Use Filter To See How Many Times It Was Entered

Mar 25, 2009

I brought you an excel spreadsheet with the problem. I need to see if the Invoice number is repeated, so we use Filter to see how many times it was entered. Somehow there are certain invoices # that are in the spreadsheet but when you look for them at the displayed list from the filter, they are not there. I though it was from certain line but I was wrong. For example if you search the invoice # 317403, it is at the column F row 1131, but if you display the Filter, you won't see it.

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Mask Times Entered Into Range

Oct 9, 2007

Want to enter 6 digits for each cell in a range of cells with VBA mask change to time format hh:mm:ss for each cell when entered. Code below does this for hours and minutes but I haven't been successful in modifying to work including seconds.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim vVal
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A100")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

With Target

vVal = Format(.Value, "0000")
If IsNumeric(vVal) And Len(vVal) = 4 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
.Value = Left(vVal, 2) & ":" & Right(vVal, 2)
.NumberFormat = "[h]:mm"
End If
End With

Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

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Count The Number Of Times Each Entered Name Appears

Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to simply count the number of times each entered name appears on my list IE if John Smith appears 3 times in one sheet, in a column after his name would simply be the number 3. I tried this doing =COUNTIF(A8,A:A) Where A8 is his name and column A is all names. I keep a return value of 0 every time!!!!! I even tried =COUNTIF(A7,A12) where they were both the same names. And yes,I did do Ctrl + Shift - enter

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Filter Date & Times

Jan 10, 2007

I have a column that can be found in the example attachment. My primary question is, how would I go about filtering out all of the Excel Dates & Times that do not have a multiple of 5 minutes in the "Timestamp". Can this be done w/ out the use of macros by use of the custom filter? My ultimate goal is averaging every hours worth of data so it would rather be hourly data rather than the 5-minute data given. More specifically I would be averaging the "Flow" data. The example given is actually a very small portion of what I am working with. I actually have a years worth of 5 minute data.

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String Search - To Create A Combobox To Filter A Set Of Data By The Month That Is Entered

Jun 7, 2009

I am trying to create a combobox to filter a set of data by the month that is entered.

The below code worked fine when there was just the month entered, but now all the entries in the sheet are in the format 01 January 2009. So I need a section of code which will search for the combobox value as part of a string in my range.

The cbodate values are Jan, Feb, March etc ....

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Filter Out How Many People Have Voted 2 Times Or 3

Sep 20, 2009

I have 3 spreadsheets I combined into one,

They are voters for 3 separate occasions. I would like to filter out how many people have voted 2 times or 3. I have sorted the information with 2 columns "LASTNAME" and "FIRSTNAME"


These first 3 show up 3 times, so I would like to take all the info from row one and two to get all the info for Janet and Stu,

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Filter Range Multiple Times In Macro Code

Jun 11, 2008

I've taken data from a fixed-length text file and the records are identified using the first two characters on each line of the text file. I've managed to identify these in each row with other bits of code so that was fine.

Now, I have 56 string variables (identifying my record types), which I'm assigning into an array. Then, I want to go through each variable in the array, performing the same action by way of a For Next Loop where, by taking this particular RecIDNo (see my code) string variable I will get the code to copy/paste the data into the relevant worksheet (where later on I will apply a text to columns using another array). But first, this set must work before I can do that! To avoid confusion, note that the record types i.e. 01 through to 56, will be filtered, then copied into the corresponding worksheet with the same number.

The problem I'm getting is the autofilter I'm applying, then the array I'm trying to reference (to avoid repetitive coding!) doesn't work as the code doesn't compile (I've not worked a lot with Arrays but I'm learning all the time!)

Option Base 1
Sub test()
'The array is declared here:
Dim RecIDNo(56) As String
'The arrays are assigned the string variables below:
RecIDNo(1) = "01"
RecIDNo(56) = "56"
'This worksheet contains my data:

'Filter and select arrays:................

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Show The Total Number Of Times "text" Is Entered Into A Column

Apr 28, 2008

I need a formula that will show the total number of times "text" is entered into a column and when sorted by year that would only show the total for that year. The COUNTIF formula i'm using only works for the total, not when sorted by year.

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Copy / Filter Data Based On Data In Column Occuring X Times

Mar 7, 2008

I have a excel worksheet with the following columns: First name, Last Name, Email address, domain of email, product type, date registered. The list consists of about 50,000 entries. I want to sort the list by the domain of email(which I am able to do already) Once this is done, I want to find all instances of where a domain appears at least 10 times on the list(such as appears 40 times, so I want to get that data).

For those instances where the domain appears at least 10 times, I want to pull those rows out of the intial list and put them in a new list(the new list will be sorted by domain and will only have people who have a domain which appears at least 10 times). To make this a bit more clear, The initial list I have is a list of people who registered to use the software my employer makes. We are trying to locate companies which may have many people using our consumer version of the software. When there is a large amount of people in the same organization using our software, it would benefit them to upgrade to the enterprise version due to enhanced managment features. By running this filter, I can see which companies have at least 10 users registered to use our software. Of course I will remove any Gmail/yahoo mail/msn/hotmail... pretty much any public email domains and just leave the ones that are obviously corporate emails.

So far, I think it probably has to be done with a pivot table... I was able to get a table that tells me how many instances occur from each domain, but I cannot get it to display the actual data(it just says IE. 200, yahoo 120, etc... I need it to show me the 200 rows of emails and extract them to a new sheet so that I can then follow up with and see if they are interested in the corporate version.)

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Macro Loop – Find Specific Times, Extract Date, Average Values Of Times

Feb 23, 2010

In my workbook I have about 20 sheets (less in the attached sample), and on most sheets I’d like to query data for each day and find an average value based on the time and then copy that result into another sheet. I’m not sure if I’ll need 2 macro’s for this or if one can be used.

Here’s a quick description:

Assuming that I am currently in the sheet I want to run the macro, then I will either input “1:45” or “0:45” into a popup box, or I could always simply input the 1:45 or 0:45 in the code itself. I’m flexible


If I input 1:45, then I’d like the macro to find the first 1:45 in Column B and the value in the same row in Column F will be used in the calculation. Once 1:45 is located, then the macro moves up to find 22:45 in Column B and the value in the same row in Column F will be used in the calculation.....

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Excel Formula To Calculate Difference In Times But Only Between Specific Times

Apr 8, 2014

I'm looking for a formula that will calculate the difference in times between specific times while working with a 24 hr clock. Please see details below:

E3 provides the start time of 4:00
H3 provides an end time of 15:30

If an employee works betwen the hours of 0:00 (midnight) to 5:59, this is considered DIFF hours and is therefore the number I am seaking. So for the data noted above, the total DIFF hours worked is 2 hours.

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Convert Start Times And End Times And Minus

Mar 7, 2009

I need a formula in excel to convert start times and end times and minus out lunch time taken and then give total hours worked. For instance,

Column D Column E Column F Column G
Start End Lunch Total Hours Worked
10:01AM 7:08PM 1:01 (formula to convert hours worked)

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Filter With Formula: FILTER A Range And Display The Unique Items, One Below The Other, WITHOUT Blank Cells

Feb 10, 2008

How can I FILTER a range and display the unique items, one below the other, WITHOUT blank cells - with only a FORMULA. What I came up with is shown in the attached WB. I would like to present the countries like in C11:C15.

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Excel 2013 :: Filter Data And Edit With A Search Instead Of The Filter Button

Oct 5, 2013

I have a database in Excel 2013 and now I want that when a value (a person's name) is entered in a cell. That then the database sort of filters the list for me, so it's still possible to make changes in the entries.


Picture above to specify the search, which I would therefore like to edit

Dashboard_Action Pool Team 7.2.xlsm

I have been all morning working on a simplified version of the tutorial from YouTube: Create your own Excel Search Pt. 4. But came back later so only then that I can not change the data:?

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Advanced Filter Code - Criteria Range More Than 1 Row Breaks Filter

May 1, 2014

I found a great bit of Advanced Filter code that works great, and fixed a problem of clearing a cell breaking the filter.

But if I want to increase the criteria from 1 row to 2, so you can start to include And , Or operations, it breaks the filter. Even an attempt at a manual one fails, until you put the criteria range back down to one row, then it's fine again.

I've tried changing the Target Row to >2 but that didn't work. how to make the criteria range bigger, and no problems of breakage if you clear the cells? It makes for a very useful automated Advanced Filter.

Here's the code :

[Code] .....

Database = the named area of raw data.
DATA is the name of the raw data worksheet
The criteria range should be AZ1:BC3, but of course royally breaks it...

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Automatically Filter Can Filter And Blue-colored Cells

Feb 20, 2009

How to automatically filter can filter and blue-colored cells.

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Save Filter Savings To Run Macro And Then Put Filter Back On

May 25, 2012

Writing code to do the following:

Save advanced filter settings
Remove filter (or simply set to be 'select all'
Run other code (I have this piece of course)
Put filter back on with same selections chosen as when it was removed

(Need this becuase the code in the middle does not work properly when the data is filtered)

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Excel 2013 :: Filter Date Using Timeline Filter

Dec 23, 2013

I just got into the world of PowerPivot, Excel 2013 and Pivot Tables and am in the process of creating a Dashboard which I will then be uploading to SharePoint 2013.

On top of page I added the new timeline filter which I've linked to my pivot charts. Now what I would like to do, is create an additional pivot chart which looks at whatever date range has been used in the timeline filter and subtract 5 years from that. So, when I select a date range of November 2013 - December 2013 in timeline filter, the additional pivot chart will show the details for November 2008 - December 2013. This is where I get stuck.

I'm using two SSAS cubes which I'm combining together in PowerPivot and then display in Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.

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Filter>Advanced Filter>Unique Failure

Jun 14, 2009

Can anyone explain why the unique filter does not produce a unique result - sample attached?

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Autofilter To Filter Cells With A Number Filter Of >= 4 And <= 5

Jul 25, 2009

I m trying to use an Autofilter to filter my cells with a Number Filter of is greater of equal to 4 and is less than or equal to 5.

But as you can see I would like to customise is using a range of 2 values which i have specified in Cell P1 and Q1.

I manage to figure out how to reference to this cell, but Im not sure how can i put my ">=" and "<=" operators into my code so i can get it to work exactly how i want as shown in Code 1.

Code 1

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$K$118").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=">=4", _
Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=5"

Code 2
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$K$118").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=Range("P1").Value, _Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:=Range("Q1").Value

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Filter Only Columns A-F When Apply Filter Values?

Mar 26, 2013

I have some columns on which I have a filter, with some columns next to those that have information in them.

What I need to do is filter only columns A-F when apply filter values, but keep columns I-K fixed as A-F change when they are filtered..

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Capturing Filter Critieria After Filter 'event'

May 30, 2009

I've a table of data which users auto-filter. I'm wanting to capture the filter criteria each time the filter is applied / re-applied. Can't seem to find an 'event' for the auto-filter.

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Advanced Filter To Filter A List Of Data

Jan 14, 2010

How do I go about using an advanced filter to filter a list of data e.g.


and have the filter extract only the boat entries to another worksheet, so on another worksheet I end up with


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Advanced Filter :: Filter Data Between Two Dates

Mar 15, 2007

1- Force cell format date to by (yyyy/mm/dd) only, with worng msgbox( validation).

2- Make the first day of a month in a color cell

I've Tried this In Conditional Formating (=VALUE(right(A1;2))=1) but didn't work

3-Make Advanced Filter to filter data between two dates .

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Filter Results Of Primary Filter Sort

Feb 11, 2008

I am in the process of making a database more efficient and am running into a problem with sorting data. I currently am trying to use AutoFilter to sort the data. When I want to then narrow the results further using the same column as the critical and there is nothing that matches the critical, I get everything from the entire database that matches that critical rather than what I want to see, which, in this case, would be nothing.

I have attached a sample file. In it, when All AF 1000 is run and then Selected MAC 2000 Wash is run, I want to see no results instead of seeing all MAC 2000 Washes from the original data set. I can do it using IF/THEN but I am looking for a faster way to do it.

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Count Times Between 2 Specified Times

Sep 15, 2006

I thought I found a formula that would work, but it's not working. Each month I have to count the number of service tickets that have arrived between certain time ranges. They want to gauge during what times we seem to get the biggest batch of service requests.

6 am to 10 am
10 am to 5 pm
5 pm to 6 pm
6 pm to 6 am

The format of the cells are:

1:21:19 AM
1:28:08 AM
1:35:48 AM
1:49:19 AM
2:17:02 AM
7:14:38 AM
7:29:12 AM
8:08:28 AM
8:51:48 AM
8:54:19 AM

The formula I tried for 10 am to 5 pm: =COUNTIF(B2:B677,">="&TIME(10,0,0))-COUNTIF(B2:B677,">"&TIME(17,0,0))

It gives a result of 676, and I know from manually counting that there is only 327 cells that have a time between 10 am and 5 pm.

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Lookup Times Between 2 Specified Times

Jul 12, 2007

I included a spreadsheet that lays out what I am looking to do, basically I copied some times and speed from net. It shows up in non 24 hour format. I need to find the times and an associated speed for each row (day) directly before and after my inputted desired time. I've searched for days, tried different formulas with index,match, lookups,timevalue, time, etc and even tried using other peoples vba code without success.

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Determine Times Between 2 Times

Sep 28, 2007

i need to calculate between time. If a person is working between 8 till 12 and then 1 till 5 i need to count the instances between these times.. so if somebody is working between these hours a 1 should appear and if they have finished their shift or are on lunch then this should change to 0


8.00 | 8.30 etc.. 12.30 | 13:00
1 | 1 | 0 | 1

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Filter Many Columns With One Dropdown Filter?

Mar 19, 2014

How do I filter multiple columns of information with the use of one dropdown arrow?

see the attached picture (jpg.) for a visual representation of exactly what I am trying to achieve. Excel Filtering.jpg

I have also attached an Excel Filtering Example spreadsheet for use in explaining how to create this type of stacking filter. Excel Filtering Example.xlsx

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Advanced Filter To Filter Cell Comments With The Cell Values

Sep 23, 2006

I have many sheets which I am using the advanced filter to filter the data to a single summary sheet. Everthing works great with one exception. I have cell comments added with relevent info to to cell values. When the advanced filter is performed the cell comments are not transfered to the summary sheet with the cell values. Is there a method to filter the data to another sheet and keep the comments?

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