Calculating Number Based On Multiple Variables?
Jan 24, 2014
What I am trying to do is calculate a particular charge based on two main variables the city and weight chosen (each of which will correspond to a particular value) .I have these cities and weights which correspond to a particular price per 100kg when two are selected
My excel data is set up like this
1. City
2. Toronto....................................$5.50..................$4.00..................$3.75..................$3.50
3. Winnipeg....................................$3.20..................$3.75..................$3.6..................$3.21
4. Saskatoon..................................$5.4..................$5.2..................$4.90....................$4.70
(I added a,b,c,d and 1,2,3,4 for reference when explaining the formula)
I have a separate row where I am able to enter a weight in one column (A24) and and choose the city from a list in the second column (B24). I need the next column (C24) to display the dollar charge per 100kg from my data that corresponds to the city I have chosen and the weight entered. I am trying to figure out a formula for C24 that allows for instance $5.50 to be displayed when I type in 800kg for A24 and choose Toronto from a drop down list in B24. This row will look like this for reference:
..................A............................ B..............................C.
..................Weight..................City..................Charge per 100kg
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Jan 28, 2014
I'm looking to find a formula to calculate the red cell (actually all the cells in the "type" fields) by determining:
1) If the Product in the table matches the one in row 3
2) If the dates in table columns H, J, L, N and P took place in the month before the billing date
3) If those two conditions are met, sum the matching columns in I, K, M, O and Q.
For example for the red cell would currently equal $11,380.02 as the only revenue collection dates in range would be cells I1 through I3.
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Jul 28, 2009
Maximum value based on multiple variables. Basically what I have is something like this:
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Jun 21, 2006
I am trying to do a sumif based on two different columns. For example In col A I have part #s, in col B i have quantity, and in col C, I have the different representatives. I want to import the qty sold onto another worksheet. In the cell for the total number I want to know, how many of part# 401 were sold by rep A.
Here is the sheet that the information will be drawn from:
401 1 A
Here is the sheet that the information will be output:
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Jul 2, 2014
I am putting together a simple table to display current week's data vs previous weeks. The current week's data is drawn from a status chart which changes frequently. The constant change is fine for 'Current' as I only want the current data displayed.
The problem I am having is calculating the number of late jobs that existed during the previous week.
The status log has a due date which is compared to the current date to determine 'on time' status for the current week.
Due dates are reissued regularly so I can't use
=COUNTIF(RANGE,WEEKNUM(NOW()-1)) to return data about last week from my status chart.
I have available a 'Movement Log' (in the workbook but a separate worksheet) which tracks the changes in the due date field, but I'm not sure how to integrate that data to calculate the # of jobs that were running late from the last week.
My thought is that I need to perform a count of the # of late based on a comparison of 'due date' to 'date of the last day of last week' with a way to insert the "old due date" from the movement log to replace what is shown in the status log if necessary.
Movement Log.JPG
Status Chart.JPG
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Feb 21, 2008
How do I calculate the average based on multiple conditions? Is my syntax incorrect?
Here's what i'm looking for:
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Jul 27, 2014
I have a volume of liquid made from beer and glucose. I know the specific gravity (SG) of beer on its own and glucose on its own and I know the volume and SG of the mixture. What I need to calculate is the volumes of beer and glucose that make up the mixture.
And by putting figures into B2 and B3 that add up to B4 I can eventually find the numbers that multiplied with their SG and added together equal E4, as in the spreadsheet above. Is there a formula from the information on hand that can just tell me the volumes of beer and glucose that were used to make the volume of mixture at that SG?
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Jul 19, 2014
Using Excel 2013.
I have two sheets in a workbook.
Sheet 1 has the following columns on it, with the following possible values.
People (Dropdown with value between 1 and 8)
Modifier 1 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Modifier 2 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Modifier 3 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Modifier 4 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Sheet 2
Contains a set of values (Distance) that correspond to the value of the People dropdown (ie. People 1 = Distance 5, People 2 = Distance 6 and a table that looks like the following:
Mod 1
Mod 2
Mod 3
Mod 4
Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
What I want to happen is that the Result field value on table one is the result of:
Distance*(Modifier 1 + Modifier 2 + Modifier 3 + Modifier 4)
For example:
On sheet on I select People = 2, Modifier 1 = Text 3, Modifier 2 = Text 1, Modifier 3 = Text 1, Modifier 4 = Text 1 which I want to result in the following formula:
6*(7 + 0 + 0 + 0)
This might be exceedingly simple, but I just cannot wrap my head around how to do it.
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Jun 8, 2009
I got three columns. The left one is the day number. The middle column is for indicator variables 1 or 0. This is suppose to be chosen by the solver function. I want the third column to show the DIFFERENCE between the "chosen" days. This can be better explained through an example:.......
(extra information: the indicator values are chosen by solver based on several criteria not stated here, but this particular part of the sheet is suppose to refrain the chosen days to have differences between them larger or smaller than a given value.
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Feb 14, 2009
I have a need to populate a summary worksheet using two variables to find data in two or more other worksheets.
I find writing out what I want helps some times so let me try it here.
So my variables are:
Product (there are 22 products)
Supply Less than (inset number)
These are the two criteria I want to use to produce a result.
The next issue is I have 300 stores that carry said 22 products. Each store has a unique number 0001, 0002, 0003 etc. So in a separate worksheet I have a list of the store numbers, and then the products. So each product has the store's number to the left in Column A, Column B has the product name, Column C has the quantity on hand.
What i would like to do on the summary page is select the product, and then select the supply less than or equal to 'x' and then have the stores with the selected product less than or equal to x display below.
The last part of this is then to display (data from an other sheet) on the summary page which contains the quantity of the product selected available at the warehouse for that store.
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Feb 6, 2009
I'm looking to work out an IF statement based on a series of dates entered to give 1 of 3 possable outcomes. Where:
A1: todays date (exmaple =NOW())
B1: due date (exmaple 10/02/09)
C1: completion date (example 12/02/09)
D1: status (overdue, outstanding or completed)
D1: =IF(A1>B1,"overdue",IF(A1<B1,"outstanding",IF(C1<=>A1 & B1,"completed")))
I know the last part is totally wrong (symbols arranged in that manner), but to clarify i would like the date entered in C1 to override the other statements in the fomula to make it read "completed". If no date is entered in C1 then the formula will return either "overdue" or "outstanding" depending on the other dates in A1 and B1.
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May 25, 2014
I'm making a Form with multiple pages and on every page there are atleast 36 Textboxes.
[Amount] [Description] [price]
I want to run a small sub updating the price on changing the amount. My code now looks like this:
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Call UpdatePrice
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox2_Change()
Call UpdatePrice
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox3_Change()
Call UpdatePrice
End Sub
I have to do this on 8 pages, 24 to 36 times, which makes the code extremely long. Is there a better way to do this?
Something like:
Private Sub TextBox1_Change(), TextBox2_Change() etc...
Call UpdatePrice
End sub
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May 10, 2008
I'm trying to build a IF formula in column F, to use one of five different Vlookups based on cell content of D2 on down. I can't seem to figure this one out..
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Dec 27, 2012
I have a list of part numbers which repeat when there are multple prices they were sold at. For each unique part number I need one median price. The list if of about 500 parts but with the various different prices the file is 3700 rows. How can i do this quickly? For each unique part number I need one median price.
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Feb 22, 2011
I'm having a problem with a spreadsheet in Excel. I have in column terras, codti problem and several cells that are repeated. I'm stating that terra appear only once, the information in column each issue should appear in different columns with the sum of how often they appear and codti according to terra.
In excel is best illustrated what I mean!
In total, 5267 lines and need to do this with all. You can do this in excel?
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May 2, 2008
I searched and searched and I can't find an easy way to do this without using Access which I am rubbish at. Is there an easy way to do the following in Excel.
I have several thousand records by row each with a unique numerical identifier. The unique identifier is the "Household". Within the household there are sub "Accounts". The sub accounts are truely unique. All the "Accounts" are in the same column.
What I am trying to do is combine the records into one row per "Household" with the accounts listed in successive columns. The maximum number of accounts there may be is 7 but it can be as few as 1. Example:
HH Acct
1 1234
1 2345
1 3456
1 4567
2 9876
2 8765
3 1113
4 5556
4 4447
4 3335
HH Acct1 Acct2 Acct3 Acct4 Acct5 Acct6 Acct7
1 1234 2345 3456 4567
2 9876 8765 8765
3 1113
4 5556 4447 3335
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Jul 18, 2013
I have numbers in b2 to b5 say
I have numbers in c2 to c5 say
I have numbers in cells d1 to kq1 (1 to 300) d1=1, e1=2, f1=3 and so on
What I want to do is:
In D2 through to kq2 it puts the number in to the cell that correspnds to a multiple of the number in b2.
That would put 1000 in cells m2,w2,ag2,aq2, ba2 and so on
In D3 through to kg3 it it puts the number in to the cell that corresponds to a multiple of the number in b3
that would put 1580 in cells y3,au3,bq3,cm3,di3 and so on
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May 14, 2014
I want to write a formula/script that searches file names in Column "A" for an item number located in Column "B", then combines all file names containing that item number into Column "C" with comma separations. Each item number will have a different number of file names associated with it (between 1 and 10 files), and there are about 2000 different item numbers being crossed with about 7000 file names.
Here is an example completed with a CONCATENATE formula:
File Name
Item Number
Final Image List
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Mar 23, 2014
I have a set of 4 multiple choice answers B,C,D,E column "F" lists a # 1-4 which lets you know which column letter (b,c,d,e) the correct answer is in. I want to set up a formula that will copy the contents of the correct answer (based on that # identifier) and copy it into column "A" which is currently blank.
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Oct 15, 2008
I want to do is add up a column of numbers (which will be just 1's & 0's), and have it multiplied by a number. As to what that number would be is contingent upon the number that's being multiplied (if that made any sense). i.e.
If it's 45 or under, I want it multiplied by 5.
If it's 46 through 64, I want it multiplied by 10.
If it's 65 or above, I want it multiplied by 20.
How would I do this? I, for the life of me, can't recall how to write that formula.
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Nov 3, 2008
If I had two dates in two separate cells , so E2 is the 01/10/08 and F2 is 06/10/08 and I want to work out that their is a difference of five days what would the sum be? Also is there anyway I could factor into that sum what is pure working days as opposed to weekends?
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Feb 5, 2010
Can I put two variables into a SumIF? forexample I want to sum Column C if Column A is equal to Apples and Column B is equal to Oranges, then sum Column C. Is there a quick formula?
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Mar 23, 2014
Here's an example of what i want to do
A_________ B Frank Sinatra C Sammy Davis D Dean Martin E Joey Bishop F 3
I want to put "D"'s value 'Dean Martin' in column A - i know it belongs in A because the "3" in column F indicates its the 3rd answer listed i.e Dean Martin. This format would be the same where there are 4 possible answers on the column to the right dictates which answer is correct.
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May 15, 2014
On the attached sheet in column X, I am trying to input the Allocation percentage dependent on a number of variables:
Type (Bar, Blank, Coil, Sheet, Special)
Sub Fam Code (2A02, BC02-05, BC99, BZ99)
Sup Category (Arcelor, Independent, Tata/ Corus)
The allocation percentage is based on the below; anything outside of this should result in "Other".
Sheet (BC02/03/04) A=40%, T=40% & I=20%
Coil (BC02 & BC03) A=40%, T=40% & I=20%
Coil (BC04) A=30%, T=50% & I=20%
Example 1:
Type - Sheet & Coil
Sup Category - Independent
Result 20%
Example 2:
Type - Coil
Sup Category - Tata/ Corus
Sub Fam Code - BC04
Result 50%
Example 3:
Type - Coil
Sup Category - Arcelor
Sub Fam Code - BC04
Result 30%
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Jun 2, 2014
I am having a hard time getting my match functions to work with letters and numbers in the same range. I am also trying to figure out a way to have the ranges switch if there is an error. because the data is in multiple columns. It is hard to explain so I have attached a sample workbook.
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Dec 18, 2008
I have created a workbook that I store data from my audits, this data is in the form of Y if compliant, N if noncompliant and N/A if not applicable. Where the fun part begins is that each question has a different risk involved. I have used a simple 1 to 5 risk scores and given scores for compliance and non compliance to each score, for example a risk 1 if compliant is 100 points, if non compliant is -100 points, all the N/As are worth 0.
I currently calculate the totals in a different sheet in the work book, but I do this kind of manually, I have calculations to work out the totals and percentages and all that, but I cannot figure out how to get the Ys and Ns to appear in this sheet as 100 or -100. All I do at the moment is bring the Y, N or N/A over with a simple =corresponding cell in sheet 1 then manually change this to the number I require.
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Feb 6, 2013
I have a spreadsheet of order lines with non-unique order numbers in the first column. Each order line has a new row but will have the same order number in the first column as other order lines in the same order. I have a list of order numbers that I need to find the total of the order lines in these specific orders numbers.
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Aug 5, 2008
I need a formula that will allow me to put a date in cell a2, and in cell a3 put the the number of days between 2 dates. Example.. For example (A2) shows 08/06/08, a3 to show the number of days from 08/06/08 to 08/14/2008--(a3 )14 and (a4) to shows the number of days from 08/06/08-10/05/2008 ---(a4) 60 days.
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Jan 13, 2014
In cell A1 I have a date 1/1/14
I need to get the number of business days for the month that is entered in the cell. I tried NETWORKDAY formula but needs a start and end date.
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Jan 2, 2007
I am working on this for two days , but I got stuck on the last step. I have a roster for about 35 employees. Calculating the daily hrs was not a problem. But I am doing the roster for one week. And I want employee wise total of hrs worked. I am quite confused as the "sum" formula works for some totals and for others it does not, although all the cells are in the right format. I tried to change the "result" cell to "number" and multiply by 24 to get the hr total as a number, but it does not work.
for example "SUMIF(E1:E57,"rafik",H1:H57)" ( this is the formula for calculating hrs for "rafik" on monday. the result cell is in "hh:mm" format and gives me the right total.
Likewise upto sunday the totals are right. What I want to do is calculate the total number of hrs from mon to sun. This seems to be impossible. the formula =SUM(H60:AL60) in a dd:mm format does not work, even =SUM(H60:AL60)*24 in a "number format" does not work.
I have tried "excel help" , tried to change the format but nothing works. The result should be 52 hrs and I cant get it no matter what I do.
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