Summing Multiple Cells Populated By Sumproduct Formula
Nov 9, 2012
I have this formula populating a huge table of data for number of inspections performed, the first reference is a name of an individual, the second reference is a name of the company, and the third reference is the week ending date.
there are 5 of these sheets for 5 different categories. I can get these spreadsheets to populate but i then need to be able to sum from each spreadsheet all of the times an individual inspected a certain company, so one cell in each of the 5 tables.
Each time I do this it returns a 0. If i sum from one table it will return a number but if I sum from multiple tables I get 0
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Jun 27, 2008
formula using if's and vlookup's to populate a calendar with x's for day a person is gone. however the last couple of people that are gone are not being marked on the calendar even though i use the exact same formula (except for cell numbers and such) for previous, working entries. Here is my formula
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Mar 26, 2013
I am working on a sum formula for a column and I only want to sum if the value is a multiple of 15 or likewise if the value divided by 15 is an integer. I know that I could use several sumif statements to accomplish this, but there isn't really a maximum value. Is there a simpler way to accomplish this? I am comfortable enough with VBA so that is definitely an option as well.
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Dec 25, 2009
I am attempting to use the if function that looks at a cell to see if it is a certain value and if so it adds the value of the cell above with another cell.
Here is the formula in cell AH26: =IF(G26=Variables!$F$4,AH25+AF26,AH25)
the problem is if the G25 did not equal Variables!F4 then AH25 is basically zero or the formula so when cell G26 does equal Variables!F4 then AH26 is supposed to sum AH25 with AF26 but AH25 cell's contents are a formula. How do I get it to ignore the formula and add AF26 with zero instead of the formula?
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May 9, 2014
I am looking for a formula which will sum numbers with less than symbols in front of them (i.e. they are text cells), and then replace the less than symbol again in the summed cell if initially present. The problem is that not every cell contains a < symbol, some of them are just numbers, and not every column contains a < symbol either.
e.g. I am looking for a formula which if entered in row 5 of this example would give these answers.
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Jan 13, 2014
I have made a basic holiday planner, where each employee has one worksheet which shows 52 x 5 day weeks.
When an employee asks for holiday, I put a 1 in the corresponding day (cell). What I need to happen is that if 4 first aiders all ask for holiday on the the same date a warning User form loads up.
The names of the 4 worksheets are;
"Jason L 2014", "Sharon L 2014", "Alan B 2014" and "Chris M 2014".
The ranges for the 5 day weeks are
"B7:F7", "L7:P7", "V7:Z7"
"B10:F10", "L10:P10", "V10:Z10"
"B13:F13", "L13:P13", "V10:Z13"
"B16:F16", "L16:P16", "V16:Z16"
[Code] ........
The code should not run the User form until the sum of the same cells across the 4 worksheets = 4.
By this I mean if 3 of the first aiders book B7 off, the code searches the 4 worksheets and if the sum is 3 then nothing happens. However if the 4th and final first aider tries to book the same day off, when the code runs it totals 4 and the User form runs.
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Mar 9, 2009
I am working on a task analysis involving functions performed by different operators, each function marked by an "X" and totaled at the bottom of each operator column. I have seven sheets, named "Main Engine, Propulsion System, APU and ELEC.", etc. Columns B-F on each sheet are headed "C/M, Engr, Nav, LM, DE" respectively.
I need to add/total the bottom figure in each column (total of number of X's for each column) on a separate, final worksheet. Each of the worksheets contains a different number of functions, therefore the total of X's in each column is listed in a different cell# on each worksheet.
So this is my dilemma as the thread title states: I need to be able to sum/total the amount form different cell numbers (same column) across different worksheets into a cell in a separate, final worksheet.
I have figured out how to do this if the numbers are in the same cell across worksheets, but not varying cells by column.
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Sep 5, 2006
My problem is that when i used the forumla = SUM(Q11:AW11) to add up the range of cells it dosnt do it. It only added up 2 of the numbers in the range of cells. And missed out everything else. This forumla is being used to add up all the volunteer hours for volunteers for each month and for all the other months the formula worked fine but now its just being a pain.
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Oct 1, 2009
I have 2 columns of data being populated by vlookups
Column H is both numbers and text. Column I is Text and blanks. I need to be able to find only numeric values in column H greater than 0 and compare those occurrences with the corresponding cells in column I and if column I has a text entry (not a blank space) than to count that and at the end give me a total number of times these 2 criteria are met. As an example.
If column H has a text entry then don't count it.
If column H has a number less than zero then don't count it.
If column H has a number greater than zero but column I is blank then don't count it.
If column H has a number greater than 0 and column I has a text entry then count it.
I've tried using many variations of a sumproduct formula and none of them work.
This formula counts all instances where column I has a text entry without checking column H for a number greater than 0.
=SUMPRODUCT(--(H2:H110>0),--(I2:I110<>" "))
Or it's possible that the formula is counting the text entries in column H as a number greater than 0 but I'v tried excluding text using this..
=SUMPRODUCT(--(H2:H110>0&<>"*"),--(I2:I110<>" "))
but this causes an error in the formula somehow that I can't figure out. I even tried this
=SUMPRODUCT(--(H2:H110>0&"*"),--(I2:I110<>" "))
and I get a formula that counts only the times text appears in column H and column I together which is not what I want either.
I'm self-taught on Excel so I know there's a lot I'm not understanding about creating formulas like this but I need to have this working by Friday and I just want it to work.
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Dec 6, 2009
Can a sumproduct formula accomodate multiple criteria?
The following is a sumproduct formula, for just one condition.
SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A100="Red Sox"),--(B1:B100""))
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Sep 26, 2013
I have a table that looks similar to the below. I want to be able to extract the numbers between the brackets and add all up in the last column (as shown in example below).
I have used something like the below however it returns #VALUE in column F because of the empty cells.
I need a formula that will be applicable even when there are empty cells and return the results as shown.
Worker (3)
Engineer (23)
Manager (1)
Plumber (2)
Designer (20)
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Jan 12, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with many worksheets, everyone except the first representing a year. Every worksheet has twelve tables (the months), the first row of each table has the days of the month and the second row has the data that I put on a daily basis. The first worksheet calculates statistics using the data from the other worksheets.
I am looking for a formula that returns the date by finding the last populated cell and looking right above it, so I can use this info in the first worksheet to show when the spreadsheet was last updated.
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May 30, 2014
I have a sheet that shows employee absences, I require a formula that will look to see if a friday and a monday are populated and auto-populate the saturday and sunday to match the run, if the only the monday is populated then the saturday and sunday need to stay blank, if only the friday is populated then I also need the saturday and sunday to stay blank.
I have attached a sheet with the current display and the desired outcome.
fill test.xlsx
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May 30, 2007
i need to find the last populated cell in the row say I9:CN9 and return the description for that column the resides in I5:CN5 and then fill the formula down for about 500 rows, just not sure even where to begin, do i need a custom formula in VBA? as i can't seem to find a combination that works built-in...
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Jul 23, 2014
Is it possible to count cells that all have a formula in them, but only count the cells that return a displayed result?
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Jul 27, 2014
I'm putting the finishing touches to a grade sheet for the new academic year. I have one column that calculates a grade using the OFFSET function from a given number of points. However, I only want this cell to show a grade when the nine individual unit columns have been populated. If fewer than 9 columns have been populated, the cell in question needs to be blank. I've tried using COUNTA to count the number of populated cells and then linking that cell to an =IF(Q5=9... formula, but haven't been able to crack it yet. I'm probably missing something obvious...
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Mar 3, 2008
I want to fill down and across a formula but the ranges wary depending on how many cells the data has been populated with.
At the moment i'm using the autofill function but can i use a do until function:
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("F4:EK4"), Type:=xlFillDefault
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("F4:EK1838"), Type:=xlFillDefault
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Jun 5, 2014
I'm trying to create an accounting document, but stuck in couple fields
1) Make balance appear in column E5 only if column C5 OR D5 is polulated, so goes for the rest of the cell in that colu
2) I like to have 2 digits after the decimal but (same as above) i want it to appear ONLY if there are any decimals to that number, all those 0 become confusing.
3) I need to make it so the last calculated cell on sheet Jan of column E gets transfered auto to sheet Feb D3 of F3 so the calculations could proceed to the next month
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Nov 15, 2006
Is it possible to count the number of cells in a row which contain data?
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May 14, 2014
I track distribution using 1 workbook for each sales rep. Each workbook has a separate worksheet (scorecard) for each of their locations showing which of our products are used in that location, for various functions. Each of the locations has a segment (bar, nightclub, casual dining, etc.), and a class (AA, A, B, etc.). All of the scorecards are identical, and are in the same file folder on our shared drive.
Location A Class:AA Segment: Sports Bar Rep: John Smith
Product: Product X Product Y Product Z
Well: 1 0 0
Back Bar: 0 1 0
Cocktail Menu: 0 1 1
I was unable to find an HTML maker so this is not an actual sample but what I'm looking at. The above data indicates that for location A (Sports Bar, Class AA), Product X is used as the well, Product Y is on their back bar and their cocktail menu, and Product Z is not used at this location at all.
I need to set up an analytic workbook where I can sum data based on multiple and grouped criteria, and for multiple reps ie- display a scorecard that shows totals for nightclubs and sports bars, class AA, A, and B, for a particular rep; OR display a scorecard that shows totals for nightclubs, class A for a group of reps. Ideally I would like to do this using drop down menus that allow the user to select multiple criteria in each of the drop downs, having the data auto-populate based on those selections.
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Apr 21, 2014
I have two or more fields of data, where parts of them are auto populated based on inputs from elsewhere. That part i have working fine, however the problem arises in taking that information and displaying it as a Bill of Materials list on another tab in my excel file. I want to take the information, and only display it in the BOM tab if that piece of information is being used (ie item count field not being 0). I know how to do that part in a rather simple format, however i'd prefer to make it so that when i have the list, and a certain item isn't used then its not included in the BOM, and an empty space is not left behind. I would prefer this to be all be done automatically by a formula if possible instead of just having to resort to sorting the table every time the tool is being used.
Is this even possible in excel, A quick example doc is attached, shows 2 example fields. i'd like to take the information from those 2 fields. and somehow create a single list, with a single heading along the top, with all row containing a 0 "Unit Count" to be omitted entirely from the list, and not have a blank space where the item should be. Keep in mind these fields may be greater than 2, and may not be position one after the other in a strait down line.
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Dec 26, 2011
Seeking a way to automatically select just the populated range of cells in Cols A, B and C starting with row 2. In this sample there are 48 however this changes.
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlBarStacked
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "=Sheet1!$C$1"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "=Sheet1!$C$2:$C$48"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).Name = "=Sheet1!$D$1"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).Values = "=Sheet1!$D$2:$D$48"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2).XValues = "=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$48"
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Jun 26, 2013
Is there a formula that would search for rows, or cells withing a row, that contain information and populate consecutive numbers in an adjacent column. For example if I am working with rows 1-4... F1 and F4 has information populated, while F2 and F3 are blank. I would like for the formula to populate E1 with the number 1 and E4 with the number 2. So the formula should decipher that F2 and F3 are blank therefore ignore these rows in the consecutive number scheme for column E. I would like for the formula to be scalable to any number of rows
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Feb 7, 2008
I would like to create an spreadsheet that prompts me to input data into a cell (eg; 'C1' - 'Quantity Ordered') as soon as another cell on the same row becomes populated (eg; 'A1' - 'Item Code'). I need this function to apply for several rows (25 rows in total), so that if data is then entered into cell 'A2', I get a prompt to enter data into 'C2', all the way up to a prompt for data in cell 'C25' when cell 'A25' is populated.
As it is imperative that I never forget to populate the relevant cells; I would also like to 'enforce' the prompt - perhaps by preventing the worksheet from being saved until the relevant cells have had data entered into them, or perhaps by using some kind of form, rather than a messagebox.
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Apr 11, 2014
I have attached a sheet as an example, as i am trying to Divide a cell by the number of populated cells in that column e.g column (A) has a table of 16 but only has 13 populated cells in that column, the sum would be something like this =sum(A18/13. Sometimes the column will have less and at times more populated.
test sum skip blank cells.xlsx
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Aug 7, 2009
I am sure this should be REALLY simple, but i just can't find the answer i'm looking for. I have a sheet which changes daily in quantity of information. I want some simple code which counts up the number of populated cells in column A and returns the answer to a cell in another worksheet - or just automatically use it to print that number of pages.
I think i should be able to do the printing side, but, currently have no idea how to count up the number of populated cells in the row. If someones feeling very generous though, giving me the code for printing that number of pages too would save me some work (the worksheet which needs printing is different to the worksheet which needs the number of cells adding up.)
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Aug 16, 2006
I have a range of data in columns A2 to Mx. The length of the columns varies, and all cells are not always populated. I want to be able to select the entire range, no matter what its length, no matter how many cells are populated (as both of these will vary on each tab) However, I do not want to select A1 to M1 as this is column headers which need to be excluded from the data for compliation purposes.
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May 29, 2013
Some code that will remove blank cells from across five columns (A:E) so that after running code all data in each column moves to the top of sheet?
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Jun 26, 2013
Excel 2010
Sheet 1 contains range B12:B353 with names of people. Sheet 2 range B12:B353 contains a formula to extract the names from Sheet 1 if range D12:D353 contains a certain value:
=IF(Sheet1!D12:D354="A",(Sheet1!B12:B353)," ")
At the bottom of each column in Sheet 2 I am trying to get a total count of populated cells (a running count of names actually visible). I have inserted formula:
Which should count the number of cells with text in them, right? But I believe it's somehow counting the formula as text because I inserted the value of "A" in Sheet 1 Column D for 3 names. It returned a number of 331 at the bottom of my column in Sheet 2. First off, a return of 331 doesn't make sense in any way (still scratching my head at this return. It should have returned a value of 3.
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Apr 21, 2014
In cell H5 there is list of dates and in H7 there is codex, based on these two conditions in H11 a data validation list should be populated from the code_sheet using column B. The populated list should be unique entries, as the column B in code_sheet has duplicates.
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