Autofilter Copy Blank Row
Jul 6, 2007
I want to be able to Autofilter a specific criteria and copy over to another sheet without the header, then in the first column it'll change the information to a date, then copy back over to a third sheet. I have accomplished all of that.
My problem lies with that if there is no contents when the Autofilter is applied, it will still continue to do the steps and then I have Run-time error '1004' AutoFill method of Range class failed. Because there is no contents it tries to do this.
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Aug 20, 2014
I can select the top cell in column "F" after filtering by multiple columns using VBA and arrays, but now want to I want to use the top cell in column "F" to search for all other equipment that uses this item.
E.g. remove filter, and reapply autofilter to column "F" based on selected cell as per below VBA
Note: Row 1 contains command buttons and row 2 Headers.
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Jan 14, 2012
I have created a file where I use the Subtotal function. Once I collapse the information to only give me the Total, I would like to copy the Total rows into another worksheet. However, when I do this I get blank lines in between. I am trying to find a way to delete the blank rows in between the Total rows I need. Is there a way to do this with the auto filter function?
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Jun 13, 2008
I need to Autofilter across many sheets. I have found some examples on doing this such as..
Autofilter Across Multiple Sheets
But I need to take it a step further. Autofilter several Worksheets (skip blank ones - the above link gives code that bombs when it sees a Worksheet with out data.) Then copy those results to a 'summary' page.
1. Autofilter all Worksheets / skip blank ones
2. Show results of all Worksheets on summary page.
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Aug 2, 2014
I am looking for an Excel macro that will Autofilter a worksheet to display all rows with a empty value in one column (e.g. column B) as well as display the entire row above the aforementioned row with a blank cell in column B. I need it to be "reversible" so that I can click the Autofilter button (or advanced filter button) to show all rows again.
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Feb 3, 2012
I have the following line in a macro:
Range("b22:L" & Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).AutoFilter
This selects rows based on whether they contain data and creates an autofilter of the range.
The data Im using this on will have blank cells as the bottom rows but they will contain formulas that blank the cells based on ISNA() conditions,
How do I get the above code to only select cells with visible data and ignore those that are blank but contain formulas.
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Nov 8, 2011
I have several sheets with about 250,000 rows per sheet.
But, even I sort by Column A, there are STILL hundreds or rows that are total blank interspersed down the page . . . I can't autofilter for blanks because there is too much data . .
How can I get rid of them?
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Jun 11, 2014
I am looking to adapt a piece of code (originally created by Ger Plante) so that it autofilters multiple columns of a table. I have three data validated lists that need to search 3 different columns in the table and filter accordingly, but also show all if no hits are made (hence why Ger Plante's code) was perfect in most respects. I would ideally like to keep the code as a Worksheet_Change event, but can deal with it being run as a normal Macro via a button if this is necessary.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B1")) Is Nothing Then
Range("A5:C5").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=IIf(Trim(Range("B1").Text) = "", "<>", "=") & Range("B1").Text
End If
End Sub
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Jan 30, 2008
I have a sheet with a few hundred rows of data which I filter out by using a very simple autofilter. I have set page breaks throughout the whole sheet on certain rows I need to start on a new page. If the auto filter filters out any of these rows when it prints it prints a blank page where that row would have been before it was hidden by the autofilter.
For example the whole list is say 5 pages (set with page breaks) I apply an auto filter that now reduces it down to 2 pages say the 1st and last page of the original list. If I page break preview it, it shows me that it will be 2 pages but when i print preview/print the sheet it prints the 1st page then 3 blank pages then page 5 even know that the page break preview only shows and numbers 2 pages. Because the original page breaks are still there just are hidden by the autofilter so it adds them in as blank pages
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Jul 19, 2007
I have a main workbook with 40,000 lines of data for various locations. Column A shows the locations. They all have the same fields in column B to N
I am looking for a macro that will filter on column A (Location name) & for every location in that’s in there,
Copy it, open a new worksheet, paste the data for that location into it, plus, name the tab the same as the location name that’s been pasted in there.
I attach a workbook, of desired results.
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Feb 4, 2009
using a formula to copy a cell A1. if A1 is blank, i need forumula result in blank instead it possible..
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Oct 25, 2012
Wondering if there's a macro that can do this when i press a button.
In spreadsheet "Complete Backlog"Autofilter onShow rows where WIP Status (Column K) equals "Closed"Cut rowsPaste into next available row of "Closed Jobs" spreadsheet. No overwrites.
Or you could switch step 5 and 6 so that the rows are copied over to "Closed Jobs" and then deleted from "Complete Backlog".
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Aug 10, 2005
Trying to filter list and copy filtered data to another sheet in the same workbook.
I'm receiving this error:
Run-time error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method
Worksheets("Data"). CurrentRegion.Copy _
Worksheets(" Totals"). Range("A1")
Sub GetTotals() ..............
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Feb 4, 2007
I'm having in trying to run a macro. The macro entails a simple copy and paste special over to a new worksheet. I used the auto filter as well to get rid of the non-blanks. It works fine when I copy and paste special over to the new worksheet, but as soon as I run the macro, it doesn't copy over and returns an error.
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:="<>"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=5
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:="<>"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
End Sub
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Jul 6, 2007
I have 2 sheets. The first sheet contains rows of data that I wish to search (Query Results) through and find matching data. The second sheet is the source of the data I want to find (Notifications). I want to take the number located in column A on sheet 2 and then use it to auto filter the rows on sheet 1. With the range that is left visible on sheet 1 I want to select the first row (can offset(1,0) to remove the headers, and paste the selected row back in to Sheet 2 ontop of the row where I sourced the original number to filter by.
Once the item is pasted I then want to pick up the next number from Sheet2 to repeat the process until all numbers have been processed in Sheet2. I have been going round the block on this for the past few days!
Sheets("Query Results").Select
With ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range
On Error Resume Next
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=vFroID
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=15, Criteria1:=vReqData
Set rng2 = .Offset(1, 0).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
On Error Goto 0
End With
vDestRow = "A" & vLoopCount
If rng2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No data to copy"
Set rng = ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range
rng.Offset(1, 0).Resize(rng.Rows.Count - 1).Copy _
Destination:=Worksheets("Proposed Notifications").Range(vDestRow)
End If
vLoopCount = vLoopCount + 1
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Jan 29, 2008
The error above comes up every time I copy filtered data to a new worksheet. It does its work but the said error comes up.
Sub AUTOFILTER_withouthead()
' AUTOFILTER_for_drop Macro
' Macro recorded 1/27/2008 by DD
Dim ws As Worksheet, wd As Variant
Set ws = Worksheets((Worksheets("Destination"). Cells(1, 6).Value))
Set wd = Worksheets("Destination").Range("A1:F65000") ...
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Feb 15, 2008
I am experiencing a problem with the autofilter function, but ONLY in Excel 2007. The "visual" filter works fine, but using the filtered range is a no go i.e selecting, copying and deleting an autofiltered range. The trouble is that the autofiltered range also includes all the (in this case) rows in between the target rows, which then means that the filter is more or less useless as a range selection tool.
Example code which was originally developed by Dave H.:
'Filter rows with autofilter
With ActiveSheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
With .Range("B5:N5")
.AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:="Criteria"
End With
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Apr 25, 2008
In 2003 when you use autofilter and then tried to copy the resultant information, you would only get the visible items that remain as a result of the filter. For example if you have a list of employees in alpabetical order in Column A and then in Column B you have the State in which they are employeed. Now if I use auto filter and filter on Column B to get all employees in the state of Ohio, that is all that will be visible on the screen. Perfect that is what I want. Now I want to copy all of these employees and paste them into another document or spreadsheet. (don't forget that because the list is sorted by employee all employees in Ohio are not next to eachother in the list so there are a bunch of rows that have been filtered out. and for the sake of explaining the dilema here we will not resort the list as this is a very basic example of the problem that I am having and resorting the list may not work in every case.)
In 2003 I would simply select the top left cell in the list and hit Control+Shift+End to select the all of the results and then simply copy this over to another spread sheet and I will get exactly what I was looking for. In 2007 if I go through this same process, and paste the data to another location, all of the data, even the rows that were filtered out, will come through. The whole purpose of the autofilter is to weed out what you don't want. However in 2007 this does not work in 2007.
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Feb 12, 2010
1) This spreadsheet has 7 main sheets, UK, IBE, FIN, BENE, FRA.
2) Each main sheet has 8 sub sheets i.e UK CAT A to H, IBE CAT A to H etc.
3) col BO on the main sheets will have CAT A,B to H and can contain some other text but i'm only concerned about the CAT. Also Cat may be wrote CAT, cat or Cat etc
At the moment i'm using a loop, I had some code from another thread yesterday but this code creates new sheets if it can not find a sheet named the same
I will need to run this as 1 i.e all 7 together or 1 at a time.
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Jul 1, 2013
I have a sheet that I need to routinely filter for a specific code then paste it into a different sheet in the same workbook. I would love to set up a simple macro that would do this for me, but I can't seem to figure it out.
In the results I would like the header row if at all possible, but I can always just make it part of the macro.
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Mar 21, 2007
In between a long VBA macro, I need to copy the result of autofiltering i.e. the visible cells / rows only, to paste on an other sheet.
If I do this manualy it works but if I record this on a macro, it records the absolute cells range I pick, when in fact the result of the filtering is different every time.
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Aug 9, 2007
I have created a macro some time ago that is an integrated part of an XLA. The Xla has worked fine but now, for some reason, the macro fails to import the specified text, it doesn't fail but nothing gets imported. I have tried solving this myself, but alas I am not bright enough
The code is:
Sub GetWorksheet()
Dim filetoopen As String
Dim wb As Workbook
filetoopen = Application _
. GetOpenFilename("XL Files (*.xls), *.xls")
On Error Resume Next
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Aug 19, 2014
I have a workbook that has several sheets in it with various rows of data on each sheet. I would like to have a macro to loop through all the sheets in the workbook and copy and paste the rows into a new summary sheet. The rows to be copied should only have data in Column A, in other words if Column A of a row is blank I want it skipped. Also Row 1 of every sheet contains my headers, and I am only using columns A through M. It needs to be able to copy rows even when autofilter is in use.
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Apr 5, 2013
I got the following code from Use AutoFilter to filter and copy the results to a existing worksheet and would like to incorporate this into my VBA project. The problem however is that this code were written to perform on one workbook and this is where my problem is. My project is between two different workbooks and cannot seem to get this code modified to do what it is supposed to do between these two workbooks. Everything I have tried so far failed. In short what this code would do is to check the existing data on the one sheet (the source) and extract only the data which is meeting my set criteria, and copy this data to the destination sheet. This is what I would like to do between two workbooks. With this the sample code as provided by Ron de Bruin. The sample workbook could be accessed trough the following link [URL]..... With this the code for matching and copying on one workbook.
Option Explicit
'This example will copy the filter results below the existing data on the destination sheet.
'Note the sheet "RecordsOfTheNetherlands" must exist in your workbook.
'This example will not copy the header row each time so when you manual add the worksheet
'"RecordsOfTheNetherlands" to your workbook you must add the headers yourself on the first row.
[Code] ............
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Aug 7, 2013
I need a vb code which would open different workbook automatically, autofilter the first row and select data and copy and paste in the other workbook.
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May 28, 2009
I have two worksheets 1) PL dbase and 2) Waiting list. Both setup as Lists. Where Excel automatically inserts a new row as you click in the current rows...
I want to autofilter Waiting list column I for the value of "Yes"
Copy all the data autofiltered in Waiting list to the next available row(s) on worksheet PL dbase.
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Mar 2, 2013
I'm working on this macro that copies data on sheet1 from A2:AI2 till the last non-blank row in the same range i.e. A:AI and paste it on sheet2 in the first blank row. However, my code keeps picking up A1:AI1 from sheet1 as well and pastes it on sheet2 just before the data that I actually want to paste. Here's my code:
[Code] .....
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Sep 25, 2009
Im sure this is a very common problem. I tried searching for it but I havent found anything that solves this for me. Here is the code Im using:
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Mar 7, 2007
I'm trying to write a program for work. One sheet (whereiseverything.xls) will have a list of parts column E and where it is in the process column (k). Column E of this sheet will have multiple part numbers. (Sometimes duplicated.) I would like to figure out how to write a code to Auto filter (whereiseverything.xls) sheet and copy only one P/N from (whereiseverything.xls) column E onto another Workbook Worksheet (Commit status.xls) column. After that the sheet must copy all of the locations of that P/N from whereiseverything.xls column K into and under the P/N of the Commitstatus.xls.
It will continue to autofilter and copy from where is everything, the "one" p/n and all of its locations into another empty column of Commitstatus.xls until it no longer has part numbers to autofilter on whereiseverything. I am extremely green on VBA programming but here is my first attempt.
Windows("Where is everything commits .xls").Activate
Windows("Where is everything commits .xls").Activate
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="7516113-905" \<--this Is one p/n
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Mar 2, 2014
I'll soon have an ETL process that will load about 150K rows into an Excel workbook. On of the columns will be the end user's userid.
I need to autofilter that external workbook based on the end user's userid, copy that range, clear a worksheet on the current workbook, and copy that range to the current worksheet.
For example, see the attached workbooks. I need to replace the data in Source.xlsb!Cases with the data in Output.xlsb!Case_List, filtered on my userid, which we'll call foo.
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