Is there a way to accurately compute a conversion report that has agents with multiple roles? Right now it is done this way:
Agents are skilled to two skills, sales & service. They will make most of the bookings on sales (few bookings on service). I want a report that will calculate the agents who are on sales/service bookings vs calls while persons on service/sales bookings vs calls.
Right now, because the service/sales agents get way less sales calls, you will find that their overal conversion is way higher than an agent who is a sales/service agent. What this does is drive the overall conversion rate so high that it always favour the agents on service/sales, a sales/service agent is always disadvantaged.
Is there a way in excel where i can more accurately calculate this while maintaining some degree of parity?
See report attached
I have highlighted some of the SE/SA agents that are way high
attached file which contains about (150) agents sheets,i need a way which will move me to the desired sheet by pressing its name from the list in the main one , i need this because i shall hide all the sheets.
I have a variety of products that i sell out to different agents at various levels of commissions. These range from a possible earning for the agents from 12%-30%. Is there a set formula that will take my initial buying price ie �100 and i wish to earn �5 regardless of whether the agent earns 12% or 30%. so an agent on 12% would buy from me at �119.32 and an agent on 30% would buy from me at �150
I am looking for a formula or VBA code that will allow me to Select a Team leaders name and all the agents reporting to that team leaders would populate. I have the first part of that problem solved but its getting the agents names to generate uniquely that I find problematic.
Below is a step by step example of how i intend it to work
Step 1 I select the Teamleaders name Shelaine
Once that has populated the Team Names automatically appear Shelaine Score
Andrew 20%
John 30%
Mark 40%
Sarah 50%
June 60%
The scores will populate on its own as I will include a Vlookup formula to generate the scores, Its just the Agents names. I am using Excel 2007
I am trying to build a spreadsheet to calculate referral fees paid to our agents. These are sliding scale fees and I need the formula to consider both the high and low range of the project value. For example we pay a certain percentages for sales in the following ranges:
Up to $5,000,000 (I got this one to work) $5,000,001 to $7,500,000 $7,500,001 to $10,000,000 $10,000,000+
I assume the best way to do this is with an IF command but I only know how to use it for a single value, not a range. Also, if the statement is not true, then return $0.
I have a list of part numbers which repeat when there are multple prices they were sold at. For each unique part number I need one median price. The list if of about 500 parts but with the various different prices the file is 3700 rows. How can i do this quickly? For each unique part number I need one median price.
I have a problem with using VBA to calculate max/min within multiple selected ranges.
Here is the file: [URL].... I've also attached it below the post.
Column A to D contain the raw data, column G to L contain the trading data. Each trade is marked with "tick" which consists one buy/sell and one close. The entry and close date&time are also included. Then how to match each entry and close date&time from right to left and therefore to look up max/min value within entry and close time from the raw data in the left columns? Respectively, I would like to calculate the min(low) for a buy/close tick and max(high) for a sell/close tick.
The challenges for me:
1.How to match, or reference from the right to left. I knew that "vlookup" could only match one certain value. (correct me if I didn't know enough about "vlookup") 2.The date&time in the left are time intervals while those in the right are time points. How to refer and locate them? 3.In the right side, length of intervals that each tick marked (i.e.from buy to close) are not the same, so should I use a array to contain the length, and then calculate max/min within each? When the data amount get larger, it is not possible to manually use "min" function.
I am having trouble calculating multiple full packages in the attached spread sheet, at the moment the formula is multiplying the number of packages by the price of one full package instead of looking for the correct price for that number of packages. 2014 rates checker formula.xlsx
OK I have included the spreadsheet I am working with and I will try really hard to explain exactly what i want and where my problems lie, so please bear with me.
The work book is separated by months. The individual spreadsheets can have multiple entries in each cell, I have a code running to automatically pop up a comment text box for each entry into that cell to separate each occurrence.
Now I have a separate sheet that will be showing how many times each item has a "hit" or occurrence for the entire month. That's where I have the problem. I don't want to go and count every time i made an entry, excel should do that. The problem I am coming up with is that I can only get it to calculate the one occurrence per cell which does me no good if there were three separate occurrences in that cell.
What I am trying to do is calculate a particular charge based on two main variables the city and weight chosen (each of which will correspond to a particular value) .I have these cities and weights which correspond to a particular price per 100kg when two are selected
My excel data is set up like this
(A).....................(b)......................(c)..................(d)........................(e).........................(F) .......................Weight..................0-999Kg.............1000-1999kg..........2000-4999kg..........5000-9999kg 1. City 2. Toronto....................................$5.50..................$4.00..................$3.75..................$3.50
(I added a,b,c,d and 1,2,3,4 for reference when explaining the formula)
I have a separate row where I am able to enter a weight in one column (A24) and and choose the city from a list in the second column (B24). I need the next column (C24) to display the dollar charge per 100kg from my data that corresponds to the city I have chosen and the weight entered. I am trying to figure out a formula for C24 that allows for instance $5.50 to be displayed when I type in 800kg for A24 and choose Toronto from a drop down list in B24. This row will look like this for reference:
..................A............................ B..............................C. ..................Weight..................City..................Charge per 100kg 24...............800..................Toronto..................$5.50
I have a sample of aproxomatly 30,000 records, and I am working to do some data analysis on it.
I am comparing multiple fields using sumproduct(), but if I go above two criteria, the calculation time becomes incredibly long. Is there a faster way to preform these large comparisons, or am I stuck watching my Excel lag out for 5 min every time I recalculate the sheet?
how to calculate time overlaps between two ranges using a MIN/MAX formula. Now I need to do the same, but for three (or more) ranges. I have searched and searched, but I can't find a solution. I've attached a sample spreadsheet.
In the example, John is working three jobs, job one from 8AM-4PM, job two from 12PM-2PM and job three from 9AM-11AM. There is a total of 4 hours of overlap, 2 hours from job two and 2 hours from job three. How can I get Excel to calculate that for me?
I'm trying to figure out whether or not something is possible in power pivot. I'd like to load two tables into powerpivot and then set up formulas that create calculated values across the two tables.
Here's a simplified description of what the tables look like. [URL] .........
The pivot table should join the two tables on Month and Category and allow me to create calculated values across the cost category, like this. Note it's filtered to a single cost category right now: [URL] .......
In this view it's filtered to all cost categories but i'd be looking to still maintains the right count of members (i.e. it doesn't inflate the numbers from duplicate records as you might get if you were to join the two tables in a sql database): [URL] ....
The actual tables I would use are quite a bit larger (too large for excel without pp), and have quite a few more of each type of category.
Would something like this be possible to do in powerpivot without having to do some data prep work in another app to join the two tables together?
I'm using Excel 2003, and successfully working out start date (T2 in the formula below) plus duration in days (U2) minus any non-working days listed in a seperate worksheet. =WORKDAY(T2,U2,Holidays!C6:C17)
Each 'task' is on a seperate row, and the lead officer is named in Column E. How can I get the work day function to include the non-working days for each officer as well as the global non-working days in the seperate worksheet? I thought about using a vlookup, but that only matches the first non-working day for each officer rather than all of the non-working days.
1: Clock shoud tick monday to friday 8:00am to 4:pm only 2: there are 4 coloums where date recieved, date sent, time recieved, time sent are available. 3: the TAT should show the number of hours taken to from the time a case has been recieved to the time it has been sent
I have employees hours worked entered in multiple rows. Columns are Date, Name, Hours worked; then a column that calculates the week number.
The data is entered each day so the Names are not in order and I'd rather not have to resort by name each week.
I'm collecting that data along with several other fields in a pivot table, then I have a summary sheet that uses GETPIVOTDATA formulas to compile a ton of statistics.
I want to be able to filter the pivot table on any given number of weeks. I need to be able to calculate overtime (greater than 40 hours in a week) for each name over the filtered weeks. So I could want to see OT for weeks 4, 5, 7 combined.
I am working on a commission report for our veterinarians. I have a tab/sheet for each year, with a column for each month, a row for each of the veterinarian. Each vet is on the same row, year to year. I need to be able to calculate the %, year to date, for each vet, across the past 2 years. I can do the auto sum, but do not know how to do percentage. I have row 3, column b3 thru m3. I want to do 2012 and 2013. Each sheet is name the year.
I am trying to accomplish is to associate each product on the Distribution tab in 'E' to its associated quantity in 'F' so I can count the total number of each product and display this in 'D' on the Totals tab. Once this is done, the total for each product would me multiplied by the associated price in 'C' on the Totals tab to achieve the total item value for each item in 'E'. I have included the current results and what the correct values should be. As you can see, I tried to use 'Countif' with no success. I could not find any solutions in the forum that were close enough to this situation to work.
I am trying to come up with a formula that calculates total time someone has worked in a day. The scenario is an individual will work at a home and start working with an individual. Their start/end times look like this in a pivot:
Min Start Max Start Min End Max End Location A+Counselor A 8:56 AM4:01 PM 1:11 PM 7:00 PM Location A+Counselor B 12:00 AM 8:00 PM 6:00 AM 11:59 PM Location B:Counselor C 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Location C+Counselor D 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
Some people work split shifts while others work a straight shift. The formula I created was this:
=IF(OR(B9=C9,E9=D9,D9=C9),E9-B9,IF(D9>C9,((E9-D9)+(C9-B9)),IF(C9>D9,((D9-B9)+E9-C9),"New Formula Needed")))*24
(I use a pivot table to show max min for start and end times)
This works great except for the individuals that have multiple punches during the same time frame. The one scenario I am having trouble solving for is when someone punches in more than once during their shift displaying. This occurs when a counselor starts a shift working with one person but then adds another person mid shift. An example of this could be:
Location A+Counselor E Min Start Max Start Min End Max End Consumer 1 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM Total Time: 7.5 Consumer 2 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 2:35 PM 2:35 Pm Total Time: 2.6
Pivot says that they worked a total of 10.1 because it is grabbing the max and mins and calculating. The actual total time worked is 8.5 hours in reality.
The raw data comes in like so:
Location Counselor Consumer Start Time End Time A A A 1:00 PM 8:30 PM A A B 12:00 PM 2:35 PM A A C 12:00 PM 5:00 PM
Sheet 1 has the following columns on it, with the following possible values. People (Dropdown with value between 1 and 8) Modifier 1 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3) Modifier 2 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3) Modifier 3 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3) Modifier 4 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3) Result
Sheet 2 Contains a set of values (Distance) that correspond to the value of the People dropdown (ie. People 1 = Distance 5, People 2 = Distance 6 and a table that looks like the following:
Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3 Mod 4
Text 1 0 0 0 0
Text 2 2 0.5 0.25 0.25
Text 3 7 1.75 0.875 0.875
What I want to happen is that the Result field value on table one is the result of:
On sheet on I select People = 2, Modifier 1 = Text 3, Modifier 2 = Text 1, Modifier 3 = Text 1, Modifier 4 = Text 1 which I want to result in the following formula:
6*(7 + 0 + 0 + 0)
This might be exceedingly simple, but I just cannot wrap my head around how to do it.
In column A I have a list of 5 Auditors labelled Q1 - Q5, 5 Coolum�s across in column F I enter in their scores as a % e.g. 80%. ...So Q1 - 50%, Q2 - 60%. In column A37-A41 I have Q1-Q5 listed, in Column B37-B41 I need to calculate the average deviation per Auditor eg. If Q1 has 2 entries of 50% and 75% return average value in cell A37 which should be 62.50%. I am trying to calculate the average for each Auditor. find attached example.
I am putting together a simple table to display current week's data vs previous weeks. The current week's data is drawn from a status chart which changes frequently. The constant change is fine for 'Current' as I only want the current data displayed.
The problem I am having is calculating the number of late jobs that existed during the previous week.
The status log has a due date which is compared to the current date to determine 'on time' status for the current week. Due dates are reissued regularly so I can't use
=COUNTIF(RANGE,WEEKNUM(NOW()-1)) to return data about last week from my status chart.
I have available a 'Movement Log' (in the workbook but a separate worksheet) which tracks the changes in the due date field, but I'm not sure how to integrate that data to calculate the # of jobs that were running late from the last week.
My thought is that I need to perform a count of the # of late based on a comparison of 'due date' to 'date of the last day of last week' with a way to insert the "old due date" from the movement log to replace what is shown in the status log if necessary.
I have just been told that one of our servers is being replaced this weekend. I have thousands of hyperlinks in excel docs that reference this server. Other than manually reestablishing the links one by one to the new server, is there a way to do some kind of global change to replace the old server name with the new server name?
These are not hyperlink formulas, but rather Insert>>Hyperlink.
Or, is there a way to convert these hyperlinks to hyperlink formulas that would omit reference to the server and thus not be broken during the conversion?
Grasping at straws because I cannot envision having to relink these one by one.
I have a worksheet with values in yen in the C column. My boss (who will not get it through her head that I am not a programmer) wants a macro that will take a yen/$ conversion rate (e.g., 88 yen/$) in cell J1 and convert all the amounts in column C into dollars with a 5% markup and rounding up. If I was doing this as a worksheet calculation rather than a macro, the calculation would look like this:
The following codes publish the worksheets "Estimate" & "Photos" to a PDF file, it all works great accept that the sheets remain selected in the WB after the sheets have been published. How do I unselect the estimate and photos sheets?
If I have a scoring grade for different categories (8 in total) & the grades looks something like that: 1a=500, 1b=400, 1c=300, 2a= 250, 2b=210...& so on till 4c, but with different numbers for each category.
I need to come up with a total score of points if a person is given a certain grade from the above. ex. if they scored 2a on a certain category, 1c on another & with all the rest of 8 categories scored. The number i need to come up with is the total points.