to know is how do i go about searching the Age and M/F cells and printing the names of the people who fit the criteria ( for under 20 male it would be males aged 16, 17, 18 and 19) into A4 and their time into B4

to make it worse i want to order the times/names in fastest to slowest time .

i can get half way there but i cant seem to get the formula to pick up on >=16 and

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Parsing Names In Separate Cells

Oct 23, 2009

a smart formula (no VBA) that will reverse the order of a list of names - parsing into separate columns.

The formula needs to be able to recognize/distinguish that if a comma(s) is present, then the names are listed as last, first middle. If there is a period this means the name has a middle initial or that a suffix is present. So,if the names are listed as last, first and middle then in the next columns will have in the proper order first name, middle name or initial (keep the period) and last name (loosing the comma of course).

If the original name order is in normal order - first middle and last then the formula should just pass through without any change. Would need to preserve generational titles such as Jr., Sr., III etc. Not sure where the best place for the generational titles should end up. Probably as part of the last name. See examples:

Col ACol BCol CCol D Col E
William J. ClintonWilliam J. Clinton
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer Winston Leonard Spencer Churhill
Bates, JohnJohn Bates
James Knoll PolkJames Knoll Polk
Taft, William H.William H. Taft
Carter, James, Earl, Jr.James Earl Carter Jr.
Rockefeller, John Davidson, IVJohn Davison Rockefeller IV
Gates, William, H., IIIWilliam H. Gates III
St. James, Michael, Ken Michael Ken St. James

I tried using many variations of FIND, SEARCH, LEN and searching all the Excel boards to no avail.

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Extracting Words In Separate Cells

May 27, 2006

I need a formula which would from one cell extract the words in separate cells. I have probelms because the words in the sentence in the starting cell are not separate by spaces but dots. For example:

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Controlling Data Input In Two Separate Cells?

Jan 30, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that has a couple of columns that ask for "Move In Date" and the other "Move Out Date". These dates are used in other calculations so there can be only one or the other in each row. I have users that mistakenly either leave both blank or both popluated. Is there a way to stop them with a message telling them that a date needs to be entered or deleted, maybe with data validation?

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Separate The First And Lasts Names From One Cell Into Two Cells

May 18, 2008

This is where you introduce yourself? I make lists for my gf's dad's company using excel. One of my most excruciating tasks is to separate the first and lasts names from one cell into two cells. Does anyone know a quicker way to do this other than manually? I have 10,000 names to do and it's going to be hours if I do it by hand.

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Converting Pdf Cut And Pasted Data Into Separate Cells

Jan 26, 2009

I have rxd a pdf file that I need to manipulate I have copied the data into excel and now need it in individual cells:? The data looks like this: 02392950067 19/12/2008 14:33:35 02392950053 Portsmouth 1.9 £0.03. this is:

phone number calling | date called | time called | number called | duration in minutes | cost of call. If you're out there I'd be more than happy to hear from you. the cells to cut the data into will be formatted to take the data in the correct form. 02392950067 19/12/2008 14:33:35 02392950053 Portsmouth 1.9 £0.03
phone number calling | date called | time called | number called | duration in minutes | cost of call.

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Separate First And Last Names Entered In One Cell Into Two Different Cells

Feb 4, 2009

The database that I'm working on divides patient names into three separate columns: lastName, firstName, midInit. My department has several old spreadsheets that have data my boss suddenly wants included in my database. The trouble is, these old spreadsheets have the patient's last name, first name, and middle initial entered into the same column.

There are at least 200 hundred names in these spreadsheets. I absolutely do not want to go back and separate the names into separate columns by hand.

Is there any way to get Excel to take the names entered into one cell and split them into three cells?

I've attached a spreadsheet example that shows what I need to do.

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Compare Specific Cells From Three Separate Worksheets

Mar 27, 2009

Is there a way to compare specific data from three separate worksheets to see if they are equal?

I receive three daily reports that contain some of the same information that must match in order to correctly compile an Executive Report. Currently, I am doing this manually. Is there any way to automate the process to have a warning or something similar pop up if the numbers do not match?

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How To Separate Long Standard Text To Different Cells

Jan 8, 2013

How do i separate example: #EM/13/10000749#JTDEl_1234#abc-NORTH#1##No Traffic Data into separate cells like 0749 to A1 , JTDEl_1234 to A2 , abc-NORTH to A4 , 1 to A7 , No Traffic Data to A5

And then continued with another text of the same standard to the next row by just copying from "Notepad" and pasting it in excel.

All the text is following the same standard.

Example :
#EM/13/10000749#JTDEl_1234#abc-NORTH#1##No Traffic Data
#EM/14/10000730#JTDEl_1256#abc-SOUTH#3##No Connection
#EM/09/10001683#JTDEF_5674#abc-EAST#2##Low Data

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Pasting List Of Names Into Separate Cells

Feb 14, 2013

I have a list of names in a Word doc that is set up like this:

John Doe
Jane Doe
Doug Birch
Mary Birch

Is there a way to copy that list and paste it into Excel and make each name go into its own cell.

A1 John doe
A2 Jane Doe
A3 Doug Birch
A4 Mary Birch

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Auto-populating Cells On Separate Sheets?

Jan 9, 2014

I have two spreadsheets, one is a Log Sheet for invoices that we have been printing out and filling in my hand throughout the day as our field technicians complete their work. The second spreadsheet has a sheet for each technician where we manually input the technician's invoice numbers and payroll for each job completed on that day.

What I'd like is a way to combine these spreadsheets so that instead of printing and filling in the first sheet by hand, I could input the invoice data and have it automatically populate the cells for the appropriate technician.

This is the running log we keep throughout the day:


Then at the end of the day, we painstakingly transcribe the data for invoice number and payroll onto this sheet for each technician:


What I want is for Excel to automatically fill in each technician's payroll log with invoice number and payroll time as we fill in the running log throughout the day, is this a doable thing?

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Separate Date & Time Data Into 2 Different Cells

Aug 10, 2009

I have a cell with both date & time and I need to separate this into 2 separate cells, 1 for the date and 1 for the time. Sample is attached for the before and after formats.

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Listing The 2, 598, 960 Different Poker Hands In Separate Cells

Nov 11, 2007

Let's say My criteria is :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A (13 ranks of cards)
s c d h (4 different suits...s=spades c = clubs,etc)
5 would be the number of draws of 1 card to make a poker hand

How would I go about listing the 2, 598, 960 different poker hands in separate cells?

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Separate Text Wrapped Cells By Line

Feb 8, 2012

I have a database of address which have been inputted into text wrapped cells like this:

Line 4

Can I turn these lines into columns?

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Splitting Multiline Cells Into Separate Rows

Feb 13, 2014

I basically have a five column spreadsheet containing address information. While most cells only contain one piece of information, I have quite a few cells that have multiple lines of data in them because the individual has more than one address.

Here is an example. Note that Rows 1-2 contain single address info for each individual person. However, row 3 contains an individual with 3 pieces of address information in the four right hand columns:

Row 1: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 2: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 3: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

[carriage return in street address, city, state and zip cells]

--------------------------------- |Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

[carriage return in street address, city, state and zip cells]

--------------------------------- |Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

Row 4: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 5: Unique ID | Name | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

Please note that some individuals have 2-4 different addresses.

I would like to manipulate the 5 rows of example data above so that when I am done I have the following:

1. 7 rows of data (5 individuals with 7 total addresses)
2. Automatically copy and paste the unique id number and name into the two new rows that were created so that I have the following:

Row 1: Unique ID - 001 | Joe Chang | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 2: Unique ID - 002 | Joey Chung | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 3: Unique ID - 003 | John Smith | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 4: Unique ID - 003 | John Smith | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 5: Unique ID - 003 | John Smith | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 6: Unique ID - 004 | Jane Derry | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code
Row 7: Unique ID - 005 | Julie March | Street Address | City | State | Zip Code

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