Automatically Create Named Range Based On CheckBox
Jan 20, 2008
I am quite new on this forum.
I would like a dynamic range to be multiplied with 2. The Range is always start in cell H14 to P?
I have multi checkbox in column F,
So here is an eksampel: If checkbox in F4 is true then Range H4:P4, should by multiplied with 2 else if the chekbox is FALSE, then only multiply with 1.
I want to entry data in the Range H14:P? by this code
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Do nothing if more than one cell is changed or content deleted
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Or IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub
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Jul 11, 2013
Macro that could look at a row and take the values of two cells, combine them and then create a range name for a third cell in the row.
For example; for row 5420, in column C there is the word Florida, in column D there is the number 6235, and in column F there is a sentence or two. Is there a way to automatically create a named range for the cell of column F that would be named FLORIDA6235? And if so, can the macro do this for every row even if the word and/or the number changes.
I have roughly 28,000 rows and nine columns that I am working with. That's why I was wondering if there was a way to automate this. There are 10 states and I don't know how many different numbers attached to the states, however there are many state and number combinations that repeat, so there would be several rows with Florida in column C, 6235 in column D but a different description in column F.
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Dec 30, 2007
I have a worksheet that has hourly data. So Column C of this worksheet looks like
What I want to do is, given an hour h, automatically create a named range that contains all the rows such that the value of Column C is equal to h.
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Jan 23, 2008
I have a Worksheet_Change event like the one below. When Checkbox1 is ticked the it subtracts and when it's not, it adds:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim intValue As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("W12:X24")) Is Nothing Then
intValue = CInt(Target.Value)
If CheckBox1.Value Then intValue = intValue * -1
Select Case Target
' Apples
Case Is = Range("W12")
Range("I10").Value = CInt(Range("I10").Value) + intValue
Case Is = Range("X12")........................
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Jan 18, 2008
In my spreadsheet the user has the option to put in a numerical value into different cells, which will update (add to) another. So if we have an initail value of 20 in "I10" and the user puts in 20 in "W12", then I10 will display 30.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("W12:X24")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case Is = Range("W12")
Range("I10").Value = CInt(Range("I10").Value) + CInt(Target.Value)
Case Is = Range("X12")
Range("J10").Value = CInt(Range("J10").Value) + CInt(Target.Value)
Case Is = Range("W13")
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Dec 26, 2008
Could anyone please help me frame a vb code for the below explanation?
I have a sheet where in some terms are provided. Users have to open this sheet and check its description. After going through all the terms, they have to select the required terms using a checkbox given beside these terms. After checking the reqd. boxes, they would click on 'Submit' at the end of the sheet.
Once Submit is clicked, a new excel workbook should open up with the selected terms as various column headers.
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May 28, 2014
Trying to create a simple loop that will change the visibility of a large quantity of CheckBoxes when a certain value is selected within a ComboBox . I'm very new VBA programming and loops are not something I've tried yet. My code currently is this:
When I run it, I get a "Compile Error: Invalid qualifier".
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Feb 6, 2013
I have a userform with 17 checkboxes that their captions should correspond with column A range ("A2:A18) on a worksheet.
Is there a way in userform_initialize, or activate, to create the captions from that range?
I could type the code 17 times like;
me.checkbox1.caption = wb.worksheets("area").range("a2").value
I was curious to know if it could be looped? Textboxes on the same userform.
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Oct 3, 2013
I am trying to merge 2 files (FileA and FileB) into a new file which will be automatically named based on the date. I would only need Sheet 2 of both files to be copied over and merged into the new file. The range to be copied is from Row 3 onwards to whichever point where the data ends. All the files can be found in a specific drive and the new file should be created there as well.
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Jan 14, 2014
why I'm getting an error with this code. I have a data set that becomes larger each time I run the report, so by selecting all the cells and naming the range, I don't have to hard-code the cells involved. Then, I want to be able to create a table from that named range. The error comes on the last line of code.
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Selection.Name = "TestRange"
ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("TestRange"), , xlYes).Name = "Table2"
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Feb 17, 2007
I would like to create a named range in VBA for column A, which is a sum of B and C. The problem is that A can have 0 as a value. What I would really like to do is define the named range in column A as A2 to the last column with a value in column B(B10) which would make the named range in column a A2:A10.
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Jan 6, 2014
i have a range of rows that change (could be 10-100) how do i loop the range to create new worksheets named for each row?
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May 28, 2008
I have a named range within a sheet. It was pulled across when i performed a move/copy - create copy from another workbook. The name contains characters that cannot be displayed or recognised and so they are displayed as square
symbols. This causes me an issue as i cannot delete the name. Even if i paste the list names, i cannot copy/paste the name as the characters are not recognised. I also tried using a macro to delete all names, which did delete all names, with the exception of this one.
The VB code used was :
Sub Del_Names()
Dim myname As Name
For Each myname In ActiveWorkbook.Names
Next myname
End Sub
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Oct 17, 2006
I have a worksheet where a number of the cells have been assigned names. I want to copy these cell names & create a list on another part of the worksheet. Does anyone have some code I could use to achieve this?
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Oct 14, 2009
I need a macro that can set up some named ranges using the text in the header row and the sheet name. The header row will always be in row one, but the number of columns will be dynamic. The amount of rows in the range will need to be dynamic also. To clarify, every used cell stating in row 2 in a column will be the named range with the sheetname+text in row one of the column the actual name.
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Dec 16, 2007
I am looking for a solution to dynamically create named ranges according to the contents of cells in a particular column. The following code works for 1 word names, but in many cases the title cell contains numerous words separated by spaces. Is there a way I can adapt this code so that it will name the ranges with the spaces removed? For example, where cell C2 contains the narrative 'Sales Ledger Control', I would want the range name 'SalesLedgerControl'.
Range("R2:Z2").Name = Range("C2")
The named ranges are referred to in numerous other worksheets, where selecting a particular narrative from a listbox creates a dependant drop-down in the adjacent cell (eg if Sales Ledger Control is selected, the dependant list contains names of customers). FYI, the data validation in the other worksheets ignores the spaces in the range names, ie: =INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(G2," ",""))
It would not take me long to name the ranges manually, but a macro is preferable because the narratives in the title cells will often change and the range names will obvioulsy also therefore change.
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Aug 12, 2009
I have two sheets. Sheet A has a list of folders. This list is updates dynamically every time the sheet is opened. I have another sheet (sheet B) which has a list of all the files in the sub-folders, listed with the folder name at the top of the column and the files within in the column underneath with hyperlinks to them. The goal is to be able to navigate to the folders on sheet A and to click there to go to the column where all the files in that folder are linked to. What I need is a macro that will search a column and for every cell that has text in it and create in the column directly to the right a hyperlink to the appropriate cell in the top row in sheet B that has the same name as the text in the cell on sheet A that it finds. I already have the macros for listing the folders on sheet A and the macro for listing all the files in the sub folders in sheet B and they work fine. The goal is a link list which is dynamic and that recreates itself no matter what I add to the folders.
For instance, let’s say there is a folder timesheets. If I add a sub-folder called
accounting to the folder Sheet A scans then timesheets would be bumped down one spot on the list, so the macro has to look dynamically for the text in the column on sheet A.
Also the addition of the new folder would move the order of the columns on sheet B, since both lists are alphabetical. So the link generation macro would need to search row 1 of Sheet B to find the match for the text in the cell to the left of where the link would be generated and create a link to the top of that column. I’ve looked all through the site and not found something that I can even modify to do what I need.
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Oct 23, 2008
I am attempting to modify a spreadsheet so that it will enable a range on Sheet3 (I9:K42) if a check box is checked on Sheet2. If it is not checked, it will lock that range on Sheet 3 and grey (or gray, if you prefer) out that range.
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Jan 30, 2008
I am good at excel but an infant with VBA. I have inserted a checkbox onto my worksheet. I want it, when checked, to select a row of data ("k5:k16") from Sheet 1 and copy it to ("a1:a12") in Sheet 5. When the checkbox is unselected, I want the ("a1:a12") to be cleared. I've tried several different ways to copy and continue to run into errors. I know there is a simple solution, but it's beyond me.
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Apr 10, 2013
I am trying to calculate some averages. What I have is 3 columns of data in A, B, C, also the "tasks" in A are in named ranges ex: "Award Contract" is a named range - "Task_Award" and "Confirm Updates" is a named range - "Task_Updates". I've attached a sample excel sheet.
I'd like to be able to create a macro to evaluate column A, and for every row in range "Task_Award", give me the average of the corresponding cells in column C and put it in the same range of cells in column B , then, for every row in "Task_Confirm" then give me the average of the same range of cells in column C and place the result in the same range of cells in column B. This is my very first post so I hope I am doing this correctly. I have 77 of these task ranges to evaluate and it will take a long time to do it manually. I'm thinking of a loop function.
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Aug 10, 2014
I have a list of names in column A, and want to automatically create worksheets within this same workbook based on the list.
List of values:
Dairy NI
Dairy SI
Sheep and Beef
Sports Turf
Water Industry
Horticulture Services
Production Horticulture
Other Agriculture
Therefore, a macro or coding to automatically create 9 spreadsheets named as per this list.... My list is approximately 50+ hence inquiring if there is an easier way!
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May 2, 2008
I have been perusing various Excel sites in hopes of finding a macro or function that can create columns based upon two dates input into specific cells. My ultimate goal is to use this macro or automated function so that when the user inputs the dates, the columns would automatically be created for them, rather than having them do it manually.
ideally, the 'start' and 'finish' dates are named cells and the macro could determine the difference between the two and automatically insert columns to the left of a ' Totals' column.
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May 16, 2008
I am working on a spreadsheet for a client. I am using Excel 2007 and she is using Excel 2000. I have created a emplate for her to enter survey data into. Using the following code, I have created combo boxes for the drop-down menus so the client can tab from one cell to the next while entering data:
Option Explicit
Private Sub TempCombo_KeyDown(ByVal _
KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
ByVal Shift As Integer)
'Hide combo box and move to next cell on Enter and Tab
Select Case KeyCode
Case 9
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate
Case 13
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Case Else
'do nothing
End Select
End Sub.....................
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Jan 15, 2014
I have a spreadsheet that lists dates in row 6, columns V through BE. We use these dates to log attendance for kids, so under each date there may be one of many symbols, such as "x" if the student was there. I would like to create a list of the dates that meet one of two criteria: either blank or containing "WR". So, let's say column Z is blank and Y has "WR" in it. In column FB I would like a list of all of the dates that were blank or WR, so I would want the dates contained in row 6 for Y and Z. Is there a function that will 1) look for a blank or WR across a row, 2) find the associated date for that blank in row 6, and 3) write the in another column in the form of a list, each date separated by commas? Here is an example of my information. I would like for a function to automatically make the list in column FB for any dates that are blank or contain "WR".
List of Dates Absent
1/23, 1/24
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Jul 26, 2006
I would like to name a range based on a row number and a column number. I have found the row and column number using this code, but I can't seem to get the rest right.
Sub LastRowCol()
Dim intLastRow As Integer
Dim intLastCol As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
intLastRow = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
intLastCol = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
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Jun 13, 2008
I have a workbook containing two worksheets - Sheet 1 being my "data entry sheet" and Sheet 2 is a sort of summary report containing multiple named ranges (all grouped according to similar values in a cell i.e. all cells containing 1-1 is named GRP1, all cells containig 1-2 is named GRP2). Basically, my workbook looks like this:
Sheet 1
1 Lea Female 1-1 Lea Wells
2 Leo Male 1-2 Leo Anderson
Sheet 2
1 Anne Thomas Female 1-1
2 John Doe Male 1-1
4 Jimmy Beads Male 1-2
5 Mary Fox Female 1-2
Hence, when I enter the data as shown in Sheet 1, Sheet 2 should look like this:
1 Anne Thomas Female 1-1
2 John Doe Male 1-1
3 Lea Wells Female 1-1
4 Jimmy Beads Male 1-2
5 Mary Fox Female 1-2
6 Leo Anderson Male 1-2
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Jul 22, 2014
I got a very technical sheet which needs your experience to work.
open the attached file below to see the workbook.
It has 3 different sheets. "RESULT", "INPUT" and "SWITCH"
On "RESULT" Cell (O11) is where the person would put a Reference.
This reference is then checked on the "INPUT" sheet column A.
From the first cell it appears in Column A, until the last cell it appears in Column A should be the Row Range (Blanks included).
But I want that range (Column A to G) to be copied to "Switch" sheet. Pasted in Cell A1 downwards.
In the "SWITCH" sheet I have already given all the GREEN Cell formated areas a name - INFO.
I want all the data in INFO to be inserted into "RESULT" sheet between row 18 and 19.
I have colour coded most of the areas for you.. And added a button from which the Macro / VBA should run when clicked.
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Mar 9, 2008
I want to define a dynamic named range based on the last date in a range (AE4 down). Unfortunately there are gaps in this range where no date is in a cell.
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May 27, 2009
I have a column of cells with formulas that either return "" or some number. I want to create a named range that includes all values that have some number and not "". The problem is that the formulas in the cells are being included in my named range.
Dynamic Named Range: =OFFSET('!'!$B$7,0,0,COUNTA('!'!$B$7:$B$100000),1)
Problem: includes the cells that have been set as ""
I tried COUNTIF in the OFFSET where ">0" but it would get messed up when my first cells were set to "".
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Aug 24, 2009
I have some dynamic named ranges in sheet1, and in sheet2 I have data validation dropdown list which has the names of all the DNR's in it.
What I want it to do (in sheet3, no less) is for the user to be able to pick a named range from the dropdown list, and have a particular column in sheet3 then display that entire named range.
I have made a 'data' worksheet which is the source for the data validation in sheet2. Each item in the list identically matches the name of each of the named ranges. I was hoping to be able to use some form of =INDIRECT but alas, no such luck.
So it's almost like a copy and paste function I'm after, where:
If you pick "Schedule_From" out of the DD-list, then DNR 'Schedule_From' is what is pasted in Column B in Sheet3.
DON'T want to use a PivotTable.
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